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beverage policy???

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What baffles me is why people are willing to pay $3 a bottle for water, when the water is perfectly fine on the ship. In fact its probably better then some cities and towns. :)


Only place I have bought water is in Mexico.. I think the water business has really brain washed some people that bottle water is the best water.


Exactly. As the wife of a US Navy Captain, the water on ships is a lot cleaner than what we drink everyday out of our taps at home. It's "evaporated" which means all minerals are left behind and the water is very soft. A 7 month old can easily eat most table food too, but I'd bet this parent takes all processed baby food too. Bottled water is nothing but filtered water. It doesn't have the minerals our bodies (and babies bodies) need.

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Excuse me if you misinterpreted what I said. I was in no way insinuating anything about you and your children.


I just though you were coming down a little hard on the OP for a practice that is fairly harmless, albeit unnecessary.





As for the bit about the dentists and cavities, this has been greatly exaggerated. With fluoride treatments at the dentist for young children, and fluoride vitamin supplementation for children who do not receive adequate fluoride in their water (which includes more than 40% of municipal water supplies nationwide, and all children on wells), the incidence of dental caries is below where it was a generation ago.


There are a lot of anecdotal accounts by dentists about dental caries, but no published literature has identified an increase.


I crafted my original comments very carefully so as not to try and sound accusatory or insulting to the OP. I just think you are being a little harsh.


And again, I in no way was inferring anything about you or your care for your children.



I think the OP needs to worry about the really important things and not try to tote heavy bottles onboard. I ask again, has the OP talked to their pediatrician? I doubt it. Why carry that onboard when tap water is perfectly safe?


As for the dental issue, my dentist, among others has seen a huge increase in cavities since bottled water came on the scene. And I'm a good example of flouride. I was born in Texas and lived there until I was in 3rd grade. I never had a cavity until I was almost 40 and I've only had one and I'm almost 50. Every and I mean EVERY dentist I had, asked the same question, where was I from. When I said Texas, they all said, ah, yes, one of the first states to add flouride to water. Bottled water does not have flouride and it is definitely tied to the increase in cavities among young children. Also, my boys have never had a cavity. hmmm. Not all children get regular dental care, btw.


Regardless, bottled water is no better than tap for anyone.


BTW, is the American Dental Association, anectdotal?

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Bottled water is nothing but filtered water. It doesn't have the minerals our bodies (and babies bodies) need.


The only thing water needs to supply for a seven month old when being used to make formula is 2 parts hydrogen and one part oxygen. Just as the OP is incorrect in thinking sterility is necessary, you're claim that there are "minerals" in water that the baby needs is also incorrect.


While there is nothing harmful in tap water, there is nothing of added benefit (with the exception of exogenously added fluoride, which obviously is not an issue on a ship).

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.....why people feel the need to put others down when all they are trying to do is keep kids safe. I guess that i did not make it clear....you can buy water that is for babies that is boiled....excuss me that i am a little worried about my baby!!! My 3 year is perfectly healthy with no issues and i did the same with her while we were away on vacation.

Thank-you everyone for the advice. I am more interested in if i can get the water on or not....

PS my doctor is on my side and thinks you have to go with what ever makes you comfortable!!

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As for the dental issue, my dentist, among others has seen a huge increase in cavities since bottled water came on the scene.... Bottled water does not have flouride and it is definitely tied to the increase in cavities among young children.


Again, these are nothing but anecdotal observations that have still continued to fail to be validated when the date is looked at objectively. As for the second statement, there is absolutely no evidence correlating bottled water use to an increase, especially since an increase hasn't actually been identified.


But no matter, I don't really care to argue about this. I still stick to my original sentiment that I think it was a little unduly harsh of you to jump on the OP like you did. I'll just leave it at that.

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Again, these are nothing but anecdotal observations that have still continued to fail to be validated when the date is looked at objectively. As for the second statement, there is absolutely no evidence correlating bottled water use to an increase, especially since an increase hasn't actually been identified.


But no matter, I don't really care to argue about this. I still stick to my original sentiment that I think it was a little unduly harsh of you to jump on the OP like you did. I'll just leave it at that.



The American Dental Assocation is anecdotal? Do babies NEED bottled water? No.

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.....why people feel the need to put others down when all they are trying to do is keep kids safe. I guess that i did not make it clear....you can buy water that is for babies that is boiled....excuss me that i am a little worried about my baby!!! My 3 year is perfectly healthy with no issues and i did the same with her while we were away on vacation.

Thank-you everyone for the advice. I am more interested in if i can get the water on or not....

PS my doctor is on my side and thinks you have to go with what ever makes you comfortable!!


Doctors are so afraid of lawsuits now that they go with whatever the parent wants. I guarantee if you ask as a general question, whether babies need bottled water at 7 months, they'd say no. But, if you want to carry all that crap onboard to make yourself feel better, go for it.

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The only thing water needs to supply for a seven month old when being used to make formula is 2 parts hydrogen and one part oxygen. Just as the OP is incorrect in thinking sterility is necessary, you're claim that there are "minerals" in water that the baby needs is also incorrect.


While there is nothing harmful in tap water, there is nothing of added benefit (with the exception of exogenously added fluoride, which obviously is not an issue on a ship).



Exactly, which means tap water on a ship is perfectly fine.

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The American Dental Assocation is anecdotal? Do babies NEED bottled water? No.


You're one of those people who has never once been wrong about anything in your entire life. Aren't you?:cool:


Good luck with that....



To the OP. If I offended you, I apologize. Good for you for discussing it with your doctor. When the practice ultimately results in no harm to the child, as is the case with bottled water, I too preface my advice by telling parents to do what makes them feel comfortable. I just wanted to make sure you didn't think you "had" to.


Good night all.

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.....why people feel the need to put others down when all they are trying to do is keep kids safe. I guess that i did not make it clear....you can buy water that is for babies that is boiled....excuss me that i am a little worried about my baby!!! My 3 year is perfectly healthy with no issues and i did the same with her while we were away on vacation.

Thank-you everyone for the advice. I am more interested in if i can get the water on or not....

PS my doctor is on my side and thinks you have to go with what ever makes you comfortable!!


Well then I hope you don't touch a thing on the ship while you have your child or you will expose them to whatever you just touched. Could be that guy that just went down the stairs holding the rail in front of you just left the toilet and didn't bother to wash after he wiped. Did you touch that rail? Or were they at lunch and using the same common utensils to serve the food you need to use? You don't keep normal kids safe by hiding them from germs. You expose them so their immune system develops.


While you may be able to buy boiled water for babies, it does not mean you have to. I didn't do all that crap you are talking about and my kids grew up to be perfectly healthy adults. Now they boil water to make ramen noodles.


The water on board is produced through reverse osmosis. It does not get much cleaner.

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OP, is this your first baby? I only ask because with my first, I followed all the "rules" - boiling glass baby bottles and nipples, etc. (I am dating myself with the glas bottle thing) I found with the second one that being less vigilant sure didn't hurt the baby - she didn't get sick if I simply washed her bottles and nipples thoroughly instead of boiling.



My wife and I still joke about this.


First child drops their pacifier, mom freaks out:eek:, picks it up and wouldn't dare use it again until it's fully sterilized.


A few years later, second child does the same thing, mom picks it up, runs it under the nearest available faucet and sticks it back in the child's mouth:rolleyes:.


Third child - mom picks it up, looks at it, shakes off any large bits of dirt, and pops it back in the kid's mouth. :p

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Hi, Wow, I learned a lot from this thread. Well, the concensus seems to be that you can bring the water which is good. I don't have kids so I don't know about this, but, wouldn't you have to heat the water to make food or am I just crazy? Because there aren't microwaves or anything like that on the cruiseship. But, anyway, people with CPAP machines get gallons of distilled water delivered to their rooms from the cruiseline. You would have to contact the special needs department to order that...Have fun cruisin' with the kiddies!!!....Maureen

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I have to agree with those who say that tap water / ship water is perfectly fine for a 7-month old. Like several other posters, bottled water wasn't even available when my children were infants . . . so whenever they had a bottle of water, it was from the tap. My daughters were breastfed babies, and I guarantee that I never once sterilized my breast with boiling water before feeding them. The mania for uber-cleaning things for normal, healthy infants is really blown out of proportion.


The ship does have an extensive water-purification process, and their water is equivalent to bottled water.


The one thing I can buy into is that you don't want her to have different water than she's used to having a thome. You CAN absolutely bring your own water onboard (and sodas and even alcohol -- really, you'll zip right through security with a moderate amount). Double-wrap it in ziplocks in case of breakage. You'll have no problems.

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Also, talk to most dentists and they will tell you that they see way more kids with cavities and much younger than they used to, due all to bottled water.
I read an article about that. Regular tap water has flouride, whereas bottled water doesn't. To be perfectly fair, kids are drinking more soda and eating more candy and other sugary-stuff than previous generations.
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Didn't I read somewhere that RCI provides tea kettles in the room? The original poster isn't saying she must give her baby bottled water per se, she is saying that she must give the baby sterile (boiled) water. Poland Spring, for example, is NOT sterile, but you can buy boiled water that is bottled and packaged up for you. Although I disagree with this practice (unless every toy, railing, etc... the baby touches or puts in her mouth is sterile), the question is, what is the rule?


I haven't read the rules on the RCI website, but have read other say that they only prohibit alcoholic beverages. But someone just posted that they CHANGED their rule to disallow ALL beverages. Is this true? If so, the original poster can go ahead and try to bring it on, and compain if she gets busted (saying its for her baby). If not, then she'll have no problem.

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Why don't you take the time to have a letter or an order written up by your Pediatrician stating these facts, sure they will be happy to help and show these Orders to anyone who tries to give you a hard time. Know they don't want legal entanglements.

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From Royal Caribbean's FAQ's

Q: Can I bring liquor or non-alcoholic beverages (from home or from a port) onboard?


A: Guests are not allowed to bring alcoholic nor non-alcoholic beverages onboard for consumption or any other use. Alcoholic & non-alcoholic beverages that are purchased in ports-of-call or from Shops On Board will be stored by the ship and delivered to your stateroom on the last day of the sailing.


Why don't you take the time to have a letter or an order written up by your Pediatrician stating these facts, sure they will be happy to help and show these Orders to anyone who tries to give you a hard time. Know they don't want legal entanglements.


You don't really think they'll get scared by a Dr's note, do you?


The policy is quite clear. Whether or not it will be enforced is not.

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To the OP: I just got my cruise docs yesterday. There is a section that says Alcoholic beverages are prohibited but no where (that I can find) does it say you cannot bring other beverages on board. I have read (here on CC) that some ports will not allow cases of water/soda etc with just a luggage tag to get through. To be safe, I would put the waters (maybe in ziplocs to be safer)into a duffle bag and send them along to the room. Not going to tell you whether to bring them or not--that's your decision for your child. I would definitely not buy the packages from the cruise line. Too expensive :mad:

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Are we talking bottled water or bottled distilled water? Distilled water is virtuallysterile. (Distilled water has had all chemicals and minerals removed.) I have an 11 month old daughter and in cases where she is going somewhere that is NOT home, I use pre-made formula bottles or distilled water. While a change in water doesn't necessarily have a big affect on an adult's gastrointestinal system, it can have an affect on an infants. (Admittedly, she has a sensitive system.) When my MIL watches my daughter we use it because she is on well water. I think the OP is perfectly reasonable for wanting to use distilled water for making her child's bottles. Our pediatrician recommended it to us when we travel.


Regular Bottled water (i.e. Aquafina) is not sterile water and, in some cases (like the Walmart brand water which was found to contain mixtures of 38 different pollutants, including bacteria, fertilizer, Tylenol and industrial chemicals) it's WAY worse than whatever tap water you could find.


Everyone gets to raise their children their own way. Most of them turn out fine.

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Are we talking bottled water or bottled distilled water? Distilled water is virtuallysterile. (Distilled water has had all chemicals and minerals removed.) I have an 11 month old daughter and in cases where she is going somewhere that is NOT home, I use pre-made formula bottles or distilled water. While a change in water doesn't necessarily have a big affect on an adult's gastrointestinal system, it can have an affect on an infants. (Admittedly, she has a sensitive system.) When my MIL watches my daughter we use it because she is on well water. I think the OP is perfectly reasonable for wanting to use distilled water for making her child's bottles. Our pediatrician recommended it to us when we travel.


Regular Bottled water (i.e. Aquafina) is not sterile water and, in some cases (like the Walmart brand water which was found to contain mixtures of 38 different pollutants, including bacteria, fertilizer, Tylenol and industrial chemicals) it's WAY worse than whatever tap water you could find.


Everyone gets to raise their children their own way. Most of them turn out fine.


I agree, if the OP is talking about distilled water and this is what their child is used to, it is probably necessary.


If the OP thinks that regular non-distilled bottled water is sterile, I think you have an issue. Do a little searching and you will find that most bottled water has more impurities than tap water.


My kids grew up on well water (therefore no flouride and who knows what else). We still have it and drink it all the time. They are now 19 & 14 and overall very healhy kids.


As for bringing water on board, just put it in something else (duffel bag, suitcase, etc) and you will be fine.

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My wife and I still joke about this.


First child drops their pacifier, mom freaks out:eek:, picks it up and wouldn't dare use it again until it's fully sterilized.


A few years later, second child does the same thing, mom picks it up, runs it under the nearest available faucet and sticks it back in the child's mouth:rolleyes:.


Third child - mom picks it up, looks at it, shakes off any large bits of dirt, and pops it back in the kid's mouth. :p


Crazy, isn't it? How are any of us over the age of 40 still walking the earth, with all the tap water we were given as babies? My oldest nephew, who has asthma, MS and a host of allergies, was given the "sterilize everything" route by my sister. Exactly like you said - drop a pacifier, don't use it! With her next kid, if the pacifier dropped, she'd wipe it on her shirt, maybe give it a lick for luck, and shove it back in the kid's mouth. :)


PS if I drop food on a restaurant table, it goes right in my mouth...and my immune system is fabulous! ;)

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Crazy, isn't it? How are any of us over the age of 40 still walking the earth, with all the tap water we were given as babies? My oldest nephew, who has asthma, MS and a host of allergies, was given the "sterilize everything" route by my sister. Exactly like you said - drop a pacifier, don't use it! With her next kid, if the pacifier dropped, she'd wipe it on her shirt, maybe give it a lick for luck, and shove it back in the kid's mouth. :)


PS if I drop food on a restaurant table, it goes right in my mouth...and my immune system is fabulous! ;)


It cannot be proven that Multiple Sclerosis is caused by either environmental or infection. While many microbes have been proposed as possible infectious triggers of MS, none of the claims has been substantiated with research. The same goes for environmental factrs. MS is essentially a genetic disease. So, if I am reading this right, your sister didn't cause your nephew's MS by sterilizing everything. The environmental factors of asthma are things like poor air quality, not being given a sterilized nipple or distilled water. As far as allergies go, my cousin was lucky if his paci was washed once a week and he has many, many allergies including various outdoor allergies. Admittedly, there is data to support the hygenie hypothesis in the cases of allergies, but in any of the things you mentioned there can also be genetic issues. Your second nephew isn't necessarily healthier just because she didn't clean his pacifier.

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