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Where to snorkel?


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I'm looking for a cheap day- is there a beach I can take a cab to and snorkel off the beach? Or will I need a boat tour?


We are on NCL, so I don't think Mahgony Bay is an option.


What else is there to do in Roatan. Reading the board, it doesn't seem like there is a popular "must do" like some of the other ports. I'm clueless what to plan for this day. No ziplining for us.

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Take a taxi to West Bay. Bring your towels from the ship. The resorts along the beach charge you for use of loungers, etc. But access to the beach is free. You can walk along the beach and find a spot away from traffic. Then snorkel to your heart's content. Hungry, there are spots along the beach. I know you can walkup and sit at Banarama's bar/tiki hut and get served without being a guest there. If you walk up the long drive from Banarama to the road, you'll see Celeste's they have great baleadas (honduran empanadas) very in expensive.


Tip on the taxi. You'll be docking in Coxen Hole. Walk out fo the port and toward the town and find a taxi. Cheaper. Try to get the same taxi for the return trip. Be sure you get the driver to agree with you on price for the round trip and that you will pay when he picks you up and returns you to the ship.



A Guidebook links to tide you over until Guest 2000 comes along to set us both straight:p



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I read on your Costa Maya thread that you are looking for comfortable snorkeling. West Bay is ideal for this! It was the easiest walk-in shallow snorkeling I've ever done. There were no waves, and there were big coral heads in water so shallow, we actually had to seek out deeper water to avoid running aground.


Walk to the south side, near the rock wall, and you can put down your towels and use the beach for free. That's the shallowest snorkeling location as well.

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West Bay sounds like it might be our plan for the day. I love days that don't really need anything 'booked'.


I am actually wondering if Roatan might be the best place for us to go on a snorkeling excursion to do more deep water snorkeling with a guide. DH would really like more adventurous snorkeling, and as this will be our third port of it, I might be ready to go out and give that another try. (I managed about 10 minutes of snorkeling in Antigua until I gave up on the face mask and just swam. I'm a strong swimmer, just really hate having my nose covered. I'll start gasping for air if you plug my nose while I sit here at the computer. In Cozumel previously we alternated between shallow snorkeling for me, and me accompanying him by just swimming along in deep water, since I didn't want him out in the ocean alone!) It sound like Roatan is a fabulous snorkeling destination.


If we don't go to West Bay- are there companies people recommend most? I am going to go do a few searches of the forum to see what shows up.

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Yeah, if you are adventurous strong swimmers, you can snorkel/swim far off the beach at West Bay with plenty to see. I was too chicken to go out far, but DH & BIL went out in a kayak, and they said that the reef was huge and healthy.

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The reef off Roatan is part of the Meso-American reef and is second in the world only to the Great Barrier Reef off Australia !!!


It is indeed very large and healthy at this point. The area is a marine preserve so take nothing from the water.......no shells, no nothing !


If you google "west bay beach images " you will see a couple of really good aerial pictures that show the reef and how close it is to the beach.


Enjoy !!!

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Skittl, If you are going to be snorkeling at other spots too, I'd rec that you purchase a mask and snorkel at home. You can always rent fins and small vests on the beach. If you get stuck renting the snorkel and mask at the beach or on excursions, not only are they not "clean" , they are generic and might not fit you properly. I bought a set before our last trip to Roatan that fits so nice and tight I couldn't believe the differnce it made over rentals I used for the last few years.


West Bay is actually good for ALL levels of snorkeling experience. There is enough to see for beginners close to shore and lots more "excitement" if you go out farther. Too, there are boats along the area with drivers who could take your husband out further if he wants. Altho he will find that it really isn't far to get out on his own. You don't have to be a super strong swimmer if you have the fins. The water is so calm. Swimming is pretty much a non-effort. Just depends on your comfort. There are MANY snorkelers headed out to the walls. He won't be alone.;)


Just talking about it makes me miss it!

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I do have my own mask and snorkel. I've only tried to use fins once and I was clearly doing it wrong- I felt like it made swimming harder!


It does make me feel better that there will be lots of people out there. When we were in Cozumel there were times it felt like we were the only two out there, and there was small boat traffic (who would then come out and drop off other snorkelers.) For safety, I swam above the water to watch while he swam underwater. This year, I plan to find some blaze orange rash guards.

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I do have my own mask and snorkel. I've only tried to use fins once and I was clearly doing it wrong- I felt like it made swimming harder!


It does make me feel better that there will be lots of people out there. When we were in Cozumel there were times it felt like we were the only two out there, and there was small boat traffic (who would then come out and drop off other snorkelers.) For safety, I swam above the water to watch while he swam underwater. This year, I plan to find some blaze orange rash guards.


You won't find the boat traffic out by the snorkelers. The water really gets pretty shallow in spots as well as the coral close to the surface. Even when we kayaked we had to be careful to avoid some of the coral spots, as we would hit.

I can relate...I had trouble with fins the very first time I used them. I was bending my knees. Keep your legs more straight and you'll be good. Too, they have to fit tightly so you aren't hanging on with your toes. I actually have to "talk to myself" every time I snorkel after being away from it for months. The breathing and the kick have to be relaxed for me. Or I go nowhere.:D

You will really like the area. Come back and report here after your experience. I don't know how old you are, but when we were at Infinity Bay for a land vacation, we saw plenty of people over 70 in wet suits or rash shirts going out for an hour or more two to three times a day. Was great to see them so active and young.

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Here's an overview I posted on the snorkeling thread. You walk right out in to the water and you can start snorkeling.


Another option is to try Maya Key (depending on how much you want to spend). You walk right off the dock and you are there and it's not too deep and it is amazing. It is sort of like West Bay...you go out a ways and come to the "deep blue drop off". It's beautiful.


You can find reviews in my signature for both West Bay (when we were on the Spirit) and Maya Key (when we were on the Star) if you want to do some reading and see some pictures. :)

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I do have my own mask and snorkel. I've only tried to use fins once and I was clearly doing it wrong- I felt like it made swimming harder!


It does make me feel better that there will be lots of people out there. When we were in Cozumel there were times it felt like we were the only two out there, and there was small boat traffic (who would then come out and drop off other snorkelers.) For safety, I swam above the water to watch while he swam underwater. This year, I plan to find some blaze orange rash guards.


Hello! We were in West Bay in March on a private tour off the NCL Star. We snorkeled at West Bay by Grand Roatan and we did enjoy it. We do have very little experience snorkeling - I did scuba in my early 20's but that was a long time ago. Most of our party snorkeled - the water was totally clear and calm. I had bought everyone snorkel gear and the orange snorkel vests on line before the trip and I was glad I did as we used them several times. . The vests were nice to have as we could blow them up a bit and rest some while we were out there. The coral is quite close in areas and it was a bit creepy at times for me. If I had to do it again, I might would get a guide who knew where he was going to take us/me out through the coral. That said - we saw so many fish and all so beautiful! The coral was beautiful as well. There were some others snorkeling but it was not crowded by any means and everyone was really spread out. There was guy paddling around in a kayak- I think he was trying to be sure folks stayed off the coral.

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Thanks for the information!


I am really excited and looking forward to snorkeling in Roatan. We've now decided to get SCUBA certified, so I have to decide if I'd rather dive/snorkel in Cozumel or Roatan, because we'll only dive once.

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If you only dive once, I would pick Cozumel. Both places have good diving, but the snorkeling is better at Roatan.


That was actually what I was thinking! We booked with Dive with Alison in Cozumel, so we'll snorkel in Roatan. We're thinking about doing the Bananarama deal, since it seems to cost the same as taxi's and includes a chair... Unless we can get someone in our role call to join us and split a Boden driver for the day.

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That was actually what I was thinking! We booked with Dive with Alison in Cozumel, so we'll snorkel in Roatan. We're thinking about doing the Bananarama deal, since it seems to cost the same as taxi's and includes a chair... Unless we can get someone in our role call to join us and split a Boden driver for the day.


Oh I would do just the opposite. I have been a certified diver since 1989. Dove all over the world including the Red Sea in Egypt........


Roatan is one of the best dives ever !!!!! The Meso-American reef which runs along Roatan all the way to Belize and beyond is the second largest barrier reef in the world, second only to the Great Barrier reef off Australia. It is still healthy and pristine and is extensive. I first visited Roatan on a cruise stop and did a one tank dive off the West End (Shallow Sea Quest) I was blown away. We have since gone back twice - each time for a week to dive dive dive :D


The only problem with diving here is you will be spoiled ........ other reefs will be nice but just not as good. Cozumel pales in comparison as does Belize in my opinion.


Shallow or deeper - dive Roatan - you won't be sorry !!!!

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Roatan is one of the best dives ever !!!!!


But if it's the best snorkeling ever, I don't want to miss that either! We really liked snorkeling in Cozumel, but the water was really rough, and there was boat traffic that made me nervous. It sounds like snorkeling off shore in Roatan the water is calmer and not much boat traffic. That will give me better snorkeling practice, which is the main purpose of this trip.


(What it really sounds like is we will end up going back to Roatan!)



As someone who dives a lot- do you like diving off a cruise ship? We are wondering if once we get the SCUBA bug, we won't be cruising anymore and just going to dive vacations. We can't vacation multiple times a year like many on this site.

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Thanks for the information!


I am really excited and looking forward to snorkeling in Roatan. We've now decided to get SCUBA certified, so I have to decide if I'd rather dive/snorkel in Cozumel or Roatan, because we'll only dive once.



One of the tests you have to pass to get certified is to take your mask and regulator off while underwater and then replace them, clear the water from the mask by blowing out your nose.... If you have problems with gettting short of breath with your nose plugged, picture doing that without a mask at 30 feet under the water...


I agree wtih snorkeling at West End on Honduras. I would actually pick that port becuase of the snorkeling and would do the taxi thing so I could be in the water all day. We had amazing drift diving in Conzumel along the San Francisco wall in Cozumel. I loved it!

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One of the tests you have to pass to get certified is to take your mask and regulator off while underwater and then replace them, clear the water from the mask by blowing out your nose.... If you have problems with gettting short of breath with your nose plugged, picture doing that without a mask at 30 feet under the water...


I'm quite nervous about the certification- I have fear of everything... so more than skills, I'm worried about anxiety. I really hope I'm able to get past it because I'd love to be able to dive with my husband. The operator we booked with knows it is on condition that we pass the certification, and she has a good cancellation policy. I also plan to do a pool session in November to refresh before we go.


I do agree with you that the skill you mention is going to be a challenge. I really don't know what to expect. When I snorkel, I am 100% fine as long as I keep my face in the water. As soon as my head is out of the water is where I have problems. When I'm underwater I know to breath with my mouth, when I'm above water I want my nose available!


I also have trouble swimming in fins (I think it makes it harder), but I've only ever worn borrowed ones, and since I have tiny feet, I doubt they fit me well. So I go to buy fins next week, and we'll see if well fitted ones make a difference.

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OK, first off we are able to travel quite a bit and do a combination of cruises and land visits. We are booked for our 4th Mediterranean cruise in October. We also do some Caribbean cruising too but have found since we have visited most of the islands we tend to go back to some for land visits because we enjoy them so much while we are there for the day on a cruise. Roatan was one of those. I feel in love with the place while on a girls cruise (dh didn't go) and finally got my husband to go for a week last July. He fell in love with it too.....so we went back at Christmas and took our grown kids too - they also dive. They too are now hooked. Daughter in law got certified just for the trip.


The key to enjoying a cruise stop dive is to be sure and research the dive shop and go with a good one. Read reviews !!!!


Second - everyone is apprehensive about learning skills involved in scuba diving !!!! You are entering an environment that is not friendly to breathing people :roll eyes: But with practice and repetition it becomes easier and more enjoyable. When I did my open water certification dives I had to remove my mask - hold my nose with one hand - put the mask back on and then clear it. I just couldn't close my nose. My dive master said as long as I can take my mask off, put it back on and clear it he didn't care if I held my nose or not. Since then I have learned to control it better but I still hold my nose :D


As for using fins, most people do it wrong. You do not want to bend your knees but rather use the entire leg from the hip. And relax. I have seen so many people in the water diving who look like they are working way too hard. It should be a more relaxed floating type of scenario. Usually when you are diving you are looking at all the wonderful things to see, so whats the rush ? I have even seen some use their arms like they are swimming on top of the water. Try arms at your side or folded in front of you (I dream of Jeanie style)


And most either don't learn or forget how to become neutrally buoyant. Very important and really easy if 1) you have the right weight and 2) you check your buoyancy at the very beginning of each dive. If you need more weight or less - ask your dive master as he will usually have extra on him or will take some if you are too heavy. I had to do this on our last visit to Roatan.


So summing it all up....... go for it. Learn the rules, practice and RELAX. It is an amazing sport !!!!

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