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Over from NZ

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Everything posted by Over from NZ

  1. I would say somebody mistook the "value" for the price.. threw their toys out of the cot.. has now realised that they were wrong.. but rather than apologise.. is mad at the world haha.
  2. Sorry. Actually no need. Just realised the drink package is $110 per person per day. They can stick that haha.
  3. Hello. Been a long time since we've been on P&O, but have one coming and are looking at booking another. Am doing the maths on a drinks package which includes internet. Does anybody know what the internet costs (for one person) if not taken as part of a drink package. I use a bit of net for work while away.. the wife doesn't use it at all while we're away. Thank you.
  4. Getting sick of the smoke and mirrors.. nickel and diming.. upsell and more nonsense. That and with covid.. more and more tempted to just go back to travelling on land instead.
  5. Yeah.. but like any addiction.. it's not that hard to solve when the excuses stop 🙂
  6. Probably time for them to man-up and grow a set. They've had long enough to run out of excuses.. 🙂
  7. Seriously?! Tell them to get stuffed. Eftpos cost is next to nothing.
  8. Sure. But the point being.. is that once they did it - everybody is happy. Smokers don't expect to smoke inside on land.. they don't expect (nor want) any different on the ship.. there is no issue. I remember clearly the outcry when they decided you couldn't smoke inside anywhere on land. I think if they changed the law back.. smokers would continue to go outside for a smoke.
  9. Champion. Thank you. I've looked on google maps at what you've suggested and it's about a 15min walk from the Cemetery to Casemates square.. and only another 15-min walk to the cruise terminal from there. So should have no issues walking back to the ship with lots of time up our sleeve with room for error.. And 3 taxi ranks along the way if something unexpected happened. Cheers!
  10. They've done so down under. Any cruises out of Australia.. there's only smoking allowed on one part of the promonade deck on one side.. and an outdoor (but covered) small part of the top deck. No smoking inside anywhere. And nor would smokers expect it - you don't smoke inside when on shore! Everybody is happy.. works perfectly.. and there's no issue. It's such a no-brainer.. why don't they roll that out to the whole fleet?
  11. Hello. In Gibraltar we're taking an excursion to Marbella, Spain. Last time in Gibraltar, we did the 8-hour ultimate excursion and ticked off a lot of the main attractions. Our excursion this time gets us back at 2.30pm and the ship is there till 5pm. Am thinking of spending up to a couple of hours wondering along Main Street. It looks on google maps to be about a 30-min walk from the furthest point to the cruise terminal. If we got tired for example.. or struggling to get to the terminal.. is it easy to hail or find a taxi for the short ride? Just lining up my plan B. Will of course leave a good amount of wiggle-room in the plan and won't be looking to turn up as they're casting the ropes off haha. Appreciate any advice.
  12. True - but that's going to be like trying to herd cats. Because you go and pick your times for each night ahead of the cruise.. what's the chances that you and the other people have all picked the same?
  13. It's not going to be the same people unfortunately. The old system is gone. Sucks.. but I don't think they're listening to people wanting a return to traditional dining.
  14. There's no legal drinking age. There's a minimum legal age to purchase alcohol of 18 (and to enter most licensed premises). The voting age isn't going to change.. nor is there any intent to change the legal age to purchase alcohol or enter licensed premises. You've nothing to worry about.
  15. It's a nasty, shameful, technicality that allows you to effectively steal off the poorest people onboard. If you're not from the US - look at it this way. Instead of looking at your fare as being $1,800 and you're asked to pay $200 gratuities.. look at it this way. If your fare was say $2k and included everything.. you'd be happy. That's how we do things. If it was $2k and itemised so that it showed that the bill was $2,000 including $200 for staff wages you'd still be happy. If it was itemised to show $1,800 cruise-fare and $200 staff wages and.. if unhappy you could negotiate on the $200 you'd still be happy. If they said you could negotiate on the $200 but the company won't wear it.. we'll take it straight off the wages of the people earning the least. You'd think that's a bit off.. but you'd still be happy. Yet.. you'll line up on DAY 1! and quote cultural nonsense.. "we don't do that tipping down under" type rubbish.. and rip the staff off. Just because you can. And the staff have to silently grin and bear it.. with no recourse at all. If your bosses did it to you.. you'd scream blue-murder. The problem is really.. that you can arbitrarily dock their wages without them allowed any say.. when really, your beef should be with the cruiseline. Be a bit fair. You're among the privelaged elite if you're able to take a cruise holiday.. even once. I hate the tipping culture.. but hey.. I'm not low enough to do that.
  16. We did this one and it was great - https://italytoursharing.com/livorno-port/florence-in-full-livorno
  17. And another even bigger quake in the Solomons. Although no reported fatalities there. Those poor people.
  18. A 7 - that's a big one! And it was a shallow one. That would scare the bejeebers out of you if you were anywhere near it. Hopefully it happened in a non-populated area.
  19. Doesn't matter - it ain't going to happen. Need a 75%+ majority to change electoral laws in NZ and the opposition have already said they won't support it. It's a dead-duck. Next.
  20. Here's the thing. It's not that you have an "old fashioned view".. it's that you have a different culture. We're the same.. tipping is not a thing down under. However.. as pointed out.. "when in Rome". If that's how they roll over the other side.. it's not for you and I to try and impose our culture and get indignant because they do things differently.
  21. All correct apart from the money part 🙂. Kiwi's don't mind your $1 coins as they can sometimes be passed of as NZ $2 coins.. but the rest of your money is no good over here.
  22. italytoursharing.com - used them last time for a full-day tour to Florence (they do have options with Pisa as well). Used them a number of times at a number of ports.. they were always great.
  23. Thanks Martha. That's what I wondered if it would be. Rather stupid that they wouldn't say on the site what it actually was though. However.. it still wasn't actually the case. The drongo on the other end after a lot of conferring with his boss.. came back and told me I would be buying different figures.. roughly $22, 45 & 90 USD. Obviously makes a difference. If I thought I was buying say $100 USD instead of getting $90 (and assuming I was going to buy quite a few of them).. it would make quite a difference.
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