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Customer service complaint about Oasis


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How very generous of you and her son to send such a nice gift. I am sorry to learn of the incident. I’m sure both you and your mother in law were disappointed.


We had a similar issue on a MUCH smaller scale (a bottle of nice wine). I felt badly that the couple, who never got the gift, perhaps thought I had forgotten their special day. They tell me they never gave it a second thought as they never expected a gift while on a cruise .


In fact, RCCL refunded me the money and sent a nice apology letter to the couple, explaining the mistake. Perhaps they will do the same for you and your mother-in-law will not be so devastated. After all – you had good intentions.


On the other hand, – I think it is a little strange the other couple was not more suspicious of a $500 credit just showing up . I would know it had to be some sort of error!


So – tell me, did the other couple spend the $500?



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The $500 shipboard credit mysteriously appeared on the other couples account, with no card. Of course they had no idea what it was for, so they inquired at the ship's billing department. They were told "it's just a credit on the account for you to use"! So they used it!


In my mind, this is a HUGE deal. There are supposed to be concierges dedicated to the suites to make sure people staying in them get good service.


This shows that the other party did at least question it, I think some people looked over this part when they posted comments. There is a concierge onboard especially for suites, but this would be totally separate from what the concierge provides and they wouldn't have even known that this credit was supposed to be on the account since it was handled through guest relations. The conciege notifies every suite assengers informing them that if they need anything, to call them. At least that's the way it always has been for us.

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I wanted to get some input regarding how to go about complaining about poor service on the Oasis of the Seas. My In-laws just did a 7-day cruise on this ship two weeks ago. They shared a suite with another couple. My mother-in-law's birthday was while they were on board. I wanted to arrange a birthday surprise for her, so through the customer service department I arranged to have a card with a personal message sent to her on the first day of the cruise with $500 in ship credits for her to spend as she pleased, and then arranged for a personalized birthday cake to be presented to her on her actual birthday which was on day 6 of the ship. I paid $525.




OP – why did you have to pay $25 for the cake. Per the RCCL site, the cakes are $14.95.


In any case- as stated - they owe you a credit of what you spent and a letter of apology to both you and your mother in law. Will that be satisfactory?

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I think I would of just gave my Mom a prepaid credit card or the cash just before her trip. And maybe flowers or cake on board. Or a trusted friend going on the cruise with her.


ok you go after the cruise ship they in turn will go after the couple who got the $500. with out even knowing why they got it. Alot of bad feelings here.

Me, if they couldn't give a very good reason why I got the $500 with no

strings attached free and clear I probably would of spent it too.


I would also in the end pay you back if the cruise refuses to do nothing about it.

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I wanted to get some input regarding how to go about complaining about poor service on the Oasis of the Seas. My In-laws just did a 7-day cruise on this ship two weeks ago. They shared a suite with another couple. My mother-in-law's birthday was while they were on board. I wanted to arrange a birthday surprise for her, so through the customer service department I arranged to have a card with a personal message sent to her on the first day of the cruise with $500 in ship credits for her to spend as she pleased, and then arranged for a personalized birthday cake to be presented to her on her actual birthday which was on day 6 of the ship. I paid $525.


Neither present arrived. My MIL was devastated - thinking that her only son totally ignored her birthday! She said it really ruined her holiday. There was nothing done for her birthday at all. The $500 shipboard credit mysteriously appeared on the other couples account, with no card. Of course they had no idea what it was for, so they inquired at the ship's billing department. They were told "it's just a credit on the account for you to use"! So they used it! I have no idea how this would have even happened.


In my mind, this is a HUGE deal. There are supposed to be concierges dedicated to the suites to make sure people staying in them get good service. How could both of the birthday surprises go missing? What would you cruise veterans recommend on how to go about registering a complaint that will reach the ears of the person who can actually do something to make this up to my MIL?


I am more concerned that your MIL's birthday was ruined as she thought her only son forgot...what if they did not have this service, he could not have done anything for her on the ship...what you did is very nice but at the same time, she shouldn't have been expecting anything, I mean, maybe he had a present for her when she got home...she was the one that went on vacation during her B-day...I mean, I wouldn't think she would expect to hear from him on a cruise ship anyway...(& I am not saying that in a mean way but I am sure by her telling you this it has made you feel even worse that this happened which puts even more stress on the situation for you)


Anyway, I would start with RCCL...the other couple may be responsible for the money regardless of what they were told...if the bank credits you in error and you spend it...you will be paying them back, regardless of whose error it was...either way, that money should be given back to you and an apology should be given...I doubt you will get more than that...and I am sure you will be fighting to get that money back as it was spent by someone...I hope you have that confirmation that has your MIL's name on it so they can see that it was their error...good luck and let us know how you make out.

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I pre payed via their web-site a bottle of champagne for my husband to be delivered to our cabin. When it didnt show up, i had to go to the guest relations - not once - but 3 times before it was delivered. But we didnt get champagne that I payd for - we got sparkling wine:mad:

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I have found that the best way to get anybody's attention, including that of Royal Caribbean, is to WRITE A LETTER; yes, snail mail! Put it to the attention of the CEO on the face of the envelope at the top of the address. In addition, write "Personal" at the lower right hand side. Chances are, he will not read it, but his secretary will. Don't be nasty, but let him know how disappointed you are regarding this whole situation, yada, yada, yada.


I have found that when I actually write letters, not e-mails, I receive a much better response, and I can testify to you that I have done this myself in regards to Royal Caribbean, with positive results! ;)


Good luck and let us know how it goes . . .

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I suspect the original post is not totally accurate.



I agree with Mrcruzdoggie - If I sent a $500 + gift that the recipient never got – you bet I would be in touch with the cruise line, not a message board.


I am no detective but the original post has too many holes.


Sharing a suite, first the arrangements were made with CS, then she comments about concierges dedicated to suite passengers, suitemates get $500 and think it is a ”gift” , a first CC post, no mention of contacting RCCL to try to resolve, not comments back to see the responses and perhaps a wrong price quoted for a RCCL cake.


RCCL does not have the best record for delivery of gifts, but this one makes me wonder.




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Doesn't anyone find it interesting that they posted here before calling RCCL? I would be on the phone, while I sent on email, while I wrote a letter.

Waiting to see if he replys to any of the new input since last night myself.:) Letter snail mail is best way to get results.

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I suspect the original post is not totally accurate.



If I sent a $500 + gift that the recipient never got – you bet I would be in touch with the cruise line, not a message board.



Ditto. But person did take the time to create a New CC account yesterday and asked for input on how to complain about RCL newest Cruise ship. In stead of contacting lets say, RCL Customer service. OP knows how to find CC and ask us for advice at least. JMO Oh, and knew how to contact Customer service to first send the monies and cake. hmmmmm

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Thanks again to everyone for helpful advice.


It seems there is some speculation that I am not telling the truth, although I cannot for the life of me imagine what the motivation would be for someone to tell a lie of this nature.


The only reason I have not yet contacted RC is because I thought it might be useful to get some advice from people more familiar with cruising how this could have possibly happened, and further, where to direct my complaints so that they would be most effectively dealt with. I googled, found this website, and saw that it had a lot of really experienced cruisers.


For my part, I have never been on a cruise. I stay in hotels when I travel. When a package gets sent to me in a hotel, I get it. When a fax or a letter gets set to me at a hotel, I get those too. It never occurred to me that neither of the two gifts I arranged to be sent to my MIL would arrive. It seemed to me a straightforward transaction, that RC had a whole department geared at providing this gift service.


cruisegirl1- Yes, the cake was only $15, but I paid a $10 late ordering fee as well. I don't know what else you consider a "hole" in my story, but by all means, ask away.


As for the couple who got the credit, I do feel they are blameless in this. They are friends of my inlaws. They would not have knowingly spent money that was supposed to go to someone else. When they noticed the credit in the account, they inquired at the billing department on the ship, and were told that "it was a credit for them to spend". The person said that often there will be credits offered as part of the booking promotion or what have you. They had booked an expensive suite, so I guess they assumed it was a promotion. They did spend it, at the spa. I would have spent it too. I wouldn't have thought I needed to inquire further. Part of my hesitancy in contacting RC is that I don't want them to have to repay the $500 because I dont' think that is fair.


On the receipt that RC emailed me, they list the other couple's name first on the room, and then my inlaws names, but the receipt clearly showed that the 500.00 was beside my MILs name. Beside the other woman's name and my FIL's name it showed 0.00. How it subsequently got reallocated, I have no idea. Where the card went, I have no idea. Why the billing department could not see that it was a gift credit paid for by my credit card, I have no idea. And all that aside, neither couple got the cake!


I will contact RC tomorrow and let you all know how it goes.

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Don't sweat the suspicion too much rexalite. It comes from seeing too many drive-by posters that never even set foot on a ship. They wander in, post some crazy long story about this cruise line or that screwing them over in some crazy messed up way. Then they're gone and never heard from again. Seems a strange way to pass the time, but that's how they get their kicks I suppose.


You came back in and updated, most drive-bys don't, so you're a step up past that point now. The remaining suspicion would best be called "caution" instead.

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Thanks again to everyone for helpful advice.


It seems there is some speculation that I am not telling the truth, although I cannot for the life of me imagine what the motivation would be for someone to tell a lie of this nature.


The only reason I have not yet contacted RC is because I thought it might be useful to get some advice from people more familiar with cruising how this could have possibly happened, and further, where to direct my complaints so that they would be most effectively dealt with. I googled, found this website, and saw that it had a lot of really experienced cruisers.


For my part, I have never been on a cruise. I stay in hotels when I travel. When a package gets sent to me in a hotel, I get it. When a fax or a letter gets set to me at a hotel, I get those too. It never occurred to me that neither of the two gifts I arranged to be sent to my MIL would arrive. It seemed to me a straightforward transaction, that RC had a whole department geared at providing this gift service.


cruisegirl1- Yes, the cake was only $15, but I paid a $10 late ordering fee as well. I don't know what else you consider a "hole" in my story, but by all means, ask away.


As for the couple who got the credit, I do feel they are blameless in this. They are friends of my inlaws. They would not have knowingly spent money that was supposed to go to someone else. When they noticed the credit in the account, they inquired at the billing department on the ship, and were told that "it was a credit for them to spend". The person said that often there will be credits offered as part of the booking promotion or what have you. They had booked an expensive suite, so I guess they assumed it was a promotion. They did spend it, at the spa. I would have spent it too. I wouldn't have thought I needed to inquire further. Part of my hesitancy in contacting RC is that I don't want them to have to repay the $500 because I dont' think that is fair.


On the receipt that RC emailed me, they list the other couple's name first on the room, and then my inlaws names, but the receipt clearly showed that the 500.00 was beside my MILs name. Beside the other woman's name and my FIL's name it showed 0.00. How it subsequently got reallocated, I have no idea. Where the card went, I have no idea. Why the billing department could not see that it was a gift credit paid for by my credit card, I have no idea. And all that aside, neither couple got the cake!


I will contact RC tomorrow and let you all know how it goes.



First off my apologies if my last post was questioning ill intentions on your part. If it were me i'd do a few of the suggestions from here. First call and email Cust S. Also snail mail to corp offices as one pp suggested to Adam Goldstein. Also contact your Credit card company and dispute charges. JMO

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It seems that we read these stories way too often around here. If RCI is going to offer these types of services then they should have a better system in place for making sure that people get what they paid for. Maybe they should send some staff over to Amazon.com and learn how they fill so many orders every day and get it right. It just seems like it should not be hard to link every cash payment or gift with a reservation number. Smething is just not right with the system.


OB, I am not trying to excuse RC's lapse AT ALL - I was actually in the situation of not receiving something that someone ordered for me, but since I knew about it, I could go to Guest Services and demand, er, ask for, my stuff.




Yes, we hear quite a few of these stories on Cruise Critic, but let's face it - all of the people who have successfully purchased onboard credit for themselves or others or who have ordered stuff from Gifts 'n' Gear and have received it exactly as expected......aren't posting here to tell us how satisfied they are!


We really don't know what percentage of these transactions goes awry.


Sure, their performance rate should be 100%, but it may be 99%, and we only hear about the 1%.


It's just human nature.




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OB, I am not trying to excuse RC's lapse AT ALL - I was actually in the situation of not receiving something that someone ordered for me, but since I knew about it, I could go to Guest Services and demand, er, ask for, my stuff.




Yes, we hear quite a few of these stories on Cruise Critic, but let's face it - all of the people who have successfully purchased onboard credit for themselves or others or who have ordered stuff from Gifts 'n' Gear and have received it exactly as expected......aren't posting here to tell us how satisfied they are!


We really don't know what percentage of these transactions goes awry.


Sure, their performance rate should be 100%, but it may be 99%, and we only hear about the 1%.


It's just human nature.


This is not just human nature IMO anyway, it's 'old fashioned' incompetentency!! :(


Rather expensive and tramatic for the OP and his MIL...& if they can't guarantee 100% then they shld be prepared to not only reimburse the OP but offer some form of $ apology along with a worded one also but JMO...

I can just imagine how they wld react - they wldn't call it just 'human nature' if the OPs credit card had refused payment...instead of honoring it!!! :)

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OB, I am not trying to excuse RC's lapse AT ALL - I was actually in the situation of not receiving something that someone ordered for me, but since I knew about it, I could go to Guest Services and demand, er, ask for, my stuff.




Yes, we hear quite a few of these stories on Cruise Critic, but let's face it - all of the people who have successfully purchased onboard credit for themselves or others or who have ordered stuff from Gifts 'n' Gear and have received it exactly as expected......aren't posting here to tell us how satisfied they are!


We really don't know what percentage of these transactions goes awry.


Sure, their performance rate should be 100%, but it may be 99%, and we only hear about the 1%.


It's just human nature.


This is not just human nature IMO anyway, it's 'old fashioned' incompetentency!! :(


Rather expensive and tramatic for the OP and his MIL...& if they can't guarantee 100% delivery then they shld be prepared to not only reimburse the OP but offer some form of $ apology along with a worded one also but JMO...

I can just imagine how they wld react - they wldn't call it just 'human nature' if the OPs credit card had refused payment...instead of honoring it!!! :)

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Thanks again to everyone for helpful advice.


It seems there is some speculation that I am not telling the truth, although I cannot for the life of me imagine what the motivation would be for someone to tell a lie of this nature.


The only reason I have not yet contacted RC is because I thought it might be useful to get some advice from people more familiar with cruising how this could have possibly happened, and further, where to direct my complaints so that they would be most effectively dealt with. I googled, found this website, and saw that it had a lot of really experienced cruisers.


For my part, I have never been on a cruise. I stay in hotels when I travel. When a package gets sent to me in a hotel, I get it. When a fax or a letter gets set to me at a hotel, I get those too. It never occurred to me that neither of the two gifts I arranged to be sent to my MIL would arrive. It seemed to me a straightforward transaction, that RC had a whole department geared at providing this gift service.


cruisegirl1- Yes, the cake was only $15, but I paid a $10 late ordering fee as well. I don't know what else you consider a "hole" in my story, but by all means, ask away.


As for the couple who got the credit, I do feel they are blameless in this. They are friends of my inlaws. They would not have knowingly spent money that was supposed to go to someone else. When they noticed the credit in the account, they inquired at the billing department on the ship, and were told that "it was a credit for them to spend". The person said that often there will be credits offered as part of the booking promotion or what have you. They had booked an expensive suite, so I guess they assumed it was a promotion. They did spend it, at the spa. I would have spent it too. I wouldn't have thought I needed to inquire further. Part of my hesitancy in contacting RC is that I don't want them to have to repay the $500 because I dont' think that is fair.


On the receipt that RC emailed me, they list the other couple's name first on the room, and then my inlaws names, but the receipt clearly showed that the 500.00 was beside my MILs name. Beside the other woman's name and my FIL's name it showed 0.00. How it subsequently got reallocated, I have no idea. Where the card went, I have no idea. Why the billing department could not see that it was a gift credit paid for by my credit card, I have no idea. And all that aside, neither couple got the cake!


I will contact RC tomorrow and let you all know how it goes.


It's nice to see someone that has been somewhat attacked by various posters respond in a calm, intelligent matter. I would feel bad if the other party found out what happened and felt like they had to pay it back, which I don't think they should.:) Just remember, CC attracts all kinds of people.:D

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Thanks again to everyone for helpful advice.


It seems there is some speculation that I am not telling the truth, although I cannot for the life of me imagine what the motivation would be for someone to tell a lie of this nature.


The only reason I have not yet contacted RC is because I thought it might be useful to get some advice from people more familiar with cruising how this could have possibly happened, and further, where to direct my complaints so that they would be most effectively dealt with. I googled, found this website, and saw that it had a lot of really experienced cruisers.


For my part, I have never been on a cruise. I stay in hotels when I travel. When a package gets sent to me in a hotel, I get it. When a fax or a letter gets set to me at a hotel, I get those too. It never occurred to me that neither of the two gifts I arranged to be sent to my MIL would arrive. It seemed to me a straightforward transaction, that RC had a whole department geared at providing this gift service.


cruisegirl1- Yes, the cake was only $15, but I paid a $10 late ordering fee as well. I don't know what else you consider a "hole" in my story, but by all means, ask away.


As for the couple who got the credit, I do feel they are blameless in this. They are friends of my inlaws. They would not have knowingly spent money that was supposed to go to someone else. When they noticed the credit in the account, they inquired at the billing department on the ship, and were told that "it was a credit for them to spend". The person said that often there will be credits offered as part of the booking promotion or what have you. They had booked an expensive suite, so I guess they assumed it was a promotion. They did spend it, at the spa. I would have spent it too. I wouldn't have thought I needed to inquire further. Part of my hesitancy in contacting RC is that I don't want them to have to repay the $500 because I dont' think that is fair.


On the receipt that RC emailed me, they list the other couple's name first on the room, and then my inlaws names, but the receipt clearly showed that the 500.00 was beside my MILs name. Beside the other woman's name and my FIL's name it showed 0.00. How it subsequently got reallocated, I have no idea. Where the card went, I have no idea. Why the billing department could not see that it was a gift credit paid for by my credit card, I have no idea. And all that aside, neither couple got the cake!


I will contact RC tomorrow and let you all know how it goes.


If I may make a suggestion:

Gather every piece of paper you have regarding this issue, including your in-laws' folio receipt that does NOT show the $500 OBC. Make multiple copies and keep one in a folder. Contact your CC company about filing a claim. When the form arrives, fill it out completely and send it back, along with copies of your gathered papers. Write a letter to RC as well and include another set of copies. I really see no need to even mention the fact that the other couple received the credit in error. That is a moot point right now. I have learned the hard way that giving too much info at the beginning can be detrimental.


Here's what happened to us (different but still and issue):

We had Marriott (two nights) and airline points expiring so we took the kids to Universal for a long weekend. I booked everything over the phone with the respective agents, noting names and times. Upon checkout, we were charged for three nights instead of two. No arguing with the hotel staff fixed this, so we paid and flew home.


I contacted my cc company and Marriott by mail. I submitted all the proper forms to the cc company and wrote a letter to the president of Marriott, including all the paperwork I had organized. Not only did I get a credit from the cc, I also got a letter of apology from Marriott's president as well as a check covering the entire cost of our hotel stay. Kept us as Marriott customer for sure.


Good luck.

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First off my apologies if my last post was questioning ill intentions on your part. If it were me i'd do a few of the suggestions from here. First call and email Cust S. Also snail mail to corp offices as one pp suggested to Adam Goldstein. Also contact your Credit card company and dispute charges. JMO

After a crew member on the Jewel hacked into my credit card and made charges of almost $3,000 I wrote to Adam Goldstein advising him of the situation. I did not lose any money as BofA covered it all but I felt that RCL should be made aware of the circumstances. I did not have the courtesy of a reply except from an executive assistant who did not even mention the theft but gave me a boiler plate reply. I am going on the Liberty next week and am very retiscent about yet again handing over my credit card, does anyone have any suggestions as to an alternative? I did check my seapass balance on a daily basis but these charges were made on the morning of leaving the ship so did not show either on the final statement delivered to our cabin or on the TV screen.

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If I may make a suggestion:

Gather every piece of paper you have regarding this issue, including your in-laws' folio receipt that does NOT show the $500 OBC. Make multiple copies and keep one in a folder. Contact your CC company about filing a claim. When the form arrives, fill it out completely and send it back, along with copies of your gathered papers. Write a letter to RC as well and include another set of copies. I really see no need to even mention the fact that the other couple received the credit in error. That is a moot point right now. I have learned the hard way that giving too much info at the beginning can be detrimental.


Here's what happened to us (different but still and issue):

We had Marriott (two nights) and airline points expiring so we took the kids to Universal for a long weekend. I booked everything over the phone with the respective agents, noting names and times. Upon checkout, we were charged for three nights instead of two. No arguing with the hotel staff fixed this, so we paid and flew home.


I contacted my cc company and Marriott by mail. I submitted all the proper forms to the cc company and wrote a letter to the president of Marriott, including all the paperwork I had organized. Not only did I get a credit from the cc, I also got a letter of apology from Marriott's president as well as a check covering the entire cost of our hotel stay. Kept us as Marriott customer for sure.


Good luck.


Excellent suggestion in the first paragraph.

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Neither present arrived. My MIL was devastated - thinking that her only son totally ignored her birthday! She said it really ruined her holiday. There was nothing done for her birthday at all.


I'm sorry she didn't get the gift you ordered and paid for, but I have to ask, just out of curiosity...

What was she expecting her son to do while she was on a ship in the middle of the Caribbean?? If it was me, I certainly wouldn't have been expecting anything on my actual birthday while floating around between islands, virtually out of contact with the rest of the world. I would have enjoyed my cruise, thinking maybe my son would have a birthday gift/call/card/whatever waiting for me when I returned home.

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