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Fire on Carnival Triumph. No engines, running on emergency generators.


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Go figure that when CNN starts talking to people we start seeing that it wasn't as bad as so many people in this thread wanted it to be. It sounds like people made the best of it and rallied together. Sorry for all the haters. I'm sure some people thought the worst, but look at normal cruise reviews. Overall people seem to have done good.

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Quotes from a passenger according to deadspin:


"Literally stranded at sea. Using plastic bags to bathroom and NO ELECTRICITY.


the toilets that fell off the wall because they were so full and **** and urine floating around.


Two people were banging in my tent the first night and I watched I was so bored.


Food hasn't been a huge issue, but it's not good. Jelly & bread and zucchini & red onion sandwiches.


Some lady was SELLING Immodium.


Woman died yesterday of a heart attack.


They closed the bars Sunday when the fire happened. Luckily I brought a flask. And Ambien.


They won't let us outside because people are holding up sheets with messages. The first three nights we slept outside under tents made out of our bedsheets. They made us come in. They said safety reasons but it's not.


Today they cleaned the hell out of this ship, served LOBSTER FOR LUNCH, crew is wearing matching hats.


Y'all better be enjoying your Valentine's flowers while we're defecating in red plastic bags.


People are spelling "HELP" with their bodies. Our theme song has been Alicia Keys: "This Boat Is On Fire."


We are going 1mph."



I wonder how much of this is tongue in cheek.


It's Deadspin. Assume a mix of truth and tongue in cheek humor. The sex on the deck story sounds interesting.

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I was on a cruise out of Galveston ...


Finally, it took me hours to try to get to the end of this thread - primarily due to ONE PERSON. ...


Maybe THINK before you post. This is not your private playground - we don't need to know your opinion / hear your 'expertise' on every single comment.:mad:



Thank you for your insight, Travelgrrl, as well as mostly everyone else on here. I refuse to watch the mainstream mediots, don't even own a TV.


Re: bolded --

That's why I registered, to utilise the "ignore" function.


I won't clog the thread up anymore -- just wanted to thank y'all.

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And apparently you still are trying to spin things and can not admit you were wrong to question all the earlier reports of the deplorable conditions onboard


It is not wrong to question initial second hand reports of any crisis situation. Now that we are getting first hand reports it appears that the initial reports were reasonably accurate. This still doesn't convince me that questioning the initial secondhand reports was a terrible transgression.


Apparently in some minds not taking sides is spinning.

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Ahh a voice of reason.


This is exactly how I feel. And the guy that was just on CNN (a passenger calling in from the ship) said it's not as bad as the media is making it out to be.


Then Wolf Blitzer still says "horrible conditions". What the eff, Wolf??! Someone who is ON the ship said it's not that bad, that they've been eating well, that they opened the bars two days ago and offered free beer and wine, and that the only real big issue was bathrooms for a while. I swear to god in journalism school, they teach a class on how to BS the news.

And top that, in the next segment just now, they intro and the one sound bite they pick is a passenger saying "we need food and water" ... What the hey?!


I remember the first time I tuned into CNN during during the Iraq war. To see CNN reduced to such sensationalism is disgusting.

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I quoted your post. You said wet deck/floor --- did you not? Interior corridors aren't decks, last I checked ;)

whether you were right or wrong(ur wrong) how about a little compassion for what he is going thru

His wife is on the ship where slipped and fell

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Well said.


I doubt any of the Diamond VIFP's and other Carnival worshipers have the guts to come back and apologize to everyone they said was lieing, apologize to the passengers who they said were getting a great deal out of this disaster, and apologize to the posters who they said were overstating things. But I doubt they have the guts to do so


Did you listen to the passenger a bit ago (or a couple others CNN aloowed on for a bit) who said the media (like some here) were building it up to be even worse than it was? Did you hear him say that a lot of the water was just that, water. Because sprinklers came on in certain areas when the fire happened? Did you hear him say water was restored 2 days ago? Or that they had 15 helo drops of food or that 4 other CCL ships dropped things off? Or that they got some grills working and there was grilled chicken and crab sandwiches yesterday and steak and lobster tonight?


Sure, there is no doubt it has been rougher on some people more than others and it has been a horrible situation. Especially those down low in an inside cabin. But I have heard several passengers say that they felt communications have been great and that CCL people had gone over and above to try and make a bad situation better.


But of course, the media, like some here, are going to find the worst cases and try to make it sound like it was the norm. One media lady on TV today even said people were just trying to stay alive. HUH? I bet when the ship arrives, the media will clutch on to anyone they can find that will have the most miserable stories and dismiss anyone that says it was sensationalized. Some posters here will do the same.


CNN especially, is a disgrace.

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Go figure that when CNN starts talking to people we start seeing that it wasn't as bad as so many people in this thread wanted it to be. It sounds like people made the best of it and rallied together. Sorry for all the haters. I'm sure some people thought the worst, but look at normal cruise reviews. Overall people seem to have done good.


Who on this thread actually wanted it to be bad? :confused:


I've heard phone interviews from both sides of the spectrum....some taking it in stride and others saying exactly what has been reported early in this thread.


So, I don't really understand the point you are making. :confused:


About the only thing I can agree with is the media's tendency to sensationalize.

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It's Deadspin. Assume a mix of truth and tongue in cheek humor. The sex on the deck story sounds interesting.


Right? A lot of it does make sense though. I posted a pic of the bodies spelling help, and it makes sense about making people come inside because people are writing messages on sheets; I only saw that on the balconies which leads me to believe Carnival put a stop to it on the decks where they had access, you know? Makes sense.


Entertaining report, that's for sure.

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Really ??? you should be ashamed of yourself. A gentleman posts his wife fall because of the horrid conditions onboard and you question and flame him as a money chaser


have you no morals or conscience?


Please show me where I questioned the fact that she fell….please….please…..

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Quotes from a passenger according to deadspin:


"Literally stranded at sea. Using plastic bags to bathroom and NO ELECTRICITY.


the toilets that fell off the wall because they were so full and **** and urine floating around.


Two people were banging in my tent the first night and I watched I was so bored.


Food hasn't been a huge issue, but it's not good. Jelly & bread and zucchini & red onion sandwiches.


Some lady was SELLING Immodium.


Woman died yesterday of a heart attack.


They closed the bars Sunday when the fire happened. Luckily I brought a flask. And Ambien.


They won't let us outside because people are holding up sheets with messages. The first three nights we slept outside under tents made out of our bedsheets. They made us come in. They said safety reasons but it's not.


Today they cleaned the hell out of this ship, served LOBSTER FOR LUNCH, crew is wearing matching hats.


Y'all better be enjoying your Valentine's flowers while we're defecating in red plastic bags.


People are spelling "HELP" with their bodies. Our theme song has been Alicia Keys: "This Boat Is On Fire."


We are going 1mph."



I wonder how much of this is tongue in cheek.


Oh my. Knowing it is deadpsin, there is some tongue in cheek but mostly factual

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Well stated Berry.


Some peoples kids...


I agree, some people’s kids! Hate them onboard when they start running around and screaming with no discipline! I’m in agreement with you there! Thanks buddy!


whether you were right or wrong(ur wrong) how about a little compassion for what he is going thru


His wife is on the ship where slipped and fell


See my follow-up post please ;)

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I truly hope you work for Carnival and are getting paid to post like this. I would despair to think that this actually was indicative of your empathy, reasoning powers, or moral compass.


These passengers did not pay Carnival to provide them with cruising conditions only slightly superior to rural Africa. They did not pay to have to traverse urine besottted carpeting, smell fecal matter and vomit, or wait hours in line for food. Tney did not pay Carnival so that they could sleep on deck chairs or pee in showers or smell human waste in hallways. Now I don't know your housekeeping standards or anyone elses, but these certainly aren't the way I live or my neighbors. Norwould most of us PAY to experience a vacation where Carnival provides us with such a nauseating experience.


Of course,all of you who live with fecal matter coursing through your home hallway....and stench in your homes and a scarity of food, may find his just like HOME. For the rest of us, we say it IS deplorable and our hearts go out to these passengers.



Unless YOU live like this with urine in your carpets and overflowing toilets and stench everywhere in your home...AND LIKE IT...it is unfathomable that you can say anything is "blown out of proportion." Your hurtful comments are nonsensical and only tell us about the poster NOT those passengers.

<applause> :):D:)

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I've chosen to ignore the "experts", the haters and the cheerleaders because I wanted to hear from the passengers themselves. I think we will hear all sorts of varying accounts and that doesn't discount the truth of any of them. For some people, it was gross and traumatic. For others, maybe an inconvenience and adventure (with gross moments.) Each person has their right to their account.


I hope these poor folks and crew get off that darn ship soon and it needs to be sold as scrap. Ugh.


Imagine my shock when I found out a short while ago that a client of mine is onboard. I will get my very own first person account. She did send a text to a mutual business acquaintance to let us know she was onboard and was alright.

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Right? A lot of it does make sense though. I posted a pic of the bodies spelling help,


I don't know why carnival would care about something like that. I can't imagine those people were serious- they were clearly bored and doing something funny for the cameras. No way anyone would think that would actually do anything- as if they were sitting there thinking, "hey! A helicopter, maybe if we spell out help they'll realize we were in trouble here."



Carnival was probably getting annoyed at bedsheets being defaced though! And it is a lot easier to write ruder messages on those.

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Very true. But I can almost guarantee you plenty of people aboard have been slipping the crew members money... there are good hearted people out there that see what the crew is having to put up with.


I hope.


I'd have been tipping the heck out of the crew in this situation, but that's just me.. I'd have spent the rest of any cash I had left tipping them, and I bet others have done that too.


I would have done the same thing and hope (and think for the most part) those on board will as well.

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Did you listen to the passenger a bit ago (or a couple others CNN aloowed on for a bit) who said the media (like some here) were building it up to be even worse than it was? Did you hear him say that a lot of the water was just that, water. Because sprinklers came on in certain areas when the fire happened? Did you hear him say water was restored 2 days ago? Or that they had 15 helo drops of food or that 4 other CCL ships dropped things off? Or that they got some grills working and there was grilled chicken and crab sandwiches yesterday and steak and lobster tonight?


Sure, there is no doubt it has been rougher on some people more than others and it has been a horrible situation. Especially those down low in an inside cabin. But I have heard several passengers say that they felt communications have been great and that CCL people had gone over and above to try and make a bad situation better.


But of course, the media, like some here, are going to find the worst cases and try to make it sound like it was the norm. One media lady on TV today even said people were just trying to stay alive. HUH? I bet when the ship arrives, the media will clutch on to anyone they can find that will have the most miserable stories and dismiss anyone that says it was sensationalized. Some posters here will do the same.


CNN especially, is a disgrace.


You are too logical for this thread!:D

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Did you listen to the passenger a bit ago (or a couple others CNN aloowed on for a bit) who said the media (like some here) were building it up to be even worse than it was? Did you hear him say that a lot of the water was just that, water. Because sprinklers came on in certain areas when the fire happened? Did you hear him say water was restored 2 days ago? Or that they had 15 helo drops of food or that 4 other CCL ships dropped things off? Or that they got some grills working and there was grilled chicken and crab sandwiches yesterday and steak and lobster tonight?


Sure, there is no doubt it has been rougher on some people more than others and it has been a horrible situation. Especially those down low in an inside cabin. But I have heard several passengers say that they felt communications have been great and that CCL people had gone over and above to try and make a bad situation better.


But of course, the media, like some here, are going to find the worst cases and try to make it sound like it was the norm. One media lady on TV today even said people were just trying to stay alive. ***? I bet when the ship arrives, the media will clutch on to anyone they can find that will have the most miserable stories and dismiss anyone that says it was sensationalized. Some posters here will do the same.


CNN especially, is a disgrace.


RR..you are 100% correct. I am not sure why I am even watching CNN now. The positive attitude gentleman, Mr Buck, was complimentary of what Carnival has done in a tough situation as well as describing conditions that are nothing like the repetitive depictions on TV. He probably will never be quoted again since it was not sensationalizing the situation. They found another female passenger who described the horror and will repeat that over and over. While I am sure passengers had different experiences, it is pathetic the way the media slants so far to the negative.

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Imagine my shock when I found out a short while ago that a client of mine is onboard. I will get my very own first person account. She did send a text to a mutual business acquaintance to let us know she was onboard and was alright.

My Gf found out a little bit ago one of her fellow employees is onboard as well. She isnt going to lose her job and since she is salary most likly she will get paid for the time and not have to use any more vacation time since it wasnt her fault.

But wont know most of the details till monday

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Did you listen to the passenger a bit ago (or a couple others CNN aloowed on for a bit) who said the media (like some here) were building it up to be even worse than it was? Did you hear him say that a lot of the water was just that, water. Because sprinklers came on in certain areas when the fire happened? Did you hear him say water was restored 2 days ago? Or that they had 15 helo drops of food or that 4 other CCL ships dropped things off? Or that they got some grills working and there was grilled chicken and crab sandwiches yesterday and steak and lobster tonight?


Sure, there is no doubt it has been rougher on some people more than others and it has been a horrible situation. Especially those down low in an inside cabin. But I have heard several passengers say that they felt communications have been great and that CCL people had gone over and above to try and make a bad situation better.


But of course, the media, like some here, are going to find the worst cases and try to make it sound like it was the norm. One media lady on TV today even said people were just trying to stay alive. HUH? I bet when the ship arrives, the media will clutch on to anyone they can find that will have the most miserable stories and dismiss anyone that says it was sensationalized. Some posters here will do the same.


CNN especially, is a disgrace.


CNN has done a great job.


Yes, I did hear the one gentleman who was taking things in stride. Almost made me think they were interviewing one of the Diamond VIFP members who posted on this thread. I am glad he was taking things in stride. Alas, I also heard at least 5 other interviews painting a far different picture than he did. I also saw video of the raw sewage running down the walls


Really the only thing people agreed on was the crew was great - kudos to them.


And the steak and lobster today - did you not hear the several other interviews talking about how miraculously Carnival was working feverously to clean up the ship today after the Coast Guard boarded and it approaches port? And how magically, after having to live with meatless sandwiches, cucumber and onion sandwiches, etc for days they rolled out steak and lobster for lunch today as they were approaching land and cell phones were now in range

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