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Do you dress to Impress?


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Not arguing the wrong side. Too many times on different threads we've seen posters say that women who wear jeans and tshirts are sloppy, lazy, and don't take care of themselves. Some have gone so far as to say they don't get too close to them for fear that they will smell. Then, they trot out the "people of WalMart" photos to make their point. We've had women say that, if someone would "make an effort" to dress up, we will feel better about ourselves.

Wear your makeup. I do when I need to. But, you want to look like Kate Middleton or Diane Keaton (my hero as an older woman), not like Kim Kardashian. Some of the most beautiful women I've met are athletes. No makeup or fancy clothes needed to see just how great they are. They don't worry about helmet hair, either. They put on a beanie or a hat and are off. I would fear that some women here would shudder and turn the other way because of the way they were dressed. That's what sad to me.


There was an article somewhere in a woman's magazine I would guess I read. It was on women and makeup. The first line was something like "if the first thing someones notices about you is your makeup or perfume, you have too much on." It went on about appropriate daytime makeup - moisturizer and perhaps powder, anything more and it was overdoing it.

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Not arguing the wrong side. Too many times on different threads we've seen posters say that women who wear jeans and tshirts are sloppy, lazy, and don't take care of themselves. Some have gone so far as to say they don't get too close to them for fear that they will smell. Then, they trot out the "people of WalMart" photos to make their point. We've had women say that, if someone would "make an effort" to dress up, we will feel better about ourselves.

Wear your makeup. I do when I need to. But, you want to look like Kate Middleton or Diane Keaton (my hero as an older woman), not like Kim Kardashian. Some of the most beautiful women I've met are athletes. No makeup or fancy clothes needed to see just how great they are. They don't worry about helmet hair, either. They put on a beanie or a hat and are off. I would fear that some women here would shudder and turn the other way because of the way they were dressed. That's what sad to me.


There was an article somewhere in a woman's magazine I would guess I read. It was on women and makeup. The first line was something like "if the first thing someones notices about you is your makeup or perfume, you have too much on." It went on about appropriate daytime makeup - moisturizer and perhaps powder, anything more and it was overdoing it.


Again you're arguing a mute point. It doesn't sound to me from your previous post that you walk arround with bum-crack exposed over ripped jeans that are 3 sizes too small like the extreme pics I posted to emphasize a point. If you do then I guess it's not so mute because I would feel sorry for you and I might even assume that because you go out in public like that, that your self esteem is probably shot and you may not take care of yourself in other areas such as personal hygiene. Why would I assume that? Because that is what you're presenting.


And let me say yet again (so frustrating) noone has said you have to look like Kim Kardashian or any other celebrity, be any size other than the size you are, or that you have to colour your hair, look like a porn queen or have teeth-whitening treatments and plastic surgery. Calm down.

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Again you're arguing a mute point. It doesn't sound to me from your previous post that you walk arround with bum-crack exposed over ripped jeans that are 3 sizes too small like the extreme pics I posted to emphasize a point. If you do then I guess it's not so mute because I would feel sorry for you and I might even assume that because you go out in public like that, that your self esteem is probably shot and you may not take care of yourself in other areas such as personal hygiene. Why would I assume that? Because that is what you're presenting.


And let me say yet again (so frustrating) noone has said you have to look like Kim Kardashian or any other celebrity, be any size other than the size you are, or that you have to colour your hair, look like a porn queen or have teeth-whitening treatments and plastic surgery. Calm down.


ahem, it's "moot" not "mute" :rolleyes:

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Do you remember all the fuss that was made because the Secretary of State of of a major world power didn't spend time worrying about hairstyles or make up? Maybe it's because she's old, lazy, or doesn't feel good about herself. Maybe she smells too. (tongue firmly in cheek and eyes rolling).


Actually, all the comments about clothing and makeup making a woman feel better about herself (or the comments that women who don't dress up and wear nice clothes, makeup, and hairstyles) reminded me about this issue that went viral: a young woman at a US university who discovered a photo post of her in yoga pants and t-shirt with significant facial hair; originally, the photo and comments were derisive and making fun of her........Although her choice was made because of her faith, when you actually read what her faith believes about it, it's quite interesting, even if you don't share her religion. Here's her response:


"Hey, guys. This is Balpreet Kaur, the girl from the picture. I actually didn't know about this until one of my friends told on facebook. If the OP wanted a picture, they could have just asked and I could have smiled :) However, I'm not embarrased or even humiliated by the attention [negative and positve] that this picture is getting because, it's who I am. Yes, I'm a baptized Sikh woman with facial hair. Yes, I realize that my gender is often confused and I look different than most women. However, baptized Sikhs believe in the sacredness of this body - it is a gift that has been given to us by the Divine Being [which is genderless, actually] and, must keep it intact as a submission to the divine will. Just as a child doesn't reject the gift of his/her parents, Sikhs do not reject the body that has been given to us. By crying 'mine, mine' and changing this body-tool, we are essentially living in ego and creating a seperateness between ourselves and the divinity within us. By transcending societal views of beauty, I believe that I can focus more on my actions. My attitude and thoughts and actions have more value in them than my body because I recognize that this body is just going to become ash in the end, so why fuss about it? When I die, no one is going to remember what I looked like, heck, my kids will forget my voice, and slowly, all physical memory will fade away. However, my impact and legacy will remain: and, by not focusing on the physical beauty, I have time to cultivate those inner virtues and hopefully, focus my life on creating change and progress for this world in any way I can. So, to me, my face isn't important but the smile and the happiness that lie behind the face are. :-) So, if anyone sees me at OSU, please come up and say hello. I appreciate all of the comments here, both positive and less positive because I've gotten a better understanding of myself and others from this. Also, the yoga pants are quite comfortable and the Better Together tshirt is actually from Interfaith Youth Core, an organization that focuses on storytelling and engagement between different faiths. :) I hope this explains everything a bit more, and I apologize for causing such confusion and uttering anything that hurt anyone."



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Just to add my rather silly take on this rather silly conversation.

I only shave my legs when they are sure to be touched. Or when I am going down to the lake. Most of the time they are just the way god designed them. remember that song that had the line in it ....I shaved my legs for this? I do have blond hair so light colored soft hair on my legs. I shave my arm pit if the top needs it. Normally I dont bother. I wear a uniform to work that never varies.

I also very rarely wear make up. Rarely ever use conditioner on my hair. Rarely use a blow dryer, and rarely use a curling iron.

About 3 times a week I use a cheap face lotion. I do use body lotion every day.

I have often woke up in the morning and gave thanks to Allah/God that he graced me with the face he did. And then right away asked for forgiveness for being so pleased. I still am so thankful for the way I look. I am 53 and people think I look like my daughter's sister.

I am overweight by about.....let me think, maybe 20 to 30 pounds. But I am healthy.

I love clothes, and I love to wear dresses or skirts. I think a happy smile is really all the make up or jewelery I need.

My body and face is changing from my age, I hope and pray that the way I feel and react to it does not change.

I have used make up, but other than powder, I look like a dork with make up on my face. But I do like to gaze at the perfection attained by those who can wear it and look like it belongs on their face. To each their own.

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Ahem.....it's against CC guidelines to correct grammer or spelling. Then to add insult to injury, you add the sarcastic smilie.


I'll mea culpa on that one. I thought I was over on another board where trying to tell someone that the word they used was not correct was permitted. I will stand mute, but my words are not moot ;)

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Over the years, this is the type of thread that typically will get closed down because of the arguments.


We all have our own attitudes and opinions and bickering about them only creates anger. Add to that, you cannot know the full intent of a comment, nor can you know the mood of the person writing it. I actually am a bit entertained by the bickering, we'll never change each others minds. I know I take little offense to what is written on message boards, it's all anonymous and it's not my life, it's not personal.


I do wonder why people come to boards that discuss fashion and beauty, if they object to discussion of fashion and beauty, the true reason they are here, if they have an agenda. I don't go to boards discussing camping because I hate camping...but I'll leave it alone for those who love it.


What's really funny at this moment is the word is grammar, not grammer.

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Over the years, this is the type of thread that typically will get closed down because of the arguments.


We all have our own attitudes and opinions and bickering about them only creates anger. Add to that, you cannot know the full intent of a comment, nor can you know the mood of the person writing it. I actually am a bit entertained by the bickering, we'll never change each others minds. I know I take little offense to what is written on message boards, it's all anonymous and it's not my life, it's not personal.


I do wonder why people come to boards that discuss fashion and beauty, if they object to discussion of fashion and beauty, the true reason they are here, if they have an agenda. I don't go to boards discussing camping because I hate camping...but I'll leave it alone for those who love it.



What's really funny at this moment is the word is grammar, not grammer.


I agree, and have been sitting on my hands about "grammer." LOL

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And now back to CC guidelines.

I'm guessing that you have NEVER inadvertently misspelled a word.


Oh, I have :o The even more funny part of it is, years ago on CC I was corrected for spelling grammar as grammer :D That's how I learned the correct spelling of grammar!


There are times I go back to a post and just cannot believe my typos or incorrect spelling...I just groan. I do try to be careful as it can be hard to understand posts with many misspelled words or incorrect punctuation.


My apologies if I offended you.

Edited by Happy ks
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Oh, I have :o The even more funny part of it is, years ago on CC I was corrected for spelling grammar as grammer :D That's how I learned the correct spelling of grammar!


There are times I go back to a post and just cannot believe my typos or incorrect spelling...I just groan. I do try to be careful as it can be hard to understand posts with many misspelled words or incorrect punctuation.


My apologies if I offended you.

My mother taught me to always accept an apology so I accept. Not because it's what my mother taught me but because you were nice enough to come back and offer one.:)


BTW, I missed my eye appointment this week when I'm sure I would have been prescribed new reading glasses.:D

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I'm with you 100%.:)

I am totally with you too! It is very possible to be comfortable and well dressed. I dont leave the house (or ship cabin) without makeup and a thought to putting myself together presentably. I do this for me because it makes me feel great. I dont "dress to impress" others, but it is nice when I get compliments on my appearance.

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I do wonder why people come to boards that discuss fashion and beauty, if they object to discussion of fashion and beauty, the true reason they are here, if they have an agenda.


I don't think anyone dislikes fashion and beauty, just that some have different ideas of what's fashionable or what's beautiful. I think the only "agenda" anyone is pushing is that there's more than just one way to be beautiful, and more than just one way to look good.

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...I do wonder why people come to boards that discuss fashion and beauty, if they object to discussion of fashion and beauty...


I enjoy discussions of fashion, but too often elements of fashion, style, and beauty are correlated (erroneously) with aspects of character, values, morals, class, and upbringing. I think that's where the disagreements and offenses occur.

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I don't think anyone dislikes fashion and beauty, just that some have different ideas of what's fashionable or what's beautiful. I think the only "agenda" anyone is pushing is that there's more than just one way to be beautiful, and more than just one way to look good.



I agree. Who's arguing against that? I'm not.

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I enjoy discussions of fashion, but too often elements of fashion, style, and beauty are correlated (erroneously) with aspects of character, values, morals, class, and upbringing. I think that's where the disagreements and offenses occur.



This is exactly why I don't take offense on this or any other board, I have no idea what another persons intention is. It's why I try my best not to judge (we all categorize people into groups, whether we admit it or not) based on clothing.


I cannot help but feel that people who criticize others for wanting to wear makeup, do their hair, try to dress to impress (themselves, their SO, their friends, etc...) are just as judgemental as the so-called "fashion police". Whatever that is supposed to mean, I don't like the term, except when watching the Joan Rivers.


We all have our idea of beauty, I believe that all people can be attractive if they make the effort, regardless of age, body shape or anything else. It doesn't have to mean a full face of makeup or expensive clothing or the latest haircut. It's just called putting your best foot forward (showing my age here).

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I am quite upset reading about High heels and the shaving of legs.


I have Bunions and cannot wear high heels, not only would they cause even more pain, but shaving my legs could draw even more attention to the unsightly protruberances.

I do wear make up as I believe it takes one's eye away from my above mentioned bunions.


I live with my bunions and warts, in fact there is an upside to all this as I pass on my stretched shoes to my daughter who also has bunions as bunions are inherited.



Just Kidding. Let's laugh for we are fortunate to be Cruisers!!!!::

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I am quite upset reading about High heels and the shaving of legs.


I have Bunions and cannot wear high heels, not only would they cause even more pain, but shaving my legs could draw even more attention to the unsightly protruberances.

I do wear make up as I believe it takes one's eye away from my above mentioned bunions.


I live with my bunions and warts, in fact there is an upside to all this as I pass on my stretched shoes to my daughter who also has bunions as bunions are inherited.



Just Kidding. Let's laugh for we are fortunate to be Cruisers!!!!::


LOL, made me chuckle. :D

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I don't think anyone dislikes fashion and beauty, just that some have different ideas of what's fashionable or what's beautiful. I think the only "agenda" anyone is pushing is that there's more than just one way to be beautiful, and more than just one way to look good.


Exactly! No one is saying "it has to be this or else" and just that there is more than one way to look at things. I turn heads and get compliments without dresses, heels, makeup, etc. A genuine smile and the sparkle in my eyes is all it requires. Even at my highest weight (271 pounds) I still attracted a lot of attention without any physical aids. I met my husband while I was much much heavier than I am today.

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I am quite upset reading about High heels and the shaving of legs.


I have Bunions and cannot wear high heels, not only would they cause even more pain, but shaving my legs could draw even more attention to the unsightly protruberances.

I do wear make up as I believe it takes one's eye away from my above mentioned bunions.


I live with my bunions and warts, in fact there is an upside to all this as I pass on my stretched shoes to my daughter who also has bunions as bunions are inherited.



Just Kidding. Let's laugh for we are fortunate to be Cruisers!!!!::


I have bunions because I used to wear heels everyday, so now I prefer flats. I shave my legs twice a week since I rarely wear skirts anymore. At the same time, I didn't find the questions offensive. I'm actually curious about how they will be answered. I'll bet the answers could be dependant on age.

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