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That's a pretty pathetic statement, if I might say.


I've eaten at some of the world's best restaurants, personally know some of the best chefs in our area, like to think we are foodies who adore wine, and still love MDR food.


If you want to be a snob, and pretend that you are above the MDR, fine. You obviously wont be alone. But I certainly won't.


We are looking forward to the changes, as long as they keep the menu items that we like reasonably close.



Really? You "Love the MDR food"?

Sorry, it's not being a snob, it's calling a spade a spade. MDR food is mass produced, mid-level banquet quality food at best. Sure there are some "diamond in the rough", their soups and breads in particular. But I too am someone who doesn't bother to eat in the MDR much anymore because it's really not worth it.


Most troubling however is that you feel the need to viciously react to someone sharing their opinion.


It is my opinion that the food in the MDR is mediocre at best, usually served less than hot, and for the most part is utterly unremarkable.


Are you now going to flame me too?

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Really? You "Love the MDR food"?

Sorry, it's not being a snob, it's calling a spade a spade. MDR food is mass produced, mid-level banquet quality food at best. Sure there are some "diamond in the rough", their soups and breads in particular. But I too am someone who doesn't bother to eat in the MDR much anymore because it's really not worth it.


Most troubling however is that you feel the need to viciously react to someone sharing their opinion.


It is my opinion that the food in the MDR is mediocre at best, usually served less than hot, and for the most part is utterly unremarkable.


Are you now going to flame me too?

Since you took the time to flame me, then yes, I will.


If you REALLY think this is mid-level banquet food, you've never eaten at a banquet. Seriously.


Having been part of organizing as well as participating in a number of what I would call large banquets- from 100-700 plates, the food that is served in the MDR is far, far, far better than that. And that's for 5-20x the numbe of people served.


As for what you feel troubling, so you think it's ok that you can slam the MDR food, but other can't defend it, or call out people who pretend to be food snobs? It's ok for you and people like you to go out of your way and be negative, but it's not ok for me to go out of my way and be positive? That, my friend, is pathetic.


Is it mass produced? Of course it is. Is it as good as eating in a super find dining restuarant? No- although there are "fine dining" places that I've eaten at that are not exactly that anymore. It is very good food. Putting it into perspective of what it is and how it's made, it's exceptional food. Comparing it to large banquets- the comparison isn't even close.


I chuckle when people complain that the menu doesn't change. Most restaurants don't change their menu's either. Barely any of the chains that people like to compare the MDR to never consider making changes.


So if you think calling you a food snob is vicisous, well, too bad. Posts like yours make people *think* that they shouldn't like it, so I'm not sure how that's not attacking people....

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Really? You "Love the MDR food"?

Sorry, it's not being a snob, it's calling a spade a spade. MDR food is mass produced, mid-level banquet quality food at best. Sure there are some "diamond in the rough", their soups and breads in particular. But I too am someone who doesn't bother to eat in the MDR much anymore because it's really not worth it.


Most troubling however is that you feel the need to viciously react to someone sharing their opinion.


It is my opinion that the food in the MDR is mediocre at best, usually served less than hot, and for the most part is utterly unremarkable.


Are you now going to flame me too?


No flame. You have your opinion and I have mine. I have to agree with this poster that I love the MDR food as well. I really don't understand the complaints I hear from people. It's certainly no where near "mid-level banquet quality". I've never been disappointed with a meal onboard. I can only imagine that the complainers eat nothing but 5 star cuisine at home. I guess if that's what you have to compare it to, then yeah, it would be substandard.

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Really? You "Love the MDR food"?

Sorry, it's not being a snob, it's calling a spade a spade. MDR food is mass produced, mid-level banquet quality food at best. Sure there are some "diamond in the rough", their soups and breads in particular. But I too am someone who doesn't bother to eat in the MDR much anymore because it's really not worth it.


Most troubling however is that you feel the need to viciously react to someone sharing their opinion.


It is my opinion that the food in the MDR is mediocre at best, usually served less than hot, and for the most part is utterly unremarkable.


Are you now going to flame me too?


It's the fact that their opinion was a snobbish "Oh, if you ate fine dining like I do, you'd understand" line.


I can just about guarantee most of the people who complain that the MDR food being unpalatable could be served the exact same thing at an upcharge in a fancier setting and they would rave it was the best meal they ever had.


Those types of people like to base their view of quality on the price tag, and personally I find those people to be hilarious.

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Regarding the TA webinar yesterday:


It didn't discuss any prospective menu changes in the main dining room. Food topics were primarily a description of the various new dining venues (Izumi, Park Cafe, Rita's Cantina,Samba Grill, Starbucks coffee stations, etc.) being added during the revitalization process. Someone asked about possible changes in the MDR menus but the only response was to stay tuned - nothing specific. Before we go all gaga about the proposed changes, however, it is important to remember that the food is only as good as the talents of those preparing it, and we are still talking about feeding thousands of guests at each meal, with all the limitations that such a process involves.


Thank you, negc!


Looks like this thread has hit the usual wall. Time to close 'er down, Mr. or Ms. Moderator.


We will wait to hear from FOS folks next week . . .

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It's true! I was planning on not eating in the MDR at all on my upcoming Oasis cruise, but after hearing this I've changed my mind.


Oh no!!! It looks like we will have to a back-to-back just to have the time to eat in the MDR and my favorite specialty restaurants!


Oh, what a problem to have... :D



Sea ya!


Ron and Lee

Canton, GA (a NW sub of Atlanta, GA)

Proud Emerald Crown & Anchor Members


CCL: Mardis Gras, Destiny

Princess: Grand, Sea

RCL: Serenade, Navigator, Mariner, Freedom, Liberty, Oasis


"In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is freedom,

in water there is bacteria." - Ben Franklin


73 Days at sea!

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I would agree we never thought the MDR menu was "bad"'. As others stated it got routine to us who are repeat cruisers. Not saying they should change, but in any product they need to cycle things and this sounds like an excellent choice. Upgrading and keeping good items liked by all is great news.


Glad We don't have long to wait as we sail Allure after the noted start date. Hope this schedule is accurate to let us enjoy it.



Well said. Really looking forward to Monarch in sept.



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Since you took the time to flame me, then yes, I will.


I don't feel like I flamed you, I just reacted to the somewhat aggressive defense.



If you REALLY think this is mid-level banquet food, you've never eaten at a banquet. Seriously.


I will in fairness amend my position after giving it some thought. There CAN be some satisfying items served, HOWEVER, there are a number of times and items when, yes, it comes across as mid-level banquet food.


As for what you feel troubling, so you think it's ok that you can slam the MDR food, but other can't defend it, or call out people who pretend to be food snobs? It's ok for you and people like you to go out of your way and be negative, but it's not ok for me to go out of my way and be positive? That, my friend, is pathetic.


I have no problem with someone defending the food. I have no problem with someone voicing their opinion. But I do find calling people "pathetic" because you don't agree with their position to be somewhat distasteful. Perhaps you would like to amend your assertion. If you found the posters' insinuation about those who like the food to be offensive, then so be it. But he or she is just as entitled to his or her opinion of the experience as you are.


Is it mass produced? Of course it is. Is it as good as eating in a super find dining restuarant? No- although there are "fine dining" places that I've eaten at that are not exactly that anymore. It is very good food. Putting it into perspective of what it is and how it's made, it's exceptional food. Comparing it to large banquets- the comparison isn't even close.


I actually agree with a lot of this. However, "putting into perspective of what it is and how it's made" is one thing. Often those who defend the food feel the need to insinuate that those who don't are "snobs" or wouldn't feel the same way if served the meal on land. I vehemently disagree with that.


I chuckle when people complain that the menu doesn't change. Most restaurants don't change their menu's either. Barely any of the chains that people like to compare the MDR to never consider making changes.


Cruise lines cater to loyalty and repeat passengers. It's a very different dynamic than your local Chili's or non-chain restaurant. Many people on these boards cruise several times a year. Wishing there was more variety is pretty reasonable.


So if you think calling you a food snob is vicisous, well, too bad. Posts like yours make people *think* that they shouldn't like it, so I'm not sure how that's not attacking people....


I love a lot of foods others don't like. Them telling me they don't like them doesn't really change my mind about them. I was simply stating what the experience is like from my perspective.

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Does anyone know why RCI hasn't been publicizing this? I would think they'd be all over the place with it. This is huge news for them, and it's starting VERY SOON. Has there been ANY public announcement about this? Did I miss it?:confused:

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It's the fact that their opinion was a snobbish "Oh, if you ate fine dining like I do, you'd understand" line.


Totally agree!


I can just about guarantee most of the people who complain that the MDR food being unpalatable could be served the exact same thing at an upcharge in a fancier setting and they would rave it was the best meal they ever had.


Totally DISagree!


Those types of people like to base their view of quality on the price tag, and personally I find those people to be hilarious.


"Those People"? seems like a pretty vague generalization. I know that I am not one of "Those People". I LOVE food. I am a food nut! I like to read about food, I like to cook all sorts of food, and I like to try just about anything. I have spent hundreds of dollars on meals in great cities of the world and been utterly disappointed, and I have bought breakfast from a dirt poor Mexican immigrant out of his pickup truck in the Rio Grande Valley and thought it was divine.


If you specifically know one of "Those People", you might want to address a comment like this to them. But painting everyone with the same brush is bound to cause a little blurring of reality.

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Alright- here's what I see...


Person claims that if you eat in fine dining places, MDR is garbage- I replied that I DO eat in fine dining restaurants, and still like the MRD.


You then replied questioning "Really, You 'Love MDR food'?"


Forgive me, but that seems like an attack on my personal opinion. Then you go and lecture me on attacking someone personal opinion. Pot, I have a kettle I'd like you to meet- I think you have a lot in common....


AKA- yes, that's a flame on me personally. I'm not sure how that's not distasteful vs. the opposite.


I cruise a lot, too. And have noticed something in the MDR- the menus change every night. Unlike only a few of the restaurants I've been to. And people DO go to restaurants regularly, and eat the same thing, regularly.


Anyway, if you want to not like the MDR, great. If you like to find things to nit pick when you pay that much money to go on a trip, that's your perogotive. It's your money.


edit- for those who don't eat in the MDR for their reasons, why participate in a thread about the MDR??? That's odd.

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Alright- here's what I see...


Person claims that if you eat in fine dining places, MDR is garbage- I replied that I DO eat in fine dining restaurants, and still like the MRD.


You then replied questioning "Really, You 'Love MDR food'?"


Forgive me, but that seems like an attack on my personal opinion. Then you go and lecture me on attacking someone personal opinion. Pot, I have a kettle I'd like you to meet- I think you have a lot in common....


AKA- yes, that's a flame on me personally. I'm not sure how that's not distasteful vs. the opposite.


I cruise a lot, too. And have noticed something in the MDR- the menus change every night. Unlike only a few of the restaurants I've been to. And people DO go to restaurants regularly, and eat the same thing, regularly.


Anyway, if you want to not like the MDR, great. If you like to find things to nit pick when you pay that much money to go on a trip, that's your perogotive. It's your money.


edit- for those who don't eat in the MDR for their reasons, why participate in a thread about the MDR??? That's odd.


alfaeric, you are correct. And I do apologize. In rereading that, I realize that while I typed it in haste, I did not give consideration to how it looked. My intention was to demonstrate a little surprise that you do "love" the MDR food in close comparison to the fine dining you have done. Honestly, the juxtaposition of these two statements read like a bit of an exaggeration. However, you are correct- you are perfectly entitled to your opinion. And while I do not share it, I do respect it. I do hope you accept my apology for this statement.

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This sounds wonderful; will there be any changes to the Windjammer food?


I'm hopeful, I found quite a bit of actual good food in the WJ on Jewel last April. Actually I had some new (to me) good food in the MDR that trip and was quite happy. It was my first cruise on a Radiance class and thought maybe they were the exception. I am with the apparent majority here that felt like it was never bad, but in recent reviews had described it as "good enough" My wife and I was weight loss surgery patients and the food isn't as important to us as it has been in the past, but we do eat. ;)


On Jewel in the windjammer I had an EXCELLENT pork chop and BBQ ribs. In the MDR, I had an equally excellent Parmesean crusted turkey breast. I also loved the Jalapeno Potato soup that I had never had before. Finally on that trip the first night prime rib was excellent as opposed to the good enough ones I had on Allure, Majesty and Navigator recently.

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Getting me more excited about our Jewel cruise in March. Great news :D


I am one of those who felt food has been good enough, but I had lots of good food on Jewel last April.

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"Those People"? seems like a pretty vague generalization. I know that I am not one of "Those People". I LOVE food. I am a food nut! I like to read about food, I like to cook all sorts of food, and I like to try just about anything. I have spent hundreds of dollars on meals in great cities of the world and been utterly disappointed, and I have bought breakfast from a dirt poor Mexican immigrant out of his pickup truck in the Rio Grande Valley and thought it was divine.


If you specifically know one of "Those People", you might want to address a comment like this to them. But painting everyone with the same brush is bound to cause a little blurring of reality.


If you're not automatically assuming that quality correlates to the price tag, then you're not one of 'those people'. :D Those who like to specifically point out that they eat "fine dining" are the ones that I'm referring to. The rest of us may have a fine dining experience, but we don't feel a need to hang our hat on it as if we're better than others.

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I wasn't able to get the full roll out schedule but here's what I do know... the new menus will be available on the following ships/dates:


Freedom- 7/29/2012

Oasis- 8/25/2012

Allure- 9/9/2012

Jewel- 9/23/2012

Rhapsody- 5/2013


Bon Appetite Everyone!


I am thrilled to see these proposed changes. We have been suggesting some of them for years! I don't have time to read through this who,e thread....is there a full roll out schedule anywhere? You would think they would change the menus first on the ships that haven't been been built or refurbished with multiple specialty restaurants.

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This is so awesome. Just wished my Allure cruise in September was a week later now :(. That's ok, hopefully it will be on the Indy in December.


I find the food options on the Oasis and Allure a step above the other ships anyway

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I am thrilled to see these proposed changes. We have been suggesting some of them for years! I don't have time to read through this who,e thread....is there a full roll out schedule anywhere? You would think they would change the menus first on the ships that haven't been been built or refurbished with multiple specialty restaurants.


There has been no posting of a complete roll out. What was posted was just a sample of what the OP remembered (I think that is what was said).

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First of all, a thank you to the OP. From the length of this thread, it's clearly a topic of great interest to all of us!


I think the MDR menu is fine enough, for what it is. There are some mediocre offerings, and there are some truly tasty ones. But, as a regular RCCL cruiser, I am joining everyone else in being THRILLED to have new offerings to choose from. I know my family will be as well.


I'm even a little more impressed that they are upping the appeal of eating in the MDR when I consider the possible effect this may have on specialty restaurants. One of the reasons we have been utilizing the specialty restaurants more regularly is because of our boredom with the same old MDR menus. Extra kudos to RCCL for raising the bar on food offerings experience overall.



I am a "trendsetter". ;)


My last cruise was on the Allure, in April. On the first night, I requested a large bowl of fresh berries for dessert. Emphasis on the LARGE.


Every night, another person said, oooooo, what's that?


By the end of the cruise, everyone at our table was ordering berries for dessert, and a couple of the tables around us had picked up on the trend.


You can thank me now.




As someone who always wants more berries with my desserts, I thank you. :D

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Since you took the time to flame me, then yes, I will.


If you REALLY think this is mid-level banquet food, you've never eaten at a banquet. Seriously.


Having been part of organizing as well as participating in a number of what I would call large banquets- from 100-700 plates, the food that is served in the MDR is far, far, far better than that. And that's for 5-20x the numbe of people served.


As for what you feel troubling, so you think it's ok that you can slam the MDR food, but other can't defend it, or call out people who pretend to be food snobs? It's ok for you and people like you to go out of your way and be negative, but it's not ok for me to go out of my way and be positive? That, my friend, is pathetic.


Is it mass produced? Of course it is. Is it as good as eating in a super find dining restuarant? No- although there are "fine dining" places that I've eaten at that are not exactly that anymore. It is very good food. Putting it into perspective of what it is and how it's made, it's exceptional food. Comparing it to large banquets- the comparison isn't even close.


I chuckle when people complain that the menu doesn't change. Most restaurants don't change their menu's either. Barely any of the chains that people like to compare the MDR to never consider making changes.


So if you think calling you a food snob is vicisous, well, too bad. Posts like yours make people *think* that they shouldn't like it, so I'm not sure how that's not attacking people....



Let's settle this once and for all.......FOOD FIGHT AT 20 PACES :):o:eek::confused:

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ANYONE JUST OFF THE NAVAGATOR or who may have heard when the NOS will join her sisters and brothers with the new menus in MDR...thanks in advance...this is just absoultely wonderful news...thanks to LOYAL2RCCL....I WOULD ALSO KEEP MY SOURCES A DEEP DARK SECRET...


I was just thinking the same thing. Is there any indication as to when the new menus might be coming out on the other ships, such as the Navigator and the Brilliance?

Thanks all

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