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No VPN must cancel Solstice cruise


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Guess I understand having to be in touch...I used to feel that way...don't anymore..same job...different attitude, not condemning anyone who has to stay in touch, I worked too long under that system to say anything bad about anyone...but realized after a couple nasty hurricanes in 2004 that life is far too short and it can all get ripped out from under you at any moment so started rearranging things so I could enjoy more time with family/friends and less time worrying about work...and believe it or not my work performance got better for it...


But for those who have to...glad you've found a way to still enjoy at least some semi-time off....

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Just back from the Summit. It isn't that VPN is blocked. It is just that it takes up so much bandwidth. Celebrity's iLounge instructions warn the guests that they use high bandwidth products, such as VPN and Skype, at their own risk. My wife had no success using VPN to access her company's servers. However, she was able to use Microsoft Exchange to access her email.

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VPN has known problems with all satellite based internet, which is what the ships used. I heard once it has to do with the compression algorithms they use. I never researched it but I suspect regardless of whether compression or latency it doesn't work. This isn't a "Celebrity" issue, you will have this problem on every ship at sea. You could give the USB / cellular a go, but I suspect this may also be subject to the same issues.


It has nothing to do with bandwidth as I can VPN thru my own wireless which is FIOS, or when I freeload of my neighbor at less than 1 MB/sec from my backyard.


Luckly I now have a crackberry that elminates the need for the laptop VPN :mad:


I was under the impression that the newer ships offered better internet access until I checked this Celebrity board. Just returned from the new Silver Spirit where I had no problem accessing my VPN office site. Then I checked this board and found out that Celebrity blocks VPN (anyone know why?) which would make it impossible for me to keep up with my work (unfortunately, I do have to check in from time to time even though I'm on vacation). Glad I found this out before I boarded. Too bad, I have to cancel my upcoming Solstice cruise...we had heard such good things about the ship. Celebrity just lost us to another cruiseline that doesn't block VPN...bummer!!
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Perhaps your husband is not in the same business as mine. Mine needs access often at sea as well as port days. This really isn't a problem for us since there are other cruiselines that we can sail with...just glad we didn't end up going without knowing. Unlike some more fortunate folks, we cannot afford to be out of touch for a lengthy amount of time. Yes, going on The Allure presents the same problem...however, only two full work days are involved in that short cruise...so we may not have to cancel.


Please don't take this the wrong way but you are on vacation for 1 week and you cannot be unavailable for one day?! He is doing something wrong there - what happens if he is ill and in hospital and then what? Will the whole business come unraveled? He needs to seriuosly consider deligating some responsiblity accidents happen so do seriuos illness and if things don't work for one or two days in a week of vacation then he could be in serious trouble if something else unexpected comes up.


Hey no one not even the President of the USA is so important he / she cannot deligate responsiblities for a limited period of time.

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Anything I need to do for my work I can access through the good old fashioned internet. I never have a problem. Not that I do it often, but when I've needed to, I've had no issues. And thank all that is cruise holy for the Solstice class!

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Have you looked into getting a satellite card that would allow you access the internet from anywhere in the world? I don't know much about them, but I know they're available. I do feel your pain about working while on vacation. My job isn't really one that requires me to be on call when on vacation, but my new manager thinks it is! (I'm in Sales, nothing life or death is going to happen while I'm gone that someone else can't manage for me.) I've "solved" this problem by getting a personal cell phone in addition to my work phone so that when the weekend comes, or when I'm on vacation, my work cell phone (a crackberry) gets turned off and left at home. It's an added expense that I don't "need," but sure is nice to unplug for a bit! ...not to mention my company is cheap, so if I'm overseas, they won't pay for roaming :D

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Personally when I travel, I just use a world phone and a SIM to contact people back home. Many cruise ships have had issues in the past with allowing their Internet connections to be too open. Now they block USB ports, add strong firewalls, etc.


Generally, a VPN account allows you to surf the Internet and bypass proxy servers and filters imposed by the ships servers. While your use may be perfectly legal, not everyone else is as honest. The ship needs to have it's Internet servers protected. I suspect the ships block ports UDP 500, UDP 1701, and UDP 4500 or maybe their firewalls and anti-virus software are configured to block VPN traffic.

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I also use VPN to access my work network. On our Solstice cruise (two of them this year) I had a laptop from work that had the CITRIX client on it and had no problem at all connecting with the work network (unfortunately!). Response was no slower than any other cruise line internet connection -- and because the Solstice has wireless throughout the ship, I could access it from our cabin or balcony and not have to go to the internet cafe area.


I think the issue, at least in my case, is that you cannot download the CITRIX client to the ship's PCs, so you can't get through.



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Are You living Your Life or is your Life Living You? I understand there are times when you need to have to Work while on Vacation but everyone needs at least a couple of weeks a year away from the stress and grind to get back into the right frame of mind.


Tough Break that you have to Cxl, but I for one am glad they don't offer VPN everywhere I go. If I need to log into the office I will do it on a shore day... And if I can't... They will just have to deal with it because I am on "VACATION".





Not fair to judge. Everyone's life/job/personal issues are different. What works for some employers doesn not work for others. Sometimes more stress is added by not being able to keep in touch.

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VPN has known problems with all satellite based internet, which is what the ships used. I heard once it has to do with the compression algorithms they use. I never researched it but I suspect regardless of whether compression or latency it doesn't work. This isn't a "Celebrity" issue, you will have this problem on every ship at sea. You could give the USB / cellular a go, but I suspect this may also be subject to the same issues.


It has nothing to do with bandwidth as I can VPN thru my own wireless which is FIOS, or when I freeload of my neighbor at less than 1 MB/sec from my backyard.


Luckly I now have a crackberry that elminates the need for the laptop VPN :mad:


There was never a problem ( even at sea) accessing VPN on the Silver Spirit.... Just took it for granted that it wouldn't be a problem on other ships...I was wrong. How fortuante for those of you who have determined that they do not really need to be that tied into their businesses while on vacation. I am merely pointing out that VPN is not available for those passengers that do need access to their work systems. It is what it is and we will be content to go elsewhere.

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VPN has known problems with all satellite based internet, which is what the ships used. I heard once it has to do with the compression algorithms they use. I never researched it but I suspect regardless of whether compression or latency it doesn't work. This isn't a "Celebrity" issue, you will have this problem on every ship at sea. You could give the USB / cellular a go, but I suspect this may also be subject to the same issues.


It has nothing to do with bandwidth as I can VPN thru my own wireless which is FIOS, or when I freeload of my neighbor at less than 1 MB/sec from my backyard.


Luckly I now have a crackberry that elminates the need for the laptop VPN :mad:


Yep, my work requires us to use special fat client VPN software that runs 'more securely' than traditional VPN. Even using a land based Internet service, I can get kicked off because of QOS issues, the client is fussy.

You are going to have login problems to any website that is data intensive. I certainly wouldn't recommend spending time on youtube while on the ship.



Luckily my company also requires that everyone have backups so that nobody is indispensable. If you manage somebody below you, and if the company can't operate when that person is out of the office because they have no back up, then you won't have your job much longer.

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Here's hoping you don't get hit by a bus, or everyone in the company would go hungry!


We have backups for all key business roles in our company. And rules for the top execs - a few years back, a van carrying three key employees for a medium-sized firm in this state crashed killing all (and unfortunately ulimately killing the company)


I lived this way for a long time - I discovered that I was not indespensible when the company that I was so committed to was sold and no one was retained. Now I work at a company where EVERYONE is expected to take time off and does (and I make more money). So when the founder/owner of that company is away, none of us expect her to be checking her email or logging on -- her admin has an emergency number and knows that she had best be calling from the smoldering embers in the aftermath of a rare earthquake if she is using it. And lo and behold, even when the offices were partly flooded - we didn't disturb her (our disaster recovery plan worked out quite well, thank you!) so she came back to new carpet in her office :D!


Everyone at my new firm is committed to this company. It is rewarding knowing that you are valued for more than simply the bottom line. It is also very rewarding to have your superiors have enough faith and trust in you to place that type of responsibility in your hands - to know that your boss is confident that you can do it without her.



Well stated. The American view of vacations is out of whack. In Europe senior management (I work for a German company) routinely takes 2-3 week vacations with little or no contact to the home office and enjoys 6 weeks or more of vacation per year. We (many Americans) scramble to take 2 or 3 weeks of vacation a year ( a week at a time) and then feel that we must do a daily check in with a high security VPN line. As a 55 year old who has never taken over a week at a time of vacation I think I understand the 'American' way of viewing work but I have finally learned to wean myself from the corporate umbilical cord (with the help of my wife). An associate of mine who works for a fortune 500 company took a Panama canal cruise last year and was diligently checking e-mails and doing shipboard problem solving. He just got laid off and I couldn't help but think that he wishes he had that time to enjoy with his wife back.

A cruise is a wonderful escape and getaway and being partially incommunicado is perhaps one of its greatest joys. JMHO

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We spent 9 days camping in Yellowstone last year... Absolutely no Cell service or internet what so ever. It was weird at first because we are so accustomed to being in full contact with our office and family 24-7 but after a couple of days it became the greatest feeling in the world! You find a completely new level of relaxation when you can turn off the outside world.



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What is VPN? Glad I am not in its clutches!!!!


Just off Summit, & the computer room was really great-- all new machines with lit keyboards, constant help available and pretty quick for being on a ship most times!!!

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What is VPN? Glad I am not in its clutches!!!!


Just off Summit, & the computer room was really great-- all new machines with lit keyboards, constant help available and pretty quick for being on a ship most times!!!

VPN lets you set up a secure encrypted link to your home/work network from most any publicly available network. Because data capacity (network bandwidth) is generally quite limited at sea, ships can often block/restrict access to websites and features that transfer a lot of data (bandwidth hogs such as live streaming video, etc).


If someone on the ship is using a VPN, they have the ability (whether knowingly or not) to bypass some of the data bandwidth restrictions that the ship may have put into place. That is why ships and other limited bandwidth providers will often block the ability to use VPN. VPN itself can sometimes also add to the data bandwidth used due to the encryption software used.


If you are relying on VPN access, you are always at the mercy of the system admins for whatever internet access provider you use. Just because a given ship (or hotel, or coffee shop, etc) did or did not allow VPN last month is no guarantee of their VPN policy next month.

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At least someone gets it...


and I am sure my employees appreciate it too since I am the only one that can do payroll...at least I am on vacation and away from the office:D


Wow!! Can you give someone your proxy while you are on vacation to do payroll?

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Wow!! Can you give someone your proxy while you are on vacation to do payroll?



I have an emergency backup...it just works better/easier if I can process it. 3 week trips make it tough but doable.

I've got it covered. Thanks for the concern.;)

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Well stated. The American view of vacations is out of whack. In Europe senior management (I work for a German company) routinely takes 2-3 week vacations with little or no contact to the home office and enjoys 6 weeks or more of vacation per year. We (many Americans) scramble to take 2 or 3 weeks of vacation a year ( a week at a time) and then feel that we must do a daily check in with a high security VPN line. As a 55 year old who has never taken over a week at a time of vacation I think I understand the 'American' way of viewing work but I have finally learned to wean myself from the corporate umbilical cord (with the help of my wife). An associate of mine who works for a fortune 500 company took a Panama canal cruise last year and was diligently checking e-mails and doing shipboard problem solving. He just got laid off and I couldn't help but think that he wishes he had that time to enjoy with his wife back.

A cruise is a wonderful escape and getaway and being partially incommunicado is perhaps one of its greatest joys. JMHO



You got it right...and THANK GOD...I FINALLY got it too....I hope others that can't just let it go do too...


Having said that I actually understand someone who is away for 3-4 weeks needing to check in occasionally but A WEEK? Few places will collapse if someone is out of touch for a WEEK..and if they do...well how stable was the situation to begin with....just a thought......

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Few places will collapse if someone is out of touch for a WEEK..and if they do...well how stable was the situation to begin with....just a thought......


"Screws fall out all the time, the world is an imperfect place" - Bender, The Breakfast Club


Lots of companies, especially in this economy, are making due with the bare minimum number of people to keep the lights up and the customers serviced. That means that cross-training, knowledge-transfer, etc., often are given short shrift compared to putting out the day's fires, and people focusing on their primary areas of responsibility.


You can argue that it's short-sighted, and I don't think there's anyone who would disagree with you, but that is a cut and dry fact in today's business sector, especially in the area of IT folks (the folks who are most likely to be tethered by VPN requirements).


Even now, I'm racing desperately to get the one guy who reports to me (who I had to fight to get in the first place) up to speed on the stuff that I know that nobody else does in time for my 1-Oct departure for two weeks. I'm not 100% sure it'll actually happen, and if it doesn't, I'll be checking my e-mail a lot more often than I'd like.


But please don't ANYONE sit there and judge. It's all well and good that you were able to make the choice (and it is a choice) to tell your employers to piss off while you're on vacation. Not everyone gets that option, and the market is crappy enough that "working at a place that requires tethering, and having a mostly-fun vacation, tinged with occasional spurts of work" is far better than the alternative, "spending the time when you'd like to be on a cruise, sending out resumes trying to find a job".

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"Screws fall out all the time, the world is an imperfect place" - Bender, The Breakfast Club


Lots of companies, especially in this economy, are making due with the bare minimum number of people to keep the lights up and the customers serviced. That means that cross-training, knowledge-transfer, etc., often are given short shrift compared to putting out the day's fires, and people focusing on their primary areas of responsibility.


You can argue that it's short-sighted, and I don't think there's anyone who would disagree with you, but that is a cut and dry fact in today's business sector, especially in the area of IT folks (the folks who are most likely to be tethered by VPN requirements).


Even now, I'm racing desperately to get the one guy who reports to me (who I had to fight to get in the first place) up to speed on the stuff that I know that nobody else does in time for my 1-Oct departure for two weeks. I'm not 100% sure it'll actually happen, and if it doesn't, I'll be checking my e-mail a lot more often than I'd like.


But please don't ANYONE sit there and judge. It's all well and good that you were able to make the choice (and it is a choice) to tell your employers to piss off while you're on vacation. Not everyone gets that option, and the market is crappy enough that "working at a place that requires tethering, and having a mostly-fun vacation, tinged with occasional spurts of work" is far better than the alternative, "spending the time when you'd like to be on a cruise, sending out resumes trying to find a job".



I actually understood what you were saying until you made the sarcastic comment about telling my employers to "piss off" while I'm on vacation...have never, would never..so watch the judgment yourself..


Yes I did make a choice, it was mine to make and my employer and employees, who ALL work their rear off, just as I do, are happy that when THEY go on vacation they get don't asked to check in and make sure all's well and they, in turn, EXPECT me to do the same. Am I lucky? YES I AM and I know it.


Times are tough and my business has felt it as much as all and more than some, so I do understand, hope that you get your employee trained so you can enjoy your time away.........

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Self employed sole practioner CPA here. Luckily I don't need VPN but the laptop I carry on vacation with me has the last few years tax returns on it. A client e-mailed me couple of years ago while we were on a long Panama Canal Cruise, going for an emergency loan and needed copies of the last three years personals and corporates as of yesterday (don't ask me why they lose the copies I supply at the time of filing) so I went into the internet cafe with the laptop, created 6 large PDFs, and e-mailed them as an attachment while sitting on a ship in the Pacific Ocean.:D.


And there is NOBODY who could back me up, I'm it.

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Self employed sole practioner CPA here. Luckily I don't need VPN but the laptop I carry on vacation with me has the last few years tax returns on it. A client e-mailed me couple of years ago while we were on a long Panama Canal Cruise, going for an emergency loan and needed copies of the last three years personals and corporates as of yesterday (don't ask me why they lose the copies I supply at the time of filing) so I went into the internet cafe with the laptop, created 6 large PDFs, and e-mailed them as an attachment while sitting on a ship in the Pacific Ocean.:D.


And there is NOBODY who could back me up, I'm it.



....solo self employed need to be able to stay that way.....would've done the same thing......hopefully he/she said "thanks" for taking care of them...

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