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You kids will love Regent


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Geez, how hard is it to put on a nice set of clothes? These dress code threads just confound me.


You'd be surprised, on a cruise a couple of years ago on a different line, where table seating was fixed, we were missing one person on our table until the 3rd night.


It had taken him that long to match up what he was wearing with the daily change in dress code so he could get in to the restaurant :)

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It seems that there are more and more cruisers that "push the envelope" with the management on the cruise lines.


It seems that less and less people are open to just following the policies of that specific cruise.


I can't believe how many threads there are on "can I get by on only wearing this" on a formal or semi-formal night. Let alone, Country Club Casual evenings.


There are so many cruise lines that are still available that you can be pretty much dressed-down the entire cruise. I just don't get why people don't cruise with the lines where following the policies won't be an issue.


On my past cruises I have seen some pretty atrocious stuff, including:


1. Of course, guests showing up to dinner not even close to following the dress code policy. Putting all of the onus on the staff to ask the person to leave (and try again). But, I guess since they wear T-shirts in Hickville at Mortons Steakhouse, it is all good!


2. Parents putting their child in the pool with diapers on. Hey, everybody has to poop and it is a "free world" so my kid is using this pool! Just try to stop me/us! This is OUR vacation, I paid for it, don't ruin it for ME.


3. People smoking all over the ship just daring a staff person to tell them that they are breaking policy. I mean, it is a free country right? People shouldn't have to stop smoking, the cruise line should relax the smoking policies? Your cancer from my second hand smoke is YOUR problem, not mine! Get better health care.


Honestly, the list is a long one. I just wish people would cruise with the line that has the policies that best fits their needs. And, if you have an issue with the line, write them. But, please follow the policies while you are on the cruise. We ALL would appreciate it.


But then again, they do wear T-Shirts in a Mortons Steakhouse in Hickville, so just do whatever you can get away with. The cruise line management appreciates everything you do.

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Zoolander: Agree with just about everything you said. . . . except the "Hickville" part. People living in the Pacific Northwest tend to dress much more casually than other parts of the U.S. When I lived in Los Angeles, jeans and a sports coat was typical attire for Morton's. Even if a person was raised in a place where no one dresses up, Regent is a luxury cruise line and has set forth guidelines for their passengers that they expect to be followed without arguing or trying to find a way around. If it is too difficult for someone to abide by the policies, they should select a different cruise line. I am amazed that anyone would find Regent's dress code difficult - it is certainly the most relaxed dress code of any luxury cruise line.

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It seems that there are more and more cruisers that "push the envelope" with the management on the cruise lines.


It seems that less and less people are open to just following the policies of that specific cruise.


I can't believe how many threads there are on "can I get by on only wearing this" on a formal or semi-formal night. Let alone, Country Club Casual evenings.


There are so many cruise lines that are still available that you can be pretty much dressed-down the entire cruise. I just don't get why people don't cruise with the lines where following the policies won't be an issue.


On my past cruises I have seen some pretty atrocious stuff, including:


1. Of course, guests showing up to dinner not even close to following the dress code policy. Putting all of the onus on the staff to ask the person to leave (and try again). But, I guess since they wear T-shirts in Hickville at Mortons Steakhouse, it is all good!


2. Parents putting their child in the pool with diapers on. Hey, everybody has to poop and it is a "free world" so my kid is using this pool! Just try to stop me/us! This is OUR vacation, I paid for it, don't ruin it for ME.


3. People smoking all over the ship just daring a staff person to tell them that they are breaking policy. I mean, it is a free country right? People shouldn't have to stop smoking, the cruise line should relax the smoking policies? Your cancer from my second hand smoke is YOUR problem, not mine! Get better health care.


Honestly, the list is a long one. I just wish people would cruise with the line that has the policies that best fits their needs. And, if you have an issue with the line, write them. But, please follow the policies while you are on the cruise. We ALL would appreciate it.


But then again, they do wear T-Shirts in a Mortons Steakhouse in Hickville, so just do whatever you can get away with. The cruise line management appreciates everything you do.



As a hick who knows how to dress approrently (gross mispelling on purpose to make a point lol ) I take issue with this "Burps". Hitches suspenders and spits chaw. I am rather joking as I dont really burp in public and I dont use chaw as I dont even drink alcohol or smoke and I only own one pair of suspenders and thats for an old halloween costume. Now if we talk about carharts I own a few pair of those. I live on a homestead in Alaska. I have no problem with dressing approprently. I am interested in Regent and have no problem following the dress code if I am fortunate enough to ever take a cruise with them.


Adri :)

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I too am an extreme casual dresser who cleans up nicely, thank you very much. Dressing well does not necessarily indicate sophistication. Enough said.



Excellent comment and Yes I am proudly echoing this :)



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Thanks OP for your thoughts.

We too are looking forward to our trip this year.


As for another poster and the diaper thing--that always grosses me out too--AND so does the thought of the "depends" aged crowd...sitting in a spa all afternoon:eek:

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Thanks OP for your thoughts.

We too are looking forward to our trip this year.


As for another poster and the diaper thing--that always grosses me out too--AND so does the thought of the "depends" aged crowd...sitting in a spa all afternoon:eek:


As the OP said about children. . . . . . the same applies to the elderly. If your comment above is any indication of how you feel about the "aged crowd", you may be on the wrong cruise line. While it is easy to find a Regent cruise with little or no children, the same cannot be said about our older generation (without whom none of us would be here).

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As the OP said about children. . . . . . the same applies to the elderly. If your comment above is any indication of how you feel about the "aged crowd", you may be on the wrong cruise line. While it is easy to find a Regent cruise with little or no children, the same cannot be said about our older generation (without whom none of us would be here).



Have no problem with the "elderly" - I do think people are quick to talk about babies in diapers and forget that there are lots of "depends" on those ships too...and both are hygiene issues. Thats my point. In the thread someone mentioned the diaper/pool issue...my point is that there are wearers at both ends of the age spectrum and neither belong in a pool.

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The point being--it is no less dirty for a baby in a public pool/hot tub than an adult with Depends etc...Still unsanitary.

Yet no one likes to think that its the same thing ? It is...


Young or old, its about bladder/bowel control.


Same for those who complain about a stroller with a child--which is no different in the pedestrian traffic on board etc as a scooter for someone with limited mobility. I always wonder how helpful people will be to those on board using those scooter if there is a need for lifeboats.


What I read on these boards is quite alot of indignation and nastiness about families and children....some are pretty much ready to throw the stoller and child overboard because they feel its an inconvenience to them and their lives.


Yet these same posters would be incensed if one mentioned that the cruiser in the scooter was quite rude, demanding, running over toes and bullying their way into an elevator etc...is behaving like an insolent toddler.


It keeps being said over and over--by the same CCers who post threads with themes that sound like...."what to do" or ...."do they care", and ..."what about MY cruise" and "No kids" etc etc...

and issues like sanitation in the pool come up--


Its like the adage of people in glass houses really...

so in the "end" :rolleyes: one should not be offended to consider diapers vs depends...it is about the same thing. Sanitation.

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This thread is about children enjoying Regent -- not people who get upset with seniors. While your statement about some people not wanting to sail with children is true -- this is discussed indepth on other threads. Next month the season will begin where children will be sailing on Regent. The fact that children, who have not been potty trained, are not allowed in the pool is a very normal subject to discuss (this is also discussed on most other cruise line boards).


If you know of cases where adults have worn Depends in the pool or have run over people with their walkers, etc., perhaps you could start a discussion on that on another thread.


At this point, I'm not sure who brought up children in diapers. . . however, it is a good point -- one that parents should be aware of prior to sailing. Some parents on other cruise lines have solved this problem by packing a blow-up little splash pool. Not certain if Regent would allow this. :confused:

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Allowing babies in diapers into the pool is not something parents should decide. Regent should forbid it in the interest of hygiene.


I agree 100%, and, they are forbidden. However, it seems like a good idea for parents to be aware of it in advance:confused:

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I often see posts on this board from some of the chronic/constant posters warning sailing parents that their kids will not like Regent, that the kids will have nothing to do, that the kids will be bored. Rest assured, parents, all of that is nonsense, posted by those who hope no children will sail on Regent.

My kids love Regent. They first sailed about 10 years ago, when they were 8 and 10. They are now 18 and 20, they both have Gold status and they refuse to sail on any other cruise line. Our family lives in South Florida, so we have easy access to most cruise lines, and we have tried many. My kids enjoy them all, but they love Regent.

It is true that Regent will not remove your kids from your care during the entire cruise, as many ships will, and that Regent’s Mariner Club does not have the facilities of a larger ship. However, all of the crew members on Regent will treat your kids as valued customers, remembering their preferences on drinks, food and snacks. The social hosts will make sure your kids have fun at bingo, trivia, ping pong and pool golf. The room service staff will spoil them rotten, bringing them almost anything they request, including popcorn for in room movies or chocolate covered strawberries until they cannot eat anymore. The veranda staff will save your regular table at breakfast, have your favorite drinks waiting for you, remember everything your kids like, and take their special orders for spinach omelets or spring rolls. The butler, if you are lucky enough to have one, will accept notes to deliver room service on return from an excursion, having the table made up and waiting.

I don’t make my children get dressed up for dinner, but they wear what I consider decent when they go or they order room service. Since my standard of what is decent on casual nights excludes only t shirts, shorts, and crummy jeans, you may like to know that no one has ever told us we could not sit in the dining room or requested my kids change. Regent is far more relaxed with kids than the guests on this board. For you that are new to Regent, it is not at all stuffy. I have seen adults in shorts and T shirts in the dining room on Caribbean cruises, and I have seen blue jeans on adults in Prime Seven in Alaska.

I don’t expect my kids to be happy sitting in a pool chair all day. We go on lots of excursions, we play lots of board games, we read on our balconies, and watch in room movies. We have enjoyed every moment of every Regent cruise, and we have never been bored.

With all that said, if lots of children running around bothers you, do not go on a cruise where kids sail free, especially in Alaska. Regent can have difficulties dealing with the large number of kids that come on those cruises. For parents, if you want the cruise line to take your kids off your hands for the duration, try a different ship.



We are looking forward to our cruise

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  • 2 weeks later...

You will quickly see the first night what the gals are wearing. If you don't want to "dress up" to the code or "dress down" to it, your choice. Like Pat said in an earlier post, he and Fred dressed cc casual on a FO night and did not feel uncomfortable. I have never found people on Regent "under" dressed other than the few posts I see. Believe me, most are looking pretty good! And that is after a lot of cruises with them!


OMG, editing to see this thread is about children, not dress. Sorry I ventured off. But I love kids, too!

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My 9 year old daughter will be cruising with Grandma & Grandpa on a two week trip to Norway/Denmark in a few weeks. They were originally booked on the one week Alaskan trip, but took a special deal to go on this Norway trip because they gave great comps. (Alaskan trip was overbooked) My worries are 1. Will the Mariner Club actually have activities that will keep her happy each day that she is on the ship or will the Club do the same things every day? Do they do any activities that relate to the places/flora/fauna of where they are traveling? 2. Has anyone done the Norway trip with a 9 or 10 year old before? What excursions would be the best? 3. Will they actually see any whales or otters on the cruise? 4. Do they have kid menus in the restaurants?


My daughter is a very good traveler, but not been away from home without Mom & Dad for more than 1 week. I would like everyone coming back from the trip happy and not perturbed.


I haven't broken it to my daughter that the Alaskan cruise will not happen, and not sure how to "sell" this new itinerary realistically.


I would hate to turn down this opportunity for my daughter, but if the trip really won't be enjoyable by all, it would be a waste of money on the flights, and the discord that would be created between Grandparents & kid could have long lasting repercussions.


Sorry for all of the spelling mistakes...



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I really can't say anything about Club Mariner etc., as we didn't start cruising until our children were grown. (Just FYI, we are now late 50's). However, the fact that your daughter has never been away from you for more than a week would be a concern for me. Two weeks can be a very long time to be in the care of someone who "doesn't do things the way you do". My girls (then about the age of your daughter) held a grudge for a very long time against my parents (which was very hurtful for me) because my parents were very strict and careful about what they would allow our girls to do during the week's time that they were babysitting.

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I think 2 weeks with grandparents should be fine. My daughter adores spending time with her grandparents and if your parents are up for a 2 week trip (which obviously they are) I think your daughter would be fine.

My grandparents took me on my first cruise ever, on the Cunard Countess when I was just a little older than your daughter. There was no kid program at all back then and I had a blast! It is a memory I will always cherish.

We are on the cruise they switched off from with our 7 year old so we are sorry to hear it is one less friend for our daughter to meet.

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I am on a Regent ship (Navigator) and would have sworn that there were posts regarding booking children on luxury cruise lines. After rereading CC guidelines, I cannot find anything that relates to having an opinion as to whether or not you feel that luxury cruising works for children. Perhaps it was on the luxury board.


My opinion has been that children on Regent during the summer or school breaks is fine. However, IMO, if a parent/grandparent really wants their children/grandchildren to have a great time, luxury cruising isn't exactly the best choice. Children will be on this ship beginning next week. The staff will love the children. . . . .. the parents of the children will love it. However, any adults without children on the ship may feel differently. The swimming pool on the Navigator is wimpy (for lack of a better word). Being both a parent and grandparent, I just don't get it.

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