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Street crime in Barcelona - why it's so prevalent, and affects tourists the most


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I never where my wedding rings or any good jewelry when I travel. It all goes into my bank safe deposit box before I leave home. Why risk the loss of special jewelry that has great sentimental value and can't be replaced if stolen or lost.


Some years ago I bought a pair of gold earrings at a discount store for the purpose of wearing those when I travel. They have no sentimental value; after all, they were bought with the purpose of my being willing to lose them!


I wear my wedding ring which is a simple gold band, but I never travel with my engagement ring. If I couldn't slip off my wedding ring quickly, I wouldn't even wear that. I travel with things I'm perfectly prepared -- and able -- to surrender if someone demands that I do so.


That said, the best protection is situational awareness. In fact, sometimes I wonder if purchasing all that specially-made-for-secure-travel gear doesn't make someone more of a target since he/she feels protected and gets too absorbed in the sights.

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... 1 person distracts you and another one opens your bag or goes through your pockets. They don’t hesitate to use scissors or a razor to cut their way in!


Technique used to steal your money in Barcelona:

A friendly local notices that your clothes are dirty and offers to provide you with a napkin so that you can clean yourself.

What really happens is that the local himself or his partner in crime has secretly spilled something on you to get your attention. After accepting the napkin and starting to clean yourself your mind is occupied and it becomes easy to go through your bag or your pockets.


Simple rule of thumb: If something odd happens to you -- strangers worrying about the cleanliness of your clothes -- people approaching when the level of crowding does not require them to come so close -- assume you have been identified as a target for pickpockets. Scream "Pickpocket" in your loudest voice! If the individuals really are pickpockets, they don't want everyone in your vicinity to know their identity and they'll disappear quietly. If they aren't well, you won't have made friends, but you may feel empowered by your vigilance.

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Everything you've read on here is true....pickpockets have quite a racket going in Barcelona.


However, you can do a couple of things to keep yourself safe:


1. Don't get drunk. Nothing says, "Rob me!" like a fair-skinned tourist stumbling down the street trumpeting "Hola!" and "Me gusta Barcelona!" in alcohol-soaked tones.


2. Leave your valuables at home. There's no need to flash expensive watches, flashy jewelry or fancy phones and laptops.


3. Be wary where wariness is due. Be observant of your surroundings when in the Old City: the Gothic Quarter, Las Ramblas and Born. Thieves make a living in these areas.


Here's a couple of things you can't do to keep yourself safe:


1. Not look like a tourist. There's nothing you can do to make yourself blend in, unless you can sport skinny jeans, tan skin and a beard (guys); or skinny jeans, tan skin, slick fashion and dark hair (ladies). You're going to stand out, no matter what.


2. Completely avoid danger. Even when you do everything right, something can go wrong.


Enjoy Barcelona. It's an amazing city. Spain is an amazing country; a completely fascinating study in democracy, freedom, independence and culture.


The country is home to the world's best wine, two of the top five fashion capitals in the world, two of the most famous artists in the world and a rich history that dates back to the Roman Empire.


Enjoy it to the fullest!



Barcelona Experience

Edited by BCNWriter
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1. Not look like a tourist. There's nothing you can do to make yourself blend in, unless you can sport skinny jeans, tan skin and a beard (guys); or skinny jeans, tan skin, slick fashion and dark hair (ladies). You're going to stand out, no matter what.


:confused: You don't need a beard to look like a local, nor skinny jeans, nor tanned skin (as if people there were tanned in winter).


If you are totally blond, have blue eyes and very light skin colour then yes, but otherwise what differentiate a tourist the most is the attitude (tourists walk slower, look around at everything, make oh, wow, sounds, take pictures and look at maps).


Anyway, I was robbed once in Barcelona and I was not a tourist since I lived there for 6 years.


The most important thing is not to walk in some areas with valuable objects. As simple as that.

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My family will be in Barcelona a few days before our cruise in June. I have read all the posting on this subject. I know this thread is from 2012. Is the pickpocketing still a huge problem? I am traveling with my 2 daughters who are 16 & 14. Will they be safe? My husband & I have already started discussing ways to keep ourself safe during our stay. My biggest concern is I have a nice camera that I can wear around my neck. Is this going to be a problem? Also what is the best way to get from the airport to the hotel without being robbed? What about the hotel to the ship?



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My family will be in Barcelona a few days before our cruise in June. I have read all the posting on this subject. I know this thread is from 2012. Is the pickpocketing still a huge problem? I am traveling with my 2 daughters who are 16 & 14. Will they be safe? My husband & I have already started discussing ways to keep ourself safe during our stay. My biggest concern is I have a nice camera that I can wear around my neck. Is this going to be a problem? Also what is the best way to get from the airport to the hotel without being robbed? What about the hotel to the ship?




Shannon, we went to Barcelona for our Carnival Breeze cruise a year and a half ago. I was paranoid about crime after reading all the warnings here on cruise critic and elsewhere. We took some precautions, and had no problems whatsoever. I did not see any evidence of crime anywhere. I'm not saying it doesn't happen -- I'm just saying that our experience in Barcelona was very positive and we had no trouble at all. It is true that many people report pickpocketing, so you need to be very vigilant.


So here is what we did. Before leaving on our trip, we purchased some travel wallets. My husband used a Pacsafe neck pouch and I used a Pacsafe waist wallet. We bought both of these at eBags dot com. I am not representing this company, just saying that we used these products and they worked well for us. They are worn under your clothes, so they are safer from pickpockets. We kept our cash and credit cards in these wallets. My husband and I split up our money so if one of us lost our wallet, we would not lose everything. Never, ever carry your wallet in a pants pocket. Carry only what you think you will need for that day. Never carry your entire vacation bankroll in one wallet!


We carried the absolute minimum of money and documents with us. Everything else was always locked up in the hotel or cruise ship safe. We took one credit card and a little cash each day.


I also used a Pacsafe Citysafe purse to carry incidental items. I kept my camera in there, and if I ever set the purse down (like at a restaurant), I hooked it to a table or chair so it could not easily be carried off.


We never stayed out late at night -- we were just exhausted from sightseeing every day. And we stayed in a populated area and were never on deserted streets late at night.


With all of this said, I felt entirely comfortable in Barcelona. I know it has a bad reputation for street crime, but we had absolutely no trouble at all. None. We never felt unsafe in any way.


As for your last question, about getting to and from the airport, I recommend the Aerobus. http://www.barcelona-tourist-guide.com/en/airport/transport/barcelona-airport-bus-aerobus.html We used this on our return trip and it was very easy and cheap.


Please don't be afraid of Barcelona. We absolutley loved it. Really enjoyed our time there. If you are interested, you can read my trip review linked below, where I talk more about it. We stayed there at the beginning and end of our trip, so I have detailed comments on our stay both at the beginning and end of my review. Check it out if you like. I would go back in a heartbeat. It was an absolutely charming city. I hope you and your family will love it as much as we did.


Have a wonderful time!



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My family will be in Barcelona a few days before our cruise in June. I have read all the posting on this subject. I know this thread is from 2012. Is the pickpocketing still a huge problem? I am traveling with my 2 daughters who are 16 & 14. Will they be safe? My husband & I have already started discussing ways to keep ourself safe during our stay. My biggest concern is I have a nice camera that I can wear around my neck. Is this going to be a problem? Also what is the best way to get from the airport to the hotel without being robbed? What about the hotel to the ship?




While people have been pickpocketed it is rare that someone reports that they did not feel safe. I used a slash proof camera strap and a Pacsafe bag. I took hundreds of pictures and always kept my hand on the camera or locked in the bag, which I wore cross body. We used the other precautions on these posts and had an awesome time. With four of you, best way to get from airport to hotel and hotel to ship is probably taxi.

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While people have been pickpocketed it is rare that someone reports that they did not feel safe. I used a slash proof camera strap and a Pacsafe bag. I took hundreds of pictures and always kept my hand on the camera or locked in the bag, which I wore cross body. We used the other precautions on these posts and had an awesome time. With four of you, best way to get from airport to hotel and hotel to ship is probably taxi.


I am going to check into the Pacsafe bag. I have read several people on here have used them. I still have time to do my research. :)


As far as the taxi goes, would we just need to keep our eye on our luggage from the airport? Like don't let the taxi driver touch our things? We put our own bags in the car, etc. Will pickpocketers stalk you at the airport? I am really looking forward to seeing Barcelona. From what I have read and seen in pictures it is a beautiful city. I will keep my guard up at all times and stay alert! :)

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As far as the taxi goes, would we just need to keep our eye on our luggage from the airport? Like don't let the taxi driver touch our things? We put our own bags in the car, etc. Will pickpocketers stalk you at the airport? I am really looking forward to seeing Barcelona. From what I have read and seen in pictures it is a beautiful city. I will keep my guard up at all times and stay alert! :)


I am not an expert on pickpocket avoidance. Most of what I know comes from these boards and Tripadvisor. I had no problem with the taxi driver loading our bags into the taxi. However, while most are honest you never know when you run into one that isn't. We used taxis for transportation multiple times in Barcelona and found all of the drivers fine and friendly. We had no problem chatting with them during the ride (my DW speaks fluent Spanish).

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As well as good advice there is an awful lot of scaremongering and over emphasis of the pickpocketing threat in Barcelona in this thread.


Yes - it happens; just the same as it happens in any major city in Europe or the US.


Taxi drivers are hard working people - good people and, the very few, not so good people - just as you would find in any other walk of life. I personally have never heard of/encountered any dishonest taxi drivers here in Spain but I am not doubting people who have reported this. Please do not refuse to let them handle your luggage - the majority would feel mortified by this. Do remember to agree the fare before setting off and, if you do feel anxious for some reason, jot down the taxi number that will be clearly displayed on the dashboard; this is invaluable help for the Police should you have to report a problem.


Be sensible and alert in crowded areas - as you would be in any city - and you will have a ball in one of the worlds truly great cities.

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  • 1 month later...

With all the posts regarding pick pockets, I am extremely concerned (and now totally paranoid) to have cash and documents on my personage for our DIY to Montserrat! And the prior day we were going to drop our luggage at the hotel and DIY Sagrada Familia and Park Quell. (Our room might not ready because we will be landing early and can only drop off our luggage) We will have to have our docs and cash on us! I would like some advise PLEASE from the cruise Critics. :confused:

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With all the posts regarding pick pockets, I am extremely concerned (and now totally paranoid) to have cash and documents on my personage for our DIY to Montserrat! And the prior day we were going to drop our luggage at the hotel and DIY Sagrada Familia and Park Quell. (Our room might not ready because we will be landing early and can only drop off our luggage) We will have to have our docs and cash on us! I would like some advise PLEASE from the cruise Critics. :confused:


Buy an under the clothes money/passport belt. Rick Steves sells a silk one fits your passport and your cash. Costs around $20, I bought one on Amazon. Keep what you will spend that day in your regular wallet, the rest is safe under your clothes.


It is not only Barcelona that you need to be very careful, but all of the Mediterranean ports, you need to be careful. There are professional pickpockets who congregate at these ports for the sole reason of doing their job. Paris is also very bad. Any how, we stayed at the Hotel Monte Carlo on Las Ramblas, and the hotel would not allow you to take the hotel key out of the property.


Don't worry too much, but take some precautions and you will be fine and be able to relax.

Edited by Got2Cruise
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Concerned is good because it will help you keep an eye on your surroundings. No need to be paranoid. There great tips on this board and on Trip Advisor. You do need to take some precautions. Approaches like keeping nothing in your pockets are appropriate.

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It is really not that different than many other European cities.


You need to stay alert and be aware of your surroundings. Don't wear expensive jewelry, don't flash your money about.


Same precautions as travelling anywhere.

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As well as good advice there is an awful lot of scaremongering and over emphasis of the pickpocketing threat in Barcelona in this thread.


Yes - it happens; just the same as it happens in any major city in Europe or the US.


Taxi drivers are hard working people - good people and, the very few, not so good people - just as you would find in any other walk of life. I personally have never heard of/encountered any dishonest taxi drivers here in Spain but I am not doubting people who have reported this. Please do not refuse to let them handle your luggage - the majority would feel mortified by this. Do remember to agree the fare before setting off and, if you do feel anxious for some reason, jot down the taxi number that will be clearly displayed on the dashboard; this is invaluable help for the Police should you have to report a problem.


Be sensible and alert in crowded areas - as you would be in any city - and you will have a ball in one of the worlds truly great cities.

We love Barcelona and Spain, especially the people.

You can still enjoy Barcelona, despite the pickpockets.


Sure there are pickpockets in other European and North American cities. Rome and Athens are a problem in particular.

However, Barcelona is the capitol of pickpockets. I have seen artlces written about the problem. Apparently, the Police and legal system are extremely lenient on pickpockets, even when they are apprehended.

With little concern about punishment, who not pick all the pockets you want.


I lived in Germany for four years, and the police there are far more efficient regarding apprehension and punishment of any crime.

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If you sit down at a tourist destination, a park, a statue, whatever, time and time again you will see tourists who blatantly ignore their surroundings. Bags are put down as they take pictures, or left open on their shoulders. Or insist on wearing expensive jewelry, rings, and watches when travelling. It invites crime and makes it more difficult for the authorities.


We were in Costco yesterday. I counted two purses in carts, wide open with wallets within easy reach, left alone while the owners pushed their way to get some free food sample. This is a very common occurrence.


This can be an awful crime, but it is made more prevalent by people who completely ignore their surroundings and the most basic rules of personal security.

Edited by iancal
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With all the posts regarding pick pockets, I am extremely concerned (and now totally paranoid) to have cash and documents on my personage for our DIY to Montserrat! And the prior day we were going to drop our luggage at the hotel and DIY Sagrada Familia and Park Quell. (Our room might not ready because we will be landing early and can only drop off our luggage) We will have to have our docs and cash on us! I would like some advise PLEASE from the cruise Critics. :confused:



In addition to an in-room safe, hotels have large vault safes that they use for this own needs. You may be able to store your cash and Monserrat documents in the hotel's safe until you can get into your own room.


Some hotels have a hybrid safe system. There are no safes in the room but there are safe deposit boxes either at the front desk or in the office area of the hotel.


Find out if your Barcelona hotel has either of these options and consider putting your money there while you tour prior to checking in.


On the rare occasions when we've used the hotel's safe, they put our stuff in a large heavy duty envelope, seal the envelope, and we write our name across the flap and onto the body of the envelope. Admittedly, by using the large hotel safe, any hotel employee who goes to the safe for regular business functions has access to our envelope, but I like my odds in the hotel safe rather than the street of ANY CITY.


Finally, I hope you've been persuaded that being aware of your surroundings and behaving intelligently (e.g. leaving real jewelry at home) will make someone else the target if there's a pickpocket in the area. There is no need for anxiety -- much less paranoia -- if you follow the good advice on travel boards.

Edited by Pet Nit Noy
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We have travelled in Europe often for 35 plus years.


In all that time we have only had one incident. I was pick pocketed on a bus in Naples.


It was my fault. I forget the cardinal rule...be aware of your surroundings. Fortunately I was following another rule. I only had about 20 Euro in my wallet plus a Corporate Amex card.


Prior to leaving on any vacation, we put all of our jewelry in the safe deposit box. Why travel with it when it makes you a mark?

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I was just checking on what everyone is doing in cruise ports and happened on the concerns over pickpockets and other types of thievery in this forum.

It is a real concern and there have been so many great tips shared already to make your travel safer.

We along with our five children, all under 12 years old, visited Barcelona on a couple of trips back in 1999 and 2001. My husband did get pick pocketed as he was lifting the stroller onto a train. He had also stood on the platform with a handful of money which he put inside his passport along with his credit card then put into his front trousers pocket in view of "everyone". Luckily they did not take his passport nor use the credit card. This event did dampen our evening as we had to spend several hours finding a phone card then calling back to a friend in the states to help us get the credit card cancelled. After this wake up call, we used neck or waist wallets, divided the cash between all 7 of us, etc.

I have found a valuable resource for 'theft proof' items on Ebags, (can also get valuable air miles when you go through your favorite airlines' "Earn miles by shopping" sites.) There is a good selection of several travel friendly brands with a large variety of items. For example, I purchased a cross body purse with "cut proof straps" as well as locking zippers, RIF SAFE credit card areas, and so on.

Barcelona is a really fun city to explore. We will be back there on our NCL Epic cruise in June!

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I've been to Barcelona several times, I'll be there next month again, and I never had any problem there..I get pick pocketed in NY and almost get pick pocketed in Madrid, and that's it. Every time we travel we read the statistics and news about the cities and always have the feeling that we will travel to the dangerous place on earth :rolleyes:

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