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Everything posted by dbrown84

  1. I think you'll find that everyone is different. I usually book two or three months out. I have one booked for next January, and I've never booked that far out before. It seems soooo far away 🙂
  2. Never heard of a French omelette before, but I don't think I'll be trying this. It looks half cooked. Almost as wet as the eggs served in the buffet
  3. So do they actually deliver the dailies to the cabin in YC? I had to keep going to guest services to get one on my last cruise (non YC cabin), which sucked
  4. World America is going back and forth between eastern and Western, even offering 14 day back to backs
  5. Yeah. I wonder if it would work on the admin fee. The military discount does
  6. Which is why I skip online checkin altogether. It offers little to no value (in my opinion), and just causes frustration
  7. the upgrade would cost $3,350. It's $500 per person to add more people to the room outside the two that the original comp is good for
  8. I'm a huge fan of the 12:30 or later arrival time. The crowds are gone and you're able to walk right onto the ship. The one time I did a same day arrival, I arrived by train. I did take the first train up (DC to NY), and arrived at the terminal much earlier than I normally would. They were still calling boarding numbers, but since I'm platinum I didn't have to wait
  9. I've never had this happen to me, but I've always wondered what they do for those that sail comped. The percentage FCC would be useless
  10. quick question, when you booked and upgraded, were you forced to pay the full amount up front? The cruise I'm looking at isn't until next June, so I was just going to put down the $400 deposit and pay the remaining amount at final payment. The MSC agent I was working with said I'd have to pay the full amount at booking. I haven't call back to see if another person gave the same answer or not. Also, did you pay $2200 total, or $2600 which would be the customary $400 deposit plus the upgrade cost? thanks
  11. true. and NCL just took away the free drinks with their bookings, unless you're in the top tiers of their players club
  12. my first MSC cruise, I had a comp OV, which ended up being upgraded to balcony for free. The comp I have now is for a balcony and I do have the option for upgrading to YC for $2200. Normally, I would just stay with the freebie, but I've been reading about the difference in sailing in YC, and for such a relatively low upgrade fee, I think I may do it. Otherwise, I was probably not going to give MSC another try.
  13. I just took my first MSC cruise last month, and it was a casino comp. Before I booked it, I saw a really good deal on the website so I called in to book it for the freebies. I was told that casino comps didn't get the specials. I was disappointed because all my previous cruise had been on NCL with casino comps. but with NCL, you get whatever specials/add-ons are being offered
  14. Wow.....and I thought the hash browns and cookies discussion were lively
  15. And you have to beg and plead to get a decent sized cut. If you're lucky, you get there just as they are bringing one out and they are willing to cut it in the middle so you can get a piece with some red left in it
  16. the prime rib at Cagney's is my go to there. It's nice and thick and you can get it as rare as you like
  17. For me, I try to show up between 12:30 and 1. I see no need to be sitting around waiting in the terminal when I can be relaxing in my hotel room
  18. man, you'd think they could at least do the 15 yr, but hey...it's better than nothing 🙂
  19. actually, I pretty much did not, as you point out.
  20. Thanks. I think I'm going to try it out. It's the new ship with over 6k capacity and it's during the summer so I'm sure it will be packed. I was told that I had to pay everything at time of booking vs waiting until final payment which sucks but whatever.
  21. ok. I'll have to take your word on that. You say "and others" yet you're the only person I've ever seen report this. and you also said you've double-up on CF before??? You've had some tremendous luck.
  22. don't know what this is suppose to mean. I was clearly taking about a CF so why would there be any confusing????
  23. this is not true. they don't understand the rule. you have to buy the certs 120 days prior to the cruise, but you don't have to book more than 120 days out
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