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7.3 earthquake hits Haiti

Sue L

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I originally posted this on another thread where there were a lot of emotional discussions about “jumping the fence at the port and volunteering”, as well as a lot of discussion of skipping the port and so forth. Just after I posted the thread disappeared, although it didn’t seem to be any worse than a lot of the threads here. Anyway, even though there are some references from the other thread that might not be perfect, here are my thoughts.




TBN Hubby here,


I have worked several disaster response/recovery situations. Mostly after hurricanes (Mitch in Nicaragua, Gorges in Puerto Rico, Hugo in South Carolina, etc) but also after the first Gulf War in the rebuilding of Kuwait. Sometimes I was among the first few hundred folks on site AFTER SUPPORT FOR OUR TEAMS WERE IN PLACE.


While I am certain that posters that discuss "jumping the fence and volunteering their services" mean well, most such efforts end up being, at best, a nuisance to those trying to work the response and, at worst, dangerous for the "volunteer". Each and every person that arrives in this country, in a location that has truly been destroyed by the quake, needs some support system. Unless you carry your own water, food, and shelter for the entire time, and any other essentials, then you will be using resources that someone else brought that would be better allotted to those that are near death.


You probably could carry enough water for a cruise-stop day, but then what? How are you going to get to the disaster site? What are you going to do when you get there? Have you been vaccinated against cholera? Do you have anti malaria meds? Those people that actually are effective are typically part of an organized group that has already considered this and have the support issues worked out.


Those that suggest the ship dropping off food have good intentions but the port at Port A Prince is now said to be unusable for any large ship. Getting food from Labadee to Port A Prince appears to be almost impossible. As I understand it Labadee is almost impossible to reach by most of the populations of Haiti, even without an earthquake. Also -- aside from beans, rice, and maybe flour and potatoes -- where are you going to get the refrigerated trucks. Most of the stuff on cruise ships that are already at sea would require refrigeration at the pier (destroyed) in the trucks (not available?) and roads to get it there, and .... Well, you get the idea.


After rescue, the needs are bottled/canned water first, which the ship might have. Then MRE type meals are what are needed. I doubt that MREs would meet the high standards of any cruiser so they are unlikely to be on board. I know for a fact they don't meet my desires but they are effective at keeping you alive.


I have no doubt that shipment of MRE-type meals, or any other non-perishable food product, would be welcomed from any source, including RCCL, provided they are offloaded at a location from which they can really be distributed. Otherwise one may as well dump them in the ocean. How to get this stuff distributed and where to offload are the questions that the survey teams are answering right now, even while ships and planes are being loaded.


By all means, if you wish, take something and hand it to someone on the other side of the fence. They probably needed it before and will need it as much or more now. But without organization and equipment to get the donations to the actual disaster area, it is most likely going to just disappear into the hands of those closest to the “tub of canned goods”.


Some say the port should be skipped out of respect or because it looks bad. I agree it could be portrayed to look bad – "Fat Americans Party While Islanders Suffer" is a headline that comes to mind. Almost anything can be spun to look bad. Ask yourselves, "is this the time to be politically correct or is this the time to make certain the local economy is strengthened?"


The thing to remember here is that RCCL is NOT drawing food, water, or much of anything else from the local economy. Given the port location relative to the proximity of the earthquake damage, it seems that there would be almost no effect even if they were, but they are not. The ship brings virtually everything, and when we were there, I could not help but notice the large amount of food that was being taken away by the local staff at closing time. My assessment is that RCCL takes almost nothing from the local infrastructure and economy but leaves a great deal in the form of port fees, tour fees, souvenir purchases, salary and even food. I do not see how this can actually harm the people of Haiti, even in this time of disaster, regardless of how a camera crew could make it look


Many others have said something to the effect that it would be a double blow to abandon this port because of the money that the locals earn. At the risk of being redundant, I don't understand why that is so difficult to understand. After the response (rescue, water, ice if possible, temporary shelter, food) the next most important things are recovery (rebuilding infrastructure so that things can start to return to normal). In view of my experience, I cannot imagine how abandoning businesses/income sources that are already in place and producing income -- by skipping the port -- could possibly help the people.


An ad-hock cash drive would certainly make me feel good to drop in some cash to be used for the recovery. But who is going to distribute these funds? If RCCL is collecting to be sent to an established foundation/charity that is one thing, but a tub of money on the dock at Labadee is likely to suffer seriously from “shrinkage”. I suggest contributions to a well organized charity that you KNOW actually produces results. And spend some money while you are in Labadee if the ship stops there.


If you wish to stay on the ship because of the destruction 80 miles away then, by all means, follow your conscience, but I hope sharing my experience will help you decide if that is really the best way to help.

Very good post, tinybabynurse. Thank you!
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It is amazing to read the comments posted on Adam Goldstein's blog. How people feel they would be more motivated to donate or volunteer if they receive an OBC or a discount on a cruise is just pathetic! One person would donate $100 for $200 off a cruise????? They should be absolutely ashamed of themselves!

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It is amazing to read the comments posted on Adam Goldstein's blog. How people feel they would be more motivated to donate or volunteer if they receive an OBC or a discount on a cruise is just pathetic! One person would donate $100 for $200 off a cruise????? They should be absolutely ashamed of themselves!


Yea, that's not really a donation. That's just plain selfish.

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Actually, Fox News (Shepard Smith) reported earlier today that cruise ships going to a "private island" in North Haiti were offering assistance with transporting goods to Haiti. He went on to report how the cruise industry has helped the people of Haiti. He did not specify RCCL or Labadee, but I am unaware of any other cruise lines having a private destination in Haiti. So far, the limited media of cruise ship impact has been favorable.


Just a little history in case you were not aware......you know all those old beds RCI replaced? Those all went to Haiti. The cruise line has been donating to Haiti since they took over Labadee. To stop going there would only hurt the people living in Cap Haitien. Those people were largely unaffected by the earthquake. Why should they now be made to suffer as a result? Sure, it may look bad on the surface, but it really isn't.


Actually, not all the old mattresses were given to Haiti. We watched our beds go to Jamaica.

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It is amazing to read the comments posted on Adam Goldstein's blog. How people feel they would be more motivated to donate or volunteer if they receive an OBC or a discount on a cruise is just pathetic! One person would donate $100 for $200 off a cruise????? They should be absolutely ashamed of themselves!



That is just completely sick! You can not get trashier or more classless than that. What a bunch of ignorant jerks.

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As Mr. Goldstein posted in his blog, RCCI is pairing with an organization that is equipped to deal with this tragedy. They should be commended for doing so. This organization will have the proper procedures in place to make sure the supplies get to people as safely and quickly as possible. If you are looking for a place to make a cash donation, Mr. Goldstein has given you a place to donate. He is pretty clear on the need for cash, and that the organizations already in place are the ones to go through. I am so glad to hear that RCCI will be able to help during this terrible time.

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Did you read TBN's post??? RCCL's statement is exactly what she was basically saying.

Exactly, plus the RCI blog post was just posted within the last half hour. TBN posted hours ago. RCI has now been in contact with the authorities and is working WITH them. For RCI to act prior to coordinating their efforts with the authorities would have been premature.

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The news we're getting in the UK it was all flights -And CNN are reporting it http://www.cnn.com/2010/TRAVEL/01/14/faa.haiti.flights/index.html







Yet, if you read the actual news article, instead of the travel article, you see the total picture.



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TBN Hubby here


Thanks "coxswain" for the update.




As i said: ...How to get this stuff distributed and where to offload are the questions that the survey teams are answering right now, even while ships and planes are being loaded...


Apparently some of those answers are now available. It appears Labadee is not as remote as I thought. Or, perhaps, in these circumstances, it may just be a good choice anyway. Although I really do not know, I suspect in large part it is the latter.


That is, after all, the location of the pier and where RCCL already has the means to offload and that is where they are heading anyway. In a "response" it is common to make use of most any resource that can be made to work, even if it normally very inefficient. This is because those resources may be the only available ways to accomplish anything.


Sounds to me like RCCL is doing exactly the right things in this situation.

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Yet, if you read the actual news article, instead of the travel article, you see the total picture.






I wasn't saying anyone was wrong - i was just saying that was the news we were getting the UK. I'm so glad all flights hadn't stopped.






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Well done RCCl your compassion is tremendous. I hope this will open peoples eyes who travel to Labadee in the future. When hear of people going to the market or not going to the market. Don't be so worried about getting a great deal. Pay a fair price for the goods. Tip a little extra to the attendance's. Also the musicians playing and selling the CD's BUY ONE. It may not be the best music you have every heard but each time we listen to ours it takes us back and particularly now a great respect for the locals.



I'd like to agree and in the past i'll admit i haven't been a big fan of Labadee because i know what goes on - on the other side of the fence and my guilt of enjoying myself while others starve.


But having been in contact with RCCL in the past and having read Mr Goldstein's blog - they amount of work going on in the background and the care shown by RCCL is amazing.




Well done RCCL






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At this time I would not care to visit Labadee, knowing how people are suffering on the other side of the island. :(


If you were to find out that by skipping Labadee, RCI was adding to the misery and suffering by denying them their income and regular aid that comes as a result of a cruise ship visit to Labadee, would that change your thinking?

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We leave Jan 16th on NOS and first port is Haiti. Just checked RCCL site and no mention of any itinerary changes. Personally, I would feel uncomfortable enjoying a beach day knowing of the human suffering in much of the country. If we are still going to Haiti, I would much prefer volunteering my services in whatever way possible rather than lying around some beautiful beach.


So, what about on Tuesday when you are in Jamaica? Will that be better for you then? Enjoying your time there? I mean the Haitians will be suffering on Tuesday...

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I originally posted this on another thread where there were a lot of emotional discussions about “jumping the fence at the port and volunteering”,


Must be me you are talking about:D Im the fence jumper


While I agree with you about the majority of volunteers in a situation like this

I guess you dont know what a Corpsman is there are couple of us on CC that have been trained for mass casualty siuations and are aware of what it takes

Ive been places and seen things that 99% of all people never will

I too have worked in areas that have had major disasters and have triaged more casualties than i want to remember

I have many a freinds In the medical field that we do humanitarian missions to under priviledged countries I also volunteer to an agency that donate medical supplies to other countries

I have dug out many a bodies from rubble some In my own Bay Area as in the 89 earthquake

While you go into the Gulf after the war Im in country fighting the war

Im sure with my knowledge I would be appreciatted since most medical professionals dont have the background I do

Now saying that ......The avg Joe cruiser is not the person that should be in that situation and your medical concerns and logistics are valid

But Im not avg joe


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Must be me you are talking about:D Im the fence jumper


While I agree with you about the majority of volunteers in a situation like this

I guess you dont know what a Corpsman is there are couple of us on CC that have been trained for mass casualty siuations and are aware of what it takes

Ive been places and seen things that 99% of all people never will

I too have worked in areas that have had major disasters and have triaged more casualties than i want to remember

I have many a freinds In the medical field that we do humanitarian missions to under priviledged countries I also volunteer to an agency that donate medical supplies to other countries

I have dug out many a bodies from rubble some In my own Bay Area as in the 89 earthquake

While you go into the Gulf after the war Im in country fighting the war

Im sure with my knowledge I would be appreciatted since most medical professionals dont have the background I do

Now saying that ......The avg Joe cruiser is not the person that should be in that situation and your medical concerns and logistics are valid

But Im not avg joe




Thank God for people like you. Seriously, I respect the hell out of people who do humanitarian work.

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It is amazing to read the comments posted on Adam Goldstein's blog. How people feel they would be more motivated to donate or volunteer if they receive an OBC or a discount on a cruise is just pathetic! One person would donate $100 for $200 off a cruise????? They should be absolutely ashamed of themselves!


I saw that - I thought it was shameful. :mad: I wonder how many who posted over there are CC'ers? I have not read anything of the kind over here.

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Jonbgd, while your intentions as a fence jumper are good ;), they don't have the resources to deal with all the other fence jumpers that might actually be more of a liability than help. If you are looking to go with your group of trained professionals and help, I would get in touch the American Red Cross or the Haitian Embassy.


I know I saw lots of search and rescue teams with dogs on tv, who had been mobilized.

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Jonbgd, while your intentions as a fence jumper are good ;), they don't have the resources to deal with all the other fence jumpers that might actually be more of a liability than help.

I agree but on the other thread he was refering to a person had posted about cruisers volunteering and I said I would lead knowing full well the Cruise ship would never allow it

So im just taking the blame for stoking the fire of that Idea

But was also saying that im definatly qualified to do so

as it would be very tuff for me to pull into that port and not volunteer to assist in some way

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What a public relations disaster it would be if any news organization did a story about the earthquake and showed passengers departing a cruise ship in northern Haiti. I mean, how can people go to this port and enjoy themselves when miles away there is all that suffering? IMHO cruise ships should stay away from there for the time being out of respect for the Haitian people. Remember, it's just a vacation.



Labadee is about the only real outside income Haiti has. More ships should call there to give them more income. The emergency action will be past in a few weeks then they need real dollars to rebuild correctly. the more income they have the better they will be able to rebuild. Earned money usually better spent than given money.

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Labadee is about the only real outside income Haiti has. More ships should call there to give them more income. The emergency action will be past in a few weeks then they need real dollars to rebuild correctly. the more income they have the better they will be able to rebuild. Earned money usually better spent than given money.

Can you post a link to that information please?

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