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Everything posted by d9704011

  1. Pretty much. When they do the disembarkation planning a few days prior to end of cruise just elect to do early self assist and that is all that's required.
  2. I know you didn't ask but have you considered taking the train from Amsterdam to Rotterdam and a taxi to the cruise terminal? I expect it will be less expensive, faster and eliminate hassles of changes at AMS.
  3. There are steps up/down between Calton Hill and Regent Road. To get from Calton Hill, tke Regent Road west; it turns into Waterloo Place. Turn left (south) on North Bridge and follow it up the gentle rise to High Street (the official name for Royal Mile). BTW... you may find it quite difficult to get a decent photo of Holyrood Palace unless you pay entry fee and go through the gates.
  4. There ought to be a minimal reading comprehension criterion prior to participation.
  5. Linking cruise ship activity to 'over-tourism' in Barcelona is risible. It's estimated that there are 40,000 to 75,000 hotel rooms in Barcelona; I'd say this provides a pretty decent indicator of the level of tourist activity that commonly is experienced. A few hundred or a thousand cruise passengers who may circulate in the city to look at the cathedral, admire Gaudi pieces, etc... are pretty much a tiny proportion of the overall non-issue of tourism which the city is very actively interested in promoting.... provided they spend cash and that's more likely where the real problem lies.
  6. Good for you. The writing style did not appeal to me and I missed the satirical slant.
  7. A package with two devices means two devices can be on at the same time but signed in as the same user. Will work just fine for two in a cabin.
  8. Suggest you investigate parking near the cruise port.
  9. Parking at the airport: https://services.aeroportdequebec.com/QuebecBooking/ Parking near the cruise terminal (done through the Flowbird app): https://www.portquebec.ca/en/parking/saint-andre
  10. Are you doing a B2B with a return cruise to Quebec or are you planning on flying back to Quebec from somewhere in the US?
  11. The fuss is.... some people find them overly bright and irritating. I 'dealt' with them by taping over the sensor on the light near the bathroom door and blocking the side table light with a pool towel.
  12. I can understand your desire to make the best use of your time but I'd be cautious on shaving this too close. If your itinerary says you'll be arriving in Naples at 0800, I'd suggest you ought to be off the ship by 0830 and a 0900 ferry ticket would be good. So, adjust the times according to your scheduled arrival.
  13. That cat escaped from the bag at post #1 and Europe wasn't introduced until post #5.... an eternity on here for all kinds of advice, comment and conjecture.
  14. You'd get off at Station Berri-UQAM: https://www.stm.info/en/info/networks/bus/shuttle/line-747-east 22759_11_carte_ang.pdf
  15. Nt too sure I understand the issue.... I do it all the time.
  16. You're welcome. Full speed to nowhere.
  17. You must suspect that there is nothing new to be learned from the poster on this subject. If you want to perpetuate the discussion then so be it. BTW, no alliteration in my previous comment.
  18. Yes, that works well for Amsterdam and I never suggested a traveller should leave their credit cards at home in favour of cash. There are a multitude of other places where a couple of metallic euros in your pocket may provide a level of comfort that plastic won't.
  19. Opinion - a view or judgement formed about something not necessarily based on fact or knowledge. So, your search for 'enlightenment' is likely fruitless other than extending the debate/argument over differing opinions.
  20. Pretty handy. When I was working, our insurance good only on business travel.
  21. Looks like we were on same wave length.
  22. Surely Princess can develop an app for that? Oh yeah.... the impossible dream!
  23. It's uncommon to see things under-stated on CC.
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