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Posts posted by kalos

  1. 20 minutes ago, lancashire_cruisers said:

    If you look further back you’ll see that his Mum has been in hospital. It only takes a minute to make a quick phone call to see if she’s ok.


    Spot on .  When Mrs K had a big op a few years back ,our lad was up and down

    the UK in his waggon sleeping out .

    Even if it was just 2 minutes ,he made time until he was back in the area.

    • Like 9
  2. 5 hours ago, david63 said:

    That, though, is only of use if somebody can open the case, and yes I know that most locked cases can be opened by a 10 year old child!


    Correct most old suitcases ,a Biro and your in ,more up to date ones have TSA locks

    which the powers that be can open if the need arises .

    Our case's have these and on the back on the outside a little slide compartment that 

    also has our phone number within it .

    So we would say no case is fool proof but we have done our best to make sure 

    we are reunited with our cases .

    • Like 1
  3. 5 hours ago, Funboy said:

    These could be ok. Our problem is that when folded and inserted you can see the cruise number and cabin number but cannot see the name. This would entail someone removing the tag and opening it to see the name in an emergency. Any ideas on this?



    On our cases we have used the screw fastener type luggage labels for some time now.

    Our names are displayed on our luggage name straps we use as well.


    On the chance that we were really unlucky and both the above went missing ,

    we also have our surname and mobile contact number printed out on A4 paper

    left inside the case ,stating please contact in an emergency .


    • Like 2
  4. 10 minutes ago, Josy1953 said:

    My sister is home but has to take things easy. 

    My niece is staying with her Nan and will phone one of us if Nan is feeling ill. One sister is less than 5 minutes away in the car and I am about 10 minutes away.

     Sounds like she's in good hands and on the way to recovery .. Good news 🙂

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  5. 3 hours ago, Yorkshire Phil said:

    Where is everyone this morning? We are now at the airport after a quick check-in and security check. We weren't sure what to expect with it being a bank holiday. Costa for breakfast and now sat waiting for the gate to open. 


    Morning hope @yorkshirephil and @Yorkshire Phil have a lovely holiday 


    also welcome to @Yorkshire Phil on his first post🙃


    😃Have a great time 

    • Haha 10
  6. 11 minutes ago, Josy1953 said:

    We went to visit my sister this morning and she was hopeful that she might come home today so we stayed until they started to deliver the patients' lunches, hoping that the neurologist would come and say that we could bring her home but he hadn't arrived so we left.  She has just texted to tell me that he has been and told her that they want to do another MRI and depending on what they find on that she may come home tomorrow.


    Fingers crossed for your Sis Josy 🙂 Good news so far .

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  7. 37 minutes ago, brian1 said:

    Off to LGW Premier inn soon.Flying out at 7 in morning.Might see you at Budapest airport @yorkshirephil.It's a small world,the best one was in a lift after just boarding Sea Princess in Montego bay 2007.I clocked the manager of a builders merchant I use at the back of the lift.I shouted out "Discount builders",his mrs said OH NO,I said don't worry I don't need any bags of sand this week.We laughed about it weeks later when I popped in there.

    Hope you and @yorkshirephil  have a great time ,safe travels to you and your Mrs 's 🙂

    • Like 6
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  8. Morning ,hope everyone's fine and dandy  (that's a saying from a bygone era)

    Sat having my morning cuppa looking out at the rain and checking mt e-mails.

    I saw that my car tax payment of £30 has renewed,which I'm glad about as 

    knowing me ,now there is no tax discs ,I could have forgot .

    Apart from that skimming the news headlines ,National service ,oh and a 

    woman who claims making love made her forget things ..🤔

    I could comment but .. 😆


    Have a nice day -Take care 😃

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  9. 17 minutes ago, Josy1953 said:

    It has been a beautiful sunny day here.  I have been bowling this afternoon. We were playing at home which was also home for the away team because we played our B team, they have told us that when they are the home team they will have the home advantage so will  beat us 🤣🤣

    I really enjoy playing our other team because everyone knows everyone else so there is a lot of good humoured banter.  Some of us play in other leagues with some of the other team's members.


    Hope your sister was responding to treatment and was better Josy 🙂

    • Like 3
  10. 35 minutes ago, Jennizor said:

    Had a morning in the garden today. I took this photo of the joint fence with next door.

    It’s a sad time for us. The adjoining house has been sold after both Audrey and Peter died over the past two years. Peter died in November and Audrey the previous year. Their family live quite a way away and as a result we have been very happy to help Peter where we could, doing shopping weekly and doing odd jobs he couldn’t manage. He and Ian became close with Ian checking on him every day. Ian has incredible hearing and on a number of occasions he heard Peter calling for help through the wall. The last time was when he was taken into hospital and died a couple of days later.


    I was quite close to Audrey and we spent hours in the garden discussing plants. The reason I took the photo today was because some of the bushes are on my side and some on Audrey’s.  The new buyers will have their views on what to keep and what to get rid off and it will be the end of an era.



    Such a lovely garden and memories of what was two lovely neighbours ,who you 

    had the privilege of knowing each other.

    As for your new neighbours they maybe just as lovely ,another chapter that 

    could hold good times ahead  for all . Take care .

    • Like 8
  11. 48 minutes ago, Snow Hill said:

    Doubt he would have the intelligence to find the garage, as access is from a side street. He came again yesterday with another parcel that was ordered same time as the previous ones and did exactly the same. Again the door camera caught him dropping and running off without ringing the bell. 


    Security cameras are not as good as in the old days 🙃🙂



    • Haha 16
  12. Morning ,Mr Blue Sky is living here today ,very bright morning .

    Hope all those who were feeling not too good are better today .


    @Snow Hill Nice result but it could have been worse , if you had

    said "upon delivery ,hide behind garage ,you could have ended up

    with the driver there for hours but at least found your parcels on 

    your door step .😉

    You were lucky ,we had the postie drop ours in a dustbin on the

    wrong street !!    All we got was a guy phone to say sorry .


    All take care 🙂



    • Like 7
  13. 29 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

    Thank you.

    We both tested negative this morning.


    11 minutes ago, happy v said:

    My husband is feeling ill today too. Very listless and cold like symptoms. Rest is always best. Take care


    Sad to read about your illnesses and Happy V  hubby as well.


    Glad to read Graham and Pauline, you  have tested negative .

    I remember once I was at a local garage fueling the car and I went all sweaty

    and by the time I went into pay for it I was feeling very sick .

    I went home did a test but was negative ,so Googled my symptoms...

    Turns out I had Carowner virus 😉🙃


    Hope you guys recover soon and the same good wishes to @Josy1953 sister.


    Take care 🙂

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 13
  14. 1 minute ago, Splice the mainbrace said:

    We would get a lift to Manchester airport due to the long length of the cruise and cost of parking, so if a coach back from Southampton is laid on then I wonder if there are stop off points, Keele services on the M6 is I think our closest. The cruise description doesn’t mention coach travel being included though.


    I do remember on the coach two ladies asking to be dropped off on the outskirts of Manchester on one of our trips . The driver refused  but told everyone he would do a drop at the airport railway station and his next stop was T2 Arrivals at a bus stop .

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  15. 24 minutes ago, Splice the mainbrace said:

    We’re considering booking a fly cruise which flies out to the med but sails back to Southampton, it would be the first time that we have done a one way fly cruise. My understanding is that if you sail from Southampton and fly back then the cruise company transportation you back to Southampton to pickup your car? But what happens the other way round? Do you just arrange your own transport from Southampton back to home?


    We have done two fly outs on TA cruises from Manchester ,sailing back to Southampton .

    P&O then coached us back to MCR to pick up our cars that were parked there .

    • Thanks 3
  16. Good morning ,nowt like an early morning cuppa,so I think I will have two.


    @Purdey16 Great pictures ,that is one place I wished We had visited and 

    hope your having a great time .

    @Megabear2 Have a great cruise on QA , only last night we were watching


    YouTube films of onboard the ship. Did you know they even do archery ?

    Hope you get to try it but I prefer "Blindfolded Archery " much better and 

    you should try it as you don't know what you are missing 🙃


    Hope everyone has a nice bank holiday unless your online banking cos 

    that's still working 😉  Take care .

    • Like 10
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  17. 10 minutes ago, Adawn47 said:

    I said we had eaten many weird and wonderful things bro...........

    but I didn't say I enjoyed them all.😬

    I did however like cuttlefish which is similar.



    I like traditional food . I remember when Netto opened and my Mrs decided 

    to give them a try . I was hoping for a good old Pukka steak pie .

    What did she bring back ?     Beetroot and Banana pie with gherkins 😮


    I asked "What did you buy that for ? "


    "Only 5p so I've got you two ,they didn't do steak pies "🙃

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