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Everything posted by Vict0riann

  1. Friends @sailingdutchy are sailing today on the NS, so I hope to be here to wave at the ship as she departs. Then we will join then next week!
  2. Here's the food porn: The ginger gelato was to die for!
  3. We really enjoyed the Italian Cellar Master dinner on the NS in 2022 on the Viking Passage. Of course, the menu is organized by the two and may differ depending on the CM and Italian chef. Niko was our CM and Cesare the Italian chef. If you should have Cesare as your Italian chef - please give him our regards - Pat and Ann from Victoria. Cesare I can post pictures of the courses if you like?
  4. Good morning, Dailyites, and thank you to all who post. I was going to post some pictures of our day in Zadar, but Tony beat me to it! Bon voyage, Tony and Martha! Jacqui, I'm sorry your interim home for Ivan has fallen through. Wish I could help out, too. And Gerry, I'm definitely praying for your DH and want to know how it goes.I'm also thinking of Dixie with a lot of bruises. I'm feeling better today, after a droopy day yesterday, my arm is still sore, but the headache seems to be gone. I did go to my meeting yesterday but was happy to get home to relax afterwards. Today I have to organize the freezer in the garage. DD finds bending over painful, so instead of clearing out the freezer drawer in the kitchen for her, I told her I would clear out the top shelf in the upright freezer, and we'll try to organize meals there for her while we are away. She ordered the one-handed can opener but from Richmond BC it went to LaValle, Quebec, instead of here, so it is seeing the country! Should get here before we leave... Today I plan to also do some gardening if it doesn't rain. I should get started. Salt drying beds on the island of Pag near Zadar, Croatia.
  5. Good morning, Dailyites, and thank you all for the daily news. We managed to get our Covid boosters yesterday, and I am headachy, sore, and in a foul mood today - I really agree with the quote of the day! Pat's appointment did not go so well yesterday, he has a follow-up next Thursday, the day before we fly out. He also has the ENT that day, too, plus the cleaning lady will be here, so it will be a hectic day. He brought up the suitcases yesterday, so I will be getting started on that. Yesterday was a gorgeous sunny day, DD said it made her happy to see the sunshine, but today is overcast and I see some raindrops now. My radishes have sprouted, but after a day or two, something or someone seems to be eating them, there are a lot of little birds around and I wonder if they are finding the sprouts tasty. I will have to plant some more, and cover them. My neighbour's beautiful camellia has bloomed.
  6. Good morning, Dailyites, very sad news about the bridge disaster. Prayers for the victims and their families. I have no right to complain about my very minor problems... we took DD to her doctor yesterday and he told her the hospital report said "minor" fracture of the humerus, so we were all very relieved. I think she can come off the care list altogether, Vanessa, as, if she misbehaves and makes it worse, it'll be her own fault! The doctor also reduced her BP meds even more, and is sending her to a nutritionist, as she has lost so much weight. Now Pat is a bit of a problem, and has an appointment at the ostomy clinic this afternoon. I feel I am the nursemaid for my two sickies, I need a vacation. We are still holding our breaths as to whether we will actually go! We are going to see if we can get Covid shots this morning. We are actually not due until next month, but we'll be away, and I would like us to be boosted before we go. We'll see if they will do us at the drug store. We went to another chain yesterday, and they said they had no serum. It is definitely Spring here, camellias, forsythia, magnolias and the early rhodos, all in full bloom. I am always amazed that my little pasque flowers know when it's Holy Week, this year Easter is so early, but they are going to be open just in time! There is a wildflower here,, which we call Easter lilies, and they are blooming, too. How do they know?
  7. Originally, the thread was titled with a different ship - in between posts 12 and 13 you will notice that Host Jazzbeau changed the title of the thread.
  8. Good morning, Dailyites! It rained quite heavily during the night but it has stopped, although the sky is cloudy. We need the rain - and now I hope my radish seeds will sprout. I just planted one short row, and will plant more before we leave - two weeks today. DD is not behaving herself, she keeps doing stuff that she shouldn't and then says it hurts and she can feel the bones scraping each other. She is going to order a rollator and a "grabber", Jacqui, I think that one-handed can opener would be very useful for her, please tell me more about it. I remember when someone mentioned it when you needed one, but I don't recall the details. Today is Timmie's for a coffee, then grocery shopping. DD wants to get a pedicure, but that will be next week, I think. We'll go for our covid shots next week, too. And haircuts. Next week will be busy, you may not hear from me much. I'm thinking of you all, you are my very good friends! PS Love Linzertorte!
  9. Good morning, Dailyites. Sorry about your rotator cuff, Terri. I think that is probably a more difficult fix than DD's fractured humerus. Good news on that front, I was afraid to mention it yesterday in case I would jinx it, but the surgeon, after offering surgery as a speedier resolution, said everything looked good and as long as it stays the same, would heal well. It will take time, but DD seems to be expecting us to go on our cruise as planned, and she does have a brother nearby, along with cousins and good neighbours. She has another appointment at the hospital in 10 days, just before we leave for Fort Lauderdale, so we'll keep our fingers crossed until then. Thanks to all for your good wishes. The cherry blossoms in the shopping centre parking lot are in full bloom now. But a lot of the other trees still look completely dead, just a few have that "glow" of new life about them. I do think that Spring has arrived. Our last frost date is mid-April, though, so I won't start planting things until we get back. I do want to prune my "almost white" fuchsia today and get the debris cleared away by the gardeners.
  10. Good morning, Dailyites! Interesting news today. Is it really the Spring equinox today? I thought it was in a couple of days. When we were out yesterday, I noticed that the Japanese cherries in the shopping centre parking lot were blooming. I think they are not usually in flower until well into April. I picked up my new glasses from DS yesterday, they are much stronger than my old ones, and my eyes are tiring quickly. Also the bifocal seems to be in a different spot and my eyes are going to have to learn where to look! DS is ordering me a pair of cheapie readers, too, to have with me as backup. It is nice having an optician in the family. I'll be saying my prayers today for all the Dailyites with troubles. We are waiting to hear what the surgeon has to say about DD's shoulder tomorrow.
  11. Was that tissue damage muscle? Good things to think about. The doc evidently told her that it was a "grey area" - whether or not to have the surgery would be up to her. We will discuss on Wednesday at the hospital.
  12. We hope so, too. I like your new picture - how did you change the ship into a gingerbread man?
  13. Pat commented this morning that when he was growing up in Ireland, the feast of St. Patrick was a Holy Day of Obligation ( must go to Mass), and all the pubs were closed. Funny to think of that now. DD had a call this morning from the hospital, orthopaedic surgeon recommends surgery. She doesn't think she wants to do it. We may not be cruising next month...
  14. We have not been invited to one since Covid. We have occasionally learned (after the fact) that one was held, but we did not receive any notification. I guess we are off the guest list.
  15. So, DD is not in a cast, just a cloth sling. The doctor told her that her BP is too low and to cut her dose in half. (Being the Mom, I had already told her that.) I am to go and pick her up right after she has another x-ray. She wants me to pick up a chocolate milkshake at McD's on the way to the hospital.
  16. Evidently, it is broken. Now to see what they will do.
  17. Yes, it's high up, I thought at first it was her shoulder - then I dreamt last night that the only thing they could do for her was a full body cast for 6 weeks (puts paid to our cruise coming up), when I told DD about the full body cast, she was not amused!
  18. Wow! What a day - quite the anniversary, that black cloud of Covid certainly brought a silver lining. Rich and the helpers have done an amazing job. Kudos to you all. We have had a busy couple of days. DD fell again, and hurt her shoulder, yesterday am., and stayed in bed all day, with me checking on her, then up most of the night feeding her T1's, This morning she finally admitted she was not getting any better, and I was permitted to call an ambulance. They decided she had fractured her humerus (they said "not funny") and carted her off to the hospital. She is still waiting for the doctor, but has had tests, x-rays, etc. I'm afraid she is osteoporotic like me and most of the other women in my family. Tonight is our complex St. Patrick's Day party and I have made 2 huge rounds of soda bread to take but I'm not sure if we will attend if we need to be at the hospital for DD. Just have to wait and see how it goes. I don't have anything green to wear, anyway... Congrats to Pennie and Annie, must be the luck of the Irish? Of course hard work on Annie's part. Murphy looks so cute, how wonderful she is doing so well. Isn't it great that Kathi is cruising again? My thoughts are with all of the Dailyites. Must go.
  19. Happy to see you cruising and posting again, Kathi. Five years ago, St. Patrick's Day on the Prinsendam I have a picture of us in our greenery! A lot of water under the bridge since then. Have a wonderful cruise.
  20. Pat's outing today included a visit to the dump to dispose of some hazardous waste, and then on down the road to Butchart's. It's very neat and tidy and green right now, but not too floriferous. They do have an indoor "Spring Preview" in what will be the Blue Poppy restaurant next month, which is at least a taste (and the scent) of what's in store: The sunken garden today And another birthday today - granddog Oskar is 4!
  21. Happy birthdays today to the birthday girls - Lenda, Mitzi and Ellen! And good morning, Dailyites. I'm sorry, Graham, that your and Pauline's attempts at reconciliation have failed. At least you tried, you can be comforted by that. I would love to have one of those bacon baps! Here, it looks wet outside. I have a flowerbed full of weeds to tend to and a large fuchsia to prune, but I don't know if I will get it done. Pat likes to have an "outing" every day and that takes up time. This afternoon I am to make biscuits (scones to you, Graham) - DD sent me the recipe she wants used, and she is planning a chicken dish for tonight. And here am I, sitting around chatting on CC! Pennie, I'm sorry about your Martina, I'm sure she had a good life with you. Yesterday I volunteered our stateroom for the cabin crawl on our cruise in April. It seems in the past every time I've done that it has been in the Fall, and I've put a big bowl of Halloween candies on a bed and they've all disappeared. I don't know what I will do this time - maybe Easter eggs? It will be a matter of space available as we have new suitcases and I'm not sure how the packing will go. Miss Camilla is really growing up, isn't she? How sweet father and daughter look, cooking together. I'd better get on with my duties, hope everyone has a good day.
  22. The only Pinnacle ship on which I am not crazy about Club Orange is Rotterdam... those open slats allow for much more noise from the Half Moon Bar in the evening. That bar can get very "merry"! We always tried to get a table at the far end away from the bar. On the other two ships, the CO is surrounded by glass, and there is no HMB, so it is much quieter.
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