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Oceania- NEVER AGAIN !!!

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You have a very valid point, one I've wondered about although it's never impacted on me because I never take ship tours. I have heard on my cruises about canceled excursions due to lack of interest and if I had relied upon the cruise line to provide a tour and as a result did not book my own private arrangements I'd be - well - to put it mildly - very angry. Sorry you had this experience.


On one occasion I was actually told by a destinations employee that "if we don't meet our quota on a tour, we reserve the right to cancel". Sorry, but I didn't sign up to travel half way around the world to board a ship taking me to Belgium and Latvia and Russia only to find out that a tour (or part thereof) was misrepresented or cancelled. Not like I can hop on an hour long plane ride and make up for it next weekend.

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Sorry you or anyone else had problems with the excursion desk. This is why I and many others opt to plan our own tours independent of Oceania. I can be in control of what I want to do and see. First of all, ships tours are pricey, second I like to be on my own schedule and thirdly, I am in a small van or SUV comfortably and not on a crowded tour bus. The only drawback is in the event of a delay back to the ship, you have to catch up to the next port. So far after too many cruises to mention, that has not happened although one very close call. I plan my tours well in advance with those recommended by our members. I always insist on returning 2 hours before the required time to be back onboard. Oceania is still my preferred carrier in all categories and can't wait until never November for Marina:).

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Princess Wendy,

I am sorry to hear about your disappointing experience on your recent Oceania cruise.

Judging by the fact that this is your first post I will assume (I know, one should never do that) that you do not spend much time on the CC boards.

Otherwise you would have known that these are 2 of the weakest areas of Oceania services - they are well documented here.

I have also had a tour cancelled due to low turn out and it was very disappointing, especially in Egypt.

However, I believe that this is done by the tour operators and not by Oceania themselves. Oceania makes a lot of money on these tours and they would love to send you off anywhere but the local tour provider has other ideas.

As to the quality of excursions - again, it is the local tour operator that is to blame. Perhaps if there are multiple providers in a particular port, Oceania may choose a different company next time (if enough negative feedback is given).

Many people here choose to book many of their own shore excursions for these very same reasons.

FWIW, your shore excursion experience is very likely to be similar with most (not all) cruise lines, as they share tour operators. It may be better with a luxury cruise line like Silversea, etc where the tour groups are smaller and they use companies like A&K. However, there is a price to be paid for that and no guarantee there either that any given tour would not be cancelled.

I will not discuss the entertainment as most everything that can be said on the subject has already been said (and it is a very subjective matter anyway).

I hope you will find a cruise line that will suite your needs better.

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I was on Regatta Panama Crossing (MIA to LA) this past January. I had several occasions to communicate with guest services and the woman I was working with (she was from Sweden? Scandanavia) was a delight. She was so helpful and kind and friendly. Wnenever I spoke to other staff, either guest services or front desk, I had the same experiences. I just want to balance all the negative a bit; not everyone is the same behind the counters.

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Where is Guest services?


I have only dealt with Reception or the Concierge

Destination services should be renamed to "Ship's Shore Excursion Desk" as they do not seem to deal with independent travellers


It may end the confusion & help people understand that they are not there to give advice on how to DIY the ports.


If you like to wing it at the last minute then wait for the Tourist Rep that is usually on board in each port early in the morning just after docking



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I just returned from Oceania's 14 day Baltic after having had a tremendous experience with them throughout the Mediterranean. Not so this time around. Yes, three years have passed and the recession has caused business to look at where to nip and tuck but this surgery was obvious and painful. The dining staff and food quality was exceptional. Room attendants were very impressive as were the multitudes of other staffed areas on the ship. Where I had a problem, as did many others on our journey, was with the entertainment and destinations groups. It seemed as if they were working for another company all together.


I called Oceania to report my experiences onboard and on tours and what Customer Relations asked for was a thorough report so that they could address my concerns. My response was "after so many disappointing incidents, I was not prepared to spend an hour and a half documenting my thoughts only to have my letter placed in a filing cabinet." The representative thanked me and that was the end of our conversation. So, you won't get an hour and a half summary but you will receive a very negative report regarding the quality of organized tours and the knowledge and customer service of the destinations tour operators on the ship. Maybe I am holding Oceania to a higher ground but for the small fortunes spent on Oceania organized tours, my husband and I, and others had a continuum of substantial enough disappointments. Cancelled tours, cancelled sections important elements of tours, poor quality of tours, misaligned information about tours, lack of interest in assisting us with personal arrangements ... the list goes on and on. On one occasion I was actually told by a destinations employee that "if we don't meet our quota on a tour, we reserve the right to cancel". Sorry, but I didn't sign up to travel half way around the world to board a ship taking me to Belgium and Latvia and Russia only to find out that a tour (or part thereof) was misrepresented or cancelled. Not like I can hop on an hour long plane ride and make up for it next weekend.


If Oceania chooses to continue to position themselves as a 5 star experience within a highly competitive market they had better ensure that their back office operations and front line people are aligned with eachother so that we the traveller don't see blatant examples of an obvious breakdown in their systems. They seem to like the idea of expanding their portfolio of destinations. Let's hope they figure out how to manage their customer's satisfaction levels with these massive growth strategies.



I was on a trip to Bermuda this past May and had a very bad experience in the hotel we were staying at. My plan was to just chalk it up as a lesson learned, but my partner took the time to write a letter. He very specifically described the issues we encountered. Including quotes from one of the staff members. Not to go into detail, but I read the letter before he sent it to make sure there was no hyperbole - Strictly a factual accounting of the situation. Then we bet each other to see if anything other than a form letter stating their regrets came our way.


To our amazement, we received a letter from the General Manager of the property. He conveyed his profound apology and refunded the entire $2,500.00 dollar stay. He also said we were invited to come again for a four night stay in their gold level accommodations free of charge anytime in the next two years.


If you REALLY have a reason to complain they WILL listen. Fooled me!!

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I was on a trip to Bermuda this past May and had a very bad experience in the hotel we were staying at. My plan was to just chalk it up as a lesson learned, but my partner took the time to write a letter. He very specifically described the issues we encountered. Including quotes from one of the staff members. Not to go into detail, but I read the letter before he sent it to make sure there was no hyperbole - Strictly a factual accounting of the situation. Then we bet each other to see if anything other than a form letter stating their regrets came our way.


To our amazement, we received a letter from the General Manager of the property. He conveyed his profound apology and refunded the entire $2,500.00 dollar stay. He also said we were invited to come again for a four night stay in their gold level accommodations free of charge anytime in the next two years.


If you REALLY have a reason to complain they WILL listen. Fooled me!!

The GM of the hotel is someone who truly understands branding. According to my brand consultant friend, that's called brand management and that's how great brands are built! The proof of the pudding, as they say, are in the eating.


Great hospitality brands are not always infallible - it's how you address the shortfall when it does occur, that really matters (sometimes described as a "second chance saloon").

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Where is Guest services?


I have only dealt with Reception or the Concierge

Destination services should be renamed to "Ship's Shore Excursion Desk" as they do not seem to deal with independent travellers


It may end the confusion & help people understand that they are not there to give advice on how to DIY the ports.


If you like to wing it at the last minute then wait for the Tourist Rep that is usually on board in each port early in the morning just after docking




I guess I meant Reception Desk. My reason for writing was to pay a compliment. I hope other readers know the two areas I am referring to.


I agree, the role of the Reception and Concierge need more specific definition; I thought they were both there to help and answer questions but do know they are not there to give advice on the individual ports once off the ship.

The tourist rep that is on board seemed to have a line of people waiting for info and on our trip, was not very helpful except providing a map. Only tried to get information twice, however, so perhaps they are usually more informative and able to suggest ideas.

BTW, hello Lyn, from Lynne:)

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I guess I meant Reception Desk. My reason for writing was to pay a compliment. I hope other readers know the two areas I am referring to.


The tourist rep that is on board seemed to have a line of people waiting for info and on our trip, was not very helpful except providing a map. Only tried to get information twice, however, so perhaps they are usually more informative and able to suggest ideas.

BTW, hello Lyn, from Lynne:)

I think the trick is to do as much research before hand & contact the tourist boards for the ports you are visiting ahead of time for brochures & maps.

I was able to get the same maps as the tourist rep had & only need to eavesdrop for specific directions/costs to public transit ;)


back to the original thread



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Where did you get the addresses for the Tourists Boards? I have been googling and have not had much success but maybe I am looking in the wrong area.

Are there particular ports that are famous for O to cancel the tours?


try putting the name of the port city & tourism in the search

EG: oslo tourism or Oslo tourist board

then look to see if they offer brochures

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So sorry that you had to pay for laundry. That is a tragedy. I can see why that would be one of the reasons why this was your worst cruise ever. And the idea that a cruise line would actually limit the number of times that you could eat in specialty restaurants that are included in the fare (unlike Princess or HAL that impose a cover charge) brings tears to my eyes. I can understand why you would never sail Oceania again...and thank you for that.

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You know Aruba, I am taking my first Oceania cruise in Feb., and my first Azamara cruise in Oct. I was asked to post a comparative review on this board. With comments such as yours, I hesitate to do so.

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First, I'd like to thank the OP for taking the time to share opinions, and they were clearly labeled as such. Also, for your grace under fire with the responses dismissing YOUR opinion.


We have been considering Oceania. I have food issues, and inflexibility with meals would be a disaster. I doubt that is mentioned in the brochure.


An even bigger disaster would be sailing with people who feel the need to attack someone's opinion.


There were a few posts that showed reason and understanding, and I hope to encounter those posters on another line some day.


Happy sailing.


If you are unwilling to go on a cruise due to what you "perceive" as attacks

on this forum from a cruise line's past, current and future passengers, you will never go on another cruise. Sounds to me like you are trying to play some kind of game as you probably never have seriously considered O.


I have never cruised on O. After reading this thread with both its lively emotional and well reasoned posts, I am more inclined to sail O than ever. O however, doesn't really fit what we want and although I would love to sail O out of curiosity, funds are not unlimited and I will choose the cruises that fit our style, needs and desires.


If we ever happen onto an unexpected windfall or we want a more low key but premier + cruise experience, O will be first on my list of new lines to try.


Oh, I might just go on O to meet Don Horner. #2 doesn't really stand without #1 but I just love, love, love it!!!


1) People are entitled to their own opinions. They are NOT entitled to their own facts. The OP made up facts that are not accurate. This is not a slam against the OP, or an opinion, it is a statement of fact.


2) Posters are free to choose ignorance when those facts are explained.

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Sorry you didn't have a good experience because of the situations you posted. We all have experienced some of the things you mentioned but for most of us it wasn't an issue. I love the REGATTA and am looking forward to our next cruise on the maiden voyage of the MARINA. Different strokes for different folks.


I don't like the Internet rates either but I only use it for email. I create my emails in Word and take my time - I cut and paste and send off my emails in a flash. If I want to spend a long time on the Internet I find an Internet cafe in port. I never complain, just do what I need to do to get around the situation.


I found the food in the main dining room to be excellent. At least O has laundry facilities on their ships; I didn't mind the small charge. I have cruised on many cruise lines that had no laundry facilities at all........


The ships are small and there is no room for Las Vegas style shows. I didn't miss them and enjoy the evenings talking to our new found cruise friends. I cruise on Oceania for their great service, fabulous food and ports of call.


Like many of us here I just love Oceania. Thanks for sharing your experience. Keep sailing with the cruise lines that you don't have any complaints with and enjoy your future cruises.



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Marion, I couldn't agree with you more. We, too, love Oceania and thoroughly enjoyed our first voyage on Regatta in 08. We sail on Insignia this November and on Marina in August 2011. The ships, the service, food and ports are outstanding. A bonus are the great people we meet from Cruise Critic aboard ship. Those who express concerns before having even experienced "O" perhaps should look elsewhere.

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Thanks to the two repliers from my home state (Steve and I are neighbors - WLV), that's very assuring about the food.

Looking forward to a great trip!


Hi Bopeltzman, If you are booked on the Nov. 10th Insignia this year, please join our rollcall. Several of us are getting into Venice a few days early and may try and get together before the cruise.



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We too found some nits to pick on our Oceania Insignia cruise last spring, but we continue to value the variety of `takes` on delivery of the cruise experience. We cruise many different lines and intend to expand on that group because so far no one line has achieved a lock on our affection.

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Personally, I appreciate the OP's opinion. We are looking to cruise to Europe and it's always good to read various opinions - the more opinions the better, I say~! Why others are getting so upset seems ridiculous to be honest...


I would suggest to you that you either did not read this thread carefully or missed the point entirely.

Most people freely admit that OP is entitled to his/her opinion (as we all are).

The objections were mostly to the tone of the post but especially people objected to misinformation being posted by OP as facts. It is truly a great fortune that different people like different cruise lines (for various reasons) - otherwise if they all loved Oceania most of us could never get a reservation.

Vive la différence!

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MAYBE AGAIN, we also have taken many cruises. the first for me was at age 12 going from SanFranciso to Hawaii with my parents. We are now retired and took a cruise on Nautica Beijing to Hong Kong this past March and I will start by saying how much I enjoyed the freshfruit with daily blackberries and raspberies! The desserts were varied and all delicious. Some of the entrees were just so over done however there is something for every palate. The tours were okay if you don't mind buses and people that are so infirmed they need help on and off the bus. We are in our early 60s and were some of the "young people". . In the evenings there was a string quartet playing and were just fabulous!!! Great time for relaxing and having acocktail. Now,movings on, one thing that really shocked me was having the 2nd day in shanghai cancelled . We were told we had to leave because of the tides. I know that is not the case. I asked our stewart if that happened on the last cruise and they say it has happened on the last few cruises. I probably will never know why, but I suspect it was more about the harbor fee.

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