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Everything posted by P&O SUE

  1. I know I haven’t caught up on all the thread but is Wowzz still missing? 🙁
  2. Im so sorry to hear this, I thought someone would say this. I’ll say no more, I just worry about them constantly.
  3. I know what you mean but she falls SO much and cuts her arms as her skin is so paper thin now. When I walked into her bedroom when she was staying the sheets were like a bloodbath as her plaster had come off in the night. She was so upset but I said at least I could wash the sheets and it wasn’t the carpet!
  4. Great review thank you. We too would feel awkward at those awful close together tables. We don’t mind talking to people and we’ve had some nice chats with people on cruises but the dining thing we find awkward if the couple obviously don’t want to make eye contact so I completely get it. On one cruise we got talking to a couple on an excursion and bumped into them often round the ship and had a little chat but normally we like to keep ourselves to ourselves. We were lucky to be given a table for two on Ventura on its own on two cruises so we noted the number and asked for it every night after.
  5. Absolutely Avril. My mum has Parkinsons and sometimes she doesn’t speak very clearly at all but I know her old spark is still in there! It’s so sad because she was always the driving force and my Dad more laid back. I’ve often thought it would have been easier if he had Parkinsons and she was ok (horrid as it sounds) because he is happy to sit there all day whereas Mum still wants to rush around, and then falls over.
  6. Thanks so much Selbourne for another good read. I’ve just read this in one sitting! I won’t go on about the lifts as it’s all been said but I’m glad you’ve had great dining experiences. I saw the Olive Grove on a recent video and thought it sounded up my street, seems to be too many burger restaurants for my liking. I still miss the Italian style the original Beach House had. I haven’t been on Iona, I think it looks light and bright in the atrium but am not convinced about how many bars and the Glasshouse that are so open there. We’ve been on the Glasshouse on Azura, Ventura and Britannia and much prefer the first two as Britannia’s is in the atrium. Finally Geiranger, I’ve definitely seen it on Anthem of the Seas itineraries for next year and possibly Princess that are the same size as Britannia.
  7. Morning all, thought I’d just check in. I’ve had an awful week, my Dad went into hospital last Sunday night and he came out Wednesday. Each day they said he’d be out that day and then it changed. Of course I then have to have my mum here and she has definitely deteriorated since last year. Anyway I won’t bore you with the details but thought I’d pop in, have a good weekend all.
  8. Again like Damian I can’t believe your two weeks is nearly over! Thanks again for your fab posts.
  9. I can’t believe your two weeks is nearly over already, thanks again for your fab write ups!
  10. I think it’s great! Can’t wait to go back one day.
  11. Lovely photos of Cadiz, yet another port I lost due to you know what! Try and be on top deck for sail away, it really looks like you’re not going to get under 😃
  12. Was the afternoon tea very sweet? That was the complaint I heard when they first did them.
  13. My husband is the same sort of parker as you! Very sensible I think.
  14. Thanks for doing this, I’m following with interest.
  15. Oh no Sarah hope your toe is much better today.
  16. Have a great time, looking forward to hearing all about it.
  17. Good reports again, I must say the faffing around with the dining sounds a pain. I might have to stick with Ventura!
  18. Summer has finally arrived! Really warm in my garden. Not going to last long so I made the most of it! Hope everyone is well.
  19. Enjoying your blog and photos Sarah. Madeira is lovely, enjoy the rest of your cruise!
  20. Thanks for your blog Damien, hope the rest of your cruise is enjoyable. Looking forward to reading more.
  21. Well I went for my appointment with the nurse at my GP’s. What a waste of an afternoon! I was called in nearly 20 minutes late. And I got there 15 minutes early! All she did was take my blood pressure (‘perfect’ ☺️) and gave me a blood test! That was it! I was expecting a bit more but I suppose blood tests tell them a lot….
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