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Just off Constellation -- so many changes with the X brand

scott in maine

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Quick background on us: partnered couple in our 40s (what appears to be X's target audience these days), long-time X loyalists -- now Elite status. Our first sailings were on the darling Horizon and we were a fan from day one.


Fast forward 15 years later and we find ourselves really missing a lot of what compelled our loyalty to the Celebrity brand in the first place. While we had an excellent cruise experience this past week on Constellation, some of the magic was definitely missing. Here are some of our observations:


- Significant reduction in cocktail waitstaff in all venues. Remember when these folks were everywhere at the pool, the Rendezvous Lounge, in the theater pre-show by the dozens? Well, no longer. The precious few who we saw looked overwhelmed and overworked. I think this is a direct result of the decision to go forward with the PICK YOUR PERK promotion whereby the majority of passengers have a beverage package. When this wasn't the case, X had every reason to aggressively push beverage purchases, but now, they have every incentive to reduce consumption.


- Gone are the clever specialty cocktail menus everywhere. Remember all the amazing cocktail menus in each venue? Well, they're 95% gone. The ones remaining are boiled down to 2 or 3 pages and are not much more than the essentials.


- I suspect that with the new PICK YOUR PERK campaign, X may have renegotiated the compensation packages for bar employees. I say this because, for the FIRST TIME EVER ON ANY CRUISE, we witnessed several (about a half dozen) bartenders who were visibly angry throughout our sailing. No smiling, no thank you -- slamming bottles and appearing completely overwhelmed. This didn't do much to enhance our experience.


- I see that the volume of music has been a topic of much discussion here. We hadn't seen these postings until today, but we certainly concur that the volume (at times) was unacceptable. In fact, we chose to leave the pool one afternoon at sea because the band's volume was simply ear-splitting. It was ridiculous and in no way enjoyable for us. I surely miss the days of Caribbean steel drums.


- We were a little apprehensive that on a short sailing at spring break time, this might be a little too much of a BOOZE CRUISE for some, but the few that were heavy imbibers mostly kept to themselves and didn't get too out of control. With that said, we did have an upsetting experience in the Martini Bar one night before dinner. A middle aged couple sitting on the other side of the bar had clearly over-consumed. The female began using foul language in a loud voice and the man next to her just laughed at her. In short order, she couldn't hold her head up any longer (yep, that tanked) and it clunked on the bar -- where it sat for the next fifteen (!!!!!!!) minutes. The bartenders simply acted as if she wasn't there instead of taking responsibility to call security to escort her away (for her own safety and also as a courtesy to the rest of us trying to enjoy our last night of the sailing). In the end, I stepped away from the bar to call security myself and when I returned to the bar, she had just vomited all over herself. This was inexcusable for a number of reasons, but the bartenders showed a true lack of professional responsibility that night.


- Our Captains Club host was inept. Sorry, I try to get along with everyone and I don't like to complain, but he acted silly much of the time and didn't convey a sense of true professionalism. Heretofore, every single Captains Club host (and, before that, Social Hostess) we'd encountered were at the top of their game. On this sailing, one of the few events offered for Elites was the behind the stage tour -- we wanted to do that again, but the event was a full THIRTY MINUTES DELAYED (while we all sat there waiting) since the port shopping guide was long-winded with her presentation. No apologies or show of concern whatsoever from our CC Host. He just kept throwing his hands in the air. What a shame.


Now, on the good side, we still had a very enjoyable sailing. AQ was very comfortable and dining in BLU, as always, was a real highlight. We found the Connie to be in great shape and would sail on her again tomorrow.


The point of my post here isn't to be overly negative, but to share my disappointment in some of the recent changes we're finding on X. I suspect their brand management team feels that it's necessary to continue to evolve to attract tomorrow's customer (and they're not wrong about that), but I'd submit that some of these changes make the brand less attractive to those of us they're targetting.

Edited by scott in maine
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Not to downplay your complaints. But what you may have experienced in the beverage service dept was the combination of the free beverage packages, along with very high demand during peak college spring-break period, on a 4 or 5 night (booze cruise) type trip.

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Not to downplay your complaints. But what you may have experienced in the beverage service dept was the combination of the free beverage packages, along with very high demand during peak college spring-break period, on a 4 or 5 night (booze cruise) type trip.


Fair comment, but this was absolutely not the case. The headcount of beverage waitstaff was easily less than half of what we'd seen before -- perhaps just about a third. It was a stunning change from all of our X cruises before.


And, our fears of being overrun with college spring breakers proved to be unfounded -- I'd guess there were fewer than 30 college aged passengers on this sailing.

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We are on board right now in Cozumel. We were last on the Connie for her December 9, 2013 cruise, the same as the one we are now taking but there have been some real changes in the last three months. First, there is no bartender in the Elite Lounge; waiters have to go into the "pantry" to get/mix drinks. That is pretty chintzy, Celebrity. After three meals in Aqua I must say the food is pretty much average, certainly not worth the increase in cost over the MDR. We had a very good meal last night but the first two evenings the food was bland and the menu unimaginative. We're glad we're in Aqua because the ship is loaded with college kids, and while they are no problem, the relative peace and quiet of Blu is appreciated. I say they are no problem, but I never expected to see a coed from South Carolina stone drunk and flipping someone the bird on the very first day. So much for Southern gentility. Forget any dress code' The evening meals, even in Aqua, have people dressed in ripped jeans and collarless shirts. Finally, the A1 cabins on the eleventh deck are blessed with the odor of whatever is the most pungent food being served in the buffet on deck 10. Keep your cabin door closed tightly to avoid it. On the bright side, the Connie is the first X ship to allow passengers to sign on the internet without having to march down to the I Lounge. Unfortunately, wouldn't you know I had trouble and needed to seek help, but DW got right on. This is a big plus, and one of the good things Princess has been doing for years.


I don't mean to sound negative, as we have signed on for a long Connie cruise later in the year, so we not really upset.

But one last comment which pertains to every X ship and probably every ship of every line we've used: can't the cooks learn to season food without resorting to the over use of salt? Every cruise results in my left ankle swelling and it takes two or three days at home to get it back to normal size. Others are complaining about this so I know it's not just me. Try using herbs, chefs.

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I do agree wholeheartedly about the music. Did not seem like a caribbean cruise. Music was so loud at times, we left the pool area. Sail away did not seem like the good ole saillways with the steel drums. They seemed to have changed their music selection.


Even though we had a very enjoyable cruise, we found that service in the dining room was horrible. Our waiter would bring us the menus and then forget about our table. We ate upstairs in the Oceanview Cafe most of the time or the Bistro.


I have sailed Celebrity 6 times and I did notice a lot of changes and wondered why make changes on something that was once so perfect.

Edited by MaryL
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Fair comment, but this was absolutely not the case. The headcount of beverage waitstaff was easily less than half of what we'd seen before -- perhaps just about a third. It was a stunning change from all of our X cruises before.



We have observed the same thing ~~ obvious staff cuts across the board in bar areas and in dining room wait staff (particularly select dining)

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...one last comment which pertains to every X ship and probably every ship of every line we've used: can't the cooks learn to season food without resorting to the over use of salt? Every cruise results in my left ankle swelling and it takes two or three days at home to get it back to normal size. Others are complaining about this so I know it's not just me. Try using herbs, chefs.


Take a look at this thread. I'm sure the salt used in food is the biggest culprit but eliminating the salt in the tap water by going to bottled water makes a huge difference to many. http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?p=28708782

Edited by Lsimon
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I went on my First x cruise for New Years. Between attitude from Bartenders and barman in Dining Room due to package I was not Impressed. Honestly food was better but service on Royal Blew Celebrity away. Don't get me started on our Host he gave me such attitude that I never went to club. Royal Ships are more fun with better service. I love the Liberty Class. Scott first time on cruise ever that we felt no need to say goodbye to Dining room staff beyond their tip. ON Royal we all take pics last night. Don't rule out Royal you might be suprised. BTW Service in Baccio not as good as Promenade Cafe on Royal. Happy cruising!!:)

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Reading all your posts, am I ever unenthusiastic about our first X cruise coming up. almost makes me wish I hadn't decided to give Celebrity a try.


Hi Jocelysue,


While it's disappointing to read about the OP's experiences, and I also feel there are personnel cutbacks on the ships... I would absolutely not assume the worst. Even with a handful of issues on our 2 recent Century sailings, overall, we had a very nice time. Was it our best cruise ever ? No, but it was very good, and it sure beat my usual 16-18 hour work days. As I always say, a day on a cruise ship, is far better than a day at work :)


I highly recommend going into your cruise with a positive attitude, and wish you a wonderful cruise !

Edited by Host Andy
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Reading all your posts, am I ever unenthusiastic about our first X cruise coming up. almost makes me wish I hadn't decided to give Celebrity a try.

No NoNo! Our 1st Celebrity sailing was in 1994. You are established cruisers and know what to expect. We have sailed 7 diff lines over the years, none come close to Celebrity. We are in our 60'ties.

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Reading all your posts, am I ever unenthusiastic about our first X cruise coming up. almost makes me wish I hadn't decided to give Celebrity a try.


Oh, this makes me sad to read! As the OP, please know that this was NOT AT ALL my intention. Please go back and reread what I've written. I'm a long time loyalist just bemoaning some recent changes with some long-standing traditions, but I also stated that we had a truly delightful cruise and that I'd do it all again tomorrow.


Celebrity is a little like HAL in that, as brands, they've both made real efforts to preserve some of the long-standing traditions that made travelling by ship special -- especially nice food, guests that enjoy being dressy, gracious service, and subdued, artful environments. I think the reality is that while a great deal of us deeply value these traits, the economic reality may be that tomorrow's core customer may not see these as important as we. Time marches on and things evolve. They must. Celebrity is a business and, as such, it has a responsibility to fine tune its offerings to attract tomorrow's customer while not alienating today's.


That was the thrust of my posting here. I gave specifics so that long time X fans (like me!) would understand the specifics of my recent experience, but I suspect that they'll all tell you that you're going to have a fabulous time on *ANY* Celebrity ship. They're all beautiful and still our very favorite.

Edited by scott in maine
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Reading all your posts, am I ever unenthusiastic about our first X cruise coming up. almost makes me wish I hadn't decided to give Celebrity a try.


I was on the Constellation in Dec and Jan and will be back on March 22nd. We had two really nice cruises and we're looking forward to returning in 11 days. Some people by nature go through life looking at the glass half empty, I don't.


We will be in your city doing a road trip in September. Any places you can recommend for lunch and dinner?

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Oh, this makes me sad to read! As the OP, please know that this was NOT AT ALL my intention. Please go back and reread what I've written. I'm a long time loyalist just bemoaning some recent changes with some long-standing traditions, but I also stated that we had a truly delightful cruise and that I'd do it all again tomorrow.


Celebrity is a little like HAL in that, as brands, they've both made real efforts to preserve some of the long-standing traditions that made travelling by ship special -- especially nice food, guests that enjoy being dressy, gracious service, and subdued, artful environments. I think the reality is that while a great deal of us deeply value these traits, the economic reality may be that tomorrow's core customer may not see these as important as we. Time marches on and things evolve. They must. Celebrity is a business and, as such, it has a responsibility to fine tune its offerings to attract tomorrow's customer while not alienating today's.


That was the thrust of my posting here. I gave specifics so that long time X fans (like me!) would understand the specifics of my recent experience, but I suspect that they'll all tell you that you're going to have a fabulous time on *ANY* Celebrity ship. They're all beautiful and still our very favorite.


Ha, ha, maybe your glass isn't completely half empty;) but please learn a lesson from this. Yes, cruising isn't what it used to be but don't spoil it for those newbies to a certain line. It never hurts to emphasize the plusses and point out a few negatives if you indeed had a "delightful" cruise.

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Just settled down for for my evening nap, scanning the tube and landed on the PBS station. The self help guy doing the show about why we Americans fail at things, because we get upset if we are not the first to spread bad news!

Maybe Scott got all caught up in his first post, 'disappointment and less attractive' because of the need to join in the bad news parade. Then upon reflection, ( hey! Nice Ship :D ) had the 'opps' sorry, it was fabulous moment when someone accepted his bad news as real value.

Edited by wallie5446
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If Celebrity really has cut the bar staff because of the uptick in Bar Packages, that is not a good thing, and comes off as a little bit "darker" than a pure business decision. Since Celebrity monitors these boards, maybe they will get the hint, and how will they know if it's not brought up?


Anyway, having done bar packages twice before on Celebrity, this is what I do: I generally choose two or three "favorite" bartenders and make sure to tip them. I also do this with the restaurant drinks server on the first night. I generally do not have a problem with getting good service. And, by the way, I always tip ship bartenders beyond the 15% that is added automatically, no matter what cruise line.


No matter what, very much looking forward to my Connie cruise in 2 days. With two exceptions, all of my cruises have been good cruises.

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Anyway, having done bar packages twice before on Celebrity, this is what I do: I generally choose two or three "favorite" bartenders and make sure to tip them. I also do this with the restaurant drinks server on the first night. I generally do not have a problem with getting good service. And, by the way, I always tip ship bartenders beyond the 15% that is added automatically, no matter what cruise line.






I can understand why you would do that but ultimately if more did that then service for everyone else (who had already tipped by buying a drinks package or a cruise that included a drinks package) will just get worse. If they are already receiving a tip and their service isnt the best then we shouldnt put up with it rather than tip them further to encourage them to provide the service they should be offering anyway,



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I agree with most of your comments and would also be disappointed by some of the service you received, especially how the staff dealt with the other guest on the last night. Based on our most recent sailings, we also saw lapses we weren't pleased with. On the flip side, the beverage packages are also very convenient and once I got friendly with a pool server or two I thought service was very good.


I also just wanted to say hello to another Mainer who enjoys Celebrity. Maybe we'll cross paths onboard.


Happy Sailing,


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I have to agree- loud music- well I can´t really remember how often I complained about that rather stupid idea, which obviously came from the headquaters in Miami. Then the packages- I usualy take just the classic one- since I am not a big alcohol drinker! My one Martini every evening is not enough to compensate the cost. I too found some bartenders, waiters who saw the classic package sign were not overly happy and some almost rude! Others could not have been more friendly or attentive ( esp. in All Baccio) ! I moved to Cunard and had an experience as with X ten or so years ago, much more costly of course...! I am back on Infiniy in a few weeks, so I will see how X is doing after almost 1,5 years. Also I am trying RCCI again for a change.

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Finally, the A1 cabins on the eleventh deck are blessed with the odor of whatever is the most pungent food being served in the buffet on deck 10. Keep your cabin door closed tightly to avoid it.



But one last comment which pertains to every X ship and probably every ship of every line we've used: can't the cooks learn to season food without resorting to the over use of salt? Every cruise results in my left ankle swelling and it takes two or three days at home to get it back to normal size. Others are complaining about this so I know it's not just me. Try using herbs, chefs.


I assume you were in an aft room on Deck 11 because when we were in 1116 on Connie just a couple months ago we never smelled anything from the deck below, we would and will book this deck again whenever on an "M" class ship.


Also, as LSimon reported drinking bottled not tap water on the ship will help more than the reduction of salt in the food. I used to have the same issue with ankle swelling but not since drinking only bottled water on ships, just another reason Aqua is great because they provide it for free.....:)

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We don't go on cruises less than 12 days, so I don't know if the five day cruises are different?

However, we have not experienced problems with service as described by this poster. Sure, on some occasions, our server was busy, but we think Celebrity service is better than restaurants that we frequent onshore.

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Having sailed on Celebrity for the last 12 years and cruised on her 15 times I have seen Celebrity go down hill as far as service and the ambience of a classy cruise. Its sad because both of those things cost very little to rectify. Okay perhaps service would cost a bit more on the bottom line but attitude by the staff and the drowning out of conversations by music that can be deafening at times can be easily rectified. Also the loss of places like Michaels Club for all to enjoy has taken something away from the atmosphere of a supposed classy cruise.

I like the larger cabins on the S class ships but the atrium and lobby around it (reception area)have become truly Carnivalized (no offense Carnival) in every sense of the word. For those not familiar with Carnival's reputation at least in the past-it is a party ship with music and action everywhere on the ship that originally catered to a much younger crowd (20's ) and was considered a Vegas type experience as opposed to Celebrity's class act that was considered refined and a true ocean going experience. If this is the direction that Celebrity wishes to take then it is truly no different than her competitors in the mass market and does not convey a luxury experience or product. Its kind of sad but there are still other choices out there that have not abandoned there roots as much as X.

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Reading all your posts, am I ever unenthusiastic about our first X cruise coming up. almost makes me wish I hadn't decided to give Celebrity a try.

Please don't be unenthusiastic with regard to your upcoming cruise. Celebrity is a great product and if you read the reviews most have no issues on their cruises. It is just that people have different expectations and perceptions. On person felt there was not enough servers by the pool, while another said they added two bars in the pool area and that was fine for him. I've learned over the years to judge for myself, instead of only going by someone else's experience, because we all see things differently.

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If Celebrity really has cut the bar staff because of the uptick in Bar Packages, that is not a good thing, and comes off as a little bit "darker" than a pure business decision. Since Celebrity monitors these boards, maybe they will get the hint, and how will they know if it's not brought up?


Anyway, having done bar packages twice before on Celebrity, this is what I do: I generally choose two or three "favorite" bartenders and make sure to tip them. I also do this with the restaurant drinks server on the first night. I generally do not have a problem with getting good service. And, by the way, I always tip ship bartenders beyond the 15% that is added automatically, no matter what cruise line.


No matter what, very much looking forward to my Connie cruise in 2 days. With two exceptions, all of my cruises have been good cruises.


thinking about trying this method, since we received the beverage package for free anyways, whats a couple of twentys gonna hurt, right? how do you tip them, cash up front or ask for a receipt and sign in a tip on your first round? sitting here in this BLIZZARD (in March, wth?) thinking about my cruise in 2 weeks!


BTW, upon your return Matt could you steer me in the right direction of what bars/bartenders I should approach with this method? I feel that I am pretty understanding about service issues being a bartender myself for my whole adult life, and being only a 4 night cruise I want to maximize my fun meter!!! thanks and have a great cruise!

Edited by jakenashleysmom
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