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Kids in CL?

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I am curious, parents who take their children into the CL...do you take your children into the other bars onboard the ships...or is it because the CL is a perk ?


BINGO. Because once this little ****storm started, I have wracked my brain trying to recall seeing kids in ANY of the bars onboard. After 17 cruises, I really couldn't name one time I saw kids in a bar. The closest I came was kids coming up to the Pool Bar, ordering a soda and leaving.


And one more time, disagreeing with this policy does not make someone a child hater. That's a ridiculously inflammatory statement that several regular posters on this subject keep returning to and it's just not accurate.

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I don't think anyone has a problem with kids cruising - however, there are still venues that should be adult only, just as there are venues that are kids only (how would you like it if I went into AO to play computer games? after all, I paid just as much as your children did to cruise, why can't I go where I want?).


I realize that some people do control their kids in public (an I've yet to see anyone post on any of these boards who does not or does not have extremely well-behaved, mature for their ages kids - seriously?), but there are a LOT of parents who feel that vacation also means vacation from parenting. Yeah, I'm enjoying myself having a few drinks and adult conversation, who cares if the little tyke is running around and touching all the snack food on the plate - I'm on vacation and I paid for this perk.


Thank you !! Well said.

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I am curious, parents who take their children into the CL...do you take your children into the other bars onboard the ships...or is it because the CL is a perk ? :confused:

But the Concierge Lounge is not a bar! It is a lounge. The Concierge is there to help "his" guests with whatever requests that they might have to make their cruise more enjoyable. We can relax and talk to fellow cruisers, enjoy a cookie in the afternoon, have a light breakfast in the morning, etc. In the evening, he invites these guests to stop by and enjoy his hospitality. Much like a neighbor or acquaintance might invite you over, offer you a drink, and make small talk with you. While some neighbors invite your children too, others just invite the adults. Royal Caribbean has chosen to invite the children of their suite guests just as they have included their Diamond plus guests in this "perk." It just doesn't bother me at all that children are included in this invitation, and as a suite guest, I don't mind that Diamond plus are included, even if I wasn't just one cruise away from that level myself. :) Full disclosure: "my kids" are grown up, and "your kids" don't bother me, we usually cruise in suites, but often bypass the Concierge Lounge if there are guests on board that week that are monopolizing conversation in that lounge. If you've cruised often, you know what I mean.

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I just get upset how outright rude some are towards people with kids are being. No I wouldn't take them in a bar. I am just saying I have that right if I wanted to take them in the CL. It just really gets my goat at the haters. I really need to stay away from this thread because I'm not upset about the subject. I'm upset at the rude comments towards kids.

On the subject of would I take my kids in a bar. Does that mean I shouldn't take them in a resturant that has a bar? Should I not drink a glass of wine around them?

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I'm upset at the rude comments towards kids.

On the subject of would I take my kids in a bar. Does that mean I shouldn't take them in a resturant that has a bar? Should I not drink a glass of wine around them?

You're probably confusing the desire to keep the CL at cocktail hour as a sanctuary for adults with hating on kids. Cruisers who wish to keep things as they were don't hate kids. They just enjoy traditional cruising. As for the parents of the invaders, that may be a different story. Just saying...:D
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I just get upset how outright rude some are towards people with kids are being. No I wouldn't take them in a bar. I am just saying I have that right if I wanted to take them in the CL. It just really gets my goat at the haters. I really need to stay away from this thread because I'm not upset about the subject. I'm upset at the rude comments towards kids.

On the subject of would I take my kids in a bar. Does that mean I shouldn't take them in a resturant that has a bar? Should I not drink a glass of wine around them?


I think you're right, you do need to stay away from this thread because no one here claims to hate children, just the opposite, really. And no one is being rude. I think all the opponents to the new policy have stated their opinion honestly and straight forward. That does not equate to being rude. Someone saying that they would prefer the CL remain adult only during cocktail hour is simply an opinionated statement. Just because you don't agree with the sentiment doesn't make it rude. Actually, your rant could be seen as rude.

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I just get upset how outright rude some are towards people with kids are being. No I wouldn't take them in a bar. I am just saying I have that right if I wanted to take them in the CL. It just really gets my goat at the haters. I really need to stay away from this thread because I'm not upset about the subject. I'm upset at the rude comments towards kids.

On the subject of would I take my kids in a bar. Does that mean I shouldn't take them in a resturant that has a bar? Should I not drink a glass of wine around them?



.....Don't get upset..get even.....take your well behaved kids to the CL and show them that they are WRONG!.....After all a number of these "club members" got to their "position" by stowing away on a sub-water line inside room(and nickel and dime-ing the cruise line on fares) and gaining enough "points" to achieve such a "high Status".:rolleyes: It is sad that a number of the posts against kids come from some whose whole existence revolves around a super silly level that can be achieved by spending a set amount of money and nothing else......I wonder if some will be buried with the Royal Carribean flag drapped across their coffins after a life time of being "Diamond+"?....:rolleyes:

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To Liz, I have 1 15yr girl, yes I would take her into a bar on the ship, and yes I will bring her with us into the CL. Now that said, would I bring my 8 & 13 yrs grandkids? NO!! The reason is they are not well behaving children, but when they turn 15-16 sure I would if they were traveling with me. I understand both sides of this argument, I want places for getting away from children while vacationing but I also know why parents want their kids with them. We have cruised with our girl when she was very young, she went to the kids club and late night into the group babysitting. She had a blast and so did we. Now she isn't interested in the teen stuff and will be the only underage person with us, there is no way we will leave her by herself on a ship full of strangers. I have never understood parents that allow their kids to have free run of the ship day or night, too many things can happen and I am not willing to take that chance with my daughter. She is a great kid not perfect, but most adults find her to be well informed and interesting to talk to. I have read this whole thread, I am so disappointed to see how heated everyone is getting before they even experience a cruise with the new rule. I am keeping an open mind however I do understand how much noisy kids can impact your quiet evening drink, on the same token a loud sloppy drunk can have the same impact!

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I just get upset how outright rude some are towards people with kids are being. No I wouldn't take them in a bar. I am just saying I have that right if I wanted to take them in the CL. It just really gets my goat at the haters. I really need to stay away from this thread because I'm not upset about the subject. I'm upset at the rude comments towards kids.

On the subject of would I take my kids in a bar. Does that mean I shouldn't take them in a resturant that has a bar? Should I not drink a glass of wine around them?

We are not child haters, we have 6 great grandchildren and will hepefully be able to take them cruising.We just want a lounge with the perks that is child free for 2 hours of the day.The children have their adult free area all day,good for them. Now let us have our child free area, i don't believe we are asking too much. I would very much miss not seeing kids on a cruise.
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The CL is basically child free most of the day. I’ve gone in for a coffee at different times of the day and rarely see anyone else in there, especially children. If it is the quiet time you are really looking for, then the CL will be perfect for you at non- cocktail hours.


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I am curious, parents who take their children into the CL...do you take your children into the other bars onboard the ships...or is it because the CL is a perk ? :confused:


Yes we usually take our son, 3, for a drink before we sit down to dinner. This goes for hotel stays, cruises and family meals out.


Personally we enjoy the social interaction and the fact it makes more of an event of the meal. Daytimes are usually so hectic that rushing to change and straight to dinner tends not to bring out the best behaviour so we take a calm 15 mins/half hour before heading to our table.

Sometimes we will read a story or do stickers or just chat.


We have two upcoming cruises where we have GS booked, our first will be in January and intention is to use the CL for this purpose.

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I don't think any of you that are against it wil be happy untill ALL kids and familys are not allowed to cruise at all! How dare we with children ruin your time by taking a child on a cruise! Some of you are so rude over this subject and I am so tired of it because all I am hearing is a bunch of kid haters! Some people (like me) do controll there kids in public or remove them from situations if they may bother others. If I pay for that perk your dang straight I will use it and bring my kids too!


I'm not sure where you got that impression from the posts on here, because I don't think that's what people are saying at all. In fact, I said I could see the perspective of a suite guest wanting to be able to use the percs that came with their suite, including cocktail hour if that's what they choose to do. On the other hand, I also said it would be nice to have a place for adults to gather. Can you not see that wanting adult time in a child-free venue doesn't make someone a child hater? I really do see both sides, and there's probably not a solution that's going to make everybody happy.

Do I think a handful of children with their families are going to ruin the CL experience? Absolutely not. However, I do think space could be an issue on crowded sailings. One solution would be to allow guests to take drinks/snacks back to their suites and host gatherings there if seating in the CL is a problem.

The funny thing is I would think the CL for a sedate cocktail hour is the last place on a ship most children would want to be. Teenagers who are starting to enjoy adult company might like it, but most of the elementary kids I know (and believe me that is a LOT) would rather do anything BUT sit around while adults have a couple drinks and chat.:rolleyes:

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There have been some snarky remarks towards kids that I think are uncool. I see everyones side about wanting an adults only time. I think everyone is allowed there opinion. There are always 2 sides thats why its a debate. I have no problem with it. Just have a problem with things like the R.B and others that act like all children are brats.

I am sorry if I offended anybody by being bothered by those.

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.....Don't get upset..get even.....take your well behaved kids to the CL and show them that they are WRONG!.....After all a number of these "club members" got to their "position" by stowing away on a sub-water line inside room(and nickel and dime-ing the cruise line on fares) and gaining enough "points" to achieve such a "high Status".:rolleyes: It is sad that a number of the posts against kids come from some whose whole existence revolves around a super silly level that can be achieved by spending a set amount of money and nothing else......I wonder if some will be buried with the Royal Carribean flag drapped across their coffins after a life time of being "Diamond+"?....:rolleyes:


Sorry Joe, we got to D+ the hard way, never anything under 7 day cruises. Not fair to judge all.


Come on people, change is hard. This new policy is something we have to get used to and all this squabbling is so dumb.


Child haters, no way. Most people that object to kids in the CL, well, they have kids and grandkids.


Please, could we stop beating each other up. Mom always said you could get more with honey than with vinegar

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We are not child haters, we have 6 great grandchildren and will hepefully be able to take them cruising.We just want a lounge with the perks that is child free for 2 hours of the day.The children have their adult free area all day,good for them. Now let us have our child free area, i don't believe we are asking too much. I would very much miss not seeing kids on a cruise.


It will be interesting to see if you change your tune once the grandchildren do cruise with you and one of them wants to join you in the CL for a soda while you have your pre-dinner drink. Will you lie and tell him/her that children are not allowed in the CL, will you skip the CL and pay for your drink in an open bar where you can take your grandchild since you feel so strongly about the CL being adult only or will you go alone for the free drink and disappoint your grandchild?

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But the Concierge Lounge is not a bar! It is a lounge. The Concierge is there to help "his" guests with whatever requests that they might have to make their cruise more enjoyable. We can relax and talk to fellow cruisers, enjoy a cookie in the afternoon, have a light breakfast in the morning, etc. In the evening, he invites these guests to stop by and enjoy his hospitality. Much like a neighbor or acquaintance might invite you over, offer you a drink, and make small talk with you. While some neighbors invite your children too, others just invite the adults. Royal Caribbean has chosen to invite the children of their suite guests just as they have included their Diamond plus guests in this "perk." It just doesn't bother me at all that children are included in this invitation, and as a suite guest, I don't mind that Diamond plus are included, even if I wasn't just one cruise away from that level myself. :) Full disclosure: "my kids" are grown up, and "your kids" don't bother me, we usually cruise in suites, but often bypass the Concierge Lounge if there are guests on board that week that are monopolizing conversation in that lounge. If you've cruised often, you know what I mean.

I love this! You hit the nail right on the head, guests who are "invited" to the CL are there because they were invited by the concierge to stop by and enjoy his/her hospitality.


and yes, when we cruise I do take the kids to a cocktail lounge and pay for a couple of kiddie cocktails or virgin pina coladas and we sit and talk about our day, listen to some music, maybe chat with some fellow cruisers before dinner. they have always been more than welcome in the champagne bar.....;)

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I'm not sure where you got that impression from the posts on here, because I don't think that's what people are saying at all. In fact, I said I could see the perspective of a suite guest wanting to be able to use the percs that came with their suite, including cocktail hour if that's what they choose to do. On the other hand, I also said it would be nice to have a place for adults to gather. Can you not see that wanting adult time in a child-free venue doesn't make someone a child hater? I really do see both sides, and there's probably not a solution that's going to make everybody happy.


Do I think a handful of children with their families are going to ruin the CL experience? Absolutely not. However, I do think space could be an issue on crowded sailings. One solution would be to allow guests to take drinks/snacks back to their suites and host gatherings there if seating in the CL is a problem.


The funny thing is I would think the CL for a sedate cocktail hour is the last place on a ship most children would want to be. Teenagers who are starting to enjoy adult company might like it, but most of the elementary kids I know (and believe me that is a LOT) would rather do anything BUT sit around while adults have a couple drinks and chat.:rolleyes:


I would agree with that and I wonder why RCI, the family cruise line that it seems to want to be, can't come up with something that is actually child friendly for this particular few hours of the day. Sitting watching adults drink alcohol is not an activity that most would think wholesome for kids.

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It will be interesting to see if you change your tune once the grandchildren do cruise with you and one of them wants to join you in the CL for a soda while you have your pre-dinner drink. Will you lie and tell him/her that children are not allowed in the CL, will you skip the CL and pay for your drink in an open bar where you can take your grandchild since you feel so strongly about the CL being adult only or will you go alone for the free drink and disappoint your grandchild?


I would go alone for a free drink. My grandchild is smart enough to understand that there are things for adults . If kids are taught that they will not always get what they want the disappointment will be small or non-existent. Just my opinion -so please don't use that "hater" label.

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It will be interesting to see if you change your tune once the grandchildren do cruise with you and one of them wants to join you in the CL for a soda while you have your pre-dinner drink. Will you lie and tell him/her that children are not allowed in the CL, will you skip the CL and pay for your drink in an open bar where you can take your grandchild since you feel so strongly about the CL being adult only or will you go alone for the free drink and disappoint your grandchild?


Or, will you bring the child with you;) For me, it's simple...if I am in a suite and this is a perk that is offered then you can be sure I will take advantage of it with my 3 grandsons:)

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Or, will you bring the child with you;) For me, it's simple...if I am in a suite and this is a perk that is offered then you can be sure I will take advantage of it with my 3 grandsons:)


Your three grandsons would also have to be in the suite - not across the hall. Actually, the last thing I would ever want to do would be to take my grandchildren into the CL - now, as teens, they would be bored senseless - when they were younger, I wouldn't want to have to constantly "police" them while trying to enjoy a drink and some adult conversation.

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Originally Posted by fredmdcruisers viewpost.gif

It will be interesting to see if you change your tune once the grandchildren do cruise with you and one of them wants to join you in the CL for a soda while you have your pre-dinner drink. Will you lie and tell him/her that children are not allowed in the CL, will you skip the CL and pay for your drink in an open bar where you can take your grandchild since you feel so strongly about the CL being adult only or will you go alone for the free drink and disappoint your grandchild?

I would skip it altogether out of respect for other adult cruisers. Growing up, my father rarely drank in front of his kids and likewise, I did not in front of my kids. I surely won't be taking my grand children to a lounge just to have a drink. Disappointed? Not likely. How would they be disappointed?
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To Liz, I have 1 15yr girl, yes I would take her into a bar on the ship, and yes I will bring her with us into the CL. Now that said, would I bring my 8 & 13 yrs grandkids? NO!! The reason is they are not well behaving children, but when they turn 15-16 sure I would if they were traveling with me. !


Congrats for admitting that some children aren't as pristine as everyone wants to believe!!! I too said I would not take my gk's in the CL....the 3 yr old twins would have FUN running up and down the stairs and running around the railing in a circle.......But I am smart enough to admit that doesn't make them bad children...JUST CHILDREN doing what they are supposed to do...being kids!!

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Your three grandsons would also have to be in the suite - not across the hall.


If they were travelling as guardians of the minor children, the children have the same suite privileges as the guardians, even if they are across the hall. They do not have to be IN the suite.

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