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Unbelievable Complaints


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Just off Constellation. Felt sorry the Concierge when one woman requested a map of Barcelona and then complained that that was not the map she wanted since "all of the street names were in Spanish" and that she didn't understand Spanish. She demanded one with the street names in English. This is an absolutely true story. Remco is a wonderful Concierge and a fan of Cruise Critic.


This is awesome. I imagine that the STREET SIGNS are also all in spanish. I would have liked to see her trying to navigate the city with an "english" map.

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I have quickly realised there are people on cruises who are just there to complain and no matter what the service they will just moan - how sad are they??


I was on Constellation on 7th Sept and one evening as I walked forward to speak to the Head Waiter to get my table the most ignorant American lady pushed in front of me and started actually screaming at him as she had booked a table at 7-30 and it wasn't ready yet and it was 7-35!! I was just shocked and speechless and didn't speak and the head-waiter tried to explain to her that she was on Any-time dining and as soon as a table was free she would get it. She was really rude and so demanding and I felt so sorry for the man on the end of it all. A few nights later we were dining with the captain and he was there to say hello and greet us and he recognised me and I was able to say At least tonight you don't have that really nasty lady and he laughed. No wonder at times why Americans get a bad name due to ladies like this.


I hate the way some people treat the staff with disrespect and if you are reading this now "rude lady" I hope you are cringing as your attitude was just horrendous. You were in Captains Club at the start of the week but I never saw you after this episode as if I had I was going to speak to you if I saw you about your attitude to the staff. You are lucky you weren't back in the lounge again!!


Yes, obviously she needs sensitivity training from you in political correctness. :rolleyes:


How did you know she was American? Did you ask her? I've heard some of them darn Canadians that you almost wouldn't know the difference, except for that eh and aboot thing.

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Yes, obviously she needs sensitivity training from you in political correctness. :rolleyes:


How did you know she was American? Did you ask her? I've heard some of them darn Canadians that you almost wouldn't know the difference, except for that eh and aboot thing.




Hey !!




Eh ??




Nah !!






PS... FYI for the most part Canadians don't say "aboot"... that would be a word only truly heard in one province... and so as not to drag them into this rude-iculous discussion of "stero-types" ... they shall remain nameless.

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Hey !!




Eh ??




Nah !!






PS... FYI for the most part Canadians don't say "aboot"... that would be a word only truly heard in one province... and so as not to drag them into this rude-iculous discussion of "stero-types" ... they shall remain nameless.


Just goes to show how when you make stereotypes and assumptions how wrong you can be. :o I guess I am a ignorant American. I thought all you guys talked like that, except of course the French speaking populace.

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I was on Constellation on 7th Sept and one evening as I walked forward to speak to the Head Waiter to get my table the most ignorant American lady pushed in front of me and started actually screaming at him as she had booked a table at 7-30 and it wasn't ready yet and it was 7-35!!


Clearly, she was suffering from an acute case of "entitlitis" -- which I would have posted on the "sniglets" thread, but I couldn't craft a suitable definition! Thanks for supplying the example, but I am sorry one of my countrywomen caused grief for you and the staff member. (Probably several staff members, if I don't miss my guess; she sounds a bit like my late mother.)


And, for the record, we Americans don't corner the market on the "rude" gene, but we may suffer from entitlitis more than most folks on the planet! :D


I hope you enjoy your next cruise, free from those infected with norovirus or entitlitis or anything else that diminishes the experience!

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Or complaints about the fact there are not enough channels on the exercise equipment.


Yeah, I saw that thread, and it gave me a chuckle, too! :rolleyes:

I don't really get the whole bruhaha about TV selections onboard, 'cause I don't cruise to watch TV. Oh, with one exception -- the ship's navigation channel, that shows the ship's position and the views from the bridge cam. :D

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Clearly, she was suffering from an acute case of "entitlitis" -- which I would have posted on the "sniglets" thread, but I couldn't craft a suitable definition!



Entitlitis - Adjective, Symptomatic condition of feeling ultra-entitled, uber-important, or center of the universe. AKA "delusions of grandeur". :p

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Haha:p While we're on the subject, how about young, obviously able bodied people who take the elevator one floor DOWN! Saw so much of that!! I however only mumbled to myself, and now y'all--but come on!!! I was in the elevator with two 30 something guys with plates full of French Toast doing it--arrgghhh!!! No wonder the elevators seem slow! But I would never come on CC and start a thread about it--I was just thinking about complainable issues--which this of course is not!


I can top this! A well-fit looking man in his early 40s in gym clothes with water bottle in hand getting in the elevator on deck 11 and getting OFF on deck 12 to go to the gym!!! All of us couldn't believe it! I sooo wanted to say something to him! :D



I know the high percentage is they were truely able-bodied, but last month, I had a knee operation (relativey minor authroscopic (sp?), but had to use an elevator for a while to just go up to my 2nd floor office. Each time I got on when someone was also there and I pressed a button for the next floor, I would laugh and tell them I had knee work. Everyone just said, 'Ohh, no problem'. But I knew most would think, 'what I lasy one!'. Human Nature for them to judge and for me to be defensive!



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Denny, of course that's true--there is always the possibility of a reasonable explanation. I realize that not everyone who has an infirmity shows it. But I think that statistically, 75% of the people I saw ridng one floor down were not physically incapacitated, and that's being generous.


I broke my foot in September and it still hurts (sometimes a lot!) but I still wouldn't bother with the elevator for a one floor down (or up!) excursion.


Anyway, the whole thing is silly, it wasn't a real complaint, just my personal observation.

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Entitlitis - Adjective, Symptomatic condition of feeling ultra-entitled, uber-important, or center of the universe. AKA "delusions of grandeur". :p


Oo, yes! Where's the "Like" button?!? (Been too busy canning 36 -- yes, 36! -- quarts of potatoes to engage the grammar center of my brain. Or to come up with a suitable sniglet for that condition! :D)

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I agree that most of the complaints on this thread are ridiculous under any circumstances. At the same time, I think there are other complaints that are understandable, even though I don't think people should complain to other passengers during a cruise. Part of the problem is that people who have sailed other cruise lines frequently have unrealistic expectations because they were led to believe that Celebrity is a step above mass market cruise lines when in reality it is just another mass market cruise line.

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There was a thread on Holland America board a few months ago where a lady was giving an unflattering review of their beautiful Nieuw Amsterdam. She said she always made rounds soon after boarding the ship to see how quickly they bussed tables in the lido and the fact it took longer than 2 minutes almost ruined her cruise. She also made a point to check bathrooms and public rooms on the ship the first afternoon to make sure they were up to her cleanliness expectations. I made a comment that it sounded like she needed to get a life.

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A few years back, we were on a southbound Alaska on Summit, which was experiencing some engine trouble. This meant we couldn't keep the schedule, but Celebrity did about everything one could hope to make up for it. We had a free cocktail hour, they would stay late in ports if we arrived late,etc. The only thing they couldn't do much about was our cruise by Hubbard Glacier, which was necessarily short. Yet a lot of people were ready to mutiny. They were actually scheduling meetings on board as to what they should demand. We didn't get it. What was the Captain to do exactly, install a spare engine in Seward?


We had a great time anyway, but then we tend to accentuate the positive and all that (even on land) and just try and enjoy the whiners for their unique, and often amusing, contributions to our lives.


I remember at one well.....late May 2006. The infamous pod problems ( they were still a bit too prevalent around that time...) I've never seen or, specially, heard about a worse case of mutinizing gone absolutely beserk...even at Bannantyne pier in Vancouver, hours after disembarkation, even after Summit had already left for an emergency drydock visit in Esquimalt. I suggest this case of fanatical mutiny is only rivalled by the one on QM2 4 springs ago, following her accident in FortLauderdale. The thread on these forums lasted for months, and was probably even more vitriolic than the one for Summit/May'06.

This current thread is a good ''reminder'' of the level of irrational misbehaviour we sometimes encounter during our sailings.....A good thread.



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Quite candidly, I dont get the complainers at all. We all pay good money to come enjoy our vacation but it seems all they want to do is find fault and blame and be absolutely miserable. But we see them on every cruise, on every cruise line, no matter how fabulous the cruise. In all my cruises, I can honestly say I have never had a bad cruise. I do try to avoid the naggers and I am certainly not going to let them steal my joy. I am there to relax and enjoy myself. The habitual complainers will not get my shoulder to cry on thats for sure! I am going to have fun no matter what! Life is too short, and cruises are even shorter so lets agree to be positive and love life and love cruising. The hell with the complainers!

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We too were on this crossing, and throughout, I encouraged my fellow cruisers to confine complaints to issues that the management could and should address. I had an issue with black mildew stains in the shower. Made an appointment with a housekeeping officer, showed her the problem, and went to pains to let her know that the issue wasn't due to lack of care by our steward, but to a deferred maintenance issue. It was corrected post haste and I was assured that the deferred maintenance issues in the staterooms would be passed up the chain.


I personally want to commend the crew for the nearly heroic efforts they put forth to combat the Noro outbreak. They had to work extra hours on an already grueling work schedule, did so with cheerful attitudes, and never lost their cool. At our Cruise Critic Party one person had ridiculous complaints and demands, and I think that most of us wanted to strangle him. Thankfully, someone stood up and changed the subject.


While this cruise wasn't perfect, it was a marvelous vacation and I returned home refreshed and ready to go back to the daily grind.


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We too were on this crossing, and throughout, I encouraged my fellow cruisers to confine complaints to issues that the management could and should address. I had an issue with black mildew stains in the shower. Made an appointment with a housekeeping officer, showed her the problem, and went to pains to let her know that the issue wasn't due to lack of care by our steward, but to a deferred maintenance issue. It was corrected post haste and I was assured that the deferred maintenance issues in the staterooms would be passed up the chain.


I personally want to commend the crew for the nearly heroic efforts they put forth to combat the Noro outbreak. They had to work extra hours on an already grueling work schedule, did so with cheerful attitudes, and never lost their cool. At our Cruise Critic Party one person had ridiculous complaints and demands, and I think that most of us wanted to strangle him. Thankfully, someone stood up and changed the subject.


While this cruise wasn't perfect, it was a marvelous vacation and I returned home refreshed and ready to go back to the daily grind.



It was wonderful meeting you and your daughter. The person who gave the "lecture" at the cruise critic gathering spoke to the Hotel Manager and voiced his concerns prior to his public statement. I remember him giving the same speech on another cruise. If you read his post on the roll call thread it appears that he might want to be promoting his own business. I would commend Jamie, the HotelManager for allowing us to ask specific questions at the Cruise Critic gathering. I found him to be teriffic.

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Entitlitis - Adjective, Symptomatic condition of feeling ultra-entitled, uber-important, or center of the universe. AKA "delusions of grandeur". :p


Isn't that the definition of the sterotypical "Terrible Twos"? :D

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I know the high percentage is they were truely able-bodied, but last month, I had a knee operation (relativey minor authroscopic (sp?), but had to use an elevator for a while to just go up to my 2nd floor office. Each time I got on when someone was also there and I pressed a button for the next floor, I would laugh and tell them I had knee work. Everyone just said, 'Ohh, no problem'. But I knew most would think, 'what I lasy one!'. Human Nature for them to judge and for me to be defensive!



My husband had double knee replacement surgery a few years ago. He used the elevator a lot or the stairs if just 1-3 flights. He baby's his knees.


Yes, I understand that looks can be deceiving but for the man I mentioned, I saw him twice in the gym and he was on the eliptical trainer going to town. Go figure. :rolleyes:



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This thread is hilarious! :)


During one cruise, a baby was in the pool and well, had an....accident. Now obviously kids needs to be potty-trained first, but you know kids do still have accidents - regardless, the parents probably should have been a bit more responsible - oh well. The cruise line did the correct thing and evacuated the pool to clean it.


Now I missed this whole scene, but saw this man (with his very young son) screaming and swearing at the front desk, for a very long time. Everyone could hear him and his very inappropriate language. He wanted to be refunded for that whole day of the cruise, because his son couldn't use that one pool, for a few hours. Because there is absolutely nothing else to do on a cruise, besides swim, right??? I understand that the man was upset, and even has the right to complain if he desires, but how he went about it was so wrong and what he demanded was so unreasonable! The only thing we could say was that the man was teaching an awful lesson to his son - shout, swear, and demand the unreasonable, until you get everything you want.... :rolleyes:

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Oo, yes! Where's the "Like" button?!? (Been too busy canning 36 -- yes, 36! -- quarts of potatoes to engage the grammar center of my brain. Or to come up with a suitable sniglet for that condition! :D)


Totally fun to find another canning & cruising fan! :)

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DH and I met a couple on their first X cruise - they usually sail on Holland America. They were very upset that there are no laundry facilities on the Silhouette. They didn't bring enough changes of clothing for a 12 night cruise. They said it took days for socks to dry. Socks! Also depended on the use of an iron during the cruise.

We explained that no X ships have laundry facilities , but that didn't make them any happier. They saw this as a way for X to make money at their expense (pun intended).

Another example of "read your brochure" prior to taking your cruise!!

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