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Everything posted by calicakes

  1. We had Nov 1st reservations @ an Air Bnb in Naples. We had planned on moving to Naples next year. We were going to look at homes. Our Airbnb is a MIL suite underneath a home. Its was flooded out. We decided to cancel and I'm pretty sure we won't be moving to Naples next year. We usually stay @ a condo on Marco Island( we visit a couple times a year). We'll move our trip to next April. The entire parking area and garden level condo's were flooded. Its heartbreaking. Our realtor tells me that no one was expecting such huge storm surges.
  2. Has anyone tried the " Dry Cake"? The name doesn't sound that appealing to me. We tried a slice and it wasn't tasty( I'm a baker, so take that with a grain of salt).
  3. We were in a Sky Suite. We had some Brie and some gouda too. The first night they gave me saltines, I told them no saltines and then we got Carr's crackers. They threw some raisins and a few dates, one day there were 5 cashews.
  4. We asked for a fruit plate and a cheese and cracker plate each day. This way no surprises.
  5. I've noticed a lot( almost all at the buffet) desserts are very gelatin heavy. We don't waste calories with any dessert at the buffet. The desserts in Luminae on our most recent Reflection cruise were good.
  6. We were on Reflection Sept 16-26. Approx 2300 on board. It felt very full. Despite having 5 injections of the vaccine, my wife began showing symptoms the day after we returned home. The elevators on Reflection were always packed, no masks at all.
  7. We absolutely hated Labadee. All the food from the ship was brought out and left sitting there until it was moved to the area where it would be served. Pregnant stray dogs were roaming around. The vendors were so, so pushy( We were told they were " vetted") A member of our roll call had his credit card compromised as soon as he returned to the ship. My sea pass card was deactivated( I didn't bring any credit cards with me). Beware.
  8. Just came home from Reflection. No offers at all. I was wondering if they were going to come. I can't believe how expensive the upcharge is.
  9. we just returned from the Med on a reflection cruise. We were in Luminae, but ordered off MDR one night. I had the spinach puff and we both had turkey. We didn't get the stuffing with the turkey, that would have been nice.
  10. I'm in the states, I got a prescription for them. Its called Scopolamine patch.
  11. We cruised oceania in February. Buffet was good, better than celebrity.
  12. We actually put seasick patches behind our ear and they worked well.
  13. We never thought that in the first few days, only after about a week did we start to think that, and then seeing trash and linens in red bags sealed the deal.
  14. Thanks for following along. I'm sorry that you didn't hear about any entertainment or fancy alcoholic drinks. We wanted to stay away from large groups at the theater. With that being said, I felt both solo female singers were really great. We don't drink alcohol, so can't comment on that. We did have a number of zero proof drinks, all were great. We FINALLY made it home last night at midnight*PST). We were up since 5am Italy time, so we were up for over 24hrs. We missed our connection in NYC because of the late to leave flight from Rome. They moved us to a 6pm flight. We had to go through customs and then have our luggage reticketed from LAX. They wanted us to throw our luggage back on the rack WITHOUT reticketing it. Thankfully, I was paying attention. We then had to go through TSA precheck Again with our carry ons. They changed our seats and we were window/middle in Main Cabin Select( I paid for Premium economy so I'm not happy). Note to self: If I can only book business class for one direction, make it Business class when coming back from Europe. Both Julie and I felt the service was really great, except on the first sea day. The pool bartenders were SLAMMED. There were only 2 or 3 pool attendants. Our room attendant and butler were both amazing. Our room attendant Julieana( from Jamaica) was super cheerful at all times. Same for our Butler. Certain food items have declined in quality(ie: The tuna) . The melons were pretty decent on this cruise. The berries were very sour and not readily available. A lot of the food on the buffet was very bland. The majority of desserts in Luminae were great( and I'm a former pastry chef). I tried one dessert on the buffet and it was terrible. The pastries at breakfast were good, although a few times there were underproofed or underbaked( doughy areas inside). We rarely used Michael's club. When you're up in a room on the 11th floor(AFT), you( we) didn't feel like going back to Deck 5 for an afternoon snack. When we took our Feb cruise on Oceania, the special area for Suites was right down the hall from us. We met some super nice couples. Get involved in your roll calls. We shared transportation with the same couple from Rome to Port and from Port to Airport. We did a private excursion in Florence from the roll call. If I missed anything, please ask. We didn't book anything else. We have a July 2023 Baltic booked on Oceania.
  15. I noticed X changed the tuna fish at OV from Albacore to Chunk Light tuna. I was disappointed since I enjoy a scoop of tuna salad on my salad.
  16. We left the ship this morning at 6:30. We walked off through Michael's club. We arrived at airport at 7:40. Checked in, went to airport lounge at 820. Our flight to jfk.has been delayed. I hope we make our connection to LA.
  17. Dinner. Our last one. Julie ordered the pork chop from the main dining menu. I had Turbot. I switched the sides. I took the sides from the filet. Beet salad from mdr . I finally got some cake. Almond cake from luminae. J had banana blueberry crumble from. Mdr.
  18. We are a super chill couple. We didn't make any other requests.
  19. We had a female butler, and of course we leave a nice tip.
  20. We are currently in Florence, the driver took us here 1st stopping at pisa on the way back. We had a porchetta sandwich for lunch. 5 euro.
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