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Everything posted by Hoosierpop

  1. Get the social plan and then have anyone you want to text get WhatsApp. No need to get a higher plan if all you’re going to do is text.
  2. Being able to check in two days earlier and select an early zone is just as good as the old priority boarding to me. On the four cruises I’ve been in this year, our zone was called about the same time as we used to be. Now, that’s been NOLA and Miami, so it may be different in some other ports.
  3. Agree with this. Carnival doesn’t require a letter. They do require the test results themselves.
  4. Agree with above that it may not matter for you but just in case, I didn’t have a letter. I just had a print out of the positive results from the lab which does need to have the date of the test.
  5. I couldn’t figure out how to on my recent cruise. But it didn’t take all that long at check in with the hard copy test results, so if it’s not possible, I Wouldn’t spend a lot of time worrying about it.
  6. Yep. And today’s announcement is a good start to following science. Next, I hope that Carnival follows the CDC guidelines to treat vaccinated and unvaccinated the same way. But today is a good start.
  7. Yeah, GC can hold out. But it doesn’t matter how long they hold out because cruising would not bat an eye if no one ports at GC. I know it’s a pipe dream that cruise lines will do this, but they should just say, we aren’t requiring vaccinations and pre-testing and if you want us to port there, fine. If you change your rules, we will drop you from the itinerary. As a guest, I would rather drop a port than have to go through pre-testing. And, it’s following science.
  8. This does suck. On the one hand, you acknowledge it was your responsibility. On the other, you say you’re going to take your money to another cruise line for your mistake. If you find a cruise on another line that fits your needs better than Carnival, go for it. But doing that to somehow punish Carnival seems short sighted.
  9. Good point. But, I don’t see many ports getting more restrictive unless some new variant comes along that is more, not less deadly, than the one before it. These ports are free to make their own rules. But they also need to understand there are consequences to their decisions. I don’t want to have to test because some Caribbean country decided they don’t like science.
  10. Then Carnival should make it very clear. When you look for a cruise, you should be able to filter for no test required (And soon to be no vaccine required) for the cruises where the ports don’t require it. Let the market decide. See how long places like grand cayman hold out.
  11. CDC is even dropping the distinction between vaccinated and unvaccinated.
  12. No. And as was mentioned earlier, you’re supposed to be actively playing while smoking. But I didn’t see that enforced. I played nothing but craps on my cruise and the smoke was really hit or miss whether there were many people smoking.
  13. I’m sure there were passengers on that ship.
  14. Why? It’s clear that the virus spreads regardless of status. And if you are vaccinated, why do you care if someone else isn’t? I get why the cruise lines started with the vaccine requirement. But it’s silly now. I had my vaccine almost year and a half ago. It’s meaningless at this point.
  15. I was on recently and the service in the casino was sort of hit or miss. There were time, I’d order a drink and within a few minutes, two others came by. And then other times, I had to waive my arms. But I never had to wait what I considered an inordinate amount of time.
  16. Yep. And folks at emed are getting their resumes ready.
  17. Hope so. Glad to see this. And yes, I imagine the dominoes will fall.
  18. They have them. If you have multiple devices, might want to bring a brink that has a few USB ports.
  19. Yeah, monkeypox isn’t on my list of diseases I’m concerned about.
  20. Well, I’ll fess up to thinking that way. Very much a meh announcement. Although I get it if people did use some of these.
  21. Got off Sunday also and agree with this. As for the casino, I spent a fair amount of time at the crap table. Never felt hot. The smoke got bad sometimes though. But that’s typical.
  22. You are saying testing positive means you are contagious?
  23. Are you saying he is contagious? If so, how in the world would you know that? If you’re saying he’s positive, sure. He can do that. It’s literally why they have the 10-90 positive test policy. I would 100% get on that ship if I were him and would not feel bad about it because I believe in science.
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