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Does the Negativity Crush You?


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I also deplore negativity, but I think it's a different negativity than most of the rest of you are deploring.

As far as comments negative or positive about a ship or a cruise line, many of us want to hear both the good and the bad; we can weigh the assertions on the scales of our own judgment. Most of the time, we can spot an element of malice and either allow for it or disregard the comment entirely.

It is negative comments about each other beyond the bounds of ordinary civility that I deplore.

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There is always going to be negativity about the usual subjects- smoking, dress codes, etc. That will never change and are aspects of cruising that are very important to some people for a variety of reasons.


Much of what can be construed as 'negativity' is from posters who have cruised HAL many times and see cost-cutting changes over the last several years. The fact that this has happened can hardly be disputed. Is it negative or unfair to point out that the food is not as good as it once was, with cheaper cuts of meat, etc., or that there is not quite the service there was before with stewards stretched to the limit? I don't consider those comments to be negative, just truthful. One has expectations based on past performance and when the cruiseline no longer provides the cruise experience it did before one may understand why, but I would expect it to be pointed out in reviews.

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But what does is the "attacking" of someone that does bring up something other than "ROSES" for HAL==

Some here will pay far above competing cruise lines and think that HAL cares-

Others cant respond without mentioning they "only" travel in SUITES--

Thats what CRUSHES me!



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I come to Cruise Critic to find out the truth, both good and bad. We should all try to be balanced and offer praise when earned and suggestions for improvement when needed. We have one thing in common, we really like touring the world by ship and being pampered - what a life!!

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yes, at times the negativity is too much. I retreat to the reviews page. They have the overall ratings so you can pick a positive one or negative. I read some those for a few days to let the negative stuff fade away. And in general the internet can be a very negative place. CC being moderated helps alot.

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I take the negativity with a grain of salt... Don't sweat the small stuff and look at the positive's and by George, any day on a Holland America ship is a WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL day!


There will always be people who complain... It's just their nature and when you get two or more of them together, it's goes rampant.


Let's all stay happy, positive and share all of our good times that we have on those wonderful "dam" ships!


Happy sailing to all!:):):)

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I don't think there is that much negativity but I guess it depends on what one considers negative.

One can always ignore a negative thread.


I am not crushed. I like to hear the good, the bad and the ugly.



Not every person experiences the same thing. What is important to one person may not be to another.


Some are disappointed since so many things have changed. Comments made about these changes can be taken as being negative. I don't think they are.

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Negativity is not confined to HAL or cruises in general.


I am Food Services Mgr. for a large hotel casino resort.


We have the SAME people bitterly complaining about the SAME

(non)issues WEEK AFTER WEEK.:(


As the OP said, if it's REALLY so bad, why do they keep coming back?:confused:


Nothing on land or sea will ever be perfect, but overall HAL continues

to offer a good product at a very competitive price point.:)

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I write from the perspective one who has never having been on a cruise and is planning my first. I spent a lot of time reading reviews trying to pick the "right" ship and itinerary. It didn't seem to matter which cruise line I researched, there were all "wrong". Did we really want to risk spending that much money, only to be burned? Like all other info on the internet, you have to sort through all the chaff to get useful info. I tend to discount a lot of the negative reviews that fit into a few categories:


1. Uninformed: "Who knew I would have to pay for drinks?/the cabins are so small/I had to do this stupid lifeboat drill"


2. Unlucky: "They messed up my account/there was no hot water/my table mates were obnoxious/vibrations/smells/etc...".


3. Single-issue voter: "everything was wonderful but the cruise was ruined because our cabin steward didn't speak good English"


4. So vague as to be useless: "the food was bad/the service was bad/etc"


5. Irrelevant: "Shopping in the port cities was bad."


6. Spoiled: "the 1500 thread count Egyptian cotton sheets were really only 1200!"


Excessively glowing reviews that sound like they were copied from the cruise line literature are also less than helpful.


We picked the Ryndam in July and looking forward to a great time (assuming the we get a good thread count on the sheets;))


In the future, maybe this should be a reference guide. Instead of typing the line out just pick a number. Fast and efficient.

Most posters see daily those people who are not happy to be alive. Having said that I still find this Board to be a god-sent for my cruising plans and entertainment. Love it. I never get hung up in a continual diatribe or rant. I read, note and move on. There is enough information to assist the newbies and those veterans who might not have sailed a particular ship.

Kudos to all the Monitors. They are doing a great job. Of course, it's due to those huge wages they receive for this.

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In today's economy when there are people who are losing their homes and wondering where their next meal is coming from, those of us who can afford to cruise should just be thankful that we can do so and not complain about a poor cut of meat (seen on another thread). Come on everyone! We are the fortunate ones. As far as those who are struggling, "there but for the Grace of God go we".

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When I booked a Panama cruise in Nov '09. I was amazed at how vocal and scathing some of the remarks were re the Oosterdam. I weeded out the truly nasty for no good reason ones and just looked at the realistic issues some of the cruisers had with HAL and the O in particular. It helped me and my travelling buddy avoid certain issues while onboard ( she still cannnot believe there on no trays on the Lido!)


If you spend all your time sweating the small stuff, why go on vacation. On board, it was the professional cruisers who complained the most, I quess the rest of us did not know any better.

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In today's economy when there are people who are losing their homes and wondering where their next meal is coming from, those of us who can afford to cruise should just be thankful that we can do so and not complain about a poor cut of meat (seen on another thread). Come on everyone! We are the fortunate ones. As far as those who are struggling, "there but for the Grace of God go we".

I totally understand what you are saying, but a poor cut of meat is still a poor cut of meat when we have paid for a decent cut of meat at the very least. I feel very fortunate to be able to vacation and cruise and thank God for my blessings, but my dollars are precious to me, too. The fact that many others are not lucky enough to be able to be on the ship doesn't change the fact that tough meat is not what we paid for or deserve on a 'premium' cruiseship.

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I am able to disregard negative vibes and complaining when reading the HAL CC boards. I've learned after reading this board for many years that some comments will be different verse but the same song, a different act but the same play, a new chance to say the same darn thing. That's cool. That is to say, I don't mind that. I expect my posts have become predictable too. I really have enjoyed all of my experiences on HAL ships and I say so whenever I can.


BUT what I can't seem to abide is when my fellow cruisers are extraordinarily negative during ship events, dinner, cocktail parties, "meet-an-officer- coffee chats, etc." When I hear it I do feel a bit crushed actually.:(

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I think people's expectations are far too high these days. We are spoiled, and tend to whine if our cruise is not perfect. My husband and I were on a Princess cruise over the holidays and, frankly, the only thing wrong with it were some of the complaining passengers. We were visiting islands on which many people were living in poverty, and yet were smiling. Some, on a luxurious ship, over-fed, entertained, with maid service/steward service and waiters, were sullen. On one of the islands, I took a photo' of a brightly painted van which had this sign on the side,"TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED." A lot of people just cannot see the blessings.

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I have noticed as well.


What amazes me is that some people set the bar so high.


Air conditioning/heating problems are an example. The longer the cruise, the more likely that things will not work perfectly 100% of the time, yet some people seem to think that there should never be any problem, and if there is, it should be fixed instantly. I don't think this is a reasonable attitude. There are many variables affecting mechanical systems: what ship runs perfectly all the time?


Elevators are another example. People love to point out that one or more elevators wasn't working, especially during/after high seas. I am amazed that any ship can keep elevators running at all with the movement they can be subjected to. In buildings, elevators are one of the main systems to break down or have a million problems.


If you want perfection, you need to be willing to pay for it and on a ship that is going to be very expensive, which will only serve to raise cruising prices. I think HAL does a tremendous job with the ships as a whole. A little rust here and there, an elevator that doesn't work, A/C on the blink: I don't care, I'm on a cruise!


And some of these negative types keep booking HAL! Utterly amazing. I feel for the crew, staff and officers on some cruises where there are stuck with unreasonable people who do nothing but complain. I wouldn't want the job!


I love HAL and no one is going to spoil my enjoyment!

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I totally understand what you are saying, but a poor cut of meat is still a poor cut of meat when we have paid for a decent cut of meat at the very least. I feel very fortunate to be able to vacation and cruise and thank God for my blessings, but my dollars are precious to me, too. The fact that many others are not lucky enough to be able to be on the ship doesn't change the fact that tough meat is not what we paid for or deserve on a 'premium' cruiseship.



:)I understand what you are saying and appreciate the thoughts and feelings you are saying! But can you bear with me a moment please?


I had the same problem on our cruise to Alaska in May 2009. That was the toughest piece of steak I have ever had!! BUT instead of complaining about it to anyone other than my hubby, I ate everything else, left the steak and then went to the Lido afterwards for a small snack. I did not feel the need to tell everyone about the steak because it was my choice to choose that instead of another meal. It was my choice to eat in the Lido afterwards. It was my choice to sail on HAL and it is my choice to stay with HAL and keep my attitude of I could be on a crappy land vacation instead of sailing on a cruise ship being waited on habd and foot and having the choice of what to eat and where 24/7. Life is GRAND when I am on a HAL ship!!


We have choices on board HAL in where we can eat and what we can eat. We do not have to continue to bemoan the fact that you and I both (and others also) have had the problem of a tough piece iof meat over and over again. We stated our points, it is now time to let it go and go on to the positives of our cruises with HAL.


Like a bad piece of meat, let's let it go please??:)



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I have noticed as well.


What amazes me is that some people set the bar so high.


Air conditioning/heating problems are an example. The longer the cruise, the more likely that things will not work perfectly 100% of the time, yet some people seem to think that there should never be any problem, and if there is, it should be fixed instantly. I don't think this is a reasonable attitude. There are many variables affecting mechanical systems: what ship runs perfectly all the time?


Elevators are another example. People love to point out that one or more elevators wasn't working, especially during/after high seas. I am amazed that any ship can keep elevators running at all with the movement they can be subjected to. In buildings, elevators are one of the main systems to break down or have a million problems.


If you want perfection, you need to be willing to pay for it and on a ship that is going to be very expensive, which will only serve to raise cruising prices. I think HAL does a tremendous job with the ships as a whole. A little rust here and there, an elevator that doesn't work, A/C on the blink: I don't care, I'm on a cruise!


And some of these negative types keep booking HAL! Utterly amazing. I feel for the crew, staff and officers on some cruises where there are stuck with unreasonable people who do nothing but complain. I wouldn't want the job!


I love HAL and no one is going to spoil my enjoyment!



Very well said!! I Love It!!!



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Are you referring to a specific post or thread that was unusually negative? I haven't really noticed much of a change myself so am wondering if there were specific threads where people let loose with negativity that I may have missed.

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I think the tenor of this board has improved noticeably in the last few days.


I don't usually find this board to be especially negative, nor do I find the vast majority of posters here to be negative. Each experience, be it onboard a ship or in "boardie land" is individual, and we each filter things differently.


Some people seem unwilling to admit that anything goes wrong, which IMHO is the opposite side of the coin of nothing going right. Each is unbelievable.


What bothers me more than posts at each end of the positive/negative spectrum is those posters who grab one line out of a post, make a scene about it, and turn an entire thread into "all about them" or "all about their personal agenda". That kind of inanity and attention-mongering are totally counter-productive to any kind of learning opportunities or exchange of information. Fortunately we don't see much of that here.

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:)I understand what you are saying and appreciate the thoughts and feelings you are saying! But can you bear with me a moment please?


I had the same problem on our cruise to Alaska in May 2009. That was the toughest piece of steak I have ever had!! BUT instead of complaining about it to anyone other than my hubby, I ate everything else, left the steak and then went to the Lido afterwards for a small snack. I did not feel the need to tell everyone about the steak because it was my choice to choose that instead of another meal. It was my choice to eat in the Lido afterwards. It was my choice to sail on HAL and it is my choice to stay with HAL and keep my attitude of I could be on a crappy land vacation instead of sailing on a cruise ship being waited on habd and foot and having the choice of what to eat and where 24/7. Life is GRAND when I am on a HAL ship!!


We have choices on board HAL in where we can eat and what we can eat. We do not have to continue to bemoan the fact that you and I both (and others also) have had the problem of a tough piece iof meat over and over again. We stated our points, it is now time to let it go and go on to the positives of our cruises with HAL.


Like a bad piece of meat, let's let it go please??:)



Since you directed your post to me, I wasn't the one who brought up a poor cut of meat to begin with, another poster did. I simply was replying to that other post where "poor meat" was used as an example. Neither DH nor I have ever complained to anyone in the dining room about the food nor sent anything back as being poor quality, even if it has been. In fact we were upgraded to the Penthouse on one occasion during a cruise because we had been the only ones not to complain about a "situation" on a cruise and because we had been so nice throughout. I have nothing to "let go". But to state only positives is not doing a favor to anyone reading this board for information.

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I have noticed as well.


Air conditioning/heating problems are an example. The longer the cruise, the more likely that things will not work perfectly 100% of the time, yet some people seem to think that there should never be any problem, and if there is, it should be fixed instantly. I don't think this is a reasonable attitude. There are many variables affecting mechanical systems: what ship runs perfectly all the time?

I have to disagree with this statement. I think it is reasonable to assume that your cabin will have an operating air conditioning system. Yes, I realize that things do happen from time to time, and mechanical systems can fail. What I do object to is being told day after day that "the problem will be fixed today," and then that does not happen. We went 19 days without A/C on the Rotterdam in the South Pacific until we got moved to a vacated cabin where the air conditioning was working. Sorry, but I feel that being in an extremely uncomfortable cabin for more than half of your cruise is unacceptable.

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I totally understand what you are saying, but a poor cut of meat is still a poor cut of meat when we have paid for a decent cut of meat at the very least. I feel very fortunate to be able to vacation and cruise and thank God for my blessings, but my dollars are precious to me, too. The fact that many others are not lucky enough to be able to be on the ship doesn't change the fact that tough meat is not what we paid for or deserve on a 'premium' cruiseship.

I am at a loss... what does one say in answer to this? I know... nothing, nothing at all. I am now done with this particular thread.

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I had been very happily cruising for five years when I found the "Cruise Critic" website. After a very short time, I realized that the name of the site should be changed to "Cruise Comment." I truly beleive that having the word critic in the name lets some people reason that they have the license to criticize almost everything about the cruise experience.


That being said, a thread on another cruise line convinced me to cancel a reservation on a particular ship. The comments were very specific (that particular ship had an ongoing noro problem for several months!) and posts by past passengers who witnessed various lapses in sanitation by the crew was enough for me to find another cruise.


So yes, specific negative comments about a specific problem are helpful to me. To me, its the whining about "the good old days" when HAL was "better" (those days are never coming back) and the passengers had more "class" are the most annoying.

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I always expect a few negative comments and generally do not get concerned unless there are absolutely no positive things posted in the thread. What really annoys me is a thread that is negative because of something the OP actually did or did not do while on a HAL cruise and feels that HAL is to blame or someone who has never posted before suddenly comes on the boards with nothing but page after page of criticism. There is no such thing as a "perfect" cruise but I do think one has to work hard to have a really bad cruise. I agree that sometimes people have unrealistic expectations too. It really bothers me when people jump on other cruise critic members if they do not agree with what the poster said, even when the poster was correct in what was posted. For example, I have replied to a thread with information based on actually being on board the ship in question and someone else comes along and tells me that I am wrong in what I posted! People can be quick to judge and post in all CAPS and that is not necessary. I do not enjoy reading posts by those who only travel in suites or have hundreds of cruise days and make that part of a response whether it is relevant or not to the thread. Attitudes of entitlement bother me more than one or two negative comments.

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