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Everything posted by miched

  1. After more research it is a bargain compared to some other packages Here is one at the Wynn happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  2. About the walls being magnetic. if you look at the photo showing the desk you will see a shadow box on the wall. That is the only thing that is magnetic other than the ceiling. You can see part of the do not disturb sign in it. That is because the door on the inside isn’t magnetic. They needed a place to put that sign. If those are the photos for the Millennium then the cabin is the same as on the Summit after the refurb. Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  3. We were on the Summit after the Refurb in a SS. The suite was one that had a larger angled balcony. I think it was 6132 or 34. I hope you have better deck furniture than we did if you opt for a SS Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  4. I use Allianz. It is an annual plan that covers the medical portion and some other travel expenses. For me the cost of the cruise is dead money. It is paid for and gone. I am more concerned about the catastrophic medical cost. Medicare doesn’t anything outside of the USA except for the one time $50,000 allowance. Supplement insurance will only supplement what Medicare covers. If Medicare doesn’t cover it the supplemental doesn’t either. Medicare will cover anything that happens within 4 hours of leaving a U.S. port when traveling on a cruise ship. I had to go to emergency room driving home from Fl to Mi a few years ago. I was blacking out. I was in there for about 5 hours as they ran a lot of tests. They couldn’t really find anything. They told me everything looked good and didn’t know the problem. Was advised to see my regular doctor at home. The bills for all of that was almost $75,000. I have a medigap policy and didn’t have to pay anything. A few months later I stumbled on the cause. I would get sick when ever I drank water out of a refillable Polar water bottle. The closable top was black and under the lip was a some mold that I didn’t see. I was getting sick from that. I am now very cautious when using a refillable bottle. Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  5. Just looked up the price to stay at the Bellagio during the race. The price per night doesn’t include parking, resort fees, or taxes. Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  6. You use to be able to walk into the closet. They were deeper, You could basically walk in and close the door. They also had lights that came on when the door opened. We use magnets to attach the papers to the wall and also hooks to hang the robes, caps, and etc. Many women also complain that the full length mirror was also eliminated $5000 premium is way too much for a SS over AQ We are doing AQ for a NE cruise as it is also $5300 pp less than a SS that is a 11 day cruise. Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  7. The Sky Suites have been destroyed by Kelly and her Ikea designs. She eliminated the walk in closets. Took out all of the shelves in the lavatory. Very little storage left. Installed very shallow drawers in the desk and night stands. Has a chair that doesn’t fit under it the desk. Furniture isn’t comfortable. The walls aren’t steel so magnets are useless. Photo shows the depth of the drawers Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  8. I got this email for the exclusive offer for Captain Club members for the Formula 1 race in Las Vegas. It requires a minimum of 3 nights at one of the MGM resorts plus a lot of other fees. Being a member of the Captain's Club is starting to pay off with all of these great exciting deals.🤗 Do you think the stay would count towards Captain Club Points? 🙄 I would book it but it interferes with a Celebrity cruise that I have booked with a non refundable deposit and I can’t afford to lose that.😱 😂 Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  9. The Exciting Deals can be deals but they aren’t pricing errors. The OP was referring to act fast on pricing errors as Celebrity will correct them the same day. I am just giving a warning that if it is a pricing error Celebrity may not honor it, because I along with many others have experienced it even though we booked it. Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  10. If it is because of a pricing error Celebrity may not honor it There were some cruises a while back that were priced at $700 for a Sky Suite for a 4 night cruise. I booked it and a week later I received a call from Celebrity that it was a pricing error and they could not honor it. There were a lot of CC members that were also affected and there was a few threads about it. They did offer the cruise for $ 1200 more pp. No thanks Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  11. Where did I claim that food on the cruise food is fine dining? I was referring to the post that I quoted. It is the fine dining of burgers, dogs, fries and pizza. Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  12. Funny that you would say that. I lived in a polish neighborhood. It was nothing to have 1000 people attending the wedding reception. They would have dinner seatings every hour on the hour. Many would go to the first and then later on in the night to get their monies worth. Thee was a hall near us called Dom Polski (home of the Polish}. My cousin and I and the bright idea to crash the hall and get free food and drinks. How could anyone know if we were invited. We dressed up in suits that we got from the Salvation Army and walked in. Someone approached us and asked who we were and we said friends of the groom. It was a birthday party for their 90 year old Babcia (grandmother)😱 Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  13. Doesn’t everyone pay a lot of money for a cruise to get the fine dining of the burgers, hot dogs, fries, and pizza? 😱🤗 Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  14. Doesn’t everyone pay a lot of money for the fine dining on a cruise ship to be able to eat the burgers, hot dogs, fries, and pizza? 😱🤗 Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  15. You are correct. Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  16. I often wonder about some of the fitness stuff. Back in the. 70’s I practice Karate for about 6 years. Got many injuries and applied many. Practiced a lot of kicks and punches. Our group sessions were like aerobics. Had to build stamina. I think some of the abuse is now affecting me. The clutch in my muscle car was very hard to push in. I am sure it affect my left knee. I tried to teach my wife ( girl friend at the tie ) how to drive it. She couldn’t push in the clutch. 15 years ago my wife and I started the Beachbody programs. A lot of high impact aerobics. We were 62 at the time and did the P90x. Insanity, Max 30, Focus and every one of the programs being offered except for the lame ones like Turbofire. 2 years ago I had to have a hip replaced, last year was the other. My knees are going bad and so is my back. The doctor says I am in great shape for a 77 year old. I tell him BS. I didn’t sign that contract and don’t accept it. My BMI is 23. I look like I am in great condition It is like looking at the old cars. They look good on the outside but you don’t know what is going on in the inside. I don’t know if it was those programs or working in construction. I worked in a lot of hazardous conditions and situations. I look back and wonder how I survived. We try to stay active. We bike at least 20 miles per day. People will say how can you do that? Easy buy a good bike go out and pedal. Enjoy the world and surroundings. We come across people with the E-bikes and they tell us we need one. I say that I would rather stay home and watch Oprah ( can’t stand her). We do it for the exercise not to joy ride. I would rather spend a few hours a day doing what I like instead of sitting in a doctors office every week. We aren’t on any medications for any ailments or issues. The money we save on doctor bills and medications help pay for our cruises. Is it genetics, wear and tear from the excessive exercise, the work I did or the old age as the doctor claims? We will never know. Enjoy life and take care of your body because no one else will do it for you and it is the only one you will ever have. I truly feel for those that were born with health and physical issues. My aches and pains are nothing compared to what ,any of they endure. - Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  17. If you think about it statistics can be misleading. If 2 people started playing something and then it increased to 1000. That would have to be the fastest growing sport or game according to the percentage of increase. No other established sport would increase that much. it has a long way to catch up to the amount of people that play golf, tennis, bowling, pool, horseshoes, darts, cornball and etc. Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  18. We seen it on the Beyond. People were lined up waiting to play. If you are a serious player forget about playing. It isn’t to see who is the best or the most professional. It is an activity. Most people were lucky to return a serve. It they did the other person would miss. I don’t know if you can choose your opponent. It isn’t open 24/7. Just set up for a few hours and supervised. I am a decent pool (billiard) player. Better than most but not a pro. Personally I don’t find it any fun playing against someone that can’t play close to my level. It is frustrating. That is how I would feel about playing pickle ball on board the ship if I was a serious player. I wouldn’t do it unless it would be someone that was close to my level. I don’t need to show off playing someone that never played before. If you are good you can play with any equipment. The best equipment is only needed if you are one of the best playing against the best not against amateurs. Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  19. On sea days most passengers are out doing other things. Laying at the pool, playing games, watching movies, and etc. The retreat lounges rarely get busy except for embarkation, and disembarkation mornings. If they have an activity it might get more people. Many times during the day we would be the only passengers in there and that would be to get a carryout drink or see the host about something. We had our best times in the M class retreat lounge. As others have said it is more intimate and is a lounge. We prefer the old pub style. Kelly ruined it with her designs and Ikea furniture. On the M class every night there would always be a nice group hanging out engaging in good conversation. The service was fantastic. The server would always notice that your glass was close to empty and without asking bring another. The retreat lounge on the E class is a completely different experience and atmosphere. We didn’t spend much time there. The seating for us wasn’t comfortable. There were chairs with footstools by the large picture windows but we couldn’t sit in them very long. For reference I am 5’ 10 and wt 170 lbs. my wife is 5’1 and 105. They just didn’t fit us. We would go there for a quick drink to take back to our cabin or on the retreat deck. There is a retreat deck bar but they wouldn’t have the bourbon we wanted. The retreat lounge bar will try to accommodate what you like to drink. They will stock it for you if available. Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  20. Go to the theater before sail away and look for people that are standing around. They are waiting to get on to the helipad. Join in. No one checks to see if you are on the invite list. I doubt if they have a list. Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  21. What you write is mostly true. You have to do the math and figure out what gives the best bang for the buck. As I wrote the price for AQ was way more than a veranda with the large balcony. It was to our advantage to book the veranda. Sometimes we will book a Suite because it is also works out better considering the perks, OBC, and etc. There is no right or wrong. The OP wanted to know how to book AQ without the AI? Just giving them suggestion. Does it make sense or is economical? It is up to them to decide. Some people are penny wise and dollar foolish and don’t look out of the box. There were many cruises here a veranda or AQ was cheaper than an outside. I am sure that some budget cruisers wouldn’t look at a veranda and tell the TA that they want an outside cabin not realizing they could get a higher category cheaper. On one NE cruise a couple that was on the roll call booked an outside cabin that was on the same floor as the passport bar. They liked it because they could walk over to the bar and get a drink to bring back to the room or hang out while the other was getting ready for dinner. They got a fee upgrade to CC and had mixed emotions. They said that the balcony didn’t do anything for them because it was too cold to use and missed the close location of the bar. The perks with CC was basically useless to them. The embarkation lunch didn’t exist at the time. They also had all 4 perks that was the promo at the time. Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅 Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  22. We went to participate in “Wheel of Fortune” activity. It was just audience participation. It was no fun. As soon as the question was put on the screen and before the clue was give people were yelling out the answer. The host said he couldn’t believe that there were so many experts in the audience. It was the same for trivia. There were many getting 100% of the answers. This was before everyone had internet but people would have notebooks filled with answers from previous cruises. I asked the host why don’t they mix it up and change the questions. His reply was the standard “We can only do what Home Office sends (or wants us) to do” that they usually give when they don’t want to admit it was their choosing. Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  23. Carnival is what it claims to be: “The Fun Ship”. Enjoyed all of our cruises on them. We thought the food, and service was good. I don’t think that the employees have an attitude that we are a carnival therefore we don’t have to be as good as the other lines. They work just as hard and always gave us great service. They work for the gratuities. I liked the entertainment better on Carnival. The shows were better, more comedian shows and better bands in the lounges. Celebrity is a little more laid back, has a better beverage package, and better loyalty perks. The officers are more friendly and have more of a presence on Celebrity. I never thought that meant much but it is nice to see them around to be there for you if needed and just give a cheerful greeting if nothing else. Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  24. What you did is called a side by side. We did that one time and were in suites for both cruises, and also Elite Plus. The sailings were out of the same port and Celebrity didn’t do anything for us. We asked if they could transfer our luggage and we were told that they couldn’t do that. They told us that we could stay on board until 11 with all of the privileges. At 9:30 we were told that we had to leave as they had to zero out the ship. We left, got out luggage and walked over to the adjoining terminal. They wouldn’t take our luggage as it was too soon. We found a shady area and sat on our luggage until 11:00 when they finally accepted our luggage and then let us into the terminal. This was about 5 years ago. It is nice to hear that Celebrity is now accommodating those that are doing side by side cruises. We did get the discount for the side by side the same as for a B2B. Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  25. The Persian Gardens on the Summit is nothing like the one shown. It has a heated bench along one wall that is like a church pew. There are no windows. It accommodates about 6 people sitting almost elbow to elbow. When on the M class ships we no longer waste our time going to it. Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
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