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Posts posted by SusieKIslandGirl

  1. @kazuWe just returned from the tour to the North Cape with Sebastain. He was a wonderful guide and was on our bus at 9 am.  I thanked him for hanging in with us after last year's cancellation and letting us all be on the bus as a group. Thanks one more time for all the initial organization for the tours. This one was outstanding. (In contrast to the terrible ship tour yesterday to the Polar Bear Club ☹️.)

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  2. @kazuI thought you brought the wrong dog back from the groomer. What a difference!  I don’t lose socks, just buttons. I manage to lose the bottom button on most all of my shirts. Lots of safety pins until I get ambitious enough to get sewing.

    Just about finished packing for the flight to Amsterdam Friday. Finally found my warm jacket which was a relief-Norway is bound to be a bit cooler.

    • Like 20
  3. 2 hours ago, highscar said:

    As a novice wine maker, DH first batch was in a new plastic garbage bucket with a garbage bag tied as a lid, cooking away. On the cedar chest in the bedroom to keep it away from the pets.  In the night the yeast did its thing and blew the bag of it and left us with purple stalagmites on the ceiling. Forgive the spelling. 

    You reminded me of our experience with making beer. DH was in the Air Force and we were in Fort Walton Beach, Florida for a year. Beer was made and put in a tall Rubbermaid trash container. We stored in the back of the closet. Middle of the night-Kaboom! What a mess😮.

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    • Haha 5
  4. 4 hours ago, cruising sister said:

    Good evening from Barcelona,

    I had a full day of walking ending with a tour in the Gothic region with 4 members of  our roll call. It was nice to meet them and  I hope to see them on the ship. I had my requisite hot chocolate and churros today so I am set.  I board tomorrow and I am excited to see the ship.


    Prayers and well wishes for all.

    See you in a little over a week when we board in Amsterdam. You can be our ship's guide. 😊 Looking forward to meeting. (How's your toe dealing with all the walking?)

    • Like 7
  5. I heard on the radio that last week there was a reward offered for a Roomba that had escaped out the front door of the house. It was so funny listening to the report.

    @cruising sisterI had a call from DGD yesterday (she lives with us) that a horse stepped on her toe and it was broken. She leaves in a week for a 10-day hiking tour in Scotland. She went to the clinic today and had the blood drained from under the nail and it's well-taped for the moment. Luckily, she still had some of the stronger ibuprofen from last month's muscle tear to help with this pain. Her luck isn't so great at the moment. I truly felt for you after watching her limp around.


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  6. @grapau27 I had a survey after my hip replacement and they asked for suggestions. I added that while all the leg exercises before surgery were great, they needed to add arm strengthening exercises. It was amazing how much you needed to use your arms since you weren't supposed to bend or put weight on the leg.

    @cat shepard We have had nothing but trouble with our Samsung refrigerator, especially the ice maker. The entire refrigerator was replaced while under warranty but the new one still freezes up and quits working.

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  7. Really late today after spending 1/2 the day in Seattle having an MRI of my knee.  Time went fast listening to Neil Diamond! The report was in my chart before I got home. Now to wait for the explanation of what it says.
    I’m with cruising sister-sad that Jacqui won’t be with us in less than a month on the Flam railway. We all appreciate the work she did organizing tours and our spreadsheet.

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  8. 4 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:



    I paid through our checking account. 2 payments at the same moment of $4730 each on April 8th.


    Finally got a message from IRS. Our check for overage should be delivered by mail in the next 6 weeks. Ugh!!!



    I mailed my 2021 refund check plus 3 other checks to my bank but it never arrived. I finally reached a live person at the IRS who checked and found the check hadn’t been cashed so said another check would be sent in 8 weeks. It showed up in about 2 weeks😊. (It was supposed to have been direct deposited but wasn’t.)

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  9. 10 hours ago, Hlitner said:

    A few updates about our cruise.  I have never been a big fan of how HAL makes its "fou-fou" drinks by using "Sunsational" mixes that come out of 32 oz cartons.  So, for example, a strawberry daquiri made without strawberries leaves something to be desired as does a banana based drink that has no banana.  On some other mass market lines they will actually use real fruit (either fresh or frozen) which makes a big difference in the final product.  


    I so agree. I was introduced to the “Dirty Banana” on a Princess cruise last fall. Ordered it on the Noordam last month and didn’t even finish it! I felt guilty raving about it to my trivia team and then having it turn out so bad.

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