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Earthquake near Santiago Chile -- Princess Sailings and Passengers


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Help me understand this: You will get 100% cruise credit, but you cannot book another cruise without suffering a 25% penalty? Is the reason behind this that your Princess insurance hasn't processed the credit through Berkley Care yet? I certainly don't understand why you couldn't book the San Juan cruise CASH? There has to be more to the story.

Yes, we are to receive a 100% cruise credit for the SA cruise. Princess would NOT allow us to pay for and book the SJ cruise for this weekend with canceling the SA cruise, thus the 25+% penalty. We would be double booked. We were willing to allow them to keep the SA monies and pay for the SJ cruise. Princess said NO. It is this simple...no more. This was a win win situation for both parties. This earthquake is neither the passengers or Princess fault. But Princess could be a bit more flexible in their actions regarding the passengers who could not arrive in SA and stop being such hard A__ES. They are killing themselves in the eyes of loyal customers like us who have traveled with them for years and are Platinum with them.

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Yes, we are to receive a 100% cruise credit for the SA cruise. Princess would NOT allow us to pay for and book the SJ cruise for this weekend with canceling the SA cruise, thus the 25+% penalty. We would be double booked. We were willing to allow them to keep the SA monies and pay for the SJ cruise. Princess said NO. It is this simple...no more. This was a win win situation for both parties. This earthquake is neither the passengers or Princess fault. But Princess could be a bit more flexible in their actions regarding the passengers who could not arrive in SA and stop being such hard A__ES. They are killing themselves in the eyes of loyal customers like us who have traveled with them for years and are Platinum with them.
I think what you are saying, and correct me if I have misunderstood, is that because you are getting the credit for the Any Reason cancellation of the SA cruise, they did not allow you to book any other Princess cruise on those same dates without charging a penalty fee. Is that right?
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I think what you are saying, and correct me if I have misunderstood, is that because you are getting the credit for the Any Reason cancellation of the SA cruise, they did not allow you to book any other Princess cruise on those same dates without charging a penalty fee. Is that right?


What a shame Princess couldn't have been flexible on letting this couple apply the credit for SA cruise to the one leaving San Juan....Especially in light of the fact that this couple already had vacation days scheduled for this time frame. I don't get it....That would have been a win-win....Princess would have another cabin occupied on the San Juan cruise and the passengers could at least be enjoying a substitute cruise and salvage some vacation days.


I understand the preceeding pages of discussion about insurance policies, acts of God, fine print etc. etc. etc...But I do not understand this level of corporate stubborness & greed. :mad:

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I think what you are saying, and correct me if I have misunderstood, is that because you are getting the credit for the Any Reason cancellation of the SA cruise, they did not allow you to book any other Princess cruise on those same dates without charging a penalty fee. Is that right?

Yes you are correct. This would then be considered a double booking. What we were asking of Princess is to allow us to move the cruise to next year, but I have been corrected today with a posting that the cruise will not sail, thus canceling our SA booking and allow us to book the SJ cruise which we were willing to pay for in addition to the monies that Princess already has. This is my BIG complaint. This would allow us to salvage this vacation and allow us to yet again look forward to the SA cruise.

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What a shame Princess couldn't have been flexible on letting this couple apply the credit for SA cruise to the one leaving San Juan....Especially in light of the fact that this couple already had vacation days scheduled for this time frame. I don't get it....That would have been a win-win....Princess would have another cabin occupied on the San Juan cruise and the passengers could at least be enjoying a substitute cruise and salvage some vacation days.


I understand the preceeding pages of discussion about insurance policies, acts of God, fine print etc. etc. etc...But I do not understand this level of corporate stubborness & greed. :mad:

Finally somebody gets this! THANK YOU! Yes, we were just trying to salvage some sort of vacation, as we both had three weeks out from work and I had signed out of classes. And, we were NOT wanting to move the cruise credit from SA to SJ, we were willing to pay for SJ and use the SA credit next year! Princess was just being VERY difficult and has really left a sour taste in our mouths. Thanks again for your comment. You are the first that has gotten this!!!!

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I got it too, and can only think that perhaps there must have been some sort of prior legal case that caused such a ridiculous rule to be put in place. By not allowing you to re-book during this time frame Princess is essentially telling you that the only cruise you can take during these three weeks is with another cruise line. THAT is just dumb.

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Finally somebody gets this! THANK YOU! Yes, we were just trying to salvage some sort of vacation, as we both had three weeks out from work and I had signed out of classes. And, we were NOT wanting to move the cruise credit from SA to SJ, we were willing to pay for SJ and use the SA credit next year! Princess was just being VERY difficult and has really left a sour taste in our mouths. Thanks again for your comment. You are the first that has gotten this!!!!


I think many of us get this. We are just still in shock and in disbelief that this saga keeps going on (in a negative way). I have never seen a group of people who are trying to take a trip and run into so many road blocks for each and every step you take. Things shouldn't be this difficult.

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You have now made 90 posts (out of your total of 92 posts) that say Princess should have cancelled the cruise because there was a State Dept. travel advisory. Trust me, we all get your point on that.


The cruise was not cancelled, it went on with some significant itinerary changes, but nothing can change the history of what actually happened. So my question to you is what do you hope to accomplish or do by posting and re-posting the same statement that Princess urged people to enter Chile to meet the ship when it was under a travel advisory? The cruise was not cancelled, saying repeatedly that it should have been cancelled will not make it so.


I am not saying to stop posting your opinion, I am not saying you are wrong, I am just wondering what you want to accomplish with so many posts that repeat the same statement?

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You have now made 90 posts (out of your total of 92 posts) that say Princess should have cancelled the cruise because there was a State Dept. travel advisory. Trust me, we all get your point on that.


The cruise was not cancelled, it went on with some significant itinerary changes, but nothing can change the history of what actually happened. So my question to you is what do you hope to accomplish or do by posting and re-posting the same statement that Princess urged people to enter Chile to meet the ship when it was under a travel advisory? The cruise was not cancelled, saying repeatedly that it should have been cancelled will not make it so.


I am not saying to stop posting your opinion, I am not saying you are wrong, I am just wondering what you want to accomplish with so many posts that repeat the same statement?


Excellent post!

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I think that everyone needs to settle down and stop throwing acusations around. Let's wait and see what Princess finally does.


I'm surprised that nobody has posted from the cruise.


I sure feel sorry for the cruise director and staff and all the other people on the ship. I hope that the passengers are treating them fairly, as none of this was their fault.

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Anything Princess has or has not done at this point is water under the bridge. It is like standing at the aft of the ship and watching the wake. It is what it is.

I am hopeful that Princess will do what is fair and right and that the people who

wanted to be on this cruise and could not get there despite the best of efforts will see a resolution that makes everyone happy. In that regard, I wish all concerned only the best.

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I think that everyone needs to settle down and stop throwing acusations around. Let's wait and see what Princess finally does.


I'm surprised that nobody has posted from the cruise.


I sure feel sorry for the cruise director and staff and all the other people on the ship. I hope that the passengers are treating them fairly, as none of this was their fault.



Several passengers who boarded the Star Princess in Valparaiso have posted on the Roll Call -- See: Star Princess 3/2/2010 sailing Santiago to Rio.


See posts #1812, 1817, 1825


Also, others have posted on the Roll Call about their specific problems trying to get information from Princess in a timely matter as well as their adventures and (mostly) misadventures trying to find a way to Santiago or an alternate port -- which changed daily -- and in time for the sailing date -- which was also a moving target!

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According to Princess statements....There were ~2600 hundred people who booked the Star Princess March 2nd cruise. The previous cruise also had ~2600 people booked on it. Four hundred+ disembarking passengers took advantage of the discounted offer and stayed on the ship. Also 700+ embarking passengers were able to make it to the ship. Plus, according to at least one poster here on CC, he and probably others will be boarding at the up coming ports.


Some passengers, who could not get transportation to Santiago and decided not to try to join the ship at another port and canceled. are upset about Princess charging another person for the cabin they paid for....well, that is industry standard, at least in the US and many other countries I have visited. If someone cancels a hotel or a cruise cabin after the non-refundable final payment date, the room/cabin can and probably will be resold. No refund will be sent unless, of course, it was part of the original contract for the room. This type of double dipping happens all the time on cruises; a reason to insure the loss!

Since there were ~2600 passengers on the Star when it arrived in Valparaiso. It appears that 2100+ people were willing to get off and fly out and apparently have. Based on the fact there has not been an out cry about 2100+ cruise people stranded in Chile. Things in Valparaiso and Santiago must definitely be better than some people, who were not there, are implying on the board.


It is terrible for the passengers who were looking forward to this wonderful cruise, that their plans were so messed up. It has been a trying time for the government of Chile and the people of Chile affected by the earthquake. It has also been difficult for people trying to do business with the country including Princess and their passengers.

Yes, there has been a lot said about insurance here on CC. There should have been a lot said about the need for anyone signing up for a cruise...this cruise or any cruise....to read very carefully and understand the contract one signs so he knows exactly what he are agreeing too. The cruise line does not guarantee the ports of call for the cruise, so if the ship misses a port (or for that matter all the ports) that is just too bad. If one reads many of the CC posts, that is many people’s biggest complaint...they missed port A, B or C.... for whatever reason and that was the port/s they wanted to see...the only reason they took the cruise! In 27 years of cruising with many cruise lines, I have missed many ports. I have also received OBC in recent years from Princess and other lines that has covered the missed or canceled Ports (port fees)...most recently, this past year on a Seabourn cruise. Ships do compensate those on board for the ports missed...if one is not on board/has canceled...well, that is a part of the loss that travel insurance is designed to cover.


If you took Princess Insurance, you can cancel for any reason. You will then get either 75% or 100% future credit with Princess depending on the level of insurance so it is not a total loss. This is what you agreed to when you signed up for their insurance. Hopefully everyone read their insure agreement. If you took out other insurance, you read it carefully, you picked what you were comfortable with and will be reimbursed accordingly. Yes, it is a hassle and there is red tape sometimes, but you are protected. If you chose to self insure, you chose to accept the loss risk. In this case like it or not, Princess fulfilled their part of the contract when they arrived at the port on time. The port of Chile accepted the ship and the lack of news to the contrary implies the airport is safe and operational at some level.


Yes, there was a travel advisory, but that seems to mean different things in different countries. The bottom line is that it was an simply an advisory and, in the US, people are still free to travel to the country, some did. That is totally a personal choice. As far I as I know, in the US companies are also free to operate in countries with travel advisories. Many cruise lines currently are traveling to countries with travel advisories. The cruise line asked that people try to make the cruise, the ship would be there. It was up to each individual to evaluate their own personal risk, and make their own decision to try for Valparaiso or a later port or not go at all. Princess was not forcing anyone to do anything they didn’t want to do/couldn’t do.


Unfortunately, for everyone and particularly those who self insured, there were almost no travel options because the airlines weren’t going to Valparaiso/Santiago in any number till March 4th or later. The fact is...flights are often canceled for many different reasons and disrupt peoples travel all the time. Just read back through CC about all the problems due to the heavy snow in the NE and else where this winter. Again another big reason to have coverage for missing the ship.


I agree, as someone who cruises regularly, the official communications...the ship will be there on March 2 so...was terrible until mid day March 1, when about 48 hours after the quake they did begin issuing written statements on the Princess website and other internet sites with some details. In reality that was probably the earliest timing possible for information, given the chaotic and changing situation. On the other hand, if you are willing to travel to far places, then you must be willing to think and act for yourself based on the best information available. Things can and do change with out much notice. In my experience, phoning Princess and asking one of the phone agents has never been very reliable...the agents are not usually able to give me the information I am seeking or at times have give wrong information....my biggest complaint about the company over the 27 years of cruising, also why I now use a large high volume cruise TA. Waiting for the company’s statements on their website was the only good choice, but that is definitely hard to do when a vacation is at stake.


Unfortunately for those of you who are unhappy with the way Princess has handled this situation, you don’t have any options short of not sailing on Princess again. Princess is very popular with many people due to good deals and interesting ports which is why most booked this cruise, it would seem reading the Roll Call for the cruise. Most of the Princess ships are sailing full or nearly so 365 days a year. There were 90 plus people out of the 2600 passengers on the cruise signed up on the Roll Call, and less than 20% of the 90+ are still very upset and posting opinions here. Then there are a number of people posting their opinions, negative or otherwise who were not on the cruise...including myself. This is a very small group who are unhappy compared to the ~25 to 30,000 people who are on the 17 Princess ships on any given day or for that matter people who post on CC. The fact that this has not become a hot national news item, yes, there has been some local coverage, but even that hasn’t really bashed Princess much, just reported on the situation with maybe few of the negative comments found here. Most people realize that cruising is a gamble with mother nature and a mechanical ship, just like flying. That is why the cruise line has a contract for the passenger to sign and many cruisers cover their loss risk. The rest feel it is worth the gamble not to pay extra to cover a possible loss.


Princess is doing everything it contracted to do and seems to be compensating those who met the ship or will meet the ship at the next few ports, for missed ports and delays. Those that missed the ship due to a canceled flight and decided not to catch up with the ship, need to look to their insurance for compensation the same as if they missed a ship because of a canceled flight due to weather or flight mechanical problems. The fact that many passengers were affected really isn’t the issue. Some are comparing the earthquake and the cruise situation to the 9/11 situation. That was a national security situation, I am not sure that it equals the Star’s situation.



I hope those of you who are still so upset about missing your cruise and a messed up vacation will be able to get past this. Life is so short.... Maybe the credit card companies will help you, maybe when Princess gets beyond this cruise, they will offer some future cruise credit to all who couldn’t make the ship by the 4th and canceled, I don’t know, but agree it would be a nice compensation. I do know that the last class action suit involving a cruise line we sailed resulted in something like $100 of future OBC on the ship to be used within a set time ...seemed like a lot of money to the lawyers for something I didn’t get to use within the set time frame.

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Reading this thread is like driving by a car accident and not wanting to look but you just can't help yourself. Last year we were on the Star for the Mexican Riviera cruise the U.S. State Department issued a warning not to travel to Mexico due to the H1N1 outbreak. Most of the ports we were going to had not been affected by the outbreak but Princess stated that due to the State Departments warning we would not be going to Mexico and instead would sail coastal California. Princess issued everyone on board a FCC of 50% of what we had paid. I guess they are selctive in the warnings they heed. The passengers who were to travel from Chile this year have every right to be upset with how Princess handled this situation. Of course it's not their fault there was an earthquake but the misinformation that was given to passengers and their stubborness in not even trying to work with passengers who are being reasonable is beyond me.

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A little over 48 hours after a major earthquake....


Fact: found on Princess.com and CC Message board. Date Published: March 1, 2010: (3 p.m. EST) -- Star Princess, set to sail from the port of Valparaiso in Chile Wednesday (one day later than scheduled), will act as a floating hotel for stranded passengers if the nearby Santiago airport -- severely damaged in Saturday's earthquake -- does not fully reopen tomorrow.


Cruise Critic member Sam_n_Janet_Evening, who is currently onboard Star Princess, says the ship's captain announced last night that if the airport does not reopen by tomorrow the vessel will allow passengers to stay onboard.

The newest release from Princess Cruises verifies that information and says that current passengers, as well as those currently in Santiago who are booked on the ship's next sailing, will be allowed to stay onboard for 24 hours before the ship departs.


Originally, Star Princess was due to sail from Valparaiso tomorrow, but the line now says the earliest the ship will depart is 6 p.m. on Wednesday, March 3. According to officials, the port sustained no damage.


Although Santiago itself is located about 90 minutes from the actual port, it is a major attraction for passengers who visit, and it provides the nearest air-travel hub for cruise passengers.


The Wall Street Journal reports that the airport reopened yesterday for limited international flights and will divert several other flights to airports in neighboring Chilean cities and Argentina. Because the passenger terminal in Santiago has been damaged, alternative facilities will be made available.

Another account, this one from the Straits Times, says that the airport won't fully open again until tomorrow, according to Chilean Air Force Commander Ricardo Ortega.

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cwn, you offer many points worth consideration, but I must disagree with the following statement:


Some are comparing the earthquake and the cruise situation to the 9/11 situation. That was a national security situation, I am not sure that it equals the Star’s situation.

First, although the reason may vary (national security for 9/11, natural disaster for the Chilean earthquake), the end result was very much the same...people could not fly to the embarkation port to board the ship for their cruise. For people who could drive to the port, ships operated in the days after 9/11 much as they did before, with the exception of ships actually sailing out of New York. These ships were rerouted to other embarkation ports nearby. But national security had no affect on cruise ships sailing at all.


If anything, I believe the Chile situation warrants more leeway from Princess in terms of passenger compensation. First, there was no other embarkation port to move to...Valaparaiso was the only choice, and as has been reported here, there was enough damage to that port to require the Star to anchor in the harbor for much of the 2 days it spent there.


Second, by the weekend after 9/11, US air traffic was returning to normal. People could have flown to board cruises from US ports...they were afraid to, and rightfully so. Princess understood that and reimbursed those passengers who, for whatever reason, were not on the ships when they sailed. Most of the 1900 passengers who missed the Star 3/2 cruise simply could not get to Santiago for the cruise, certainly not by 3/2, which is when Princess said the ship would be sailing.


Some on this board would suggest that people should have flown to BA and taken bus trips of at least 17 hours in an attempt (not a certainty) of getting to the Star Princess. Aside from the fact that Princess maintained the Star would sail 3/2 as planned, I suspect there was fear among many passengers, either of entering an earthquake zone while aftershocks were still being felt (and this is a valid fear, although those from CA may discount it. We fear what we do not know.), or fear of undertaking first a 9 to 18 hour day traveling to BA and then an additional day of traveling by bus. Many people simply aren't physically able to do that.


Finally, I would hope that people would not suggest that 9/11 was different because it affected us, while Chile does not. Again, in either instance, people could not get to the embarkation port. In either instance, Princess sailed with those who could get there. But in one instance, Princess reimbursed those who could not get there; in the other, Princess advised that passengers would be voluntary no-shows if they couldn't. It seems to me that, for similar circumstances, the outcome has been significantly different.


Princess issued everyone on board a FCC of 50% of what we had paid. I guess they are selctive in the warnings they heed.

And this is the other rub. Even if one claims that business has changed in the 8 years since 9/11, and the world is a tougher place, why such a different response by Princess to H1N1 less than a year ago? It just doesn't make sense.

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... It seems to me that, for similar circumstances, the outcome has been significantly different. And this is the other rub. Even if one claims that business has changed in the 8 years since 9/11, and the world is a tougher place, why such a different response by Princess to H1N1 less than a year ago? It just doesn't make sense.
I still don't know where my own personal opinion comes out on what Princess should or should not do for these pax, and it may take me a while to sort out. One thing I DO know is that no cruiseline is contractually obligated to make such goodwill gestures in these extraordinary cases, but may choose to as they have in the past. If, having done so in the past creates an expectation that it will happen again, I wonder if the cruise lines will simply stop creating that expectation by making fewer and fewer such gestures. :(
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Good point cherrylandtk....One thing I DO know is that no cruiseline is contractually obligated to make such goodwill gestures in these extraordinary cases, but may choose to as they have in the past. If, having done so in the past creates an expectation that it will happen again, I wonder if the cruise lines will simply stop creating that expectation by making fewer and fewer such gestures.


My thought also.

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"Unfortunately for those of you who are unhappy with the way Princess has handled this situation, you don’t have any options short of not sailing on Princess again."


Thank you for stating your own reasoned opinion and view on the situation.


I would point out that some of the people classed as boarders were people who originally disembarked, but on the fourth decided to rejoin the ship, rather than deal with complexities ashore. So those who did arrive from outside Chile are lower than added arrivals announced would indicate.


The state department alert clearly stated:

The Department of State strongly urges U.S. citizens to avoid tourism and non-essential travel to Chile. The February 27th earthquake caused significant damage to the areas closest to the epicenter, including the cities of Concepcion, Talcahuano and Temuco. Santiago, Vina del Mar and Valparaiso were also affected by power outages and limited telecommunications.


I don't agree that not sailing on Princess and affiliates is the only recourse open to passengers though. Governmental agency intervention, lawsuits, credit card company and insurance co. flack, and publicity could well result in Princess relenting at least somewhat in addressing the needs of its cruisers



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Tradewind: on March 4 Princess and CC News posted the following: According to Julie Benson, Princess' Vice President, Public Relations, 472 passengers from the previous sailing have opted to stay onboard until at least the next port of call.


I think it was the same day that someone posted from the Star that some more previous passengers returned ot the Star.


But looks like there were 472 that opted to sail on the Mar 2 cruise.

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