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Everything posted by livingonthebeach

  1. Just recently took a land vacation or “road trip” if you will, up the eastern US coast. Eating at restaurants 3x a day plus hotels and gas can add up to about two or three+ times more what we spend on cruising per day. At restaurants, unlike on RCI, you can’t ask for multiple appetizers and deserts like you can at the MDR. You’re not able to get food elsewhere in any quantity for free if you didn’t like your meal. You don’t get 4-6 free drinks at any restaurant even if you’re on their loyalty program. Oh, but a bag of chips on land can be had for $1 or less if you buy in bulk. You can order 10 bags of chips from room service which comes out to less than $1 each after paying delivery fee. Plus all the food to your heart’s content in addition to the chips is included. Where on land to you have unlimited food brought to your door step for $7.95 plus tip? If the quality of the food has gone down I haven’t really noticed. I focus more on activities, entertainment and port excursions and if those are good, and they have been for me so far, it more than makes up for a slight change in food standards. There are those who say they no longer cruise at all due to the decline of provisions. May I ask you why you are still on a cruise board talking about not ever cruising again rather than on a land vacation board talking about the superior, world-class offerings at bargain basement prices? Where is that online forum? I would like to know more.
  2. Thanks much! Now I'll just "Keep Calm & Pack On". I guess there won't be many dressed for the 70s/80s as those are two very different decades with totally different styles. Will just bring stuff for "Tropical Night".
  3. I'm sailing out on Nov 27 so I'll be on the ship already but thanks for the offer.
  4. It's about that time to pack again. Question: for those of you that have been on a 7-nighter out of LA recently, were there any White, Caribbean / Island, Seventies, Sixties or Great Gatsby parties? I want to bring the least amount of stuff possible but it would be fun to dress up for these events if they have them. I tried going on the App but I couldn't find any current 7 day sailings.
  5. Also, the cruises leaving out of Barbados on Rhapsody had port intensive itineraries this past Spring.
  6. Taking away a benefit (no matter how small or insignificant) with no replacement is not a good strategy for RCI. Personally, I was never fond of those appetizers so no big loss for me. However, if I really liked them and lived for the 5 o'clock snacks, I'd be more than PO'ed.
  7. Yes this is true, however Sorrento's has always been free for everyone. What do you think would be a fair exchange for Ds losing their evening snacks? Especially on ships with no Sorrento's?
  8. Thanks for the info. This sounds right for now but when there are more and more top tier passengers, I wonder if this is going to be a permanent thing. I wonder what would be a fair exchange for losing the HH snacks?
  9. The problem is they charge $50 for a rickety towel that you would be embarrassed to bring home - so it's not really stealing -- it's borrowing towels precipitated by a loony $50. Is that fee for two or just one? Either way, it's way too high.
  10. Wow - while most of us thought this policy would take a while before implementation -- it's happening sooner than we thought. So the rumors were not just rumors -- it's seems it's a done deal. Personally, I never really liked the hors-d'oeurvres served during HH. They were not very good (think greasy spoon) and they are dinner appetite killers. Since I am 7 points away from being D+ I don't think I will be affected unless they limit the D lounge to just Pinns. RCI should really think about something extra to give to the D folks to make up for this change -- like an extra drink to two. What would be a fair exchange?
  11. The best way to get more bang for your buck as it pertains to vouchers and water is to save the vouchers for the more expensive drinks and get your water either with a discounted water package or get it from the WJ, spa, gym etc in a glass and then pour the glass in your water bottle or just take the glass back to your cabin. The tap water doesn't taste the greatest unless you buy a water bottle with a built-in filter, i.e. Brita.
  12. Correct - it was good while it lasted - no more. Now you have to lug the heavy load yourself. Not worth the savings of bringing it onboard yourself IMHO. I always wait until there's a sale or buy the H2O from the gifts website - whichever is lower.
  13. I agree. They should have an option to either enable or disable. In this day and age it seems it would be possible?
  14. The thing with Chef's Table is that is just as much a social event as it is a culinary event. I've been very fortunate in that I've enjoyed the company I was with as much as the exquisite courses with the wine pairings. But I can see how it could be a disaster if the patrons are misbehaving during the length of the event -- at times 3+ hours. It's worth it IMHO to try it just once and see for yourself. After all, the price of something similar on land would be quite a bit more price-wise.
  15. Yes that or have an alert signal sounded once in the cabin with the ability to turn on the sound if one wanted to hear what was being said, rather than having to run to open the door. Having to run to open the door just seems so archaic with all the technology and AI we have today.
  16. On all my cruises since the restart, staff served the ice cream. Frankly, I prefer it this way....it eliminates not only germs but a lot of waste - especially from the kiddos whose parents let them run wild and free.
  17. Strange pricing across the board: November NOTS Mexican Riviera - $102 - with senior discount 35% off = $65.99 pp June VOTS Greece and Turkey - no senior discount only BOGO instead of $90 = $66.99 pp
  18. I remember that incident very well as I lived in the same town he was from and I actually met him before the accident / murder? They still haven't solved it. The good thing is his family was instrumental in having the president sign the "The Cruise Vessel Security and Safety Act" which does the following: Improve ship safety by requiring forty-two inch guard rails, peep holes in every passenger and crew member’s door, on-deck video surveillance, and an emergency sound system; Provide transparency in reporting by establishing a structure between the cruise industry, the FBI, and the Coast Guard, including requirements that each ship maintain a log book, which would record all deaths, missing individuals, alleged crimes, and passenger/crewmember complaints regarding theft, sexual harassment, and assault; Improve crime scene response by requiring rape kits, anti-retroviral medications, and a trained forensic sexual assault specialist be aboard each ship; and Establish a program designed by the Secretary of Transportation in consultation with the FBI to train appropriate crew members in crime prevention, detection, evidence preservation, and reporting of criminal activities in the international maritime environment.
  19. On Rhapsody a few months ago in the WJ they had a makeshift bar set up for breakfast every morning. On debarkation day was able to get D voucher mimosas there.
  20. Exactly! How many cases have there been where a person dangles a child from an 11 story building and drops them (intentionally or not) then sues the building and wins. My guess is zero.
  21. I wonder if there have been cases like this one on land. In high-rise buildings in New York City they require child guards so the child cannot accidentally fall out the window, but there are no signs that inform parents or grandparents not to dangle a child from a high floor. Supposing an adult dangled a child from 11 stories or above for 30+ seconds and accidentally dropped the child, could this person sue for negligence on the building's part for not having a sign? This lawsuit is soooooo ridiculous!
  22. So his preliminary defense that he was colorblind and didn't know the window was open is contradicted by the video? Wonder what new evidence there is to reopen the case?
  23. Wow -- that's even worse than I thought. A color blind old guy sticking a toddler out of a window 11 stories high. Whatever defense is used wouldn't hold water on land from a high-rise and it shouldn't at sea either. Pun unintended. Unbelievable that the case is reopened.
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