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RCCL: Message to CEO - lost in translation

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I also found it a little strange that you mentioned the itinerary ending in Iceland where you spent the rest of your holiday by disembarking early :confused:


I do however also think you are barking at the wrong tree. If you didn't like Flam how is the cruise line to be blamed for your opinion and taste?


Ah well, better luck next time.

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Ok, I wasn't going to continue to respond, but when someone starts mentioning my husband I take it personally. So here I'll respond to your all your rude remarks...


I'm not flipping out here, you are taking it as if I'm flipping out, and i'm calmly telling you what happened. Of course we enjoyed the cruise, I'm not a total idiot that would let this ruin it, but someone might learn from my experience, including myself. I have given many fellow cruisers great information and they have done the same with me.


I'm not hung up on this, I just wrote my initial post to share the fact that it may not be worth the effort writing the head office (like many do) and that the same non caring attitude that I found on board was the same thing I got from a guest service agent who claimed she spoke to me and closed out my case and we never spoke. That was the initial post. Someone said to stop cruising with them to make a point. I said I'd like to make a difference. I never said I'd stop cruising with them. If that was the case I'd not care to write a letter to help future passengers. Obviously I wrote the wong person. And to the couple nice posters who gave me suggestions on how to voice my concerns better next time - thank you!!


I originally didn't give details of what happened on the ship as my issue on my post was not what happened on board but how the lady pretended to talk to me and address my case and she didn't - and then her supervisor said it was closed and she'd "take care of it, promise". She never agreed to get back to me, so bascially no one will get back to me and that was why I wrote my post!


So now that it's gotten personal here are my responses...


You knew this was the highlight and you did not pre-book?

Yes and we TRIED to prebook and there were no flam railway tickets left, but there were train seats hence the reason the port was poorly planned. I didn't flip out on anyone and as I stated originally. I went and had a beer and enjoyed what I could of the port. I let it go entirely until the next day someone said that 100 others got on the train - including the person whose review I posted that gave the cruise a 4/5. I was upset that they gave those people the go ahead and not me. I would have gone if they told me that they told the others they could go - although I know nothing is certain and they could have left us if the train broke. But I'd have taken the chance if I knew 100 others did too. The person who wrote the review that I reference did get on the train by the way. But that isn't the point - My point is the disregard to cruise passenger concerns. I got over missing the train and a poorly planned port, but my issue was the rude disregard to passenger concerns by guest services. And how I saw them yelling at people (not me as I was not yelling at them either). But as I've learned it's my problem to figure out what to do at port not the ships. Different lines do things differently. Other cruise lines offer better quality port lecturers who give you a heads up that there are "limited trains" and that there are over 1000 guests with only 200 train seats - the train being the highlight of Flam. Trust me if this port of call wasn't sooooooo insainly disorganized I'd never have said anything. But when I got the blow off I really got annoyed. All I wanted was for them to say "wow, we are sorry to hear this and we'll advise our port excursion team so that they can plan better for the future"...what I got was "oh really? We don't do that here...." So that was asking for too much, so it is what it is.


I also found it a little strange that you mentioned the itinerary ending in Iceland where you spent the rest of your holiday by disembarking early :confused:

I never said we got off because of this...someone suggested that. If you read the beginning of this thread someone shared a link to our posting that we were disembarking in Iceland, so it was no secret. I was just so glad we got off early is what I said. I'm sorry I didn't correct all of you in your assumptions, but I was responding to so many other attacks. This is how the game telephone works. One person says it and everyone takes it to be the truth I guess...I said from the beginning the cruise ended in Iceland for us, and that we got off and had a wonderful time...anyway... I also never said I'd never cruise with RCCL again....something you are also assuming. In fact we will be sailing again as I'm not that big of a knob to let it ruin everything. I just won't bother trying to voice my concerns to guest services in hopes of improving something that won't improve as it falls on deaf ears - the original point of my post!!!


2. You were told it was sold out, and there was no local tour operator that could do it for you?

No, trust me I tried everything online including trying to pre-book the train online. They only sell group tickets online and the group tickets were already sold out for the times within the port times. What the other reviewer said (better than me) is that the ship was poorly coordinated with the train. Had we of had 10 min's on either end at least 600 more people could have gotten up the flam mountain - the highlight of all of norway according to travel books anyway.


3. the crew got some time off, and that somehow bothered you?

No, what bothered me is they didn't even have ONE person on the pier to coordinate the hundreds of upset passengers with nothing to do! But like I said before I learned that ensuring passengers have something to do at the ports isn't their job from what I'm learning. However, let me also indicate that due to all the complaints the ship started bringing onboard local tourist informational speakers for the next few Norway ports as they didn't want this to reoccurr. They gave everyone in the atrium really nice maps and things for the other ports that excursions were also sold out long in advance for. For which I made pre-reservations of course....so my husband is more than ok with my posts and planning...thanks for your concern about hubby PLEIKU68.

That is the most unwarranted complaint I have ever heard. Take responsibility, you messed up and didn't do your homework.

Again my complaint isn't about the port - it's about how the guest relations staff handled my complaint - they were rude. And they were even more rude to others. Let me also say that I gave many wonderful compliments in my letter of the staff that made the difference and who were nice and friendly. So it wasn't all a bad letter that I wrote. I also complimented many staff in my letter to the head office. I just dont' know that they'll ever get my comments and compliments.

I couldn't book the excursion I wanted so I wrote the CEO and he didn't respond

Again, this isn't what I said.....

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I have worked for a Nation wide bank for some years and the 1st job I had was with telephone banking/customer service. During the time I worked in that department, I received training to work in a department that specifically handle letters, emails and phone calls of complaints addressed to the CEO. Yes we had a department (As do most major corporations) that handle complaints on behalf of the CEO. The CEO never got involved in answering these complaints as that is what we were trained to do. If you were to call the national switch board and mentioned that you had a complaint and wanted to talk to the CEO, you would get switched to us. We were a team of 7 people and we were not even in the same location as the CEO and as a matter of fact never even seen or talked to the CEO. We were given specific powers to handle resolutions with some being handle by the Senior Vice President over the department and he also approved the write up resolutions that we were sending out especially if it was one were the CEO's signature was on it. As I said this is the way most Major Corporations operate and RCI is probably no exception. The CEO's spend a lot of time traveling, in board meetings, etc and is not just sitting in a office everyday waiting to handle complaints.

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Mr. Fain will never read my email, nor will he ever be able to fix what's wrong with his compay when he has no clue as to what's really going on.....


Thanks for listening!!


News Flash....CEO's don't read read every e-mail that is sent to them. (If they did they wouldn't have time to run their companies.) These types of e-mails are read by assistants and forwarded to appropriate personnel for action.


I have to laugh every time I read that someone has written to Mr. Fain.:rolleyes:

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Your mission might be better served by posting your warning on the appropriate port board.


This whole complaint seems based on your perceived lack of proper response to the level of importance you appear to believe you have. Maybe your expectations are too high for something that is simply an experience that you did not like.

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When I read some of these topics I can't help but think of what Christopher Elliott wrote in his ombudsman column in the July issue of National Geographic Traveller when commenting on the real risks of traveling and his internal response to the more trivial complaints:


"Not only are we fretting about the wrong things, but we don’t know when to stop. As this magazine’s reader advocate, I spend a fair amount of time fielding frivolous complaints from travelers who are torqued that their travel agent screwed up the dinner reservations on their cruise or that the pool in their hotel wasn’t open during their stay. People, I sometimes want to say, you didn’t drown and you didn’t pick up a nasty norovirus. Enough already."

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When I read some of these topics I can't help but think of what Christopher Elliott wrote in his ombudsman column in the July issue of National Geographic Traveller when commenting on the real risks of traveling and his internal response to the more trivial complaints:


"Not only are we fretting about the wrong things, but we don’t know when to stop. As this magazine’s reader advocate, I spend a fair amount of time fielding frivolous complaints from travelers who are torqued that their travel agent screwed up the dinner reservations on their cruise or that the pool in their hotel wasn’t open during their stay. People, I sometimes want to say, you didn’t drown and you didn’t pick up a nasty norovirus. Enough already."


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Is this whiners week on Cruise Critic? Don't get me wrong, people have legitimate complaints on these boards but:


- They seized my whiskey, treated me like a criminal, and made me buy drinks.

- I couldn't book the excursion I wanted so I wrote the CEO and he didn't respond.

- If I knew there was a curfew, I never would have booked RCI.




...and of course I read everyone of those! Unreal.

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My comment was not meant as rude or harrassing nor do I think any of the others were. I was just pointing out the hornets nest you have instituted. There are ups and downs with any cruise. Life is not a dress rehersal enjoy it.:)

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I never said we got off because of this...



"We were on a very unique itinerary return from Harwich to: Bergen, Norway; Flam, Norway; Geiranger, Norway; Shetland Islands, Scotaland; Faroe Islands, Denmark; Reyjkavik, Iceland.



We got off the ship early as we wanted to have a few more great days of vacation which totally made up for everything!"


I'm sorry, I read these two paragraphs and also got the impression that you left the ship early.

I also assumed that you wanted to vent about two things: The Guest Services situation and Flam. You emphasized the Flam situation so much that it came across as being as important a problem as the other, "real" one.


I wouldn't have been as upset as you were so maybe that's why I lack sympathy :o


It's good to know you enjoyed Iceland. I was there for a week in May and it was the simply most amazing place I've ever seen.

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I have worked for a Nation wide bank for some years and the 1st job I had was with telephone banking/customer service. During the time I worked in that department, I received training to work in a department that specifically handle letters, emails and phone calls of complaints addressed to the CEO. Yes we had a department (As do most major corporations) that handle complaints on behalf of the CEO. The CEO never got involved in answering these complaints as that is what we were trained to do. If you were to call the national switch board and mentioned that you had a complaint and wanted to talk to the CEO, you would get switched to us. We were a team of 7 people and we were not even in the same location as the CEO and as a matter of fact never even seen or talked to the CEO. We were given specific powers to handle resolutions with some being handle by the Senior Vice President over the department and he also approved the write up resolutions that we were sending out especially if it was one were the CEO's signature was on it. As I said this is the way most Major Corporations operate and RCI is probably no exception. The CEO's spend a lot of time traveling, in board meetings, etc and is not just sitting in a office everyday waiting to handle complaints.



News Flash....CEO's don't read read every e-mail that is sent to them. (If they did they wouldn't have time to run their companies.) These types of e-mails are read by assistants and forwarded to appropriate personnel for action.


I have to laugh every time I read that someone has written to Mr. Fain.:rolleyes:



You are correct that CEO's do not read or answer every call from a customers, however many have special departments like the one mentioned by a previous poster to represent them in customer related issues. They often have additional discretion in dealing with customers that are not given to customer service managers.


I have had to reach out to a couple of CEO's a few times (never a cruise line), and once actually got the CEO, another time got the department like the one mentioned above. Both times got great responses and my issue resolved.

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That is the most unwarranted complaint I have ever heard. Take responsibility, you messed up and didn't do your homework.


Im sure the hotel director as well as the execs at RCI are all saying "Are you freaking kidding me?":confused: Im guessing they all blew you off because they think your joking......


Sorry, Some complaints on here drive me nuts.....:mad:


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I wonder if the cruise contract with RCCL guarantees that every passenger has something to do in port?


If the OP was treated poorly by the staff of the cruise ship, she has a legitimate complaint. From what I read, there were a few smirks and "I don't knows". I am not sure I'd expect an onboard customer service rep to know what to do about an issue where some 100-200 passengers can't find anything to do at a port, when they offered and sold (out) excursions. Sounds like the HD did attempt to respond to the letter, if by delegation.


Maybe the port was poorly planned by the cruise line, but that would warrant a comment, not necessarily a complaint.


I would have just found a way to enjoy my vacation and not let this incident ruin it for me. Little things happen on every vacation. At least we are fortunate to have the time and money to get away from work.

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:eek:Just finished reading all and have one comment OMG!

How the OP can blame the ship's staff for his gaf is beyond me. The whole thing sounds like poor planning and research on his behalf and the rest of the other 200-300 peeps that were clueless.

Sorry, but I have no problem saying this was all about "entitlement". If the excursion was full, it is not RCCL's responsibility to find something for Op to do while in Port. That was his responsibility. Yes, the lines of communication for RCCL may not be all that great at times regarding his complaints, but then I don't think he really had a case for that. But this shouldn't have been addressed to the hotel director and certainly not to Mr. Fain. And just because you didn't get a seat on "one" excursion because you didn't book early enough does not mean that it is a "poorly planned port". There are umpteen other excursions offered at that port. But only one train to where ever and it was full.

OP should have learned a lesson about planning. JMHO:cool:

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:eek:Just finished reading all and have one comment OMG!

How the OP can blame the ship's staff for his gaf is beyond me. The whole thing sounds like poor planning and research on his behalf and the rest of the other 200-300 peeps that were clueless.

Sorry, but I have no problem saying this was all about "entitlement". If the excursion was full, it is not RCCL's responsibility to find something for Op to do while in Port. That was his responsibility. Yes, the lines of communication for RCCL may not be all that great at times regarding his complaints, but then I don't think he really had a case for that. But this shouldn't have been addressed to the hotel director and certainly not to Mr. Fain. And just because you didn't get a seat on "one" excursion because you didn't book early enough does not mean that it is a "poorly planned port". There are umpteen other excursions offered at that port. But only one train to where ever and it was full.

OP should have learned a lesson about planning. JMHO:cool:


It may not be RCI's responsibility to find more excursions, but it would make awfully good business sense to work with the vendors to get more seats on the train. More pax = more revenue to the line, after all. It wouldnt be a bad idea to give the excursion people some leeway to do that onboard. Centralized control isn't always a good thing.:rolleyes:


And OP is entitled to register her complaint wherever she wishes. If somebody onboard had politely explained to her the reality of booking excursions and apologized for her disappointment, then perhaps her letter to Richard Fain (IMO should have been Adam Goldstein) would have been a suggestion for improvement, which is something they can address, instead of a complaint about her own experience, about which they can do nothing. And if that is indeed what it was, then forwarding her letter to the appropriate department is all that the supervisor can do.

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Nicely put, Jean!


I haven't read the entire thread, just the first and last pages, but it seems people are more focused on criticizing the OP rather than offering helpful suggestions or support. Your post was concise and thoughtful.


Hope to see you onboard again sometime in the future,

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I haven't read the entire thread,,


Then maybe you should. The OP did not have a valid reason to complain to the Hotel Director, (the entirely wrong entity in the first place). And while she had every right to complain, as anyone does, to a corporate executive, unless she expects someone from RCCL or the ship to hold her hand throught out her entire cruise experience, there is nothing they could have done to help her. Maybe she should travel with her own personal Travel Agent.:rolleyes: And what do you expect the vendor to do....add another coach???:confused:

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I think if OP truly wanted the situation that was encountered in the port to not happen to future cruisers, all the complaints and letter writing would better to have been sent to the train company! After all, there is where the complaint lies-insufficient seating and insufficient timing (and insufficient personal planning by the OP.)

We had a fabulous 4 weeks in May on the Jewel and found Ms. Tibaudo to be completely professional in all her interactions with us. I really don't think the brass in RCL should personally respond every piddly complaint. They have only so many hours in a day; I, a stockholder, would much prefer they spend their time on the big picture. JMO

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Here's kind of what I see...


Starts with the OP having a complaint about what's going on in a port. Now we can debate the importance of this complaint until we are blue in the face, but all in all, I think the core here is that it's about a non-RCI tour but is run the same as an approved RCI excursion.


(as an aside- there have been a few recent incidents with non RCI excursions, so bear in mind, OP, where I'm going with this- it's not as if they want anything to do with it)


Next what happened, they made an issue over it, and didn't get a reasonable reply from RCI personel. Right?


Now it's here were that is what becomes the issue- they then write a letter to the hotel director, and expect reply. Which is then not satisfactory, and then elevates that to the corporate office. Which then still does not reply in a manner that the OP is happy with.


is that a good summary of what happened?


Here's what I see as the issue where it falls apart- you are suggesting that RCI adds more excursions, or at least allows non-RCI excursion travelers to not be late, since it's the highlight of the port.


Now I fully realize that you've moved way beyond that complaint, but I suspect that RCI sees that complaint, and then sees no real reason why they should address it. Again, the core of the original complaint is about a non RCI excursion, which I'm sure they don't want to touch with a 10ft pole. There's no way that anyone will come out and say "yes, take the non RCI excursion train ride, and then the non-RCI bike ride down"- that's just so very risky that I'm sure they would have never told you that it's a reasonable option for you. (OTOH, I do appreciate knowing that I can train up, and bike down... :D )


Why that matters? IMHO, that's exactly why they have not put the importance of your complaint to the degree you think they should. I'd be willing to bet that they are very confused how an issue like this could get elevated in the first place- not understanding that your main issue is how you've NOT been treated (meaning that you've been generally ignored), as opposed to the original complaint.


I, personally, can see how it's hard to separate your current issue from the original complaint that you made. Nobody is going to speak about the rest of the employees getting time off, or if you got what you thought were blank looks. They are going to say something to the order of "this is not an RCI issue, so that's why we are not really capable of addressing it."


It's too bad that it has gotten pretty far out of hand for this kind of situation. I would say I'm sorry, but that implies that I speak for RCI- which I don't. But I do hope you can find some resolution.

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alfaeric you are so right! The implications and law suits that could arise from passengers if they were told by or given a reccomendation by the staff to try a tour or activity that is not RCI sponsored would be great. RCI's insurance would not even cover that I'm sure. As a matter of fact the staff or management would probably lose their jobs if corporate even caught wind that they were doing this in ports.

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Then maybe you should. The OP did not have a valid reason to complain to the Hotel Director, (the entirely wrong entity in the first place). And while she had every right to complain, as anyone does, to a corporate executive, unless she expects someone from RCCL or the ship to hold her hand throught out her entire cruise experience, there is nothing they could have done to help her. Maybe she should travel with her own personal Travel Agent.:rolleyes: And what do you expect the vendor to do....add another coach???:confused:


If OP was treated in a disrespectful manner by the Guest Services staff, then the Hotel Director was EXACTLY who she should have written a letter to, since HD oversees them - she said that was the gist of her complaint. I do not know who is in charge of the onboard shore excursion people, but if HD isn't the boss of them, then she could have sent that portion of the letter onward. My guess is that HD never saw the letter and that Guest Services tried to keep it in the department. The way OP phrased it, it could have been either way.


And OP also stated in her first post that she was trying to improve things for others following her. So yes, adding another coach when you now have some real evidence that a particular excursion is likely to be oversubcribed makes good business sense, both from a revenue and customer service standpoint. I'm sure that RCI has enough clout with local vendors that they wouldn't have to pay for an unused vehicle if they cancel a day or two in advance.


Or they could tweak the departure schedule if they can do it without incurring additional port fees and add another full excursion in the afternoon. After all, that 3:30 all aboard is what they do now instead of saying, "we leave at 4:00." That way people aren't casually strolling up to the pier at 3:59 wondering why we're all yelling at them to run.


OP also said that she balanced her complaint with compliments for crew who did help her - that doesn't sound like the rantings of a lunatic.


Unfortunately, since OP disembarked the ship early (as planned, I gather), she was not able to take advantage of the most direct means of expressing her dissatifaction, the comment card. Those are carefully read and comments are relayed back to the ship. HD certainly would have received that message and, if corrective action were warrented, would have taken it.

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It may not be RCI's responsibility to find more excursions, but it would make awfully good business sense to work with the vendors to get more seats on the train. More pax = more revenue to the line, after all. It wouldnt be a bad idea to give the excursion people some leeway to do that onboard. Centralized control isn't always a good thing.:rolleyes:


And OP is entitled to register her complaint wherever she wishes. If somebody onboard had politely explained to her the reality of booking excursions and apologized for her disappointment, then perhaps her letter to Richard Fain (IMO should have been Adam Goldstein) would have been a suggestion for improvement, which is something they can address, instead of a complaint about her own experience, about which they can do nothing. And if that is indeed what it was, then forwarding her letter to the appropriate department is all that the supervisor can do.



OMG you get it!! At least one person gets it. Thank you! It's just good business!


I guess the whole point was to help future cruisers who are faced with the same situation of over-booked excursions more than anything. And being prepared if you can't book your own tour as there are none. There weren't even taxi's. This is a town of maybe 10 houses and a couple shops and a pub. RCCL is not responsible for making sure we have something to do, but there should be SOMETHING to do other than walk into 2 shops and a pub - which is all there was at the port besides the train or the ship's excursions that were all booked since February when they opened up and the ship sailed in June. I heard a fellow passenger complaining that the train excursion was booked up since January, but I went online in Feb and it was booked up so who knows. It should have been a red flag that perhaps they needed to coordinate more seats.


And to add to it, we were NOT the only ones voicing our comments. And it wasn't the train or the train company that was the problem it was the time that the ship arrived/sailed. The train is a regional train with set time tables. If the ship arrived 10 mins earlier and sailed 10 min's later they'd have allowed almost all the stranded passengers to coordinate 2 more trains which would have held over 400 more people. It's just principal of the fact that they sailed to a port where the highlight is the train, and less than a quarter of the passengers were able to ride it. If you don't get it I really don't care. It mattered to me and 200 others onboard.

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If OP was treated in a disrespectful manner by the Guest Services staff, then the Hotel Director was EXACTLY who she should have written a letter to, since HD oversees them - she said that was the gist of her complaint. I do not know who is in charge of the onboard shore excursion people, but if HD isn't the boss of them, then she could have sent that portion of the letter onward. My guess is that HD never saw the letter and that Guest Services tried to keep it in the department. The way OP phrased it, it could have been either way.


And OP also stated in her first post that she was trying to improve things for others following her. So yes, adding another coach when you now have some real evidence that a particular excursion is likely to be oversubcribed makes good business sense, both from a revenue and customer service standpoint. I'm sure that RCI has enough clout with local vendors that they wouldn't have to pay for an unused vehicle if they cancel a day or two in advance.


Or they could tweak the departure schedule if they can do it without incurring additional port fees and add another full excursion in the afternoon. After all, that 3:30 all aboard is what they do now instead of saying, "we leave at 4:00." That way people aren't casually strolling up to the pier at 3:59 wondering why we're all yelling at them to run.


OP also said that she balanced her complaint with compliments for crew who did help her - that doesn't sound like the rantings of a lunatic.


Unfortunately, since OP disembarked the ship early (as planned, I gather), she was not able to take advantage of the most direct means of expressing her dissatifaction, the comment card. Those are carefully read and comments are relayed back to the ship. HD certainly would have received that message and, if corrective action were warrented, would have taken it.


Thank you for reading and understanding my intentions. I did write to the Director on the ship as she was the Director of the Receptionists and Managers. As is apparent, I didn't act like a crazy person, and I didn't let it ruin my cruise as others are suggesting....but I was very happy to get off the ship for a change of scenery and sans sewer smells and other things. thanks for getting it! :)

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To the OP, I try my best not to post smart a@@ responses, but once your on shore, the cruise line doesn't care what you do. It's not there problem, that you didn't plan well enought. There are tourist and travelers. Tourist get upset when everything doesn't go right, travelers make the best out of every situation and use it as a learning experience. You will never hear from the CEO of the company because this doesn't rise to that level.

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It may not be RCI's responsibility to find more excursions, but it would make awfully good business sense to work with the vendors to get more seats on the train.


This may be a possibility, however, seats are distributed on a percentage basis depending on the number of ships in port and a perentage left for the general public. OP did not indicate how many other ships may have been in port.

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