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Everything posted by livingonthebeach

  1. Printed Cruise Compass everyday in cabin without having to beg for it -- same for robe and slippers and twice a day ice bucket. Yes -- you can still get these items BUT you may have to slip a few Benjamins with your request.
  2. What I don't get is how the step grandfather, admitting he was color blind, would prop a toddler up to a window on a very high deck, knowing he couldn't distinguish the color of the window and determine whether it was closed or not. Case should be closed and shut like the window he claimed he thought he propped her up -- never to be reopened again.
  3. Crown & Anchor benefits offer limited discounted beer and wine depending on your status level loaded on your sea pass card. See drink section in grid chart below. Also Suite guests have happy hour or hours in Suite Lounge. https://www.royalcaribbean.com/content/dam/royal/resources/pdf/crown-and-anchor-society-benefit-grid.pdf
  4. I get packing wisely but who wants to carry their suitcase (wise or not so wise) to the pool, jacuzzi or spa? If I ever did carry my own luggage I would do so when the cabins are open after 1pm.
  5. ***Anti-flame suit on***. I think the solution to this problem 1x vs 2x is to deduct the 1x from the fare and charge extra for those who want 2x, 3x, 4x, etc. as well as a myriad of things such as ice several times a day, slippers, robes, etc etc a fee for each additional service or special request. Not everyone wants 2x a day or more plus all the add ons. 😇
  6. When Delta Airlines' CEO Ed Bastian made the prediction that it would be Delta's historic highest 2nd quarter earnings, most transportation and travel and leisure stocks went way up. The stocks that were riding the climb off of Delta might go down if Delta doesn't deliver. Personally, I bought RCL with the OBC in mind. It won't bother me if the stock dips from time to time as long as I'm using it for OBC.
  7. Is this pre or post pandemic? After they started giving appointments I haven't seen an embarkation time earlier than 11:00am. If I were to bring only carry ons like the OP stated I would get an appointment closer to 1pm so I wouldn't have to carry my luggage around until 1pm, but that's just me.
  8. I thought most people used bath towels when they get out of the shower/bathtub with clean bodies. If you dry your clean body on a clean towel wouldn't it follow that the towel is clean and could be used more than once? Replacing a towel everyday seems a bit overkill, IMHO. I do agree that it is not right to have fewer services and pay the same or more in cruise fare.
  9. LOL you mean they don't want people to see their rum runners or boxed wine? 🤣
  10. I've cruised with the new once a day cleaning and can honestly say I really don't miss the 2x daily service. Of course 2x daily was nice while it lasted but once a day is not a deal breaker for me. There have been quite a few changes since I first started cruising and I tend to just roll with the punches.
  11. I've seen people with very large suitcases go through the scanning machines. There really isn't a size limit that I know of. The problem is lugging everything around until your cabin opens unless you embark later in the day.
  12. Yes things have changed post Covid. In the past it was allowed if one was persistent enough. Those days are long gone.
  13. Agreed. The stock was trading at around $120 before Covid -- there's no reason why it can't go to that level or higher even with the debt repayments. People are willing to pay the higher prices to get back to cruising and that is helping the stock price. Travel stocks in general have gone up considerably in the past few months.
  14. Not saying this will continue but shares of Royal Caribbean have outperformed the industry in the past three months. There is solid pent-up demand. RCL expects adjusted EPS to be $4.40-$4.80, up from the prior stated $3-$3.60. Earnings estimates for 2023 have moved north in the past 30 days, in line with analysts’ optimism regarding the stock’s growth potential. Over the past four weeks, shares have rallied 20.31%, and there have been 7 higher earnings estimate revisions in the past two months for fiscal 2023. I will continue to be bullish on this stock and will hang on to my shares even if there is a slight dip. It's worth it if only for the OBC. JMTCW
  15. Tobago is nothing special. I would have liked to have stayed in Trinidad longer. This said, I would never just get off the ship and not get back on whenever I pleased. Not only is this disruptive for the crew and fellow passengers, it could possibly earn a lifetime ban from the cruise line. If there's nothing left of possessions in the cabin, they'll know you did it intentionally without asking -- and how do you explain to the crew checking you out on port day your big suitcase? If you don't carry all your stuff out you might never see your stuff again as they might not let you back on the ship. As others have said either ask beforehand or don't do it.
  16. Here is an 8 page Harmony brochure which you can print and snail mail to them. https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/164d802c#/164d802c/8
  17. Try calling -- I had a similar issue and I was able to resolve it by calling RCI. Good luck.
  18. I just checked my cruise planner for my Nov Navigator cruise and some of the beverage and dining packages have gone down in price -- not by much though.
  19. No automatic adjustments -- you have to call and ask.
  20. This is the current timeline on the State Department's website: Routine 10 to 13 weeks Expedited 7 to 9 weeks Expedited at Agency Must have international travel within 14 calendar days My renewal was received by the Passport Agency on May 9th -- status still shows "In Process"
  21. IIRC it was deck 10 which makes it even more incredible.
  22. What's amazing is the 42 year old woman who went overboard did not require any medical attention at all, according to the news reports. They say only 28% of those that go overboard survive. She's very lucky!
  23. I've purchased the 10 pack and it included the pics they took when exiting the ship at ports and all of the onboard photos but not the specialty restaurant photos.
  24. Back in the day if you had Elite status in their Captain’s Circle you could bring your cabin mates to happy hour / no questions asked.
  25. Princess has an older crowd and better food in the MDR. If food and older people is to your liking then go for it.
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