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Everything posted by pinotlover

  1. Guarantee is strictly an algorithm game. That’s it. How many are booked, how many are waitlisted, historically how many cancel. Let the algorithms spin the numbers. If you have a guarantee, you get in the ship. If the algorithm misses it, Oceania makes offers to other passengers until they get an open cabin. The guarantee gets what opens up and is left. Possibilities are endless. Maybe a PH opens, Oceania then offers upgrades to passengers for the PH, then a lower cabin will open. Maybe stop there, maybe keep going. Chances that D Cabin guarantee gets the PH, very slim. No such thing as guaranteed gets the worst cabins. They get whatever is left after the process. Did a Guarantee once. After FP, my category was still full, but they offered us an upgrade open cabin at full new cabin price. We didn’t have to take the offer. We could have let the game continue and wait it out. We liked the cabin and the upgrade and took the offer. Game over. Haven’t played since. I believe details were, we had an A2 guarantee, they offered a PH2 at full PH2 cost.
  2. NO! She will still have by Xmas 2023 to book a cruise and sail by 2024.
  3. The 3 initial bookings to every cruise taken applies to Oceania as well. Do the algorithms occasionally miss the anomalies,? Of course! But over the course of time, the algorithms win out, or are changed based upon current activity.
  4. Is this where we have this male/ female discussion on what constitutes 6 inches? 🤫😂.
  5. For breakfast, they have fresh fruit, a daily rotation of several different pastries, cold cuts and cheese, along with a daily special. That special may be a quiche, fresh pancakes, or other tasty tidbits. Barrista is a great place for the best cup of coffee, prepared as you please, along with plenty for a light but satisfying breakfast. If it has a singular drawback, it’s that some consider it their personal environs and want to move in at 07:00, bogart an table, and sit and surf until 11:00 or later. This makes it crowded and inaccessible for some during the breakfast rush. They know they’re being rude by doing so, but don’t care in that they’re there everyday.
  6. I don’t want to toot it’s horn to loudly, or it will get overcrowded, the the new Barrista on Vista is fabulous. Unless it’s a relaxing sea day and doing breakfast in the GDR, it’s my favorite spot for breakfast.
  7. Great review. Thanks! FWIW, many of us have long given up on lobster aboard Oceania. They do a number of things well, the rubber lobster isn’t one of them.
  8. I totally realize that Oceania could care less about what’s posted here. You should have heard all the complaints from passengers signing up for O shorexs where the tour description in no way reflects the actual tour. Sights that had been closed for years still being advertised was a common complaint. If Oceania ran tours to Paris, they’d still be advertising visiting the Notre Dame and its pre fire treasures. P. T. Barnum IV must oversee their scheduling and shorexs for Jr.
  9. 1. Santorini has long provided the only tenders into town. They managed the arrival at the various ports based on the total number of ships and passengers at dock on any given day. It’s not based on Oceania needs alone. 2. typically Oceania tour groups are given tour numbers. Independent travelers are given colors. Tender groups are called by number and color codes. 3. Get all your group together and be in the Lounge early. Often the first one or two tenders gets independents interspersed, then it’s mostly only so tours for a couple tenders.
  10. Dear Oceania; How about this as a reasonable compromise? If you don’t want to go into a port for political reasons, I have no problem with that. Your ship. In this case, the whale hunts are scheduled and advertised years in advance. Just don’t advertise you’re going into that port, on that cruise, during that period!! How hard is that? However, imo, it’s totally bull crap to schedule and advertise a port, during a period you want to skip, then cancel the port on the cruise without early notification. It’s unprofessional and borders on fake advertising.
  11. I meant alternative shore tours. The credit can only be used for shore tours.
  12. Will worry about it in 25. Will not convert any of my 24 cruises to SM. Will have to see what the next release brings. If I’m traveling half way around the world to see a place we want to see, I’ll see it as I want to see and experience it. I certainly wouldn’t do less just to eat up a ship credit. In the great scheme of things that tour credit represents a small portion of the total vacation costs. Letting it trump our actions would be the tail wagging the dog!
  13. We only do O tours under duress, meaning nothing else is available. But thanks for the suggestion. 🥂
  14. 🥂 I have none. We have all our cruises booked through 2024 with the OLife package. Not converting any to SM. Maybe by 2025 people will have it figured out.
  15. Do you have a game plan if Tunisia gets cancelled for any reason? Does O get to keep the credit?
  16. None of us know how all this will work out. Maybe in six months or so. SM totally changed everything. We boarded Vista and learned three ports had shortened port times. We boarded Marina to learn a port had been cancelled before we even sailed. Two more ports were later cancelled. Both of these incidents meant that either all or some O shorex had been cancelled. With OLife, a cancelled OLife tour, meant you could either book another one or you get $100 of OBC credit to your account. For me, that meant 4 corkage fees, or a nice bottle of wine, or multiple drinks in Martinis to spend the credit. Under SM, that actual tour dollar credit can only be used for other tours. Does one dare wait and spend most of the credit on a late port which might get cancelled? Is Oceania going to go back and credit your credit cards for all the tours you paid for, up to the unused credit amount? How long is that line At Customer Relations going to be near cruise end? I’m guessing a lot of people will be leaving the ship with tour credits remaining. A planned big tip or bonus for Oceania. FWIW, my TA tells me they already have a pool going on how long the current system will last. Already a number of people spending OPM with no skin in the game. That is people booking up the most expensive tours with the credits. Then walking 3-4 months out at FP time. Bet is O will be forced to only allow credits used after final payment is made. I can’t subscribe a plan currently. If O’s current history of dumping ports and shortening port times wasn’t so abusive, it would be easier. That isn’t the case.
  17. If you’re within the 270 day window, you can ask your TA to work on getting the bookings from Oceania. No costs to ask. Imagine that, going straight to the source with actual dates to get actual up to date information.
  18. The Mumm Rose Brut is primarily Pinot Noir while the regular brut is more Chardonnay. Just guessing but the higher acidity Brut is what causes the problems. Try the Brut Rose and see how it does! 🥂
  19. You need to ask your friends what their reservation number is. Then when making the dinner reservations you will add it to the reservation to get you together. Your TA should be very reluctant to give you anyone’s reservation number!! Ask the party themselves! 🥴
  20. 1. They don’t exist. You really don’t know the cost structures of these wines. 2. Quantities required. CA Mumm is probably the only US producer that could come close to meeting NCL/Oceania quantities requirements. They are no less expensive. 3. Logistics. A large majority of O ships do European ports. Germain can get full containers there cheaper than US producers. In fact, they can probably get them to Miami cheaper than CA producers can. I am not a Germaine fan, but I can pretty well tell you the deal Oceania has with them.
  21. The new release of most 2025 cruises will be end of September. My bet, one more Sale to clear out currently released inventory. Then it stops with the new releases which will be all SM. Labor Day Sale it is! 🙄
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