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8-1-13 Thursday Weigh-In Thread


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Hi All ... I'm not sure where Belle is, but I hope everything is ok.


I'll start ... in the past 7 days I have stayed on my diet and have gotten in over 4 hours of exercising ... I have managed to lose nothing!:rolleyes: Oh well, next week perhaps.


Hope everyone had a good week. Jan

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Hello Jan,


Thanks for strating the thread. Hope everything is ok with Belle.


Jan, you've done so well staying the same is ok.


I stayed the same.


I have 8 weeks until my next cruise. I must lose a few lbs. Maybe next week.


Wishing everyone a great week. Diana

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HI all!


Jan ~ thanks for starting the thread. Hope Belle pops in to say all's well.

That must be frustrating to put so much effort in & not lose! Better results next week!


Diana ~ staying the same is good too. I went down a whopping 4/10 lb!!


Have a nice weekend, it's a long one here in Ontario.


~ Jo ~ :)

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Just let me say......

Anything that can go wrong.....IS.

Thank for your concerns.


One of the things is my internet is still

acting up off and on. Off last night.


Jan Thanks for starting the post.

Great weight loss. When is your cruise?

Where are you going?


Diana Where is your cruise to? Not gaining

is good too.


Jo You have lost the most today so far. Congrats!


Me I think I lost an ounce!


Everyone have a good weekend!

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Jan, you are doing good. Don't get discouraged. Your cruise is coming up soon...you must be so excited. I am hoping to try the Oasis in the near future.

Belle, hang in there. We are here for you if you need to vent.

Jo, down is better than up.

Diana, staying the same is not a bad thing. I would rather that than a gain.

I am down 2lbs this week. I just got back from taking my three oldest grandchildren to Sesame Place. I guess chasing after three kids ages 5,6 and 7 will help along the weight loss!

Have a great weekend.


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Hang in there Belle. Continued thoughts and prayers for you!


Hang in there Jan! Two weeks from today we will be in FLL!


I am totally amazed that I am down 2 lbs this week. I hope I didn't read the scale wrong! I have been really strict the last 3 days but 4 days before that were full of eating out and lots of desserts for my birthday last weekend! trying to be really good until FLL and OA!

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Hello all,


Time to sheepishly shuffle back into the room and participate again. I still was lurking and watched the comings and goings of all you dedicated winners - but life and laziness just kind of got in the way.


So today we begin again at 208.




Can't remember if I shared or not, but my bike was stolen from right in front of work in broad daylight several months ago - and I was so pissed I literally just shut down on rigorous exercise. Picked up a Craigslist relic (actually a state-of-the-art for 1978) beauty last week and rebuilt it - so I'm back on the road again.






And me and the missus got out on a great hike yesterday to Natural Bridge in Payson, AZ - This is what finally got things back in perspective:




So I look forward to reporting in each week and giving/getting support to all you great people. Missed you.


PS: Belle, each Thursday I say a little prayer for you and yours - know that there are lots of people in the world sending good energy your way.

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Shootr - I'm so glad you are back! (sorry about the weight gain) .... that is my biggest worry ... it only seems to take two minutes for it all to come back again and it becomes more difficult to get the motivation back again.


I'm really worried about being on a cruise for two weeks and gaining weight and then getting discouraged! I'm glad you are finding the motivation to get started again ..... Enjoy your bike .... and hikes! Jan

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Hi all!


Belle ~ sorry to hear things are still not good.:( You're in my prayers!


shootr ~ nice to have you back here. Great pictures as usual & I love the colour of your bike. Sure hope the bad guys don't!;)


Jan ~ don't let the few pounds you might gain on the cruise throw you off, you know how to lose weight when you put your mind to it. Part of the cruising experience IMO is the variety of food.:D


~ Jo ~ :)

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Hi all!


Jan ~ don't let the few pounds you might gain on the cruise throw you off, you know how to lose weight when you put your mind to it. Part of the cruising experience IMO is the variety of food.:D


~ Jo ~ :)


Jo - I know you are right and I do really enjoy trying new foods, etc. I just worry that I'm going to lose my motivation. Please remind me when I get back that I can really get back into the groove again!!! :D


Did I mention that since the middle of February I've lost 8 1/2 inches in my waist!!! :eek: Jan

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Sounds like this is a close-knit group! Any room for more?


I've got 2 cruises this winter. A solo cruise at the beginning of December out of San Juan (leaving behind husband, 4 kids, 4 dogs and 2 cats) and another in January with 2 of my kids, again out of San Juan.


As I'm approaching 50 I'm finding it harder and harder to maintain a weight that I'm happy with. I'd feel awesome if I could lose about 15 pounds by December but find it even harder because I have no accountability! I was hoping I could find that here. I think I'll do better if I know I have to check in weekly!



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Did I mention that since the middle of February I've lost 8 1/2 inches in my waist!!! :eek: Jan


That right there - that is absolutely awesome!


Jo - The blue is growing on me. Started racing with a red one, than went white/red. But this has the bar-end shifters, longer-than usual cranks, is all steel, and rides like you're sitting on a Barcalounger - uber comfy. Doesn't accelerate too quick - but once you get it spinning it's pure heaven. And the lock is massive! But riding in 106 degree weather is wearing me down already.


Michelle - that's why I started checking in weekly again (look for a new thread each Thursday) - if I know people are watching, it helps my motivation - especially this group, which I have the utmost respect for each and every one! And I post pics because it REALLY makes me feel accountable.


Back to chicken, fish, salads, etc. All the snacks are gone except for a whole bunch of bottles of V8. Protein shake is last meal of the day - so not going to bed with a tummy full of snack crap.

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Hi all!


Michelle ~ welcome to the group:D. There's always room for one more!

Some of us have used My Fitness Pal to record our intake if that's a system you like. I like counting calories (well sometimes more than others!).;)


I have 2 solo cruises coming up in Nov but not from lovely San Juan. I want to go back there sometime as I haven't been there since the 1980s.


Jan ~ your BTB cruise is getting so close! I will remind you when you come back to get back in the groove.


shootr ~ that's my downfall I keep on buying the junk!:o




~ Jo ~ :)

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Hi everyone! I hope I can join this group! You all sound very supportive of one another. My next cruise is 11/24/2013 on NCL Jewel. I've set a pretty ambitious goal of 30 lbs. but I'll still need to lose more after that cruise. I'm just starting today and my dh is my diet buddy at home. We're doing the South Beach diet because I hate counting and measuring. We are also rejoining the gym and start our workouts tomorrow. We go on a cruise every year and every year I promise myself I will lose weight. I've been trying with just cutting back but I've only lost a few pounds since January....so this diet is what I believe is necessary to reach my goal. Will we post on Thursdays and tell how much we have lost or not? ;)


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Hi Everyone:) excited about getting back to achieving the better me. I have a cruise booked Feb 2014, and I want to fit into some of my favourite dresses. I have gained several lbs in the past year. Sounds like this board is supportive and I like to report my progress to help keep me on track. I will check in on Thursday:) Alison



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Hi everyone! I hope I can join this group! You all sound very supportive of one another. My next cruise is 11/24/2013 on NCL Jewel. I've set a pretty ambitious goal of 30 lbs. but I'll still need to lose more after that cruise. I'm just starting today and my dh is my diet buddy at home. We're doing the South Beach diet because I hate counting and measuring. We are also rejoining the gym and start our workouts tomorrow. We go on a cruise every year and every year I promise myself I will lose weight. I've been trying with just cutting back but I've only lost a few pounds since January....so this diet is what I believe is necessary to reach my goal. Will we post on Thursdays and tell how much we have lost or not? ;)



Hi Everyone:) excited about getting back to achieving the better me. I have a cruise booked Feb 2014, and I want to fit into some of my favourite dresses. I have gained several lbs in the past year. Sounds like this board is supportive and I like to report my progress to help keep me on track. I will check in on Thursday:) Alison



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Welcome Cindy and Allison. I am also a very recent newcomer to the group but thought I'd give you a shout out until Belle and Jan can get on here. Yes, every Thursday Belle (or someone else...usually Jan in Belle's absence) starts a new thread for that date's weigh-in. You don't have to list what you weigh....just how much you lost! (or in my case...how much I gained if I was the least bit bad!) I usually don't check-in until Fridays because that is my weigh-in day.


Good luck! I look forward to reading about your accomplishments!

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I like the idea of this thread. I'm looking forward to my first cruise in April 2014 and I really do need to lose some weight just to feel comfortable on it. I know I'll never be skinny :o but it would be nice to be able to relax around the pool without thinking I'm the largest one there :eek: . My niece wore a lovely ball gown for her prom a few years ago and my goal is to get into that (just so that I can borrow it for the formal nights :D) WW....here I come !! (again :o )



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I'm finding it really hard to lose weight before my January 18, 2014 cruise on the Oasis. Does anyone have any motivational stories for me?



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Not looking for compliments - but this is the reward that was waiting for me after toughing it out (and then I started gaining again - hence my running back to the good people here!) That is what you have to remember each and every weak moment.


LONG TERM! Don't nitpick your daily effort - just stick to your program and watch the calendar for January 1st - nothing before that should matter. What I mean is day to day watching a scale or worrying about having a cocktail at a party won't derail the final result if you just put little slips and backslides behind you and stay on the overall path. If you're cheating every other day, than that's another issue-but once or twice every other week will NOT affect your final goal. The once a week weigh in should be your guide, not every day - and everyone has rises and dips over a few weeks time - I can't explain it but if I stay on track I always wind up lower over time.


Exercise - do ANYTHING, SOMETHING. You don't have to invest in equipment - just a comfy pair of shoes and bag of potatoes and you got a cardio and strength training gym. Adjust the weight of the potatoes, put 'em in one of those fabric grocery bags, and swing it around with each arm - curls, overhead presses - start slow and don't overdo it or you'll just strain something. By September you can start thinking about ramping it up. Carry it with you on a stroll - you'll be amazed how swinging it around while your walking will elevate your heart rate.


I have to track intake - otherwise it gets away from me too easily. MyFitnessPal rocks for tracking calories and exercise. If you are diligent, you can't NOT lose.


PICTURES - Looking at where I am now and pics of others that look like I want to get to be - for every weak moment I will pull them up and look at them. If I still cheat after that, then there is something wrong in my head and I'm just not ready to lose yet (Which is why I gained/lost/gained 20+ lbs. over the past 6 months or so)


Know, know KNOW that it is possible, it is doable, and it will happen if you just give it time to work. Around October you will suddenly try on some loose-a$$ clothes or notice your face has changed - it will be amazing and motivating - and it will happen.

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I'll jump in and join you guys. I feel at home already since I'm seeing some familiar names on this board! Jan and Skiiergirl, we will have to compare progress on Oasis!:D:D


I'm a longtime WW online member. Well, I've been sending them $$ for a long time now, anyway -- haven't always followed the program! But, have been trying to re-evaluate my overall program of food and activity this year and seems things are working out well. Am down about 13 lbs total, and have 9 lbs to go to goal. I seriously doubt I'll get there by August 17, but will just have to accept a week's "interruption" and then get back on track.


So, just to be clear: there's a new thread every Thursday?

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HI all!


Welcome to all the new people! Yes there's a new thread each Thursday.


shootr ~ wow how many pounds difference between before & after?

I've pretty much put on most of what I lost post surgery, 20 lbs since then actually.:(


Oh well, where there's a will there's a way!!


~ Jo ~ :)

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Just wanted to say Welcome to the newcomers.


The more, the merrier.


I'm getting into the habit of weighing in after the weekend. I did well, no gain. Weekends are hard.


Belle, hubby and I are cruising Europe end of September. Need to lose a few before then.



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I planned on going to the gym tonight, but even though we celebrated our youngest son's birthday Saturday we are meeting him and his friends at Olive garden tonight for his actual 22nd birthday celebration .... want to make a bet on who ends up paying the bill??:rolleyes:


I've gone to their web site and I think I'll be all set if I have their apricot chicken, a salad without dressing and a skinny martini. (It should total 610 calories) I've had 440 calories so far today, so that is 1050 calories and I'll have enough room to have a weight watchers fudge bar 100 calories and stay under my 1200 calories for the day.


Now I'm really going to have to go to the gym tomorrow night!!! Jan


PS - I'm so glad that others are joining in ... It makes it easier in this journey to have others to talk with!!

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