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Forum 'Netiquette' and Good Manners


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OK, I’ve now reached 1,000 posts so I’m going to pontificate on CruiseCritic ‘Netiquette’ to celebrate taking way too much time reading and posting on CC. Much of this is a takeoff from the CC Guidelines – a good thing to read. Here is my cut: (I posted this thread on the “Ask a Cruise Question” Forum also but wanted it here since I use this forum the most and like the general crowd here)


- Treat other posters the way you'd treat someone you are meeting face-to-face. This is No 1. We should treat each other with respect and try to add to the discussion. Being an anonymous forum, some posters love to harpoon others, using strong and rude responses. Take a look at the difference between the discussions on the general cruise line forums and the Roll Calls. Butter couldn’t melt in our mouths on the Roll Calls because we will end up face-to-face on a cruise, but we seem to love to cheap-shot on the general forums or pick at one or two words taken out of context. If a post is rude or inappropriate, use the little red outlined triangle in the upper right corner of all posts to flag the offending post to the Hosts. Don’t respond – it just encourages the bad behavior. Now, I just have to follow that advice.


- If you are unintentionally rude, apologize (intentionally rude people never apologize). Sometimes we don’t realize how our post can be taken since we aren’t speaking face-face and the post doesn’t convey our word inflections, our tone, and we don’t see people’s reactions. You can bring the discussion back to a rational, civil level by acknowledging you erred and nicely restate your thoughts. Whenever you address another poster directly when expressing opposing views, there is a higher chance of being rude – address the issue, not the poster. For the intentionally rude, you’d be surprised how many of us know you from your past rude posts – your reputation, or lack thereof, follows you.


- If you start a new thread think of it as ‘your topic’. If you ask a question, please acknowledge that members have taken the time to reply to you. Don’t reply to all posts (which is a ‘no-no’ also) but respond with a thank-you or how you will use their info sometime in the life of the thread.


- When starting a new thread, use a descriptive Thread Name. The subject line of your initial post is the Thread Name, its topic. Please think of a subject line that describes what your thread is about or what you are asking: ‘I Have a Question’, ‘Can someone help me’ subject lines don’t describe the subject and many who have the info you need will not read your thread.


- Read and enjoy the posts, but don’t use someone’s review or opinion to make your decision on a cruise or tour. Use what you read here as starting points for doing independent research then judge for yourself the merits of the material that has been shared.


Chime in. And see if you can keep from breaking any Netiquette and CC guidelines while posting about Netiquette and the CC guidelines. And you can also remind me of when I broke every one of these Netiquettes.



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OK, I’ve now reached 1,000 posts so I’m going to pontificate on CruiseCritic ‘Netiquette’ to celebrate taking way too much time reading and posting on CC. Much of this is a takeoff from the CC Guidelines – a good thing to read. Here is my cut: (I posted this thread on the “Ask a Cruise Question” Forum also but wanted it here since I use this forum the most and like the general crowd here)


- Treat other posters the way you'd treat someone you are meeting face-to-face. This is No 1. We should treat each other with respect and try to add to the discussion. Being an anonymous forum, some posters love to harpoon others, using strong and rude responses. Take a look at the difference between the discussions on the general cruise line forums and the Roll Calls. Butter couldn’t melt in our mouths on the Roll Calls because we will end up face-to-face on a cruise, but we seem to love to cheap-shot on the general forums or pick at one or two words taken out of context. If a post is rude or inappropriate, use the little red outlined triangle in the upper right corner of all posts to flag the offending post to the Hosts. Don’t respond – it just encourages the bad behavior. Now, I just have to follow that advice.


- If you are unintentionally rude, apologize (intentionally rude people never apologize). Sometimes we don’t realize how our post can be taken since we aren’t speaking face-face and the post doesn’t convey our word inflections, our tone, and we don’t see people’s reactions. You can bring the discussion back to a rational, civil level by acknowledging you erred and nicely restate your thoughts. Whenever you address another poster directly when expressing opposing views, there is a higher chance of being rude – address the issue, not the poster. For the intentionally rude, you’d be surprised how many of us know you from your past rude posts – your reputation, or lack thereof, follows you.


- If you start a new thread think of it as ‘your topic’. If you ask a question, please acknowledge that members have taken the time to reply to you. Don’t reply to all posts (which is a ‘no-no’ also) but respond with a thank-you or how you will use their info sometime in the life of the thread.


- When starting a new thread, use a descriptive Thread Name. The subject line of your initial post is the Thread Name, its topic. Please think of a subject line that describes what your thread is about or what you are asking: ‘I Have a Question’, ‘Can someone help me’ subject lines don’t describe the subject and many who have the info you need will not read your thread.


- Read and enjoy the posts, but don’t use someone’s review or opinion to make your decision on a cruise or tour. Use what you read here as starting points for doing independent research then judge for yourself the merits of the material that has been shared.


Chime in. And see if you can keep from breaking any Netiquette and CC guidelines while posting about Netiquette and the CC guidelines. And you can also remind me of when I broke every one of these Netiquettes.






Bravo for posting this. Now let's cross our fingers and hope everyone reads it and follows.. I have seen a few rude enough comments that i just crossed my fingers and hoped the person posting was not on the same sailing I was on.. Thanks again for taking the time to post this..

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Bravo for posting this. Now let's cross our fingers and hope everyone reads it and follows.. I have seen a few rude enough comments that i just crossed my fingers and hoped the person posting was not on the same sailing I was on.. Thanks again for taking the time to post this..


Hi Gary:) there are those posters, and, at the other end of the

spectrum there are the ones I was hoping to meet but have

not been that lucky...but maybe one day:)


Rude? On a Public Message Board?;)

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Congratulations on your 1000th post!! :)

I would add -Do not to post in all caps as it is considered the same as shouting and is very difficult to read. Very large text to me is the same as shouting and IMHO somewhat rude.

Try to post in smaller paragraphs rather than one large page full as that will also make your posts easier to read.

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I think at some times folks forget their audience - I know I've done.


Example - what you post on a roll call forum might not be appropriate for a the main =X= forum. If you switch back and forth sometimes you have a brain fart - see what I mean:D.


Lots of times somebody new asks a question. Many times that is related to a cruise coming up. Direct them to the roll calls even if you have to look it up. Not that hard. Port specific questions - point them at the port of call forums.


Just give folks a chance. When we were new to cruising we asked a lot of stupid questions and honestly got into some debates that were pointless.


This is a great place to exchange info and meet people that you might stay in contact with a very-very long time.

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good posts. Here are two I've thought about:


Stop with the sneaky curse words spelled wrong or missing letters or ‘***’ added. I’m ex-Navy and have heard or used every cuss word known in most languages. Not needed and reflects very poorly on the poster. They will also be removed if found by the Hosts.


Stop lurking in other cruise forums to trumpet your favorite cruise line. Many of us have a favorite cruise line and ship, but continually jumping into discussions to tell everybody how ‘your’ cruise line does it better makes you look foolish and makes us question the true quality of ‘your’ cruise line. Our rationale for picking a specific cruise line is very subjective which can change with one cruise – not because of some post.



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Great post Denny01. Here's another one. When someone posts a question don't reply with "sorry, I don't know the answer" or some other similar response. If you have a constructive suggestion or a helpful reply then post away.

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Nice to see this topic being addressed. And very well put, Denny.


I would add that when a newbie asks for information, we should respond seriously with actual information. That's why we're here, to share what we've learned and find out what we need to know. And hopefully to meet some other nice cruisers along the way!


I think it helps if we think of this as a community. We don't always get to choose the members of a particular community. We may not like all of them. However, I think it makes a better community if we're polite to everyone.

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A bit of a takeoff from Bridge Mavin's pet peeve:

Stop lurking in other cruise forums to trumpet your favorite cruise line. Many of us have a favorite cruise line and ship, but continually jumping into discussions to tell everybody how ‘your’ cruise line does it better makes you look foolish and makes us question the true quality of ‘your’ cruise line. Our rationale for picking a specific cruise line is very subjective which can change with one cruise – not because of some post.

Stop with the ‘I know better because’: ‘Since I’ve cruised since 1928’.., or ‘Since I spend a ton of money’..., and my favorite ‘I’ve run my own business and therefore let me tell (Cruise Line CEO) how to run theirs…’. You don’t know the other posters’ experience and your ‘superior experience’ doesn’t count for squat, except to you. Discuss the subject and provide info if you have it. The post stands on its own. Many posters have a positive reputation because of the info they’ve passed and their reasonable posts, not because of the number of cruises or self-stated ‘authority’.

Drop the attitude. I know this is a guideline that is only followed by people who understand what an ‘attitude’ is. Those with attitudes don’t know they are displaying such. A few examples: ‘I spend much more then the ‘average folk’…’, or ‘Our cruise line doesn’t cater to ‘those people’..‘, and an actual post:

“Mainstream cruising is not for me anymore. Next thing you know, they'll need to start hiring more security for all the...people...who have no manners or class. Glad I won't be on board to see those things. I'm taking my last main stream cruise this fall, and since it’s a couple weeks in Europe, I'm hoping for a higher end crowd.”

You got to be kidding me. Can anyone picture sharing a dining table with this? And I bet the ‘higher end crowd’ (whatever that is) feels the same.


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A bit of a takeoff from Bridge Mavin's pet peeve:

Stop lurking in other cruise forums to trumpet your favorite cruise line. Many of us have a favorite cruise line and ship, but continually jumping into discussions to tell everybody how ‘your’ cruise line does it better makes you look foolish and makes us question the true quality of ‘your’ cruise line. Our rationale for picking a specific cruise line is very subjective which can change with one cruise – not because of some post.

Stop with the ‘I know better because’: ‘Since I’ve cruised since 1928’.., or ‘Since I spend a ton of money’..., and my favorite ‘I’ve run my own business and therefore let me tell (Cruise Line CEO) how to run theirs…’. You don’t know the other posters’ experience and your ‘superior experience’ doesn’t count for squat, except to you. Discuss the subject and provide info if you have it. The post stands on its own. Many posters have a positive reputation because of the info they’ve passed and their reasonable posts, not because of the number of cruises or self-stated ‘authority’.

Drop the attitude. I know this is a guideline that is only followed by people who understand what an ‘attitude’ is. Those with attitudes don’t know they are displaying such. A few examples: ‘I spend much more then the ‘average folk’…’, or ‘Our cruise line doesn’t cater to ‘those people’..‘, and an actual post:

“Mainstream cruising is not for me anymore. Next thing you know, they'll need to start hiring more security for all the...people...who have no manners or class. Glad I won't be on board to see those things. I'm taking my last main stream cruise this fall, and since it’s a couple weeks in Europe, I'm hoping for a higher end crowd.”

You got to be kidding me. Can anyone picture sharing a dining table with this? And I bet the ‘higher end crowd’ (whatever that is) feels the same.



Denny, I agree with you :)

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- When starting a new thread, use a descriptive Thread Name. The subject line of your initial post is the Thread Name, its topic. Please think of a subject line that describes what your thread is about or what you are asking: ‘I Have a Question’, ‘Can someone help me’ subject lines don’t describe the subject and many who have the info you need will not read your thread.


Great thread. I wish that I would have thought of it in such a diplomatic way (sometimes er most times I am not).


I have a reasonable amount of cruise experience, most recently on Celebrity, but dating back to 1976, so I like to think that I have something to pass on, BUT I don't even open a thread that doesn't have a defining subject, ie. "Silly Question" etc.


All of the responses are on the money. I will add this peeve:


Someone posts something specific to the cruise they were recently on, let's say the Millenium, be it a comment, criticism, question, whatever but usually when it's a criticism. The response that goes something like, 'well when I was on the Millenium last year that never happened to me' doesn't really add anything. Posts from those who were on the same cruise have some relevancy.



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OK, one more post from me. Here is my last - time to stop pontificating, at least on this thread:


If you don’t really know about a thread subject, don’t chime in.

How many times have we read someone providing ‘info’ that is wrong - the person has never sailed that line, gone on that tour, done what the OP is asking about, etc.


I know, we read some info on another thread, so we pass it on. Watch out for that. I’ve done it and passed bad gouge. If you feel like providing second-hand knowledge, identify it is such - make sure you say this is what you've read, but don't know for sure. Better yet, let someone else respond who actually knows.


If you do pass bad gouge, either correct it as soon as you know, or thank the person who does. That way, new readers aren't confused by bad info mixed in with good stuff. Own up. Done it, and it makes you feel a lot better as a poster, and part of this 'community'.



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Try not to be judgmental of people who have very different ideas about how they like to spend their time at sea. For example, when I am on a cruise I will not use a cell phone or access the internet and think that people who do have never experienced the best part of a cruise. Yet, if someone prefers to do the same routines they do at home while on a cruise, it is their prerogative to do so.

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