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Stores that carry "FIRE" season clothing


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I also think in her shop all the clothes look alike no matter the type .


I agree with you 100%. I like her ideas about the four types of movement, but the execution is not good. Everyone kind of looks the same to me and has some sort of regional fashion look (I'm not exactly sure where that region is, exactly, but I know I see it in catalogs) that wouldn't necessarily go over well everywhere. I'm not saying that in a judgmental way, at all, but one example would be that her idea of what "professional" means is waaaay too casual for us big city folks.


Don't get me started on the hair and makeup.


Sally, my grandma was just like your mom. She even had kitten heel slippers that she wore at home (I get my love of high heels from her).

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Anita, I think your analysis for Type 4 is spot on for Lauries style of dressing and feeling comfortable. You have a talent for writing which is very helpful for us on this forum.

I am still debating re type 1 or 3 for myself😉


Thank you cruzisme!


Debbie was talking about debating Type 1 and 3 too...


Being a Type 1...and having a Type 3 Mom and DH...I'm feeling pretty qualified to offer some insight that might help...


I don't know if you have ever taken a group exercise class...and been able to go to one repeatedly, consistently. Mom and I both enjoyed going to Zumba classes. For me, they were very fun. I love to dance, I love to be social, I love the music, I loved the attitude and the idea that I could let out my "sexy" during some of the songs and moves. I could keep it up for so long (only stopping because of my ACL injury) because most everything about it was FUN. FUN was the key for me. Type 1 all the way.


Mom kept going because it was EFFECTIVE. She forced herself to go to the class with me on a visit because she knew I wouldn't go if she didn't. I was in the front (like normal) and she was somewhere in the back. She was out for quite a long visit and had great results from going to the class...so she decided that she would find an instructor or two that she liked in her area because the class was worth it to get the results. RESULTS is what mattered to Mom. Type 3 all the way.


Same class, different view points.


How many unfinished projects do you have living in your house? For myself...I've started many, many cross stitch projects. I've started many, many sewing projects. I purchased an incredible amount of supplies for scrap booking, which I totally thought I wanted to do...and still haven't done. (Turns out that I can actually finish making cards...but I overwhelm myself with all the possibilities of an entire scrapbook). But I have boxes of scrapbook materials dating back to my childhood. I have kept things with the intention of a project...like the stacks and stacks of egg cartons I keep (not to mention the toilet paper tubes) that could be used in a project!


I have PLANS...big big PLANS. Or rather...IDEAS. General ideas. Big big ideas.


And sadly, very little follow through.


I have the hardest time finishing projects.


Now Mom...she gets it done. I can only think of one thing in all my memory that Mom hasn't been able to finish. ONE. It may take a while, but Mom finishes projects. It's why she had to come out and help me finish all the work we were doing on our Texas house...I couldn't get it done without her...and we couldn't really move before it was done. DH is the only reason the basement got finished in our first house... (Likewise, I can only think of one project DH started but couldn't finish...but he just really underestimated the time it would take to do the project and then life got in the way).


Anyway...Mom makes lists! Lots and lots of lists! DH will too. It would frustrate him no end if we didn't get everything we needed on our run to Home Depot. He used the list to make sure he thought of everything to get the job done and he gets the job done. I would be frustrated if we forgot something, but I wouldn't mind going back out to the store to get it...I mean, the store is not that far away... Mom says that she can do mental lists too...it's just the idea of making a list...seeing a systematic thing to get a job done and documenting it. BEFORE getting started.


Speaking of documenting...Mom keeps records of results. I think she has her measurements and weight going back to the early 80s? Right Mom?


DH doesn't consider a job done until the tools are put away. He has been frustrated with me so many times over the fact that I consider the job done when I actually finish hanging the picture on the wall. Then DH is like, where is the hammer?!? And it will be laying where I last used it instead of PUT AWAY like it should be.


But then, I can also leave the laundry in the baskets... OR...DS even knows that he might have to dig through the dryer to get something because I can be pretty happy to get the job done good enough and then move on to something that is a whole lot more fun than laundry.


Mom and I both decided that we would like to start seeds. Grow some specialty veg and herbs, etc. Mom bought us both a nice set up for starting seeds. Big trays...grow light, I think. Maybe even heating pads? IDK if I remember it all. Anyway...neither one of us used the seed growing equipment. I think Mom finally concluded that her lifestyle and AZ weren't conducive to the whole idea and so she brought out her equipment to give to me one time that they drove out to visit me in Texas.


So, she first gifted us with that equipment in 2001...

She let go of the idea and gave me her equipment in 2006-7?


I still have all the equipment in the original boxes...and still believe that I will use it. I have moved it 8 times.


Type 1s start projects. Or think about starting projects. Or dream about projects. Type 1s rarely think that a project can't be done. HOW TO doesn't usually figure into the thinking of what would be so awesome to do.


Now...I can finish work. If something absolutely has to get done, I can get it done. But if it isn't absolutely necessary to do...well...I can let it go unfinished...


I got in a mood and wanted to trim the tree in the backyard of our house in Houston SO BAD. It was terrible...it needed to be done and since I was home all the time...I could stare at that tree and envision the trimming that needed to be done. And one day...I finally did it.


And I left all the tree trimmings in the yard for like, a MONTH...maybe longer. I'd have to ask DH...the only reason the trees trimmings finally were picked up was because DH helped me get it done.


I was just happy with the way the trees looked.


I got the wallpaper off the walls in our Cypress house. I think we lived with horrible no paper walls, revealing the less than lovely condition of the drywall, tape job, etc. for maybe a YEAR? I was just happy to get the wall paper off the walls...


Type 3s finish projects. And the job isn't done until the job is fully done. Clean up. Tools away.


Type 3 make lists. Many types of lists. They don't just see a result...they systematically can process what needs to take place to achieve the result. They can connect the dots from start to finish.


Sometimes...a Type 1 can't even figure out how to get started. They can gather all the materials...and then just start at them. Sitting there in the corner of the one room. It's the beginning and the start up that is exciting and motivating.


So...I have curtain rods that I've purchased. And I totally know where they could go. And I totally haven't hung them up. In fact, there is a sheer curtain that is covering the window above my bathtub that is attached with tacks...since we moved in over 2 years ago.


I have been known to get the Christmas tree out and get it set up...that is...assemble the tree...and never decorate it. Just put it back in the box in January (if I'm lucky...) Good enough to just get it out. It's like I have to be in a mood to do the decorating of the tree... So I've had the tree set up in the foyer now for over a week at least...not decorated yet.


I have so many more examples, but the gist is that a Type 1 really does have a hard time finishing non-essential projects while the Type 3 figures out a way to get things done. Whatever they decide to do...they just do it.


For me...this defines the Type 1 vs. Type 3 the most. And I've tried to offer some real life examples of what that looks like...


Some more...Type 1s will act it out. Rather than just describe something...if able or applicable, a Type 1 will totally act it out and demonstrate.


Type 3s will survey their work. DH likes to walk around the yard after he does the yard work. He'll admire all his work.


If I actually finish a project...I like to SHOW OFF my work. I don't really care to bask in the glow of the finished project all alone. I don't really care all that much. But I have been known to take a photo of the finished yard after I have done it to send to DH so he can admire my work...


I would say that a Type 3 can be competitive, even if it is only against themselves. Bettering themselves. It's a results kind of thing. DH has no problem working to improving his exercises, for example, doing more reps, or higher weight, or whatever.


I would say that a Type 1 is a show off. Look at me! If they are competitive, it is because they want the spot light of the win...

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I AM SYBIL in this idea--somebody help me (us)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hopefully, most of us are of the age that we know who Sybil is? :rolleyes:

I was also until I read the e book for the third time and now it makes sense to me . I am definitely a type 2 . I hate change and I love routine . I also want comfort in all my things . So many people have complimented me on how comfortable my house is .It is shabby chic . I wear JJill which is super comfortable most of it is made from bamboo .The thought of wearing anything tight except leggings is foreign to me and I have given up on heels years ago . I either wear ballet flats or sandals . So according to her profile I am already living my true life which I kind of suspected .

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Oh my gosh...Sybil. it's been years since I read that book. I agree that it takes a few readings and rereadings to get a firm grip on what personality type is dominant.


Anita, you understand me very well...solid colors, few prints, no sneakers and athleisure for the gym only!


I agree about Tuttle's sense of color being way off. I also agree that her store is rather blah and all the clothes kind of look alike. But I do feel that this understanding in concept is a big plus for me. I already have a better grip on why I like things, and I'm thinking of how to apply that when I'm shopping.


I'm not a tshirt lerson, but I will wear my Syracuse clothing. And I'm really fussy about the fit, I admit.


This is a fun process.


Sent from my SM-T530NU using Tapatalk

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Anita, thank you for writ that thesis re type 1 versus 3. Truly impressed with your examples etc.

From this , I am a 3 not a 1.


However, I don't really know about type 2 and 4. Can you tell us more for that or have you already explained them?



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Anita, thank you for writ that thesis re type 1 versus 3. Truly impressed with your examples etc.

From this , I am a 3 not a 1.


However, I don't really know about type 2 and 4. Can you tell us more for that or have you already explained them?




I think we've had some general conversation regarding the types but nothing to the extent of that previous post of mine where I tried to offer some energy type examples...how the descriptions that Tuttle offers might translate into action and behavior.


I know that I am a Type 4 secondary. I think I'm a fairly strong Type 4 secondary actually...but I can see how the Type 1 overrides the Type 4...I'm definitely an outward energy person.


I don't know if you are looking for more info to pick a secondary? Or if you aren't fully sure that Type 3 would be your dominant and so want more info to decide and rule out the other two?


I'm not going to repeat the info from the eBook...like I did previously, I'll just talk about how the Type 4 energy expresses itself through my actions...


First of all...the fact that I am even writing all this information here is very Type 4. If you find my voice rather authoritative, like I know what I'm talking about...Type 4. The fact that I can organize my thoughts to express them in a way that I hope someone will be able to follow...and hopefully gain some knowledge and shared understanding...Type 4.


Now...a dominant Type 4 may not necessarily be motivated to actually share all their understanding and knowledge, but my Type 1, is all like, LOOK AT ME! I know what I'm talking about! I want to share with you and make a connection!


My house is usually in a state of messy organization. My Type 4 closet is organized by type of clothing, organized by color...NEVER out of order. EVER. (Even before Marie Kondo.) I've been in my MIL and SIL's closets...they have stuff all over the place, in no order whatsoever. I honestly don't know how they find the clothes they want to find.


I do not have a junk drawer. EVER. ANYWHERE.


My spices are organized first by the type of container they are in (tall glass, square tin, short plastic) and then are alphabetized. I have one spice cabinet for all the singular spices...like basil, ginger, paprika, thyme, etc. and another cabinet for the spice mixes...like Cajun seasoning, Fajita seasoning, etc.


My linen closet is completely sorted by type and size. I ADORED the method that Martha Stewart had where she put the sheet set into the pillowcase of the sheet set to keep the linen closet neat and tidy and all sorted. I do that. The king sheets are on one shelf, the queen on another...when we had the twin/crib, they were separated. The towels are all sorted and folded to fit on the shelves just right and stacked according to size and/or use.


My cosmetics are sorted by type. My books are sorted by subject. When I had CDs, they were alphabetized.


Type 4 is very "A place for everything and everything in its place." And "its place" is a thoughtful, organized location, usually living with others of its kind.


NOW...you would think my house would be all nice and clean. But that's just the "put away layer". All the drawers and shelves are all nice and neat...but the layer that can be seen? The surfaces of the dining table, the side tables, the dresser, the night stand, the bathroom COUNTER...totally a mess. My Type 1 can live with the mess (mess is a form of movement...your eye goes all around to all the different objects around...and movement doesn't bother me (so long as the mess isn't GROSS, like old food)) but my Type 4 can't put something away in a bad, wrong, shoved out of sight place. If I'm going to put it away...it needs to be PUT AWAY properly.


My recharge relaxing space is to read in the bathtub. It's quiet. I'm alone. I have my book. I'm a happy camper...uh, bathtubber...


Contrast this to my DH...I know he is a Type 3 dominant, but I think he is a Type 1 secondary. So...LOTS of movement. Being still does not RECHARGE my DH. For him, going out on the tennis courts and using his body vigorously...maybe getting in a Zen zone...playing singles, not doubles...it's as good as a trip to the spa. He comes off the court all satisfied and happy and relaxed.




I need to be still for a while to recharge. I don't have a problem with that at all. I really enjoy yoga. I enjoyed Kelly's Pilates class too. I love the deliberate use of my body to form the different asanas. Get the positioning just right. My Type 4 deliberate movement is one reason why I was such a great Zumba instructor. I am actually very careful and purposeful with my body...it made me very easy to follow as an instructor...and my Type 1 energy made it fun. I was a hit! (look at me!)


Seriously though...the deliberate movement of yoga. And then that time at the end of class where you really focus on relaxing the different parts of your body...releasing the tension and being absolutely still. Good stuff.


But I do have to be in the mood for that. Sometimes, I have too much energy and need to move in a more energetic way.


Type 4s are constantly seeking improvement. Not in the results oriented way that a Type 3 operates in. I rearrange the furniture in my house because, as I live in the house and stay home everyday, I constantly see how I can improve a room. What do we do in the room? What COULD we do in the room? What SHOULD we do in the room? How can that be better? What would be more pleasing to see? What would be a better traffic pattern? What would showcase the features of the room?


And my Type 1 says, that'll be new and different! Let's move everything around! That'll be FUN!! And room is rearranged...


If I spend time anywhere...I will analyze the room. I will see where improvements could be done. I do this with everything. The arrangement. The process. The organization. The people. The responsibilities. I believe that there is ALWAYS room for improvement in just about everything and I am constantly seeking what that is and going after it.


One of the reason that I, with this Type 4 secondary, have an even harder time even starting a project as a Type 1 is because I am criticizing the perceived end result before I even start. I take the mental image of the finished project and project how it could be better. It makes it very hard to start anything when you are already editing before you even get started...


Type 4 likes order. Structure. CLEAN LINES. Type 1 is known for having things out and about. SO...in the kitchen, my Type 1 says that if I use a blender everyday, the blender should just live on the counter. LOTS of things on the counter in a Type 1 kitchen. Then the Type 4 is like...can't take it anymore!...and puts everything out of sight. NOTHING on the counter...


Unless it looks really nice...is somehow symmetrical or has a balanced look...or offers good structure to the functioning of the kitchen.


But even then, just a few select things on that Type 4 kitchen counter...


The Marie Kondo work I did in the kitchen was the best thing EVER for me, because it made it easy enough to get things out for my Type 1...but made a place for everything for my Type 4. Ahhh.


I attribute Type 4 energy to the fact that I know each and every item that I own and know where it is in my house. My Type 4 energy helped my Type 1 designate a place in the house for my keys. Everyone's keys. We have perfected the key placement in the house...


My Type 4 energy determined that we needed self closing toilet lids. The rule in our house is that you ALWAYS close the toilet lid. There is no toilet seat up versus down debate in our house. CLOSED when not in use. Open to desired use. Everyone follows the rule. Yes, I am the only female in the house...and the closed toilet rule has been in effect for over 15 years. When they came out with the self-closing seats? The heavens parted...the angels sang. We started using them with the house redo in Texas...7-8 years ago? And yes, I buy them for every house, each and every rental. And yes, my entire family has a tendency to slam toilet seats when they travel because they are so used to the self closing seats at home.


And yes, long time visitors have to break themselves of the habit after staying at my house because they too start slamming toilet seats when they go home...


And in a fit of Type 4 cleaning and organizing energy...I actually installed the toilet seats myself...


It makes total sense that Laurie loves laundry...as a Type 4. You get to sort the clothes (organize them)...clean them (perfect and improve them)...and them put them away in their happy place...also improving the rooms because there are no longer dirty clothes lying around...


Type 4 energy is a very focused energy. NOT a multitasking energy. Everyone expresses their Type 4 energy when they do the thing that they love so much that they forget to eat.


A dominant Type 4 may have the ability to really focus like that A LOT...with everything they do, like really paying attention to someone that is talking...really getting frustrated if that person talking is also looking at their phone, looking around the room, looking at their watch, etc., and not just talking to them. Excuse me? I'm right here...HELLO?! you are talking to me, so TALK to me. Focus on me please...


I am the Type 4 driver that Tuttle describes in her book. I know the rules of the road and I am frustrated BEYOND when people do not. I am especially frustrated when people think they are being so polite when they invite me to break the rules of the road by turning in front of them, for example, when THEY have the right of way. UGH! Just drive please...


My Type 4 gets me to places ON TIME. In fact, I prefer to arrive a little early...(me first! me first!...oh, hello Type 1, how you are satisfied in being early...)


A Type 4 is not said to seek the spotlight, but has no problems being in the spotlight when they feel well prepared to be in the spotlight.


I'm going to stop now...because I'm writing so much...and that's totally Type 1 of me...


I don't know anyone that I could say for sure is a Type 2...not IRL anyway. Maybe Sally could be persuaded to share?

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Type 2 are the planners and the worry warts . I throw a party every New Years Eve for about 20 people . I start planning the party menu two months in advance . I then mark the list with a check as I buy the items . I then revise the list to include preparation time . I use my Christmas dishes , red linens and crystal wine glasses . It would never cross my mind to use paper plates .I worry that everything will flow right and basically drive my SO crazy. I would love to be spontaneous but it is not going to happen . Type 2 love comfort . That is why I am so drawn to JJill since a lot of their clothes are bamboo or soft linen .That is also why I tolerate but do not enjoy formal anything .I have never worn a gown on any of the 32 cruises that I have been on and never will . That is why even though I would love to do a crossing on Cunard I never will . I would hate the dress code .

When Anita wrote about putting up the Christmas tree and not decorating it I knew that would never be me . I am a very visual person so I would have to decorate that tree . I also arrange my furniture add pillows .Etc. And it stays that way until I move or buy new furniture .My furniture does not have to have a purpose it just has to look right . Back to dressing I have favorite brands for just about everything and when I find a brand I like I stick with it and buy everything . I wear Born ballet flats , carry Vera Bradley bags , have everything JJill makes because it is so comfortable and there is an ease in knowing you will always have ready made outfits . I also wear land end pajamas because they keep getting softer as I wear them . So that is type slightly rigid worry warts who love comfort .

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I forgot to mention the good parts of type 2 . We love comfort and making people comfortable .We are great caregivers and nurses .We are the tops for empathy and understanding someone . We are also great with numbers . I taught myself to invest and handle all my investments plus do my taxes no matter how complicated they become .So type 2 does have good parts .

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Ahh, Sally! Thank you! "slightly rigid worry warts who love comfort" Now I know my DH is Type 2. That describes him to a T!


This may be a go-along--it may be an aside--but I want to get everyone's take on how this relates to Types 1-4, since I am more confused than before. Like Kim, I think I'm part-Sybil because I can partially relate with everything but Type 2 evidently.


Here goes--DH and I runaround with two other couples and we had a conversation one day about "thinking outside the box" when the phrase was relatively new. DH remarked that he didn't understand why everyone needed to think outside the box. He likes the box. He feels most comfortable in the box and didn't see why everyone wanted him to think outside the box. I laughed because he totally described himself. While I was at it, I described the other five of us. BFF looks around asking, "There's a box?" while her husband is almost clairvoyant because he always knows where the box is and which people in a crowd will be willing or unwilling to get in the box. Frick and Frack, the other couple, spend every waking moment together, and are quickly gathering their belongings to hurry along because they've been told to get in the box and will be there at least 15 minutes early, bags and all, not wanting to be late. I'm not getting in any box and I dare anyone to try to make me--So There!


Can you decide which type each of the six are? from Sally's description, my DH is Type 2.

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Let's just say he always has an opinion or three about anything from the flow of traffic to why so many people are shopping a particular day of the week. The things he chooses to spend time worrying over baffle me daily. I'm not concerned with which gas station offers the cheapest price by the half-cent! Like you said though, he a most generous person with others. He sees to my comfort much more than I do for him. To the point I am ashamed that I don't do more for him. He visits sick in the hospital and remembers to take a fast food sandwich of choice. If he has ever eaten with them, he remembers their preference. He's definitely Type 2, I think. It's easier for me to decide what he is by far than to see where I line up.

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Interesting, isn't it?


I think that the main benefit for me is that I love to analyze, know the how and why to things...although I'm not a fan of Carol Tuttle, I will say that she pointed out some things that are very good to consider. It can be easy to see only the good or bad, and she gives you both sides.


But it really does help me to see how my personality ties in to the choices I make. I was even thinking about a few pairs of pants I recently ordered.


These pants are absolutely perfect, and I actually understand why they are. With this in mind, I think I know how to spot the kind of pants I'm looking for.


These are the pants, in saddle brown that are my favorite. The color is...bold. Not in your face bold, but type 4 bold. (I'm starting to get the hang of this now, lol) They are fitted, without having a tight fit, and make me look taller. They have a clean look to them. I think the most surprising thing were the comments I received about the nice fit and so forth. Quite honestly, they made me feel good.




And I lucked out on cyber Monday and did not pay even half this amount. I ordered them in sand, and I'm going to order sienna and olive green.


But my point is that I totally understand why I like these to much. And I understand why I didn't order a certain shirt I saw on the WHBM website.


Margaret, was it you that once mentioned that you found yourself impulse buying sometimes when you found the right color, without giving thought to the style or fit? Then you'd look at it later and be disappointed?

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I have been following all of the is conversation since the beginning, hoping that there would be a light bulb moment for me but, no go :(


As soon as I read one thing and connect with it, I read another and think....hmmmmm... that describes me too. Most of you seem to have figured your type out, not me. I think there should be a type 5 that is definitely Sybil.


In fact, someone I work with, that is new, said to me, "You're an interesting person, Kim, I thought I knew what you were going to like and say, but that came out of left field." Another nod to the "Sybil" type 5 I think :eek:


I am like Debbie in that I could type many of you but, not myself. I do that with our color theory too, it seems to be easier to see good/bad colors on others than it is myself.


I actually have mixed feelings about this idea of "typing" our personalities. One part of me wants to know and see/read about my personality type. the other part of me says, nope I don't really need to be labeled and typed, I am who I am. There isn't a physical side of this typing like there is to our color analysis.

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I'm almost certain this is a "type" too, Kim! I bet you and I are a combo of two types and we haven't figured it out yet. I alphabetized my spices and have certain spots for things that aren't seen like Anita, but I don't have problem #1 with shoving all my laying out on the surfaces stuff into a Walmart sack and throwing it in the closet if necessary.


I agree with the bossy image Pam talked about and wanting to throw something across the room when it aggravates me. I'm a rocket fuse always lit. It's just a matter of how long is my fuse. I try. Boy howdy, do I try, but it's always there. No matter how hard I try to be ladylike and calm. DH still seems surprised when I ignite. You'd think he know by now.

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I can relate to what you are saying, Debbie. I alphabetize spices, straighten rugs, plan (with plans A,B,C and sometimes D), research, and other OCD things but, then I come up with an "out of left field" idea or statement. I'm also conventional with a wild side :D I like tried and true but, I also like adventure (within reason). I would creep up on a herd of Elephants on a bush walk but, would never jump out of a plane.


My fuse can be very short too and I most always speak my mind. I don't think my DH is ever surprised any more!


See, I'm thinking more and more Sybil..........

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There isn't a physical side of this typing like there is to our color analysis.


Actually...there is.


Technically, defining your TYPE of ENERGY is all about putting some description to the way you MOVE through the world. Like, literally. The way your physical body does what it does when you use it in this world.


So it is VERY physical.


But the problem is that, a little like Curt can SEE in your skin whether you are a Fire, Earth, Air or Ice...Tuttle can SEE if you are what she has labeled Type 1, 2, 3 or 4 Energy.


So she has to try to put some descriptions to the energy because she isn't able to see everyone. She has discerned some commonalities regarding the different energies...but as we have said before...you can't really put some of these things into a box and say if you do this, you are type whatever energy.


For example...


A Type 1 may decide that putting her spices in alphabetical order is fun. Maybe she teaches kindergarten... Maybe she did it with her child as an alphabet learning game one time, but it stuck... Who knows why it was fun...but it was. OR...someone they know put their spices in alphabetical order and they do it because it makes them feel connected to that person.


A Type 2 may decide to put her spices in alphabetical order because she likes that flow. It's the nature connection of the spices...and when she runs her eyes over the spices to find the one she wants...it's pleasing to her. Maybe its COMFORTABLE to know just where the spices are...OR...that's what their family did and they continue that tradition...and they taught their children to do the same...and so the past and present and future (sort of) all flow together in this family tradition of alphabetizing the spice cabinet.


A Type 3 may decide to put her spices in alphabetical order because it means she can most easily find them. She wastes less time and hassle looking for the one she wants. The RESULTS were worth the small effort to get that job done.


A Type 4 puts her spices in alphabetical order because she likes order and structure. She likes things well organized.


SEE? You can spin it however you want.


Tuttle repeatedly tries to say that this isn't about personality or about what you do to define what you are...it is HOW you ARE. And that's a really hard thing to try to define.


So she does have indicators that are based on physical features. I'm not going to detail these, because there are detailed well in the free eBook. Tuttle also discusses the general level of energy expressed...but to go there some more...because these are of a physical nature...but more related to how you use your body.


Type 1 uses their body A LOT. Hands move when they talk. ARMS move when they talk. Eyebrows... The whole face showing emotion. While it may not be true...I imagine that a full blooded, no influence of a secondary energy Type 1 person could NEVER win big at poker because everything would be in their face. You would always know if they had a winning hand or were trying to bluff. They wouldn't be able to hide a thing. Without trying though...when relaxed or comfortable, a Type 1's face will be highly expressive. And as I said, they will use their body to make a point...they would prefer to just act out part or all of a story rather than rely on just their words. The ACTION helps them communicate...all the physicality they can round up to help in communication is fully utilized because that is what is natural to a Type 1. I believe that this is why Tuttle says that they have the highest movement. It isn't because they are literally, always having to exercise or do something...it is because they would feel severely restricted if they couldn't use their body. I imagine that a Type 1 is a person that is STILL using their body in their conversation on a PHONE, they don't even realize how much they use their body, it's as natural a communication as the spoken word. In fact, I would say that emojiis are very descriptive of a Type 1. A Type 1 can convey a wealth of information in a look and not have to say a word. Tuttle says they are ANIMATED.


Type 1s are all about making connections too. When around known people, I think a Type 1 is the person that touches another as they talk to them. KWIM? A believe a very Type 1 movement would be that shoulder bump thing? Walking along or sitting next to someone at the dining table...somehow it seems right to do and you lean over and nudge that person with your shoulder? It's the outward expression of energy. Just like starting conversations with anyone...anywhere. Noticing what someone has in their grocery cart and asking what are you going to make with that? Adding to someone else's personal conversation shopping to share some knowledge that might help them in their decision. Passing the time in line, in an elevator...they are the dreaded stranger to sit next to on the airplane if you aren't in the mood to talk or aren't adept at communicating that you are done with the chit chat.


For a Type 3...another outward energy person, but not quite as high on the movement scale...they STOMP through the world. Seriously heavy footed people. When they are comfortable and just doing what they do, they stomp and clomp and you hear them coming. They have forceful movement through the world. The crowd may part to let them through because they see them coming OR the crowd parts because the Type 3 plows their way through. (In contrast, I would BOUNCE my way through a crowd while DH parts the Red Sea.) They can be a hand talker, but I would call the hand movement more of an emphatic type movement, like to punctuate a point they are making...not to necessarily animate and bring the idea into the physical world like a Type 1 would. I imagine finger pointing as very Type 3, I see the open hand, palm up moving up and down to the rhythm of speech and "hitting a drum" on the punctuation as very Type 3 hand movement.


Type 4s are said to have the LEAST movement. They are an inwardly focused energy. Because they desire structure and order...what could be called a firm foundation...they are often the most ergonomically correct people. Excellent bio-mechanics. They tend to stand with both feet planted solidly on the floor with their weight evenly distributed. Same with the way they sit. They end up arranging their body in the most symmetrical way when they are the most comfortable. Tuttle says that holding their hands lightly touching together in their lap when sitting with feet flat on the floor is very true to their energy. And they can talk like that! Without moving. They are very happy observing and not necessarily taking an ACTIVE part in the social gathering.


Side note...just because someone has outward energy doesn't necessarily mean that they LOVE people and being around people, how SOCIAL you are isn't an indication of your energy flow. And in contrast, just because someone has inward energy doesn't mean that they don't enjoy company and being around other people.


It's not that you don't notice a Type 4 though. When a Type 4 moves, they move DELIBERATELY. They are the people, that because of the way that they hold their body...you would describe them as being very poised. Regal. Elegant. I would say that they have a great economy of movement...not a lot of fuss but just doing what exactly needs to be done to get the job done. So communicating doesn't need a whole lot of facial expressions necessarily...or hand movement...or any movement really, because the only thing that truly needs to be moving is their mouth to communicate. And because they have decided to talk, when they talk, they speak at a volume appropriate to the circumstance.


Now the Type 2...they have inward energy and a lower level of movement...they aren't as still as a Type 4. They aren't as structured in body to hold themselves in a certain way...they are in fact, the opposite of that. They will ALWAYS situation themselves to make themselves comfortable. In a family gathering, a stereotypical Type 4 would sit firmly on their rear end, fully supporting their back, arms resting, maybe hands in lap...legs relaxed and feet firmly planted on the floor. The stereotypical Type 2 will be LOUNGING...may use pillows to prop themselves...raise their feet onto the ottoman or put the seat back on a recliner. People can think that a Type 4 looks stuffy, but they are really comfortable! People will always think that a Type 2 looks comfortable.


I think the one thing that stands out to me in all the videos of the Type 2s is their voice. Soft spoken people, Type 2s. Sometimes, they are hard to understand because their voice can be so low in volume. Also, because they are more about the FLOW of things, I don't think that they enunciate and really hit the hard consonants...they kind of keep their letters on an even flow so to speak and so it can feel that they are mumbling a bit in some of the videos. I think it's just a way of skimming over hard edges...almost like an accent, you just have to get in tune with that to understand.


A Type 2 person has a very calming energy. You may think a Type 4 person would be more calming because they have the least movement, but a Type 4 person can be intense...they are so structured that being with them may feel stiff if you aren't clued in to how they aren't stiff, they are just really comfortable in stillness. Type 4s have can have an unapproachable vibe...the negative descriptors going into terms like "icy." A Type 2 LOOKS comfortable because their relaxed stance is what we stereo-typically THINK of as relaxed. They have a lower level of movement...they will still move and use their hands as they talk but that movement is very FLOWY...not punctuating like a Type 3...and not as constant as a Type 1, who MAY act like they need an off switch. Type 2 inward energy...they are the type of people that, if you are an outward energy person...you get around them and realize how "big" you are. They make you feel like you should depress your own energy, not move so fast or with as much...energy. They walk slow.


I would say that a Type 1 bounces around, looking at this and that, light on their feet and noticing everything around them, like a puppy. They call a Type 1 youthful. A Type 3 walks fast, like they are on a mission...with heavy feet, stomping and clomping forward. A Type 2 is slowly moving...very flowing...no bounce. (The Type 1s and 3s may be like...hurry up, let's go!). And the Type 4 is standing there watching them.


I don't know if this helps. Kim and Debbie...did you read any part of the eBook?

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A while back Anita said that I should share about the woman in the store in Jamaica.


So, I will....


The port of Falmouth, Jamaica is one of those cruise ports where you have that disparate choice of things to do... if you're adventurous you can take an excursion into the interior of the island and visit some beautiful scenery, climb waterfalls (still giggling about your swim dress episode Kim!), etc. If you don't want to put yourself into a taxi or on an excursion, the cruise lines have built a little Shopping Center at the port... typical, Diamonds International, Tanzanite International, hiring some people to provide music to give you an island "flavor," etc.


I read a book about Jamaican sports that profiled Husan Bolt's life in Jamaica. That book wasn't at all complementary about the cruise "ports" and specifically stated that you weren't really visiting Jamaica if you stayed in the place that the cruise lines provided for you to see. But.... I digress....


We chose to just wander around within the shopping area of the port. Just popping in and out of various shops and enjoying having our feet on land.


So, with that background, I can now tell the story.


I was wearing our FIRE colors that day! I have a coral swim dress and a coral rash guard. Even though it was hotter than you could imagine, I still wore the rash guard because it was easier than putting on a bunch of sunscreen for a short sun exposure and it gave me a place to put my SeaPass card without having to carry anything because it has a really fabulous zippered pocket on the sleeve! That one clothing item satisfies a LOT.


So, I entered this jewelry store. Looked around. Made eye contact with a saleslady who was definitely looking at me. Smiled at her. Went another direction cause (well, you guys know) I wasn't intending to buy anything and didn't want to waste her time. Managed to wander around the display cases until I ended up at a display case and looked up and... darn... the saleslady had followed me. Oh, well. Smiles all around. Engaged her in conversation. You all have been in this position so you are familiar with this situation.


Anyway. The essence of this story is actually what the saleslady said to me. I have to paraphrase cause I can't remember the exact words. Went something like this (wish I could type a Jamaican accent)....


"You are a ray of sunshine with such beautiful energy. When you walked through the door, I thought 'does this lady have the heart to wear that bright warm color?' And then you saw me and you smiled and your heart shone through your eyes. Your energy is as warm as the color that you wear."


Awww. Wasn't that amazing?!?


She did show me a beautiful watch... but I resisted. :D

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Oh, Pam, what a lovely story! Don't you find that people react differently to you when your colors and energy are right? For me it's like a door opens and you have a very real interaction with someone. I love that.


"I imagine that a Type 1 is a person that is STILL using their body in their conversation on a PHONE, they don't even realize how much they use their body, it's as natural a communication as the spoken word. In fact, I would say that emojis are very descriptive of a Type 1."


Anita, I had to laugh at how apt this is for me. I drive DH crazy because when I talk on the phone, I wander all over the house. And I made him learn what my emojis mean when I send them to him (a taxi emoji means I'm on my way home, etc). :D I've invented an emoji shorthand language that we share.


People often think I'm a lot younger than I am. I have worried that it meant I was acting immature or not professional enough. It is nice now to have a positive spin to put on that!


I went back and looked at the pictures from my Style Statement exercises, and they are full of movement, circles and spirals, with a little structure, and some quirkiness. My word for that was "eclectic," but I can see what Anita means now by her definition of "cute."


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Awww. I love this. Thanks for sharing the story, Pam!


Yesterday was our annual four generation shopping trip. My mother, myself, daughter and granddaughter. We travel 100 miles to pick up my mom and then another 45 minutes traveling with her to the shopping area. Mother is 81 this year, so each year this becomes more precious. As we came out of one store, another shopper remarked how fun it was to hear sisters poking fun at each other. She was talking about me and my 36 yr. old daughter. Made my day! I was expressing my Light Spring/Type 1&3 self. My daughter, however said "Just how bad do I look that she thought I looked 60!?!" She was dressed in navy, and blue-red Christmas colors. Because I'm lousy at determining--she's either Lt. Spring like me or Light Autumn.

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Well, Debbie, you know the blue/red was throwing all kinds of gray, blue, black undertones into her skin if she's either one of those Light Spring or Autumn palettes. And you KNOW if it's the Spring one then that cool red is going to bring out the worst of the worst of the pigmented areas in her skin and age her. So, I could see that happening in a swift glance by a person who has no filter.


Let's see.


For the ladies here who are questioning between types, I can tell you that the thing I did to determine my type boiled down to just the physical characteristics; i.e., the triangles in my face and the way that I normally sit. I watched a video on youtube of an older lady and Tuttle pointed out her specific jawline and the characteristics of it that helped with the energy typing and (darn!) those characteristics are some of the issues I've always had with my jawline. It's what I always have asked my hair stylists to try to conceal as a matter of fact. So, I basically discarded the idea of looking at the WAY I express energy for the metric of just trying to figure out how I might express the energy in my features.


Of course, as soon as I decided on the Type 3 then I just kept noticing all the things that Type 3's are said to do... and me doing them, naturally. Like my love of triangles. I don't know why a Type 3 loves triangles?!? Anybody?!? I just naturally hang my ornaments on my Christmas tree in groupings of 3. Love the type of movement and balance that a triangle grouping gives. Can't stand a grouping of 2... kind of feels static and boring and "off" to me, which doesn't make perfect sense but it's just my feeling when I look at it.


I can see triangle patterns in the clothes that I really love, etc.


When it comes to wardrobe and outfits and.... PACKING... which is the eternal struggle, I think I've figured out that my secondary is coming into play in a big, big way. Before Anita helped me a bit with my observations, I was seriously leaning toward thinking of myself as a Type 2 or Type 4. Now, I know that I'm not a dominant energy of an inward energy movement, but I think I have a secondary to that effect. And, I think it messes with me.... a LOT.


Like, if I consider the tendencies of a Type 4 and how they look at things and make them perfect or moving toward perfect.... well, this explains how frustrating it is for me to mix and match my wardrobe items. For example, I have some skirts that are patterns and I've found the PERFECT top for each of them. Of course, I could bring along a neutral top to wear with them, also. Or, I could bring along ANOTHER top that isn't quite as perfect as the PERFECT top to wear with them, also.... giving me some wardrobe choices.


But, why would I do that?!? When I have the PERFECT top to make the PERFECT outfit, then why would I compromise on anything else?


I've always struggled with the mix and match idea. I think I get that you can only do this capsule wardrobe thinking if you have a good neutral and then throw in some color for so-called interest. But, I don't like neutrals... as it turns out. I love texture and movement in my clothes.


Ugh. So what's a LIGHT packer to do? in this situation?


It's something that, once again, I'm having to think about because I've got a long trip coming up in February.


Hey, I have to get everyone's plans onto my calendar. But, I think Margaret is leaving for Florida today! Right? If so, I hope you have a lovely trip, Margaret, and can relax and enjoy this beautiful holiday season.

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I don't know if this helps. Kim and Debbie...did you read any part of the eBook?


Yep, and I'm still in the dark as to my type:confused:


I can relate to all of them in some ways. As soon as I think this "type" fits me I read a major part of it and go "nope, not me at all".

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For me, I was thinking when I read through the E-book how each type could hold characteristics I related to. But when I got to the last personality type, which is 4, I knew.


It goes back a lot to some of the discussion about taking quizzes, and often answering questions more on what you want to be than what you are. At the same time, there is some of each personality type in all of us.


I see this as a fun tool more than anything. When I combine it with color theory, I am really, really, REALLY happy with some of my clothing choices lately. It's like something clicks, and you just know it's right for you. I'm not trying to fight it.


I like my clothing to have a purpose. In an effort to constantly find clothing that did "double duty", I was buying things that I really didn't like wearing that much.


Of course, I'm still limited to what stores offer, but I have a much better understanding if I'm liking something in general, or if I'm liking something for me.


It's funny, because I had this dress once. I thought for sure I could wear it on a cruise, and wear it work with a jacket or sweater. I never wore it to work once. I wore it on a cruise, and everyone loved it but me. I think it is the last time ever that I work something with polka dots. It was 2008, maybe?


Margaret, I hope you have a great trip!

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I walked into Athleta today in my Jasper Green hoodie & jeggings today. This young woman came up & asked if I'd bought my outfit there. I said I had & she dragged me to the counter & said this is what I've been trying to tell you that I want. It was pretty funny. She was at least 30 years younger than I am.


I can't wear polka dots cause they give Les migraines Melody



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