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Swimsuits in the Lido--dress code in general


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Is there an eating area near the pool. That is, can we go to the Lido restaurant, get our food and eat in the mid pool area?

Sure is, dippy (at least on the S- and R-class ships.) As a matter of fact there are tables and chairs at both pools. Just put on a cover-up while in the buffet line.

Or, there is also the burger/salad/taco area by the Lido pool itself. No need to go indoors.

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I've been following this thread for the last few days, but please forgive me if I repeat what has already been said.


We pretty much all agree that we are not interested in seeing our fellow passengers in various states of undress while we eat. Agreed? Yes.


But, now what if that passenger were actually a Leonardo DiCaprio or Jennifer Lopez type who was on our cruise. Would are feelings be the same?



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But, now what if that passenger were actually a Leonardo DiCaprio or Jennifer Lopez type who was on our cruise. Would are feelings be the same?

Yes. I'm too old for either of 'em.

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But, now what if that passenger were actually a Leonardo DiCaprio or Jennifer Lopez type who was on our cruise. Would are feelings be the same? susan.


For me it would be the guy that was on JAG. But not while I was eating.

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But, now what if that passenger were actually a Leonardo DiCaprio or Jennifer Lopez type who was on our cruise. Would are feelings be the same?/QUOTE]


Selma Hayek would be nice;)


Back in January, my boss and I flew from DFW to Miami and got upgraded to first class. He ended up sitting next to a beautiful woman wearing a baseball cap and no makeup. It was Salma Hayek.


Completely off topic, I know....

<slinking back to a corner>


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Oops, I must have committed a faux pas, then. On our first formal night, me bedecked in my tux and assorted finery, I was really enamored by that black Dutch hat they had at the table, so I wore it all evening long. Can't say there was much difference between the hat and a baseball cap, other than a longer bill, but I kind of figured it was required for the evening's wear. At least I didn't wear the flying nun's hat, but only because DW hid it from me.:D

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Hmmm? Me sporting a cover up:confused: With my hairy chest, that would be a sight:eek: . How about I put on a T-Shirt?

As long as it covers you up---whatever floats your boat. Don't forget the hairy legs, too. ;)

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Back in January, my boss and I flew from DFW to Miami and got upgraded to first class. He ended up sitting next to a beautiful woman wearing a baseball cap and no makeup. It was Salma Hayek.


Lucky boss!!:)


I was really enamored by that black Dutch hat they had at the table, so I wore it all evening long. Can't say there was much difference between the hat and a baseball cap, other than a longer bill, but I kind of figured it was required for the evening's wear. At least I didn't wear the flying nun's hat, but only because DW hid it from me.:D


The Dutch wear those sideways with the bill turned up;)


As long as it covers you up---whatever floats your boat. Don't forget the hairy legs, too. ;)

What's wrong with hairy legs? ;)

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Authority needs to tell them to stop!

Caribbean Girl-It's okay to have hairy legs as long as you COVER THEM UP! That's all that RuthC said-to cover them up when it is appropriate. :)

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Authority needs to tell them to stop!

Caribbean Girl-It's okay to have hairy legs as long as you COVER THEM UP! That's all that RuthC said-to cover them up when it is appropriate. :)



"STOP!", there, I've said it


And I might be mistaken but I'm prety sure Carib. Girl said the bit about the "hairy legs" in jest;)


Take care and be safe!



Stop sign.bmp

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Alright, my wife has settled this hairy leg/chest issue. She has bought me some hair remover to use before our next cruise. But that's where I draw the line...


I'm leaving the hair on my back!!!!!!:eek:

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"STOP!", there, I've said it


And I might be mistaken but I'm prety sure Carib. Girl said the bit about the "hairy legs" in jest;)


Take care and be safe!




Finally, someone who understands my sense of humor!!:) Have you visited the 'VIP' thread lately? There's some 'you-know-what' being flung over there!! Some of it in my direction. I can tell you're a peacemaker...all in all, none of this bothers me one iota.


Dippy, you poor guy!! Tell your wife to cut you a break!! Hair remover smells funny and it usually doesn't work. If you're really seriuos about getting rid of the hair, have it waxed!! :eek: Only kidding...wear your hair with pride! Our best man is Armenian...I have never seen a hairier man in my life and his Irish wife never complains!

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Finally, someone who understands my sense of humor!!:) Have you visited the 'VIP' thread lately? There's some 'you-know-what' being flung over there!! Some of it in my direction. I can tell you're a peacemaker...all in all, none of this bothers me one iota.


Dippy, you poor guy!! Tell your wife to cut you a break!! Hair remover smells funny and it usually doesn't work. If you're really seriuos about getting rid of the hair, have it waxed!! :eek: Only kidding...wear your hair with pride! Our best man is Armenian...I have never seen a hairier man in my life and his Irish wife never complains!


Hey, people are going to have differences of opinion. I think everyone understands that. Sometimes, you agree and sometimes you don't. But I've always been taught to respect another person's opinion unless it's way overboard. I'm new here and I'm learning as we go but let's try to get a long and stash the personal attacks and jabbing. Life's too short;) Let's have some fun instead by enjoying a HAL cruise!


As far as back hair removal, I saw an episode of "Queer eye for the straight guy once" (yeah, so sorry and don't tell my buddies at work) but Dippy, you couldn't pay me enough to have someone start ripping hair of my body with the "wax method":eek: I don't envy you ladies;)


Take care and be safe!



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And you watch 'Queer Eye...' Well, I knew I liked you for a reason!! I wouldn't be surprised if some of your colleagues at work watch too, but just aren't secure enough to admit it!:)


I know that for a fact (don't tell anybody:cool: ) but we have lengthy discussussions about that show over coffee;) There's some good tips to be had


Take care and be safe



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Caribbean girl - DH and I traded a bikini wax for a back wax. GREAT TRADE!!! No regrets at all :D I never thought I'd do it and I really never thought that HE would do it, but we were both very pleased with the result (if not the "process"). It's not for everyone, but it isn't nearly as bad as I expected. OTOH, I don't think I'd ever get my legs waxed. That sounds awful!


It is so funny reading these dress code threads. I think I noticed a few violations simply because I had read so many dress code threads before we got on the ship. I'm not trying to be rude, but it's one of those things that give me the giggles if I think about it long enough. Like, "man wearing jeans in dining room; film at 11". Or man-boob guy on America's Most Wanted. That kind of thing...


Do people honestly take pride in their body hair? Just curious. That made me smile, too. :) (and I will not elaborate).


If you're really seriuos about getting rid of the hair, have it waxed!! :eek: Only kidding...wear your hair with pride! Our best man is Armenian...I have never seen a hairier man in my life and his Irish wife never complains!
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Scrumpy, that exchange was worth it if you got a smile out of it!! Isn't that what all this is about, having a few laughs? I don't understand why so many get all bent out of shape over a few cyberspace blogs. The intelligent ones who see it for what it is and have a good time with it are the ones who make it the most fun. There are enough real issues in the world to get upset about. If all the passion out there would be used to solve real problems (aids, cancer, world hunger) it would be a different world.


Your husband is a keeper!! Mine is not overly hairy, but if he were, I think he would rather die than make a deal like yours did!! I think you should get busy thinking of other pacts to make, but I'm sure you already figured that out!!;)


As for the 'film at 11' thing, yeah, you're right! Who has the time, inclination, etc. to do that on a cruise?? Being there is such a gas, it seems a sad waste of time, energy and money to spend one's time looking around at various violators of rules, real or imagined. Is this how we live our lives?? If the ship's people think it's important enough, let them take care of it. Perhaps this will be labeled as the so called 'Carnivalization' of whatever. I would much rather be doing something (anything!) else...looking out on the ocean, for example. Life is sooo short.


By the way, do I remember you on another 'thread' about clothes and such? Maybe not...I recall that got pretty ugly, but we managed to make light of it, in the end!


As for the 'hair pride' thing, who knows? There are so many different cultures out there, who am I to judge? In Europe, women don't shave the way we do here....The key is that the conversation made someone laugh! ;)

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c-girl, yep that was me. I have had a lot of fun on here. I try not to let myself get sucked into things when it's nasty. A little light-hearted debate is fine, but I don't like it when it's mean-spirited or when someone cannot seem to grasp that another opinion has merit. I try to lighten things up every now and then. Some of this is especially hilarious out of context. Once you get a handle on issues and people, it's funny to step back and pretend you've never been here before. I've read stuff to my DH that had him practically rolling. I think I only got upset once and that was mostly from having a particular passion myself and having something catch me wrong. Not a big deal at all.


Yes, DH is definitely a keeper. He has a wonderful dry sense of humor and some of the stuff we discussed before the waxing was so inappropriate and so funny. We actually expected that it would be horribly painful, especially for me, and we tried to keep ourselves from getting too worried. Joked about the whole thing. Wasn't as bad as we expected. It stung pretty bad, but it stopped very quickly. The lady was awesome. It was a weird "bonding" thing, too. Probably sounds stupid, but we did it together and it worked out feeling like some bizarre shared ritual. I don't worry about the hair thing much, but it's just been interesting watching his back fill in with hair since we got married. None of it was there about 10-11 years ago. Luckily, it didn't migrate from his head. Still has plenty of hair on top and has just added some in new places. Can't wait to see it growing out his ears, LOL!!! (I'll probably grow a mustache now because I'm joking about it - as if the occasional chin whisker wasn't bad enough).


I worry (okay, "worry" is a bit strong!) about this whole "Carnivalization" attitude because I don't think Carnival is getting a fair shake. Granted, I haven't cruised with them, but it seems kind of a snotty attitude sometimes (not always) and it's probably a little mean to compare them to Wal-Mart, etc. It actually elevates the impact of a cruise to compare them to Wal-Mart when you think about it. I say that stuff in jest, but maybe I shouldn't. I know people have been thrilled with their Carnival cruises and I don't really think cruise lines are so much "better" or have a "better class of people" as much as some people prefer one and some prefer the other. I try to take it as good-natured ribbing because I'd hate to think someone bought into the idea that HAL passengers thought they were a cut above anyone else. I put my pants on one leg at a time, too, after all!


In thinking about the hair pride thing, I am now curious enough that I may try to research it. Isn't it odd the things we discover interest us? And, it all started with some funny posts on a cruise site. :D

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Scrumpy, you are so funny!!:) Thanks for the returned favor...I had a good chuckle when I read your post. I knew I remembered you from somewhere...it's the good things we remember, in the end, no? I had quite a laugh with my husband yesterday...he's the pragmatic type, so to him, this is just a waste of time and he cannot believe the stuff I tell him. I know about the 'getting stung' thing, too. I think you get to know the crowd and the same people are grumpy all the time. BYW, the word 'grumpy' got me in trouble once!!


How cute is the bonding thing...and I totally get it. Perhaps it was the shared pain that did it! And I'm glad his head hair hasn't migrated yet, as you put it. I think you inherit baldness from your mom's side, so I'm not worried. And my husband is ok too, including gray hair, which is completely non-existent for him. However, baldness is no longer the scourge it once was, thanks to Bruce Willis and Damon Wayans,etc. I love the bit about the mustache!! Whatever you do, don't bleach it...yuch.


Re: Carnival, Wal-mart, et al, I don't see the problem. This is why we have choices, to exercise them. I've seen my share of very inapropriate, downright rude people on HAL. On the last trip, I was floored and aghast, when two older passengers were extremely unkind to the waiter at the Mariner reception...calling him over for their free Cosmopolitan (at noon) like he was a dog...it was all I could do to hold back. And yes, we don't ONLY put on our pants one leg at a time; adding to that would make this crass, so I'll refrain.;)

Sometimes I stay up late and wind up watching REALLY bizarre shows. I once saw a Ripley's episode which featured the World's Hairiest Woman...it was something. I'll let you use your imagination. And she was happily married to a man who found her irresistible!! Suffice it to say, one razor would not have done the trick. As for hair remover...they would've had to deliver it in industrial containers. Fill me in on your research...

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I agree. No flames from here! ;)


It's up to HAL to enforce its own policy; it's not the passengers' responsibility.

Can you imagine if we had to police the dress code?


Pax A: You're wearing shorts in the Vista Lounge.

Pax B: So?

Pax A: It's formal night.

Pax B: So? What are you gonna do about it, lady?

Pax A: Um ... well ... it's against the rules.

Pax B: And you know what you can do with the rules.




No flames from me either. However, in the legal world in which we live the problem is......(drum roll)....there are no RULES! Just guidelines, reccomendations, ideas, suggestions, and the like. Pax A in the above quote is wrong. It is not against the rules because there are no rules. Someone on one of these threads opined that the guidelines were really 'rules' but couched in more civilized terms. Won't work in the real world.


I'm a rule guy, but in the absence of rules I adjust the guidelines to fit my level of creature needs at the time. While I will never go shirtless to the lido or in torn jeans to formal night those are my own personal standards, not obedience for a mythical HAL non-rule.:D



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