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Everything posted by Victoria2

  1. I meant it. I tried it once or twice years ago and found my coffees better then 'its'. πŸ™‚
  2. You could borrow ours.πŸ™‚ I always take our instant coffee with us as I prefer it to anything else.
  3. Unfortunately, the shortcomings of some insurance policies, or lack of will help fuel the ire felt by many and I would imagine the small print, often ignored, which lays out Cunard T&Cs might come under closer scrutiny in future. Good PR is always preferable to indifferent or bad, but Cunard will weather this. QV's drydock sojourn is but a distant memory now, as will this be for all those who weren't impacted negatively or like me, are armchair interested onlookers. Their communication skills might need honing although the eight or nine, I've lost count, trips we've had cancelled over the last three years [four if you count Anne next April] were communicated to us reasonably well, and at least one, was last relatively minute. Luckily for us, all our costs were covered due to cancellation terms. Good luck with your expenses claim πŸ‘. It will be interesting to see how you and others get on as it could set a precedent for the future if claims are met.
  4. Good advice. πŸ‘ I would encourage everyone to read up on their travel insurance t&cs and for those who will be out of pocket, I am very sorry. I have no idea what the arrangements would be in the US, but over here if I bought 'a package' [and our agent always puts a Cunard package in place for us if flying out to meet the ship is involved] and we had flown out to pick up our cruise and that subsequent cruise or a portion of it was cancelled, it would be on Cunard [or our agent to do a bit of 'kick assing' for us if needed] to get us to the next part of 'the package', or home. Yes it's more expensive having the whole trip 'packaged' but far cheaper than going it alone and relying on inadequate or no insurance. Isn't hindsight a pain in the rear!!πŸ˜•
  5. californiagirl Whilst they are wonderful with the disabled and elderly, Cunard is not a care facility and make their limitations with regards to the disabled and potentially infirm, very plain when booking and it’s up to individuals to be aware of this Equally, those t&cs lay down their company obligations in certain circumstances. As I have already indicated, I have total sympathy for those who have had their holiday plans thwarted but whilst Cunard appear to be adhering to their contractual obligations to those who arrived on, and have onward travel on QM2, they seem to have no obligations to those who have yet to start their travel on Cunard. No one expects 'things' to happen but if they do, that's what decent travel insurance is for and as far as onward/rearranged travel is concerned, that is when an excellent travel agent will come into his/her own. I bang my drum re agents all the time and like insurance, it's only when unforeseen circumstances occur, you realise how vital they are, good ones at any rate. It is more than unfortunate when uninsured losses occur and it's very easy for me to say 'suck it up' from the comfort of my sitting room but sadly, it's a hard world out there these days. πŸ˜•
  6. Luckily, there's room around a Cunard ship for the Peacocks and the glittering ladies. Both can dazzle. πŸ˜„
  7. OOPs, that rules a few folk out then!! πŸ˜„ Luckily, sartorial faux pas are in the eye of the beholder and if those of a let's say, flamboyant nature wish to dazzle us with less than sober attire, I for one love their exuberance. Luckily, those chaps who wish to wear their ivory dinner jacket of an evening outside the Tropics have probably mastered the theory that rules are there to be broken although a Northern Lights cruise in Oct/Nov might not be the best time to display such sartorial antipathy! 😁
  8. Is that for a cancelled voyage that hasn't commenced or is it for a voyage that's in progress such as those on the world cruise or segments thereof continuing on to NY?
  9. It's very easy for me, a committed Cunard client to give out the usual platitudes 'these things happen/better to be alongside than engine failure in the middle of the Atlantic' etc etc but that doesn't help anyone and I am truly sorry and really feel for all those who have had their travel plans ruined and even more so for those who will now have [uninsured?] out of pocket expenses to get home to the US etc, especially those with mountains of luggage and especially those who don't fly. Solent Richard mentioned a charter flight.In my naivety, I would have thought that's the least Cunard could do for those sailing onto New York who would be grateful for this facility. If nothing else, it would generate slight compensatory PR for the company.
  10. Jennie Bond had been a Celebrity Speaker on Royalty on a couple of our cruises so she might be roped in.
  11. Clever Love spoof reviews although I would have thought Mrs B had had a bucket full of Cunard on QE2! πŸ˜„
  12. Apart from Gala nights, yes. Up to you whether you follow this or stick to your pre Covid attire.
  13. bluemarble you are a diamond amongst gems! πŸ‘
  14. I know. I thought twice about posting the link as it's convoluted, but it's better than nothing. I suppose! πŸ™‚
  15. This might be of interest. https://www.cunard.com/en-gb/the-cunard-experience/guestspeakers.guestSpeakers?category@*&sort=&start=0&rows=12
  16. You made a comment and got replies, all of which were pretty similar in their thoughts, however expressed. I would let a one garment be ironed if I had a load to do but that won't ever happen as I don't iron on holiday. The simple answer is, go find another iron and ironing board if the one you want is in use. Love how threads wander. From pressing clothes to bare feet on a flight. πŸ˜„ I often sit in bare feet on a flight, apart from shoes on to the loo as I am invariably in open shoes. Raise your ex army voice to me as much as you want. They would still stay bare. Pressing. Courtesy possibly but then may be others want that courtesy extended to them and what was a soul destroying twenty mins'ish, could turn into forever. Put it another way. If some poor soul was ploughing through twelve shirts [really? in one go? does that happen in reality?] it would be courtesy to leave him/her alone in their misery.
  17. I don't know about the elderly running [mind boggles at this picture πŸ™‚]but yes, for anyone, look for another laundry or if that's difficult, send it out to be pressed. Annoying as it is to want to iron one shirt when someone is pressing a load [ironing, on holiday? Mad behavior anyway in my opinion😁] if the ironer doesn't want to yield the iron for a minute, then that's their prerogative and you say you wouldn't be rude so I agree. To ask once, isn't rude, it's an enquiry. To make a point, becomes unwarranted.
  18. A A Clefs 'dor Concierge once told us when he saw our [comparatively] rather sparse luggage as we checked in to a very smart hotel, he could always tell those used to travelling as they had the art of packing 'concisely', sussed!
  19. If I don't have the answer to hand, my method of keeping track of all cruise related issues is quite simple. I lift up the phone and phone our travel [cruise] agent! He taps away and gives me the answer in seconds. πŸ‘
  20. Not in the same league [oops πŸ™‚] I know but a few famous sporting 'stars' have regretted posting photos of their wonderful holidays when coming home to a ransacked house. Why inform the world, however small that particular world might be, you're not going to be home for a few days?
  21. You are quite correct. Other speakers may well dine in QG too but I'm not sure why you quoted me as added to Wagtail's comment with our own experiences based on many cruises. I haven't mentioned the dining customs of non designated Celebrity Insight lecturers.
  22. I'm not a particular fan of cricket but I know about Blowers. Maybe his reputation is more widely known than you think. I can take or leave motor racing too but MW is well known to me. His exuberance was also well known. Either way, Celebrities generally dine QG. What designates a Celebrity Guest Speaker as opposed to Guest Speaker? Take it up with Cunard, not me. πŸ™‚
  23. 'Blowers' became a personality through his sheer exuberance for his craft, as did Murray Walker. Both have been Celebrity speakers.
  24. Celebrity speakers generally are well known outside of their own sphere. I have not come across an Insight speaker labelled Celebrity, on our cruises who hasn't dine QG but then, we weren't on QM2 cruises.
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