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Poor Manners being Discussed on Another Forum....


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Yes, there are rude folks about with no excuse .... but, but, but ....


As my in-laws who had always been EXTREMELY polite people became older, didn't see or hear very well and did things they would never have intentionally done in their younger days.




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The worst manners on a cruise that I have encountered were with able bodied people pushing their way in front of me at one of the Glass elevators. I was alone waiting for the elevator to arrive and as the doors opened this older woman pushed her way in front of me, literally going over the scooter handle, power console, and then telling me I could wait for the next elevator and refused to move from the middle of the elevator so I could enter on my scooter.


The second was the same cruise as I was attempting to make myself a plate of nachos at the Lido Terrace and a woman pushed herself in front of my scooter in order to get to the chips, which she grabbed a handful of with her bare hands...... And as she started to walk away she told me that I ought to have someone serving me instead of getting in the way of others:eek:


Oh yeah, almost forgot the last time I ate a dinner in the MDR, hubby and I were near the front of the line waiting to enter through the Fixed seating side,, when a man dragged his wife literally was dragging her) to the head of the line and dared anyone with his glares to say a word.....Luckily the Maitre de had seen this happening and he came out and politely told the man that he needed to go to the opposite side for those who had open seating. My guess is the Maitre de had dealt with the man before, so knew what type of dining he had...


Come to think about it, maybe this is another reason I do not care much for the Nieuw Amsterdam as all 3 incidents happened on both of our Nieuw Amsterdam cruises.......


Judy: I hope this comes out right (I copied your post and am pasting it here)

I very quiety turned and told her to never put a hand on me or anyone else who did not invite it.


I then proceeded to order my sandwich.

I never did see her again during our cruise.

I just wanted to say that I think your response was quite appropriate and you handled it with grace and dignity!!



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When cruising, some of you have probably experienced a line(s) formed to get into the Upper MDR for fixed seating when arriving too early and the doors have not been opened yet. When this happened a few times on our recent cruise, DH would get in front of me (to protect my scooter) and we always went to the back of the line. Most people did. BUT - there were always those who would get off the elevators, play "dumb" :rolleyes: like they didn't know where to go - and as soon as the crowd started moving (which meant the doors had opened), off they would go blending in with the moving line ... while those of us in the back of the line just rolled our eyes and laughed. We all wanted to say "dear rude people, your table will still be there in 60 seconds, you don't have to cut in line!" To us it wasn't the fact they cut in front of us - we weren't in any hurry. It's the way they always tried to make it look like they didn't know they did it.


A shopping experience while DD was in town last weekend still has us laughing. There is a video I have been searching for recently. As I met up with DD near the check-out at Target she said "Mom, here is the video you want, there is only one, so get it now." I stretched over the basket of my scooter to get it and the lady standing between us reached over and took it. DD and I thought the lady was going to kindly hand it to me. Wrong - she walked off with it! :eek: DD and I were in such shock that we just started laughing so hard we couldn't stop.

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Not on a cruise , but the real topper for me was at the food court at the mall.


Years ago when my DD was an infant we were Christmas shopping. We stopped to eat. We were sitting at a table with three chairs. My DD was in her stroller parked next to my wife at the time, and she had her purse and shopping bags on the extra chair.


A woman (no young kid) comes over takes the bags off the chair, plops them on top of my DD in the stroller !!!!!!!!!! takes the chair and brings it to another table where her and her party are sitting. Not a "is any one sitting here", May I take this chair?" NOTHING


My ex is the youngest and only girl in a family of 4 older brothers . She may look like Reese Witherspoon , but she can beat most people up *LOL* :)......


She walks over to this woman and they get into it. My ex asks why didn't she ask for the chair. She gladly would have moved the stuff and gave it to her . The woman claims that she didn't have to ask , it isn't her personal property, and she shouldn't hold all the chairs. Then there is the matter of plopping the bags on my DD which didn't seem to faze the woman at all and she made some other smart remark.


She comes back to the table , and now we can hear her and her husband and daughter talking about her loud enough for us to hear .


At this point my ex tells her "if you don't shut up I am gonna hit you really hard ."



The woman replies "Go ahead , you'll spend Christmas in jail."


To which my wife says "Probably so , but you will spend it in the hospital, but at least I will be awake and alert to see my visitors ." :)


That made the woman shut up. :)



I would like to say that the 25 years since have mellowed her, but sadly no *LOL*

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I think it is a cultural thing, residents of some countries are more pushy than others.


That may be true! In some parts of New York City I go into push-back mode, no matter who it is. :D And then there are the subways...

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We've seen our share of bad behavior too, unfortunately. On one cruise there was the man who always pushed his way through so he could be first everywhere. Once we were on a tender and he pushed his way from the back so he could be the first one off. This same man nearly knocked me down the stairs one day as he went rushing by. I was pretty shocked as I caught my balance, gave him "the look" and got a rushed apology as he went running by. There never seemed any reason for his rush, he just wanted to be first. :rolleyes:


On our last cruise we listened to Adagio every night after dinner. Early in the cruise a woman stopped them from playing, and talked to them for 5-10 minutes about music she wanted them to play. The rest of us had to sit and wait until she was done, she didn't seem to care or notice that she was selfishly taking their time away from a room full of people. This same woman and her husband loudly SHHHHed a woman who quietly said one or two words to her friends as she sat down. And yet the next night when their friend came in, they sat talking (not even whispering). I guess it was ok when it was them. :rolleyes:


It seems that there are always one or two people on a cruise that you see everywhere and notice because of their bad behavior. Thankfully it's only one or two, at least in our experience. :D

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On another forum, etiquette and good travel manners are being discussed. It made me think of some of the worse episodes of the worst manners we've seen on the ships.


What would you do/say were it you to whom this happened?


Standing in Lido line waiting your turn to have your sandwich made at lunch. You are watching and as the person ahead of you is finished and moving away you start to move ahead to take your turn when you clearly feel two hands low on your back and you are being pushed forward to 'hurry up'. If you make a big stink and call them out, who will it be that has the bad manners? Afterall, no one saw this jerk put her hands on you but they surely will hear you tell her off if you choose to do so.


Yes, this on a HAL ship.

Yes, what horrid behavior.

Can you imagine?


I guess you'll know what I will do..

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I was waiting in line to get sushi and a large man standing next to me kept nudging me. I ignored it but when it was my turn and I had the tongs in my hand he reached over and took the tongs out of my hand, got his sushi and moved on. I was speechless! What a rude person, unbelievable.


:eek: wow!

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I was in the buffet line on another cruise line for lunch and this lady kept pushing me in the back with her tray, so I said nicely said "since you are in a hurry please go in front of me", which she did. I then proceeded to order some food with a lot of tomato sauce and then accidently spilled my lunch on this rude lady, said Oops and walked way.

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The thing I can vividly remember is on Maasdam during dinner in the MDR, there was a guy whose back was apparantly itching. He proceeded to scratch his back with his fork. And then went on eating with it.


I could not believe I saw that. Or that somebody would do that.

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I was waiting in line to get sushi and a large man standing next to me kept nudging me. I ignored it but when it was my turn and I had the tongs in my hand he reached over and took the tongs out of my hand, got his sushi and moved on. I was speechless! What a rude person, unbelievable.

Wow, a large man?

I've had sneaky little people try to pull the same trick!

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I was in the buffet line on another cruise line for lunch and this lady kept pushing me in the back with her tray, so I said nicely said "since you are in a hurry please go in front of me", which she did. I then proceeded to order some food with a lot of tomato sauce and then accidently spilled my lunch on this rude lady, said Oops and walked way.


I would submit that you were half right. I would say what you said but never in my life spill food on someone else.

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While I don't condone any of the examples of rudeness described in this thread, the other side of the coin is that some people spend more time in the Lido buffet line than I did buying my last car. I also note that some folks get offended when you move ahead of them in line because you are bypassing the items they are choosing. I really don't see this as "line cutting." Of course, my training in cafeteria etiquette stems from my upbringing in New York City.

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In the showlounge, we carefully pick seats at the back and on the aisle - so we can leave, whenever we choose, without disturbing anyone. Sadly, we sometimes know within 10 minutes if we want to stay or not. This requires us to arrive about 45 minutes prior to showtime, and we spend the time reading and people watching. Twice, on 2 different ships, we've had people try to argue with us about "scootching over" so they could take our seats. Both times, we told them we could let them through - and stepped into the aisle to let them pass. One time the couple did pass - the other other time, they plopped right down into our seats.


We don't do confrontation, so just left. I don't remember what that show was, but still hope it stunk. :)

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Re reading the incident it is stated that the person in line "moved back" to make room. Perhaps this was not as horrible as it seems. Perhaps the person who "pushed" thought that the passenger was loosing her balance, and was not pushing her ahead to hurry up.

As for me--life is too short to get annoyed, and stay holding a grudge against strangers for a long period of time. That being said this is one reason we are in the "just shoot me if I have to go to the Lido" club.

I am in the minority who thinks the response was not dignified--I think it was silly.

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I was on line in the Lido for the Asian food. They had another batch of vegetables going in a wok. The lady in front of me demanded vegetables and there were very few left. I told her they were cooking more and pointed to the wok. She started berating the server and loudly going on and on about them not knowing what they were doing. The poor guy was sifting vegetables from the chicken dish for her and she was yelling that she didn't want any more chicken :confused: She walked away still complaining that they didn't know what they were doing. The server and I looked at each other and then we both just cracked up. I apologized :rolleyes: They work so hard, it kills me when they are treated poorly

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I just have to say I really respect the people that just walk away from these situations.


When you look back , you realize these fool just aren't worth it. But when it happens , you get that "urge to kill "moment like in the old comic strip.


I have been a bouncer , bar tender, EMT, and 9-1-1 dispatcher (plus my time with afore mentioned ex wife ;)). I have spent too much time up close and personal with the lunatic fringe of society to suffer fools gladly.


One day I will heed my Mom's advice (who herself has mellowed SOMEWHAT :) in her old age, and "Try a Little Tenderness"

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Standing in Lido line waiting your turn to have your sandwich made at lunch. You are watching and as the person ahead of you is finished and moving away you start to move ahead to take your turn when you clearly feel two hands low on your back and you are being pushed forward to 'hurry up'. If you make a big stink and call them out, who will it be that has the bad manners? Afterall, no one saw this jerk put her hands on you but they surely will hear you tell her off if you choose to do so.


Anyone other than my DH or parents who touches me inappropriately will hear about it. :eek: The lower back qualifies as inappropriate. A tap on the shoulder does not. I once told off a guy at the bank for rubbing my upper arm to get my attention. Yikes!

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The thing I can vividly remember is on Maasdam during dinner in the MDR, there was a guy whose back was apparantly itching. He proceeded to scratch his back with his fork. And then went on eating with it.


I could not believe I saw that. Or that somebody would do that.


At least it wasn't your fork. :D

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Wow, a large man?

I've had sneaky little people try to pull the same trick!

I might have said something to someone my own size but I was a little intimidated by him. I am 5'5'' 135 lbs and he was probably 6'3'' 220 or so. It really is easier to talk to someone when you are looking at their face vs. their chest:)

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I just have to say I really respect the people that just walk away from these situations.


When you look back , you realize these fool just aren't worth it. But when it happens , you get that "urge to kill "moment like in the old comic strip.


I have been a bouncer , bar tender, EMT, and 9-1-1 dispatcher (plus my time with afore mentioned ex wife ;)). I have spent too much time up close and personal with the lunatic fringe of society to suffer fools gladly.


One day I will heed my Mom's advice (who herself has mellowed SOMEWHAT :) in her old age, and "Try a Little Tenderness"


I work in a high stress environment dealing with people in high crisis, day after day. I also had an ex from Lunatic Fringeland. So- when confronted- my eyes glaze over and I ignore.


Unless you get me when I've had it- then, look out. I would never assault someone by dumping food on them or pushing back because I'm not stupid, mannerless and I just won't "go there", but I might ostracize that person in a big way.

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Wow ..a stranger putting their hands on me and actually pushing me. I believe that's called 'assault.'

Since the behavior seems over the top perhaps an over the top reaction would cure her of her bad manners. Upon contact I would clutch my back ,scream in agony , slide to the floor writhing in feigned agony screaming for help and saying "She pushed me!!! She pushed me !!! I am thinking she probably wouldn't push any one in line again. tee hee.;)




Yes, it is assault. I like the prior poster's reaction of "Did you just push me?" And I think I wouLd have followed that with a demand to have an officer / Security called, and file a report of the incident, if not actual charges.

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The thing I can vividly remember is on Maasdam during dinner in the MDR, there was a guy whose back was apparantly itching. He proceeded to scratch his back with his fork. And then went on eating with it.


I could not believe I saw that. Or that somebody would do that.

Thank god, it was only his back. It could have been much worse. ;)

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