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LIVE from the Sapphire - 33 days from Seattle to Sydney


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Hi Pia,


As you know, we will be on the Feb. NZ cruise. I'm wondering if you could check something out for me. We would like to take the Taleri Gorge Railway on our own out of Dunedin. How often does the shuttle run from the ship and how close would it get us to the train station? We get into port at 8am and the train leaves at 9:30. Is there enough time to get there or should we hop in a taxi? Thanks so much!:)


CruizinNoony I would be emailing the Railway organisers (For reservations and general enquiries reserve@taieri.co.nz )as when we were there in 2008 they did not run the normal trips on cruise ship days. We took the Princess tour, the train picks up from the Dock. it was a wonderful trip and I would hate you to miss out coz they are using all the carriages for the cruise.

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YAY...Heres a lucky shot grabbed 5 minutes ago.

At Taiaroa Heads , the entrance to Port Chalmers, Dunedin , they have a webcam overlooking the Albatross Colony.It only updates every 5 minutes or so , thus the window to see a ship passing is very small.

How lucky ....I just clicked on , waited for an update and caught Sapphire sailing out of the harbour.





That scaffolding is not usually there, must be doing some work on the observatory.



You are everywhere!! :D

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YAY...Heres a lucky shot grabbed 5 minutes ago.

At Taiaroa Heads , the entrance to Port Chalmers, Dunedin , they have a webcam overlooking the Albatross Colony.It only updates every 5 minutes or so , thus the window to see a ship passing is very small.

How lucky ....I just clicked on , waited for an update and caught Sapphire sailing out of the harbour.





That scaffolding is not usually there, must be doing some work on the observatory.


Hi David.


I've been admiring your webcam snatches and this is a cracker.


Friends of friends that live in Dunedin emailed me 1st time today and told me about the albatross colony on one side as you sail in and something about a burned down house follwing a Mauri murder??


How DO you find these esoteric camera locations? Do you also tack UFOs and Space Noise?


Looks like ther's only us and poss Nicky from Southampton that haven't set off yet. We fly 22.30 day after tomorrow from London via Hong Kong straight through to Sydney arriving the morning of sailaway.


Looking forward to it immensley and thanks again for your great postings.



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Good Wednesday morning and welcome to our day of Fjordland scenic cruising. There is very little organized activity scheduled, enabling the passengers to look and listen to the on-deck commentary on the various points of interest in Fjordland National Park by ranger Ross Kerr. Mr. Kerr will be giving live commentary as the ship visits numerous fjords such as Milford, Thompson and Dusky Sounds. We heard yesterday that it was supposed to snow at Milford. We will soon find out.

Meanwhile, as stated, not much going on today. The afternoon movie is “Date Night”, and there’s another wine tasting at 3:00. The casino is closed today because of maritime rules in fjord areas. Will re-open at 6:30 PM



Tonight’s entertainment is Peter Byrne in the theater (no info, so he’s probably a singer) and comedy in Explorer’s by Rondell Sheridan. At 10:00 in the theater will be the International Crew Show

The comedian from last night who was an impressionist and who I thought would have a puppet……….didn’t. I would have preferred the puppet.



There’s a blurb in the Patter that all passengers will have to attend a mandatory immigration inspection tomorrow. Additional information will be forthcoming.

The ship was rocking so badly that we couldn’t even think about getting out of bed, this morning let alone going to the gym. We just made it up to Horizon Ct past 9 ::00 with stormy seas. Captain is announcing just now that we cannot go into the fjords, so disregard whatever I previously stated. He is also saying that the weather will be deteriorating. Therefore, just in case you don’t hear from me, I’ll either have mal de mer or have no satellite.

Jackie & Don: No mosquitoes

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LOL......I was wondering where you were. Since you are 17 hours ahead of EST, we have been able to count on an update from you around 3pm every day and today, nothing. Now we know why.


Hope all this rocking and rolling ends soon. Will the waters be calmer as you head towards Australia?

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The comedian from last night who was an impressionist and who I thought would have a puppet……….didn’t. I would have preferred the puppet. ROFLAO


The ship was rocking so badly that we couldn’t even think about getting out of bed, this morning let alone going to the gym. We just made it up to Horizon Ct past 9 ::00 with stormy seas. Captain is announcing just now that we cannot go into the fjords, so disregard whatever I previously stated. He is also saying that the weather will be deteriorating. Therefore, just in case you don’t hear from me, I’ll either have mal de mer or have no satellite.


Oh Pia I'm sorry for you and the entire ship that you all won't be making the fjords. Will you get a chance on your next leg?



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The ship was rocking so badly that we couldn’t even think about getting out of bed, this morning let alone going to the gym. We just made it up to Horizon Ct past 9 ::00 with stormy seas. Captain is announcing just now that we cannot go into the fjords, so disregard whatever I previously stated. He is also saying that the weather will be deteriorating. Therefore, just in case you don’t hear from me, I’ll either have mal de mer or have no satellite.


Hi Pia and Mike,


Hope you are coping ok with the rocking and rolling. Do you take seasick meds? The updated information from Kiwi Kruzer didn't look too promising, but we will keep our fingers crossed for you.


We have been having crazy weather here in Australia too - summer one day, heavy rain and floods the next couple of days, then back to freezing winter weather, with really cold mornings.


When we board on 23rd Oct, the forecast for Sydney isn't too bad, a temperature of around 25 (around 77) but Sunday 24th is cooler and wet again.


I have packed extra seasick meds - hopefully enough to keep me "well medicated" and not to feel a thing. I feel like I am doing an impersonation of Nurse Ratchet from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest!!


Keep well and we will pray for calmer seas.


See you soon.



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Well, we survived yesterday; all the rocking and rolling and bumping and thumping. Will today be any better? Sure hope so. Good Thursday morning to you all, as we get closer to the end of this cruise. Sydney beckons, and that’s where we’ll be on Saturday. It’s 53 degrees, sun is shining and still rocking. I just quit the gym; left Mike there. He seems to do better on a treadmill with rocking ships. We don't need meds, but just getting over this head cold needs a change of discipline. ;)

Meanwhile, today has a schedule loaded with things to do. Several lectures on tap, starting with “The History of Pirates” at 9:00, “SS United States - Lady in Waiting” at 11:15, “New Zealand”, Gateway to Antarctica Exploration at 1:00 and “Oceanic Get Together” at 3:00.

There’s a culinary demonstration in the theater at 10:00, followed by a tour of the galley for those interested parties. The matinee movie is “Extraordinary Measures” with Harrison Ford and you know Bingo is on the agenda too. Oh yes, the ever “popular” up to 75% off sale is also on today. In between it all, everyone has to present their passports and themselves to Australian immigration at a designated time. Ours, for Baja deck, is between 2:30 and 3:30 PM

Tonight’s entertainment is the production show “Do you Wanna Dance” and in Explorer’s a repeat performance by last night’s comedian Rondell Sheridan. He was very funny and we enjoyed his show. We will probably catch him again tonight and hope he has some new material. We also get to play with the clocks again; backward one hour tonight.

See you later.

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Thanks Pia! I can't believe its been 1 month! :eek:


Rondell is great, we always enjoy his shows. He gave me a great autographed photo a couple of years ago. :)


Hi Pia,


Glad to hear things have settled down a little. We, too, love Rondell. He is very funny. Any idea whether he will be staying on board? Any chance of you finding out? Would love to experience his show when we board on 23rd October.


Hope the crossing of the Tasman Sea is kind to you.


Keep well and tell Mike to hang on tight to that treadmill!!



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Almost 2:30 PM and I was completely wrong about the outside temperature. The 53 I mentioned is the high for today, so this morning it was somewhere in the 40’s. The pools are still empty, though the hot tubs have been reopened. Seas are still pretty wiggly and ship continues to rock.

The lines for passport inspection were long, longer and longest, but I saw a slight lull around 11:15 and we decided to do ours at that time. The purser’s desk lines are crazy. I can’t imagine so many people having problems. We have none.

I will try to find out about Rondell, but I have a feeling he's leaving in Sydney.

Nothing else to say.

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Thanks for reporting in Pia. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, that does sound a bit chilly down under. Spring can be a bit on the iffy side there, I hope it warms up for you soon and maybe that head cold will ease a bit. ;) Last visit there a few years ago was the end of November and it was still very cool in the AM, but warmed up nicely in the afternoon. Enjoy Sydney!

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Pia, I'm continuing to enjoy your ports so much, thanks for being so disciplined in keeping us in the loop. I hope you continue to feel better. FWIW, the Tasman Sea has been extremely "wiggly" (love that description) every time we've sailed on it. Luckily, we are not prone to seasickness either, but 25-40 feet seas tend to make me very sleepy (I think from all the extra core work just to stay balanced).

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Pia, I'm continuing to enjoy your ports so much, thanks for being so disciplined in keeping us in the loop. I hope you continue to feel better. FWIW, the Tasman Sea has been extremely "wiggly" (love that description) every time we've sailed on it. Luckily, we are not prone to seasickness either, but 25-40 feet seas tend to make me very sleepy (I think from all the extra core work just to stay balanced).


Last January I was looking forward to some rough seas. Our two day crossing wass glass smooth. Go figure.....:):):)



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Well, we survived yesterday; all the rocking and rolling and bumping and thumping. Will today be any better? Sure hope so. Good Thursday morning to you all, as we get closer to the end of this cruise. Sydney beckons, and that’s where we’ll be on Saturday. It’s 53 degrees, sun is shining and still rocking. I just quit the gym; left Mike there. He seems to do better on a treadmill with rocking ships. We don't need meds, but just getting over this head cold needs a change of discipline. ;)



Meanwhile, today has a schedule loaded with things to do. Several lectures on tap, starting with “The History of Pirates” at 9:00, “SS United States - Lady in Waiting” at 11:15, “New Zealand”, Gateway to Antarctica Exploration at 1:00 and “Oceanic Get Together” at 3:00.

There’s a culinary demonstration in the theater at 10:00, followed by a tour of the galley for those interested parties. The matinee movie is “Extraordinary Measures” with Harrison Ford and you know Bingo is on the agenda too. Oh yes, the ever “popular” up to 75% off sale is also on today. In between it all, everyone has to present their passports and themselves to Australian immigration at a designated time. Ours, for Baja deck, is between 2:30 and 3:30 PM



Tonight’s entertainment is the production show “Do you Wanna Dance” and in Explorer’s a repeat performance by last night’s comedian Rondell Sheridan. He was very funny and we enjoyed his show. We will probably catch him again tonight and hope he has some new material. We also get to play with the clocks again; backward one hour tonight.


See you later.




Thanks so much for your reports. the 30 days seem to have flew by. I'm looking forward to reading part two.....:):):)



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Hello Pia,

Such a shame you missed the fiords (definitely one of the highlights of a NZ cruise) and commiserate re the rough weather. Hope you enjoy Sydney.

I've popped in from the S.American thread to draw your attention to three threads that need addressing. They are #727 Falklands tendering list, #773 an Estancia tour that Carolyn is organising with two seats left and #797 is the list for the M&G's and Farewell lunches.

If you could email me privately that would be perfect. I could relay the information you supply to the respective parties.



PS Hope the return leg of your cruise is perfect.

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Hard to believe, but it’s almost over. This cruise, anyway. Good morning; it’s Friday October 22nd and we’ve been gone from home since the 16th of September. This cruise has been great and you folks have been wonderful too. What an amazing following on this thread. I cannot believe the numbers. More than 40,000 hits! The seas have calmed and the temps have risen. I think it’s close to 60 now and since we gained an hour of sleep last night, we are only 16 hours ahead of EST.

While most people will be packing today, we happily will be moseying along doing our regular routine of gym, trivia, food and reading. I understand about 200 are staying on for the next cruise. The CC host told me this cruise had 280 Elites and there will be many more than that on the next one.

Last night we saw Rondell Sheridan again; same show at the beginning, but since he works the audience, in essence it was a new show. They also did the Marriage Game; always good for laughs.

There’s a Sydney lecture today, a lecture “Seafaring Women in the Age of Sail” and the movie Sherlock Holmes. Also today will be the Passenger Talent Show, the final art auction, the final bingo and the navigational chart auction. Tonight’s presentations are Peter Byrne (the guy who thinks he’s Neil Diamond - NOT!) and the not-so-good impressionist Danny McMaster. In Explorer’s will be the Vintage People who I hope will be departing in Sydney. They sort of grow on you after a while providing the leader doesn’t sing.

Will check in again later.


Trouble in computerville,

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Hard to believe, but it’s almost over. This cruise, anyway. Good morning; it’s Friday October 22nd and we’ve been gone from home since the 16th of September. This cruise has been great and you folks have been wonderful too. What an amazing following on this thread. I cannot believe the numbers. More than 40,000 hits! The seas have calmed and the temps have risen. I think it’s close to 60 now and since we gained an hour of sleep last night, we are only 16 hours ahead of EST.

While most people will be packing today, we happily will be moseying along doing our regular routine of gym, trivia, food and reading. I understand about 200 are staying on for the next cruise. The CC host told me this cruise had 280 Elites and there will be many more than that on the next one.

Last night we saw Rondell Sheridan again; same show at the beginning, but since he works the audience, in essence it was a new show. They also did the Marriage Game; always good for laughs.

There’s a Sydney lecture today, a lecture “Seafaring Women in the Age of Sail” and the movie Sherlock Holmes. Also today will be the Passenger Talent Show, the final art auction, the final bingo and the navigational chart auction. Tonight’s presentations are Peter Byrne (the guy who thinks he’s Neil Diamond - NOT!) and the not-so-good impressionist Danny McMaster. In Explorer’s will be the Vintage People who I hope will be departing in Sydney. They sort of grow on you after a while providing the leader doesn’t sing.

Will check in again later.


Trouble in computerville,


Hey Pia - Have been following the cruise. Sounds great. Hope the way back is good with less rocking and rolling.



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