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Travel insurance when awaiting heart tests


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I'm meant to be sailing on Equinox in couple of weeks and discovered yesterday my travel insurance will not cover me as I saw my GP last week and have been referred for tests. I telephoned many companies yesterday and tried on-line but due to the fact I have tests to go through I just can't get cover. I naively thought that if I was healthy and fit when I took out the insurance and booked my cruise that I was covered so to find out I am not was a complete shock.


Has this happened to anyone else from UK just before a cruise and were you able to get sorted? If so can you please let me know what company as I am devastated at the moment.

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I'm meant to be sailing on Equinox in couple of weeks and discovered yesterday my travel insurance will not cover me as I saw my GP last week and have been referred for tests. I telephoned many companies yesterday and tried on-line but due to the fact I have tests to go through I just can't get cover. I naively thought that if I was healthy and fit when I took out the insurance and booked my cruise that I was covered so to find out I am not was a complete shock.


Has this happened to anyone else from UK just before a cruise and were you able to get sorted? If so can you please let me know what company as I am devastated at the moment.


Have you tried saga and I have used http://www.flexicover.co.uk/?refid=XGEPP01&vc=flexg10&gclid=CLithJezxbkCFbQetAodXTMADQ


the later allows you to pay about £3.50 for additional cover on existing or other ailments.


Good luck




Ps, the other option is to actually go to a travel agent or preferably an insurance agent who can search everything and has possibly encountered your problem before.

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So sorry that this has happened to you so close to your cruise. Unfortunately almost all of the insurers in the UK will not cover you if you are having hospital treatment. My DH has some medical problems and we have been able to get cover by paying additional premiums but he is not having hospital treatment and that seems to be the sticking point with insurers. Is your existing policy going to cover the cost if you have to cancel?

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Thanks Yvonne - tried them yesterday but due to the fact I haven't had the tests yet they won't even give me a loaded premium.


Sanddancer - Travel insurance are even saying they will not cover the cancellation cost of the cruise if cardiologist says I am not fit to travel. It is a complete nightmare :( I am going to keep checking on that though as I think it is totally unfair and what is the point in having insurance if they won't pay out when you do require it.

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I'm meant to be sailing on Equinox in couple of weeks and discovered yesterday my travel insurance will not cover me as I saw my GP last week and have been referred for tests. I telephoned many companies yesterday and tried on-line but due to the fact I have tests to go through I just can't get cover. I naively thought that if I was healthy and fit when I took out the insurance and booked my cruise that I was covered so to find out I am not was a complete shock.


Has this happened to anyone else from UK just before a cruise and were you able to get sorted? If so can you please let me know what company as I am devastated at the moment.


This might sound daft but.

If the tests are urgent, can you get them done before sailing.


Is it possible that your doctor is being cautious and can cancel your need for tests and give you his humble opinion in the meantime so you know what your current condition is?


Any leeway?




you suffer from


high/low blood pressure

slow heart rate



Has your doctor done an ECG and blood tests to rule out heart disease. Some GPs have clinics that do all this thus avoiding the wait for hospital appointments. If yours does not then maybe your doc can refer you to one that does. You are effectively in treatment then for whatever they supect you have.


The other thing to consider, is it may be more important to get tested than a cruise, but when something happened to me I was in the system and scanned withing 3 days and it was my optician that found a problem I did not know I had.


Then there is the private medicine route for tests, they get done asap.


Have you explained this to your doctor, ask for a phone call they really don't mind.



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That is appalling if your existing insurer will not cover cancellation charges. If you did not have any medical problem when you took out the policy, then why bother buying medical cover when they won't pay out when you do need it. Are you actually seeing a cardiologist or just attending outpatients for tests? Could you possibly see someone privately? It would definately not be as expensive as losing your cruise?

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I'm meant to be sailing on Equinox in couple of weeks and discovered yesterday my travel insurance will not cover me as I saw my GP last week and have been referred for tests. I telephoned many companies yesterday and tried on-line but due to the fact I have tests to go through I just can't get cover. I naively thought that if I was healthy and fit when I took out the insurance and booked my cruise that I was covered so to find out I am not was a complete shock.


Has this happened to anyone else from UK just before a cruise and were you able to get sorted? If so can you please let me know what company as I am devastated at the moment.


Try All Clear Cruise Insurance. My husband and I both have complex health issues but we can get a quite from All Clear online. We have never needed to claim from them but when Celebrity cancelled our cruise, All Clear were more accommodating than Celebrity and it is only because of them that we were not hugely out of pocket as they refunded most of our premium paid.


The added advantage is that it is specialist cruise insurance so you are certain that there will not be a problem if you need medical evacuation from the ship.



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So sorry that this has happened to you so close to your cruise. Unfortunately almost all of the insurers in the UK will not cover you if you are having hospital treatment. My DH has some medical problems and we have been able to get cover by paying additional premiums but he is not having hospital treatment and that seems to be the sticking point with insurers. Is your existing policy going to cover the cost if you have to cancel?


I suggest that you try All Clear Cruise Insurance as well. Richard was able to get cover from them whilst he was still under the care of his consultant. As I said in my earlier post, this was online. We did not have to phone them.



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You might find it useful to look at this site.




This is very helpful especially if you feel you have been treated unfairly.


You do not say how you took the insurance out. Was it an existing annual policy? If you were already on any medication at all, did you disclose this?


If this was via a travel agent at the time of booking, then they have some duty of care. Did they ask you any questions or explain the terms of the policy?


Have you read the small print in the policy document very carefully?


A lot to think about when you under stress for several reasons.


I hope you get something sorted. Have you asked if Celebrity will transfer your booking to a roundtrip S'ton cruise, as that might have a bearing on the insurance if you don't have to fly.

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Transfer and join us on Infinity on the 12th, it sails from Harwich and is never far from an EU shore and lots of time in port. Blow the insurance medivac issue we will get you ashore in a lifeboat if we have to! Not that I think anything will happen or your doc would have said you can't fly/sail etc and had you down that hospital as fast as lightening :)


Although, and I should not say this, a fast way to get treatment is via the ambulance service ;)

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If you were well when you took out the insurance for the cruise then you should be covered if you have to cancel because of the illness, that's what the insurance is for. Many people takeout insurance and then have to cancel because of illness and get refunds, I've done it myself.


Which insurance company is it?

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Thanks everyone. Going private next week and have heart monitor for 24 hours on Wed, seeing Dr on Thur for results and seeing cardiologist on Friday. When I have all that done an insurance co today told me about Allclear which a few of you have mentioned. They said I will be better informed to answer all the questions but I feel better at least knowing we will get away. DH also home today with a quote for £683 annual ins as we have a couple of other trips booked.


I knew I could count on the forum for lots of good advice and am also going to contact the ombudsman about my policy as I think it is a disgrace how they dealt with it yesterday and how we are not covered. I still feel they are wrong but I kept phoning back yesterday and getting different guys and they all said the same thing but something still tells me I should definitely be covered as I was fine when I booked!! Thanks for all the replies and advice. Your cruise sounds great Hudandpug :)

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Then what is the point of travel insurance in the UK?


It's not just for medical cover. It also covers baggage, delays and theft of personal belongings, such as the time I had my handbag stolen in Barcelona with much of my jewellry in it (we had just disembarked). I have never come across a policy that would not cover cancellation if you were not unwell at the time you took out the insurance and had disclosed all ongoing medical problems. My point was that most insurance companies would not offer cover for a NEW policy if you are having hospital treatment.

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Thanks everyone. Going private next week and have heart monitor for 24 hours on Wed, seeing Dr on Thur for results and seeing cardiologist on Friday. When I have all that done an insurance co today told me about Allclear which a few of you have mentioned. They said I will be better informed to answer all the questions but I feel better at least knowing we will get away. DH also home today with a quote for £683 annual ins as we have a couple of other trips booked.


I knew I could count on the forum for lots of good advice and am also going to contact the ombudsman about my policy as I think it is a disgrace how they dealt with it yesterday and how we are not covered. I still feel they are wrong but I kept phoning back yesterday and getting different guys and they all said the same thing but something still tells me I should definitely be covered as I was fine when I booked!! Thanks for all the replies and advice. Your cruise sounds great Hudandpug :)


Did you purchase the insurance when you booked? If you did, then it should be a moot point. However, if you hadn't yet purchased your travel insurance, you're not going to be covered should anything arise as a result of your recently diagnosed problem.


That's why it's always prudent to purchase insurance as soon as you book.

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You are assuming bad results. I have done the 24 hour holter monitor a few times for a preexisting condition and they have found no change. It is effectively a 24 hour ekg rather than the six second one in your doctors office. If this is something new and there were no indications that you had a problem, you should be covered...of course the insurance companywould try to avoid payout....but before you panic, see what the results are. If you have to cancel the trip and onsurance refuses to pay, its time to contact a lawyer. At this point you have neither a diagnosis or an official denial from the insurance company. A phone call where they say you arent covered has no validity.

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Thanks everyone. Going private next week and have heart monitor for 24 hours on Wed, seeing Dr on Thur for results and seeing cardiologist on Friday. When I have all that done an insurance co today told me about Allclear which a few of you have mentioned. They said I will be better informed to answer all the questions but I feel better at least knowing we will get away. DH also home today with a quote for £683 annual ins as we have a couple of other trips booked.


I knew I could count on the forum for lots of good advice and am also going to contact the ombudsman about my policy as I think it is a disgrace how they dealt with it yesterday and how we are not covered. I still feel they are wrong but I kept phoning back yesterday and getting different guys and they all said the same thing but something still tells me I should definitely be covered as I was fine when I booked!! Thanks for all the replies and advice. Your cruise sounds great Hudandpug :)


Glad that you have sorted out the medical side of things. You will be happier in your own mind if you know all the facts. It's not knowing that is the hardest part.


As for your insurance: sorry, I had assumed that you had annual travel insurance and had not declared something in time. From what you say, your insurers are definitely in the wrong. Make sure you fire off a signed-for letter straightaway to the insurers setting out your complaint clearly. The Obmudsman will insist that you do this first. I forget how long you have to give the insurers to reply bu you can find that easily by looking on the ombudsman's website. Chances are, if you write the letter, they will act on that. Most do not want to go to the ombudsman but they will keep fobing you off on the phone.


Best of luck. It will take time. Remember to include the cost of any new insurance you have to take out in your claim. Try claiming the cost of private medical tests as well but I am not so sure you will win on that one.




NB I am no expert on any of this but have had to fight my corner on a number of occasions and am getting used to the procedures.


I know ghstudio gave advice in good faith but, in the UK, going to the ombudsman should be sufficient. If he says yes, you are OK. If he says no, a lawyer is unlikely to reverse the decision.

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I have been through most of these test over the last few months so don't worry about them.


You have done what you can to get them progressed privately and as soon as you get a diagnosis you can then go to the insurance company with facts.


We have annual insurance and that probably is a good idea. It cost me an extra £100 to cover the additional risks due to the health issues. The rest of it is provided by via the type of bank account we have.


£680 seems a lot for an annual policy, but dependant on what the doctors discover you should be able to shop around.

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UK insurers are getting beyond a joke.


DH has blood pressure tablets and a cholesterol tablet - all are precautionary, he did have raised BP 8 years ago but it is well under control these last few years.

Last year, because he was doing well, his GP changed the meds, he now takes two diff BP low dosage tabs, rather than the one high dose tab he took previously.


Fast forward to our annual policy renewal. Declare the usual, and was rejected because he was was now taking two different meds for BP. It was only after an audit trail of letters involving the GP we got it reinstated.


Now we are in another debate, same annual policy, the in laws are both aged 87 and not in good health, whilst clarifying cancellation position, was advised would not be covered if we cancel at any point due to their illness because they were seeing their GP at the time of policy renewal. But what 87 year old does not see their GP regularly? At the time of renewal the only issue is the dementia of one of them but that's been an issue for years and was previously declared and accepted.


Yes, we have policies they cover a range of issues, but UK insurers are becoming more and more difficult. Sometimes though, if you get the right person on the phone (and NOT the offshore call centre - are you listening RCI on that one) you get the service you need and common sense prevails.


My best wishes to the OP, I hope the test results are fine and you are able to enjoy the restful cruise you deserve.

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UK insurers are getting beyond a joke.


Now we are in another debate, same annual policy, the in laws are both aged 87 and not in good health, whilst clarifying cancellation position, was advised would not be covered if we cancel at any point due to their illness because they were seeing their GP at the time of policy renewal. But what 87 year old does not see their GP regularly? At the time of renewal the only issue is the dementia of one of them but that's been an issue for years and was previously declared and accepted.


I must admit I assumed that we would not be able to get any insurance that would cover us for cancellation in relation to our fathers, both in their 80's and with multiple health conditions, so we have just taken the risk.


It is a major concern for us next year though as we are planning a two month trip to the USA. The cost of the holiday will be more than most insurance policies cover but it is the health aspect (for ourselves) that we need to insure for obviously. If something happens to our fathers we will have to take a massive financial hit or just go on the holiday regardless :(.

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Tudorcruisers - glad you are the road to a solution. I am sure everything will be work out and hope your health issue is also resolved.


The big reason for insurance when cruising, as we all know, is the potential for something happening at sea. The cost of a ship based medi-vac does not bear thinking about without insurance nor the cost of intensive care in another country. Then mix that with repatiation, more than all your families houses put together on a giant re-mortgage.


Scary thoughts but it does happen, especially to older people. Falls are a disaster for anyone! Make sure you have anti slip soles attached to those elegant shoes girls even though they upset the beauty of an expensive leather sole that only ever walks on a cruiseship carpet ;)


Yvonne :)

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