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WARNING!!! This is a 'sour grapes" post. "Special Rates" Those professions left out.

A Sixth?

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I am ducking already because I can hear the thunder on the horizon :o but here I go.


Every cruise line out there has "special rates" for Military, police and fire. For example, an online TA has pricing on the Solstice Aug 15th sailing, there's discounts for military and fire and police. The difference between those "special" rates and the ones the rest of us pay is $ 849.00 instead of $ 1,199.00 for a standard balcony. :eek: $350.00 less!


Now I appreciate the guys and girls in the military and fire and police very much and please don't question that, but what about teachers, nurses and care givers. Are they not deserving now and then too?


I did warn everyone that this is a "Sour Grapes" thread... but why are some of the professions always left out of 'special rates"?


Why stop at just teachers, nurses and caregivers? Surely there must be umpteen other categories of folks out there for which cogent and persuasive arguments can be made re their equally deserving "special" status.


Special rates are a way businesses recognize and say thank you to people who willingly and unselfishly place their own safety and well-being on the line during the course of a normal day. We all respect the police, fire and military but few of us envy the positions in which they place themselves every day. If we don't envy the jobs, we shouldn't envy the recognition.

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Well, one theory is that military, fire and police put their lives on the line every day.



I can understand the special rates for military because they are on duty for the entire nation and are not there because of the pay or job perks.

There are many occupations that are more dangerous than being a policeman or fireman. If threat to your life was the criteria for special rates rather than a few other people deserve some special treatment as well.



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I am pleased that Celebrity extends it's military rate to Canadian military as well. However, my husband is in the airforce and I have yet to see a military discount on a cruise we were actually interested in. I don't think these discounts are offered very often. While I like to think it is a lovely gesture of thanks, I think it may be more a matter of getting passengers onto ships.


Busch Gardens offers a free day in one of it's parks to military families. The family gets to pick the day and the park. To me, that is a more sincere thank you.

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Interesting thread! I think it should be obvious that the OP appreciates and respects those who get the discount. He just wants to know why, even if occasionally, other professions are not recognized. Being a teacher is oftentimes a thankless job, and I, for one, think that they should earn about twice as much as they do. If that happened, they wouldn't need the lower rates! Does the overall pay that these groups make have a bearing? It's been mentioned that the pay for fire and police is better than the military, but how does it compare to educators, medical professionals, and so on?


I think many posters are hitting the nail on the head by saying that military, fire and police are in a special class because they are putting their lives on the line in the protection of others. dkjretired makes the excellent point that the fire and police were included after 9/11 in greater appreciation that those groups serve in much the same way as do the military.


Still, why offer lower rates at some times and not others? Orator hints that it's a demographics decision. I can relate that I work in retail sales, and we have a standing 20% discount for the military and their immediate families, but that there are certain products that are excluded from any type of discount because of their high price and high demand. It may be the same here-- if X knows they can fill a ship without offering any type of lower fare, why do it? But if they offer lower fares, the military/fire/police should be the first to receive them, though that does not appear to be the case. I can't see where the demographics of those groups would be so distinct that X can say, "I'll bet this cruise would particularly appeal to the mil/fire/police! Let's give them the price drop!"


Larry, your point about the need for extra medical staff on board in the event of a brouhaha is legitimate, but if you can't teach a hog to dance, you can't teach a hog to share a chair!:D

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Interesting thread! I think it should be obvious that the OP appreciates and respects those who get the discount. He just wants to know why, even if occasionally, other professions are not recognized. Being a teacher is oftentimes a thankless job, and I, for one, think that they should earn about twice as much as they do. If that happened, they wouldn't need the lower rates! Does the overall pay that these groups make have a bearing? It's been mentioned that the pay for fire and police is better than the military, but how does it compare to educators, medical professionals, and so on?


I think many posters are hitting the nail on the head by saying that military, fire and police are in a special class because they are putting their lives on the line in the protection of others. dkjretired makes the excellent point that the fire and police were included after 9/11 in greater appreciation that those groups serve in much the same way as do the military.


Still, why offer lower rates at some times and not others? Orator hints that it's a demographics decision. I can relate that I work in retail sales, and we have a standing 20% discount for the military and their immediate families, but that there are certain products that are excluded from any type of discount because of their high price and high demand. It may be the same here-- if X knows they can fill a ship without offering any type of lower fare, why do it? But if they offer lower fares, the military/fire/police should be the first to receive them, though that does not appear to be the case. I can't see where the demographics of those groups would be so distinct that X can say, "I'll bet this cruise would particularly appeal to the mil/fire/police! Let's give them the price drop!"


Larry, your point about the need for extra medical staff on board in the event of a brouhaha is legitimate, but if you can't teach a hog to dance, you can't teach a hog to share a chair!:D


If they market it to the PBAs, FOPs, FMBAs, they can get many bookings with specific advertising.

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Interesting thread! I think it should be obvious that the OP appreciates and respects those who get the discount. He just wants to know why, even if occasionally, other professions are not recognized. Being a teacher is oftentimes a thankless job, and I, for one, think that they should earn about twice as much as they do. If that happened, they wouldn't need the lower rates!



I'd gladly take a raise in pay. :D


The best part of being in education is that you can only vacation during peak seasons.... when school is out. :(

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Some day, I hope every one gets the opportunity to spend some reflective time at The Wall or at Arlington.


The professions selected for the discount are done so out of gratitude for the risk and sacrifice that those folks make for others, not because they may need the help financially. Sure, there are other jobs that may involve risk and sacrifice too, but I think those would have universal acceptance as being deserving. I would never begrudge a military man getting a break, but would sure be PO'd big time to find out a nurse or doctor or teacher paid less than me simply because of their job.


Sour grapes are, well, sour.


Happy Sails to You


OOOEEE :D:D Bob and Phyl

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Well, one theory is that military, fire and police put their lives on the line every day. Of course, teachers, nurses and care givers are critical to our society, they do not risk life every day.


Try being a school bus driver. It's close to putting your life on the line. At least 180 days of the year.

But god bless the military, fire and police.

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I may have a different perspective. As a business owner, I should be able to offer discounts to anyone or any group I please. I may also choose not to give any discounts at all. I'm a vet and a senior, but those discounts havn't kicked in on my cruise. Others may receive on the spot discounts in the form of upgrades. I havn't received any OBCs, but I have received a reduction when the price of my cruise went down. My view is that I'm tickled to get any bennies I can, but I knew what the price was when I made my reservation. If somebody else can get a discount, more power to them.:)

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I would love to see recognition to poets, choreographers, composers, and artists who enrich our lives. But I'm happy when those who protect our lives get some financial assist. Like I said before, their game, their rules. But please don't just single out X when others do the same promotions. Or have you posted the same comments on other boards, too?

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Some day, I hope every one gets the opportunity to spend some reflective time at The Wall or at Arlington.


I would never begrudge a military man getting a break, but would sure be PO'd big time to find out a nurse or doctor or teacher paid less than me simply because of their job.


Actually, we'll be there at the end of the month.


I notice you did not mention police or fire, and I think the question the OP is trying to raise is if it's fair where the line is drawn now. I'm not trying to say that fire and police should not be included, nor am I saying that I believe that you're implying that they should not. I note it only because, no doubt unintentionally, you drew the line just now to exclude those groups, illustrating that there is a line. It's reasonable to discuss the issue. If, pre 9/11, someone had posted, "How come the military can get a discount, but never a firefighter or police officer?" they would have had a valid point.


With respect, I don't believe the OP does have a valid point in this case because of the life-on-the-line factors mentioned before, but it doesn't hurt to consider the question. OTOH, since the m/f/p discount is not consistently offered, there are apparently more economic factors at work here than simple recognition for service. If so, that does give more credence to the argument that other groups should be singled out for recognition, as well.

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I would love to see recognition to poets, choreographers, composers, and artists who enrich our lives. But I'm happy when those who protect our lives get some financial assist. Like I said before, their game, their rules. But please don't just single out X when others do the same promotions. Or have you posted the same comments on other boards, too?


No, I only posted here because a particular cruise on the Solstice I was looking at had a big discount for fire police and military. I mentioned it in the opening post.... (I think :confused: )

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No, I only posted here because a particular cruise on the Solstice I was looking at had a big discount for fire police and military. I mentioned it in the opening post.... (I think :confused: )

I think it's an excellent discussion topic, and you've expressed yourself quite well right from the start. Still there are a few posters that are trying to put additional words in your mouth. ;)

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Businesses have the right to decide if and when and to whom they offer discounts. If I happen to fall into a category, great.


I can't imagine spending time worrying about who may be getting something that I don't. If you happen to make more money than I do, I'm happy for you. If you get a special deal, good for you. If we all spent more time concerning ourselves with being the best we can be and caring for those we love, rather than envying others, the world would be a much better place.


Sour grapes are only sour for those who eat them.;)

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Businesses have the right to decide if and when and to whom they offer discounts. If I happen to fall into a category, great.


I can't imagine spending time worrying about who may be getting something that I don't. If you happen to make more money than I do, I'm happy for you. If you get a special deal, good for you. If we all spent more time concerning ourselves with being the best we can be and caring for those we love, rather than envying others, the world would be a much better place.


Sour grapes are only sour for those who eat them.;)



I knew it.... here we go..... :rolleyes:

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I am ducking already because I can hear the thunder on the horizon :o but here I go.


Every cruise line out there has "special rates" for Military, police and fire. For example, an online TA has pricing on the Solstice Aug 15th sailing, there's discounts for military and fire and police. The difference between those "special" rates and the ones the rest of us pay is $ 849.00 instead of $ 1,199.00 for a standard balcony. :eek: $350.00 less!


Now I appreciate the guys and girls in the military and fire and police very much and please don't question that, but what about teachers, nurses and care givers. Are they not deserving now and then too?


I did warn everyone that this is a "Sour Grapes" thread... but why are some of the professions always left out of 'special rates"?


I guess you have a point but speaking as a retired AF guy; let's cut the young troops some slack. I personally don't use this discount even though I am eligible because I think the spirit and intent of the discount is to allow those who have little extra income to partake as a way if saying thank you for standing out front and saying no one will hurt my American Family while on my watch. I understand there are many, many special jobs, teachers foremost among them. But I guess as a business, you have to draw the line somewhere. These discounts are not only on cruises. There is a hotel in Honolulu called the Hale Koa and it is almost exclusively for the military. And you know what, they have earned it!


Cheers, Kenn


Retired AF MSgt Intelligence Analyst

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Actually, we'll be there at the end of the month.


I notice you did not mention police or fire, and I think the question the OP is trying to raise is if it's fair where the line is drawn now. I'm not trying to say that fire and police should not be included, nor am I saying that I believe that you're implying that they should not. I note it only because, no doubt unintentionally, you drew the line just now to exclude those groups, illustrating that there is a line. It's reasonable to discuss the issue. If, pre 9/11, someone had posted, "How come the military can get a discount, but never a firefighter or police officer?" they would have had a valid point.


With respect, I don't believe the OP does have a valid point in this case because of the life-on-the-line factors mentioned before, but it doesn't hurt to consider the question. OTOH, since the m/f/p discount is not consistently offered, there are apparently more economic factors at work here than simple recognition for service. If so, that does give more credence to the argument that other groups should be singled out for recognition, as well.


No intention on my part to not include fire or policemen-simply made the reference to a millitary guy in one sentence. I would draw the line in such a way as to include military, firemen, and policemen. Note that the discount is extended regardless of salary or position, and many of those jobs can pay rather nicely. Again, this is not a set discount and is only available on select sailings depending on bookings.


The problem of trying to expand the group is that it becomes a debate on which jobs are more "important" and that can be a never ending and volatile topic.


If you want to see another place that will permanently move you very deeply, visit the Holocaust museum while in DC. A little hint-if you go up in the old Post Office building (Nancy Hanks) you will get a fanatastic view of the area and it is free. The builidng is in the area you will be in-just ask.


Happy Sails to You


OOOEEE :D:D Bob and Phyl

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I knew it.... here we go..... :rolleyes:



Don't you think almost anyone could find a way to think that their profession should entitle them to something special? I know a lot of people who think educators have it made.:) In fact, looking at the results they are turning out, they should get a few demerits. LOL


Please understand, this is tongue in cheek, but the truth is there are many jobs where people work hard, with little monetary reward. Most people understand why military, police and fire department employees receive discounts. It's up to the businesses to decide if they want to offer discounts to others. It usually has more to do with business planning than philanthropy.

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My brother is a fireman, he risks his life for OTHERS every day, if he gets a discount then I applaud whoever is offering it...firemen don't make diddly squat in salary and most have to have a 2nd job to make ends meet, my brother included.


Father was a veteran who served in WWII, again no problem for him or any other service man who is protecting our country.


Yes there are other worthy professions, but not many that actually risk their lives for OTHER people.


I agree with Ma Bell I just don't worry about it....I run a hotel....I offer discounts to many of the same already mentioned..and others also ...have never had anyone ask why them and not "us"

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