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Royal Kicked Us Off!!!

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Just read through most pages (although not all) of this story. Only because we have cruised several times with non-family minors, did it occur to me that the problem was the number of minors (DOB) listed and number of rooms. Quite honestly, one of the reasons we use a TA is because when we first started cruising, we ran into a problem that almost caused us a similar problem. We use one that is a cruise specialist and anytime I book, he always reminds me of something that I've forgotten, or of any a new policy. My experience dealing with the phone staff of RCI is that they aren't the "brightest crayons in the box" in addition to being none too helpful. I had a question about a credit card OBC to my upcoming cruise. It should have been a general question, easily answered by the RCI phone staff. They were wrong in telling me they couldn't answer it, and not apologetic at all. Fortunately, I was able to phone my TA who called, got the information and relayed it to me almost immediately. I hope it doesn't ruin your image of cruising, but could certainly understand it if you don't want to take a chance on cruising in the future. Glad you were able to treat your "gals" to a great celebration, in spite of this problem.

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At 17 I got my airplane pilots license. At 18 I added an instrument rating to it (for flying in the clouds / bad weather), and at 19 I added a multi-engine rating (for flying planes with more than one engine.


So, at 19 I could theoretically command a million $ airplane, take passengers with me and fly in "bad" weather, but I could not be left alone in a RCCL cabin without a 21 year old with me.


Just thought I had to add some real perspective to this. :eek:

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At 17 I got my airplane pilots license. At 18 I added an instrument rating to it (for flying in the clouds / bad weather), and at 19 I added a multi-engine rating (for flying planes with more than one engine.


So, at 19 I could theoretically command a million $ airplane, take passengers with me and fly in "bad" weather, but I could not be left alone in a RCCL cabin without a 21 year old with me.


Just thought I had to add some real perspective to this. :eek:


And to add this one.


In the USA, you can either be drafted or sign up to join our military at 18. In most states in the USA, you cannot drink a beer legally until you are 21.



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I was just going to say the same thing. The US are happy to have someone 18, 19 or 20 years old lay down their life to protect and serve their country.


Royal Caribbean however are not prepared to allow them their own adjoining cabin to an adult guardian.


I haven't read through all the pages but things seem very strange. We have a family cruise booked soon with under 21 year old family members in a cabin as part of the group.


We did the same last summer.


It is not a given that under 21 year olds are allowed to drink light alcoholic beverages. They need the permission of their on board guardians to do so.


Henry :)

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Human error is inevitable but it is how companies respond to that error that is the issue. In this case, RCL didn't contact the person to advise them of the issue and it was pure luck she called when she did. And with RCL having made the decision to cancel the cruise they have been very slow to refund. Says a lot when things go pear shaped, doesn't it.



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I've just read through this whole thread, and the above post which was made today implies that some people still don't get exactly what happened here.


When the OP made her ressie with the RCCL rep on the phone, the wrong birth year was entered for one of the GDs, indicating that she is 28 years old, instead of 18. Therefore, as far as the cruiseline is concerned, there was someone over the age of 21 in the room and no need to flag the reservation. It was not until the OP called a week before the cruise for something unrelated, that a CL employee asked the OP a question about the DOB and the OP advised them that the correct year of birth was really 10 years LATER than what was shown on the booking. At that time everything changed. That's when it was noticed that there was a problem with the booking, not before. If the OP had never called it would never have been known there was a problem with the DOB listed on the booking. So it's not true that RCCL knew there was a problem and simply did not contact the customer. That is NOT what happened.


Now I don't say this to defend the cruiseline for how they handled this situation, I just say it to clarify what really happened here. I do believe this is an employee error, however it is still the customer's responsibility to make sure all info is correct. I do believe that RCCL should have offered some sort of compensation for the OP missing their cruise due to the incompetance of their employees. I agree with Johnee O in that I am very disappointed to read how so many issues have been mishandled by RCCL as of late. That Rhapsody debacle is just a complete disaster and RCCL should be ashamed of how they are handling it. I do hope the OP receives her FULL refund in a timely manner so that they can use those funds to pay for their revised vacation plans.


Good luck to the OP and congratulations on a wonderful family.

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I think most of us here DO get it. Yes, the RC rep messed up and had 1 girl listed as 28 rather than 18. HOWEVER, there was still an issue regarding guardianship that started the problems.


The OP booked 3 rooms, all in a row. One room had 3 girls, one room had OP & her husband, and the last room had 2 more girls. According to the OP, the RC rep told her that she & husband had to be in the middle cabin to be in accordance with RC policy.


The problem originated because the rep didn't understand RC's policy. The OP and husband are not legal guardians of any of the girls. Therefore, they needed 1 person over 21 in each cabin. Because the rep messed up the DOB, the reservation showed 1 cabin w/ a 28-yr old and 2 under 21, 1 cabin w/ 2 people over 21, and 1 cabin w/ 2 people under 21.


Per RC's policy, the OP could not have 2 people under 21 in a cabin together without having a legal guardian next door or a person over 21 in the cabin.


RC knew there was a cabin with 2 girls both under 21 who were not travelling with a legal guardian. RC knew that is in violation of their policy, but they still didn't contact the OP to let her know they wouldn't be allowed to board.


That says bad customer service, in my opinion.

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And to add this one.


In the USA, you can either be drafted or sign up to join our military at 18. In most states in the USA, you cannot drink a beer legally until you are 21.




I was just going to say the same thing. The US are happy to have someone 18, 19 or 20 years old lay down their life to protect and serve their country.


Keep in mind, that if someone does join the military and is under 21, they will be able to purchase alcohol and/or drink at the clubs on-base.

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I'm confused about the policy. I'll be honest, didn't read every page of the thread. We booked a cruise directly through RCCL. My father (grandpa) and my 11 year old son have a cabin and 2 doors down he booked my 18 and 16 year old with no problems through RCCL on the phone.

We recently transferred the reservation to a TA and upgraded our cabins. The new TA had trouble getting the computer to accept my daughter's cabins so she put me on hold, called RCCL and it all went through.

So why did OURS go through and the OP is having this issue? I hope they get a full refund and an apology. If they do this to my family after getting approval from RCCL TWICE, I will flip out. Let us know what happens.


What, exactly, is their policy?

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To explain a bit more about my calls to RC & the birth year error being discovered, etc:


About 2 weeks before the cruise I called RC to get the OBC from Crown+Anchor for "bring a friend" (bringing someone never before on RC) -- that was the call where the birth year error was discovered -- but NOTHING was said by RC that day nor for the next 5 days about the ages & occupancy of our 3 cabins....until the 6th day....(1 week prior to boarding)...when I made another call to RC to ask questions concerning OB accounts created by parents for the girls for their spending money (rather than giving a credit card number at checkin) -- after RC answered my questions about those accounts that I was put on hold for a LONG TIME and then was informed we would not be able to board the ship.

So RC did have ample time to contact me first about this problem!!!


At the time of the original booking, I distinctly stated the birth date & birth year of each girl going with us, so I have wondered if the person "accidentally on purpose" entered the birth year incorrectly.


Ordinarily I use a TA, one for past 10 years....but she was unavailable the day I first inquired with RC about this cruise & put a unpaid "hold" on the 3 cabins. The next day I talked to my TA and she also talked to RC -- because of such limited availability of cabins for 3, she advised me she was unsure if I would be allowed to transfer it to her. When I called RC I discussed transferring to my TA & I was told an upaid 'hold" is considered booked, so I could not transfer to a TA without giving up those 3 cabins.

However when my booking was kicked out of the system & told we could not board, I sent all the info to my TA and she was SHOCKED and AMAZED about all this!!! She is very experienced & well-trained in the business!!!

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I'm confused about the policy. I'll be honest, didn't read every page of the thread. We booked a cruise directly through RCCL. My father (grandpa) and my 11 year old son have a cabin and 2 doors down he booked my 18 and 16 year old with no problems through RCCL on the phone.

We recently transferred the reservation to a TA and upgraded our cabins. The new TA had trouble getting the computer to accept my daughter's cabins so she put me on hold, called RCCL and it all went through.

So why did OURS go through and the OP is having this issue? I hope they get a full refund and an apology. If they do this to my family after getting approval from RCCL TWICE, I will flip out. Let us know what happens.


What, exactly, is their policy?


You are all related.


The OP is NOT related to four of the passengers.

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I've just read through this whole thread, and the above post which was made today implies that some people still don't get exactly what happened here.


Being the some people :rolleyes: referred to above, the mistake was made when the wrong birth date was entered by the sales consultant from RCL. And as confirmed by Kaye's later response quoted below, I think I "get it" perfectly thanks but don't think you do.;)


To explain a bit more about my calls to RC & the birth year error being discovered, etc:


About 2 weeks before the cruise I called RC to get the OBC from Crown+Anchor for "bring a friend" (bringing someone never before on RC) -- that was the call where the birth year error was discovered -- but NOTHING was said by RC that day nor for the next 5 days about the ages & occupancy of our 3 cabins....<snip>

So RC did have ample time to contact me first about this problem!!!


At the time of the original booking, I distinctly stated the birth date & birth year of each girl going with us, so I have wondered if the person "accidentally on purpose" entered the birth year incorrectly.


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Totally shocked by this !!


Why did they not suggest booking into 2 rooms (if you'd fit !)


It's the attitude that's a problem, no offer of a solution not even a begging apology. Also if policies change previously booked cruises affected should not be CANCELLED

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The think that rather angers me is that RCCl has managed to alienate at least 7 cruisers who are young enough to have become realy good clients over the years. In this day and age loosing potential customers like this (just think how much these young ladies might have spent over the course of their lives) should make any bean counter cringe!!! Just imagine how immpressed these girls would have been if RCCL had come up with a way to make this work rather than cancel the bookings at last minute. You bet they will rememeber RCCL wreacked their plans for the rest of their lives. I don't really see any of them coming back to spend money with a line who thought nothing of wreacking their vacation.


Oh well I guess some will never learn it. This thread has gone on for what 2 weeks and I wonder how many have read it and thought well maybe RCCL is too much of a risk and now spend their money elsewhere. I may be out on a limb but I truely think RCCL has lost more money by taking the easy way out on this one than just this booking.

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I've just read through this whole thread, and the above post which was made today implies that some people still don't get exactly what happened here.



It appears that it may be you that still doesn't get what happened here but thanks for the explanation.

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Keep in mind, that if someone does join the military and is under 21, they will be able to purchase alcohol and/or drink at the clubs on-base.


I work for a venue on a military base here in Germany. Airmen 18 and older can drink with their military ID. Dependents and civilians must be 21 or older with their dependent or government ID. But this rule applies here in Germany, it is based on the host nation. It is the Status of Force Agreement (SOFA) that sets the rules for things such as taxes, driving licenses, housing, etc. - what military members and their dependents are allowed to do here in Germany.


I see RCI's rules about the same -- the are choosing to follow a standardized set of rules so no matter where the ship sails, what port it goes in and out of, the age of passengers in their individual cabins remains the same. Once that individual steps off the ship and enters a port, they must abide by that country's laws. Drinking age in Puerto Rico is 18. So when my sister went with me for an 8-night Western Caribbean, she drank while at port. One drink was all, but she was thrilled to legally drink at 18. At the time, I was 24, so I was her "guardian" and therefore we had a room booked together. No problems with our booking at all.

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The next day I talked to my TA and she also talked to RC -- because of such limited availability of cabins for 3, she advised me she was unsure if I would be allowed to transfer it to her.:confused: When I called RC I discussed transferring to my TA & I was told an upaid 'hold" is considered booked, so I could not transfer to a TA without giving up those 3 cabins. :confused:

However when my booking was kicked out of the system & told we could not board, I sent all the info to my TA and she was SHOCKED and AMAZED about all this!!! She is very experienced & well-trained in the business!!!


Very strange. You should be able to transfer to your TA at any time with the required signed document you must fax back to RCCL after signing. Done it several times, both cruises coming up and Thanksgiving have 2 cabins for 3????? Do not understand this assumption by your TA. Especially since you had not paid for the cruise yet.

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Very strange. You should be able to transfer to your TA at any time with the required signed document you must fax back to RCCL after signing. Done it several times, both cruises coming up and Thanksgiving have 2 cabins for 3????? Do not understand this assumption by your TA. Especially since you had not paid for the cruise yet.

Can't transfer it after final payment......and by final payment,they probably mean their official final payment date..

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Can't transfer it after final payment......and by final payment,they probably mean their official final payment date..

But she said it was an unpaid hold. Guess you mean it was booked after the final pay date. Right?

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But she said it was an unpaid hold. Guess you mean it was booked after the final pay date. Right?

If she went ahead and paid RCCL for that hold,it was their booking and it was after final payment...........therefore she couldnt transfer it..


Guess she could had let that hold go,call the ta to book it,

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If she went ahead and paid RCCL for that hold,it was their booking and it was after final payment...........therefore she couldnt transfer it..


Guess she could had let that hold go,call the ta to book it,


And hoped that the original cabins didn't get snatched up between the expiration of the hold and the new booking. That would not have been a good chance to take since she needed cabins holding more than two people.

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And hoped that the original cabins didn't get snatched up between the expiration of the hold and the new booking.

Very true........its a gamble.......what is more important.....getting those cabins or using her TA?

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Keep in mind, that if someone does join the military and is under 21, they will be able to purchase alcohol and/or drink at the clubs on-base.


This is not true... at CONUS bases, you are not legally allowed to drink or purchase alcohol until the age of 21, in observance of U.S. law. However, at overseas installations and in the local overseas communities, alcohol can be purchased/consumed in accordance with the overseas drinking age... I should know. My first duty station was RAF Mildenhall, England. At 19 yrs old, I had my first beer. Good times.


To the OP, I hope RCI stops stalling and refunds your money, quickly! The negative effects of their continued bad customer service will just serve to send more and more people to their competitors. I'm glad you were able to salvage the vacation and make the most of it, despite Royal Caribbean!

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