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How can one keep a Meet & Greet to it's original purpose?


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This quote is from one of the World Cruise threads here, and I wanted to discuss it - but not disrupt the wonderful flow there. I hope they don't mind that I've quoted them to start this thread. The "Henk" referred to is the Hotel Manager on the current World Cruise.


... Much to our surprise, Henk may a couple of remarks regarding the Cruise Critic group, and the fact that their meetings have morphed into meetings on individual tour group arrangements in the upcoming ports. He feels that the ship's staff need not host a program that essentially is being used to undercut their product. Fair enough. Our immediate reply was that the tours have become pricey, and people feel compelled to shop more affordable excursions. He agreed, but said that HAL may no longer complimentary host these meetings with invitations, refreshments, and their attendance. ...


Goodness, I've been to Meet & Greets like that. Also to ones where the focus on one person's problem or complaint took over the conversation to the point of embarrassment for the organizer. That organizer was me, one time, and I actually sent a note of apology to the officer who was "accosted". I didn't plan another Meet & Greet for many, many cruises after that.


Cruise Critic gatherings can be so much fun, but it truly can take just one person to spoil it for everyone else. I'm wondering what others here may have done to help keep the focus on the strictly social aspect of a Meet & Greet. I would totally understand if HAL ever decided "enough is enough", but it seems like it should be easy to prevent that from happening. Anyone?

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You can't predict what other people will do, especially people you don't know well. So it's impossible to be prepared for awkward situations. I guess I've been lucky. I've never organized a M&G, and every one I've attended has been relaxed and fun.


The CC roll call allows plenty of time to discuss tours and make those arrangements. It might be a good idea to say on the roll call that the M&G should not focus too much on private tour arrangements, as HAL has been kind enough to host the M&G, and it doesn't seem right to discuss ways to avoid paying for something they provide while they're giving you a party. (That's a long awkward sentence, but I think you know what I mean.) You could even say that a HAL hotman complained about this, and you're trying to protect the future of M&Gs. I don't like a M&G that's like a formal meeting with a topic to be discussed like "what tours are you all taking?" Let people mingle and introduce themselves, and people can talk quietly about their tours if they want to.


As for a rude person, there is NOTHING you can to to ward off that kind of thing. Some people are ready to be obnoxious at the drop of a hat. It is not your fault or your responsibility. If you try to shush them or divert the conversation, they'll likely unload on you, too. I think in the situation you described, sending the note to the officer was the perfect thing to do. Truly, what more could you have done?

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I have never thought about the "arranging private tours together" aspect of a M&G. I think it would be a bigger problem on a world tour, with many ports and a better chance to make stronger friendships. As far as the refreshments go, what the cruise lines put out is probably less than they would lose if we were randomly surfing the Lido buffet. Since the M&G is usually held on the first sea day, most passengers are still in heavy eating mode. So really, all that they "lose" is some time with the hotel director or whomever shows up. Also, the bigger groups on board certainly have more opportunity to arrange their own plans.


The markup on ship based shore excursions is usually 100%. And they are usually well attended.


And what 3GC wrote below is correct: you can't be responsible for what someone may say or do during the M&G.

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Never really understood some of the aspects of a meet and greet.


I understand cruising enthusiasts gathering for a quick hello and actually putting a face to a cc screen name.


What I don't understand is HAL supplying drinks snacks and sometimes officers of the ship showing up? What for?


If I was a ships officer and they told me the entire team of the 1972 Dolphins undefeated season were meeting on the ship,it would piqué my interest.


If the girls from the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit calendar were all meeting,it would piqué my interest.


50- 60 people from cruise critic

not so much.

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Wow, Donna. What a GREAT thread!

Two things happen at some M&Gs that give HAL every reason to not be receptive to being so gracious about them.......


a) Exactly what you say. They turn into making connections to do private tours that undercut a revenue stream for HAL.


b) Complaint fests. Why does HAL have to be so willilng to set up lovely coffee displays, cookies, set aside a room and often offer some 'bar items' if people gather to air their grievances?


Why should any Officers or staff want to attend?

Some M & G groups could well ruin it for all.

Of course, not all are like that. Some are just what they should be but we all know a few rotten apples......


Thanks for starting this converation.

It needs to be said. IMO


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Never really understood some of the aspects of a meet and greet.


I understand cruising enthusiasts gathering for a quick hello and actually putting a face to a cc screen name.


What I don't understand is HAL supplying drinks snacks and sometimes officers of the ship showing up? What for?


If I was a ships officer and they told me the entire team of the 1972 Dolphins undefeated season were meeting on the ship,it would piqué my interest.


If the girls from the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit calendar were all meeting,it would piqué my interest.


50- 60 people from cruise critic

not so much.


Have you ever gone to a M&G, or are 50-60 people from CC not worth your time?


For officers, it's good PR. That's part of the officers' jobs. Some do it more often/happily than others, but they all know they have to meet passengers. And if they'd rather meet an NFL team or bikini babes than a bunch of people from cruise critic, they never show it.


A woman at our dinner table on one cruise met the Staff Captain after he did the Sunday service. She kept saying that she had met "the captain," and nobody could get her to understand that she didn't meet THE captain (as in the Master of the ship), but she went on and on and on about it. For days. Like they were BFFs. So you have to figure she told everyone she knew about this great honor and how special the cruise was. Word of mouth helps sell cruises and other products.

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I have been to a M&G where the meeting turned out to be one party complaining about their service and it was uncomfortable. Most of the time the M&G is a time to get together and then if people are touring together make face to face plans. But the plans and reservations for private tours have already been made well in advance of the sailing.

The comment seems to be directed at cruisecritic in general, since one of the advantages is to meet with others who can share tours, and to report back about the good (and bad) tours.

As I see it the formal M&G is nice, but without it there would be nothing stopping the rollcall from deciding to meet at certain time anyway. On our first few cruises we had very few cc cruisers and just got together on our own.

Seems silly for HAL to slam cruisecritic.

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I think I have a pretty good handle on how to prevent it. Here is what I do for the numerous M&G's I've set up.


I always say on the roll call and when handing out name tags at the M&G that it is not a complaint fest. I further say that I will interrupt and prevent this from happening. On larger M&G's where they bring a microphone I just walk away with it if someone starts in.


On longer cruises I set up 3 M&G's. The first is for getting to know one another and enjoying the presence of the staff and/or crew. The second one half way through the cruise if for finalizing details for private tours and just visiting with each other. The 3rd and final one is a luncheon farewell near the end of the cruise. By this time we are usually set with new friends and having a wonderful time.


That said, I have run into the odd obnoxious person and have sent out my own "apology" notes. And one does feel responsible in some fashion. Good old fashioned guilt I guess. The above guidelines have helped me.


I hope this helps somewhat.

Edited by kakalina
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Have you ever gone to a M&G, or are 50-60 people from CC not worth your time? ...

I'll second that remark. Some of us have made what we consider to be life-long friends at those Meet & Greets. Beginning with a Cruise Critic roll call, and culminating with HAL's Meet & Greet - true friendships have been forged. It would be too, too sad to see those opportunities become limited.

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I have never thought about the "arranging private tours together" aspect of a M&G. I think it would be a bigger problem on a world tour, with many ports and a better chance to make stronger friendships. As far as the refreshments go, what the cruise lines put out is probably less than they would lose if we were randomly surfing the Lido buffet. Since the M&G is usually held on the first sea day, most passengers are still in heavy eating mode. So really, all that they "lose" is some time with the hotel director or whomever shows up. Also, the bigger groups on board certainly have more opportunity to arrange their own plans.


The markup on ship based shore excursions is usually 100%. And they are usually well attended.


And what 3GC wrote below is correct: you can't be responsible for what someone may say or do during the M&G.


I keep hearing about how expensive ships' tours are, and some do seem expensive for what you get. But the 100% markup doesn't sound right. When I've been able to find the same tour online, the prices were very close. For example, I think I paid $10 more than internet price for the St Kitts Sugar Train. But the tour provided a bus ride to and from the train, so that $10 difference would have been consumed by taxi fare. In Skagway, the various versions of the train cost about the same to buy directly as from the ship. In Australia, our flightseeing cost exactly what direct booking would have cost. (There was a price list in the seatback pocket) Our day at the Barrier Reef also cost the same through the ship as independent booking. OK, the vendor probably discounts to the ship, and then the ship marks up the price. But in the end, I don't think I've ever paid double what the same tour would have cost independently.

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At our M&G's I try to start with a huge thank you to everyone in attendance, from the Officers, wait staff and CC members.


Then I ask all of the attending Roll Call members to introduce themselves and telling a bit about themselves, as little or as much as they wish.


Then I ask the Officers in attendance to tell us a bit of themselves, their duties and whatever they wish.


At times I will then ask them (the Officers) to tell us who we should contact in case of... and how we should contact them.


After one of our M&G's on Westerdam, I believe it was, the Hotel Manager, Ron Botenfels said that it was the first M&G he'd attended in quite a while and that he was happy he had. He said that he had stopped attending previously due to the complaints he was bombarded with at them. After our M&G was over officially, he sat and talked to us for well over 1/2 hour and it was thoroughly enjoyed by all:)


It is up to the host or hostess of the M&G to keep things on track. Sometimes though this can be difficult, but you have to try.



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Goodness, I've been to Meet & Greets like that. Also to ones where the focus on one person's problem or complaint took over the conversation to the point of embarrassment for the organizer. That organizer was me, one time, and I actually sent a note of apology to the officer who was "accosted". I didn't plan another Meet & Greet for many, many cruises after that.


Cruise Critic gatherings can be so much fun, but it truly can take just one person to spoil it for everyone else. I'm wondering what others here may have done to help keep the focus on the strictly social aspect of a Meet & Greet. I would totally understand if HAL ever decided "enough is enough", but it seems like it should be easy to prevent that from happening. Anyone?


I'm still relatively new to cruising, but it had not occurred to me that there could be a dark side to the Meet&Greet. Color me naive :o:o, I suppose, that I wouldn't expect and be ready for the cussedness of human nature to manifest itself even on a magnificent ship at the start of a glorious vacation among friendships that have formed online over the course of months.


This is the second thread in recent weeks to focus on when M&Gs go bad. I understand now why veteran cruisers are skeptical.


At the last M&G I attended, two lower-level officers -- query: is the Future Cruise Director an officer? -- attended. After the whiparound (name, CC moniker, where from, what most looking forward to, etc.), they entertained questions. The questions were all cordial and the answers all informative. It didn't occur to me (naive again :o:o) that they were opening themselves up to potshots, and I would have been shocked had their courtesy been abused.


Incidentally, we formed friendships from that roll call that last to this day. There was, to my knowledge, no discussion of graymarket excursions but we did form a team that gathered everyday for the trivia contest. :)

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This thread is putting the CC boards to their highest and best use. It is invaluable to get the perspective and advice (especially the practical tips) of veteran cruisers like Katarina, Joanie, and Donna. Thanks to the OP for starting it and thanks to Katarina, Joanie, Donna, and the others.


In my limited experience I've found that HAL attracts less than its fair share of jerks, and the HAL board here on CC an even smaller proportion.


A friend of mine uses the line "I wish I had a hundred customers like you." In his mind he adds, "Unfortunately, I have a thousand of them." He also says that anyone who says that he/she likes to work with people has never worked with people. I always keep those points in mind when dealing with anyone in the ship's management staff and especially with the front desk folks.

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I read that thread this morning, Donna, and was quite taken aback as well.

I've organized several Meet and Greets...on all of our HAL cruises with the exception of the Good Nuts cruise. I'd be mortified if some of these things happened at our M & G's.

People have been delighted to have Officers attend, and I don't recall anyone ever having been discourteous. Mostly it's been introducing ourselves to other guests, and talking about what to do in port. But that conversation has taken place after the Officers have spoken and left.

On our recent Maasdam cruise, I asked Copper John to attend and people loved hearing from him...a former HAL pax/now HAL Security Officer. Last year on the Maasdam, we had several Officers, and the Roll Call members loved that.

On the Noordam, Mark Pells often came to the Meet and Greets and he was very entertaining and interesting.

I, too, think that the World Cruise, that has so many repeat passengers who have obviously become friends, and because it is such a long cruise, it would be more difficult to avoid having the Meet and Greet get out of control.

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I think I have a pretty good handle on how to prevent it. Here is what I do for the numerous M&G's I've set up. ...


... It is up to the host or hostess of the M&G to keep things on track. Sometimes though this can be difficult, but you have to try. ...


You've both offered some great ideas. Thank you. Personally, I am more of a worker bee - and usually find someone more outspoken to do announcements and the like. That probably left me at a disadvantage the one time things went awry. I do believe it's worth discussing on the Roll Calls though too, just so everyone understands exactly what a Meet & Greet is.


Thanks to others, too, for your thoughts and comments. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who can become disturbed at some of the goings on. :) HAL is doing such a thoughtful service for our Cruise Critic groups, and the great majority of us are truly thankful for that.

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This quote is from one of the World Cruise threads here, and I wanted to discuss it - but not disrupt the wonderful flow there. I hope they don't mind that I've quoted them to start this thread. The "Henk" referred to is the Hotel Manager on the current World Cruise.

Goodness, I've been to Meet & Greets like that. Also to ones where the focus on one person's problem or complaint took over the conversation to the point of embarrassment for the organizer. That organizer was me, one time, and I actually sent a note of apology to the officer who was "accosted". I didn't plan another Meet & Greet for many, many cruises after that.

Cruise Critic gatherings can be so much fun, but it truly can take just one person to spoil it for everyone else. I'm wondering what others here may have done to help keep the focus on the strictly social aspect of a Meet & Greet. I would totally understand if HAL ever decided "enough is enough", but it seems like it should be easy to prevent that from happening. Anyone?

I've organized several meet & greets..I start by thanking all who came to our meeting & introduced myself & DH..then gave a little background of us..After that I go around the room & asked the participants to introduce themselves & give a little background..At the same time I asked them if they would like to get together again for a luncheon..All times they all said yes & we had it on a Sea Day..It worked very well..

Since I had previously heard about a Meet & Greet which morphed into a complaint session with Officers, I was very concerned about that... So on every meet & greet thread which I organized, I posted on-line this request, which seemed to work, since complaints were never voiced at our Meet & Greet's..

Quote I also have a personal request, only because of an incident which occurred on another cruise during a Cruise Critic Meet & Greet Reception...


This is a Social Occasion only for us to get to know each other as well as the Ship's Officers..On board problems or complaints should be addressed in private with the appropriate Department Head & not at this meeting. Unquote

At our Meet & Greet's, everything worked well & I made sure to send a note of Thanks to the Officers for their hospitality..

Perhaps Meet & Greet Organizers should think about inserting a similar post which asks that participants not discuss private tours at this meeting..


Also agree with the posters who mentioned that if the Cruise Lines made their tours more affordable, perhaps Psgrs. would take their tours instead of going out on their own..But everyone forgets that HAL must have insurance to protect their Psgrs on these tours..I would bet my last dollar that most private cabs, tour people in many countries have no insurance..

Completely understand Henk's remark & if I was an officer on HAL I would feel the same way, as participants are cutting into HAL's Bread & Butter..

There is no way that any Cruise Line is going to prevent people from joining private tours but agree discussions should be handled privately & not in Meet & Greets..


Edited by serendipity1499
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Our M&G was monopolized by private tours two cruises ago. One or two couples took over and turned it into a planning session for private tours. Attendance was very good, but people soon started to drift away. The tour emphasis took away from meeting and socializing.


M&Gs aren't the place to plan these tours nor the place to collect the money. Those planning private tours need to recognize many of people prefer to do HAL excursions or take a taxi or simply walk around in the port. We're at the M&G to meet other passengers and put faces to roll call names.

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I keep hearing about how expensive ships' tours are, and some do seem expensive for what you get. But the 100% markup doesn't sound right. When I've been able to find the same tour online, the prices were very close. For example, I think I paid $10 more than internet price for the St Kitts Sugar Train. But the tour provided a bus ride to and from the train, so that $10 difference would have been consumed by taxi fare. In Skagway, the various versions of the train cost about the same to buy directly as from the ship. In Australia, our flightseeing cost exactly what direct booking would have cost. (There was a price list in the seatback pocket) Our day at the Barrier Reef also cost the same through the ship as independent booking. OK, the vendor probably discounts to the ship, and then the ship marks up the price. But in the end, I don't think I've ever paid double what the same tour would have cost independently.


2 years ago in Hawaii we had booked a private snorkel tour many months prior to the cruise for $75 per person. About 2 months before leaving we got an email from the provider that they now had a contract with HAL and be sure not to tell the HAL folks we had booked it privately. I checked the HAL price and it was $125. Turned out that on our boat were 4 people that had booked with HAL - they paid $125 each and we paid $75 each - not 100% markup but very close.


More so than the cost we do private tours so we can do it in a small group. When in St. Petersburg Russia we did a private tour with 6 of us - the guide and driver - we got to take a ride on their subway, the Hydrofoil and had lunch with a Russian family in their apartment - can't do that with a bus full of 50 people and the cost was less than the ship tour (NCL) and we saw twice as much.

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One of the things that differs on the World cruise, is that apparently there is multiple meet and greets sponsored by HAL.

I do think it is tacky of Henk Mensick to make that remark frankly, as the world cruise clientele is a different bird that any of the other cruises due to the length of the cruise and the number of repeat cruisers.

We all know that one agency does dominate the booking for the world cruise and shame on them for dominating the meet and greets with their arrangements. Something needs to be said privately to that agency and their on-board representatives, but Henk's comments still were not appropriate.

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I've been to meet & greets on several lines. I always say that HALs is one of the nicer.


However, NCL also has a nice one with many officers in attendance. Sometimes the Captain, but almost always the hotel director, cruise director, etc. They all pass out their cards with their phone numbers on them and seem to want to hear complaints. They say that they would rather have the chance to fix any problems while on board rather than reading about them on Cruise Critic.:)

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Re: ship based shore excursions costing double- sorry if I misspoke. I couldn't possibly have the pricing on hand for every single shore excursion currently being offered by HAL or any other cruise line. We did a HAL snorkel and catamaran sail in Aruba that I thought was very well priced. It's just a general knowledge base built up after years of checking prices and booking excursions for a big family that has led me to the "100% markup" feeling. For example, I was just giving a friend of mine Belize cave tubing advice for his Carnival cruise next week. Reggie (I have used him 3X) is 50 bucks. Carnival is $95, however, Carnival includes a lunch. Just an FYI, I have seen where the lunch happens and that's why I steered my friend to Reggie :eek:.


Sorry if I misspoke!


How are the M&G's hotbeds of complaints if they only ever happen on the first sea day or on embarkation day? What is there to complain about already? Thankfully I have only ever experienced nice people getting to know each other- never any complaints. And yes, as someone just posted, I have had an NCL Hotel Director at every M&G.

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One of the things that differs on the World cruise, is that apparently there is multiple meet and greets sponsored by HAL.

I do think it is tacky of Henk Mensick to make that remark frankly, as the world cruise clientele is a different bird that any of the other cruises due to the length of the cruise and the number of repeat cruisers.

We all know that one agency does dominate the booking for the world cruise and shame on them for dominating the meet and greets with their arrangements. Something needs to be said privately to that agency and their on-board representatives, but Henk's comments still were not appropriate.


That is very tacky. Having read many of the World Cruise threads, that agency holds their own get togethers throughout the cruise...wouldn't it be more appropriate for them to discuss shorex at those...not at a HAL sponsored social?

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I keep hearing about how expensive ships' tours are, and some do seem expensive for what you get. But the 100% markup doesn't sound right. When I've been able to find the same tour online, the prices were very close. For example, I think I paid $10 more than internet price for the St Kitts Sugar Train. But the tour provided a bus ride to and from the train, so that $10 difference would have been consumed by taxi fare. In Skagway, the various versions of the train cost about the same to buy directly as from the ship. In Australia, our flightseeing cost exactly what direct booking would have cost. (There was a price list in the seatback pocket) Our day at the Barrier Reef also cost the same through the ship as independent booking. OK, the vendor probably discounts to the ship, and then the ship marks up the price. But in the end, I don't think I've ever paid double what the same tour would have cost independently.


It's not just the price - it's the flexibility of being on a SMALL private tour. A group of 8 sees a lot more than a group of 40. There's no herding - no waiting as 40 people line up to use the washroom or as you wait for one of those famous laggards to show up.


Private tours (good ones) are notches above what HAL provides because HAL is providing to a larger group. Prices can also differ. Sometimes they are close (but a much better product) and yes , often the prices can be significantly lower than what HAL offers. I don't think most of us do private tours for the price though - it's for the quality.


But if you doubt that some are 1/2 price - a ballet performance in St. Petersburg arranged through your private tour is done more out of courtesy as you have booked 2 days of St. Petersburg with them than to make money (although I suspect they make some). Their cost is 1/2 of HAL's.


On the other hand using HAL"s transfer by ferry from St. Thomas to St. John (which I have done) is only a dollar or two more expensive than trying to diy.

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I'm kind of shocked that Henk (the Hotel Manager) made that kind of comment. As most of us know several other cruise lines take care of the cruise critic meet and greets. HAL kindly provides the location and coffee/tea but do not have to organize.


Ironically on the Maasdam, the hotel manager made it clear that HAL wants to participate and host our meet and greets.


Like others, I agree that this is not the place to discuss complaints - I do the same thing and ask people to refrain.


I see no need to discuss private tours at M & G's usually. Maybe collect money (which can be done very discreetly), but most people make arrangements on the roll call and via email. Most people want to meet the people that they are going to be touring with.


I've only had one obnoxious person at a meet and greet and yes, I did apologize later for that person. I was able to stop them, but I still felt bad so an apology went out.


Overall, Meet and Greets are a great way to meet our fellow cc'ers. If some staff or officers can come even nicer. Other than the incident mentioned above, all of our meet and greets have been great and I think everyone enjoyed themselves. Don't worry about the worst that can happen. enjoy the opportunities the meet and greets give:)

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