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Looking for a Group Hug-Neighbor sailed on Grandeur today


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Hi All-


Just turning to you guys-fellow cruisers who will understand.


My next door neighbor and beau booked the Grandeur about 10 months ago-first cruise for both. Hubs and I are avid cruisers and rabid Radiance class fans.


Neighbor is such a nice lady - met her beau in a community dance class. Before that a very tough life with a former abusive husband. We were so excited when they decided to try a cruise.


She is a touch high strung.


I brought her back to earth after she heard about Grandeur's fire


Next we suffered through Grandeur's tough winter of rough weather-well covered by local news here in the Baltimore area.


I kept her going explaining gratuities, embarking, dining, alternative restaurants, tons of fun Grandeur You Tube videos.


We planned their Space Center tour and I even discovered the Falcon 8 rocket launch the day they are in Port Canaveral.


Loaned her my pretty luggage so she would feel like a Princess, gave them battery candles for the cabin, loaned them many if our travel things like a well filled med. kit I travel with all the time.


We had so much fun planning. I finally got her to stop worrying.




They got the text message to arrive late and everything suddenly turned bad.


She was here this morning...worried about getting sick. Called a few times from the ship.


Finally called upset. Earlier the announcement said they would leave at 5;30 but they were still boarding. Shouldn't they leave these people because they are late? They wanted to see the bridges in the daylight.


Oh yes, they are upset because the pools are undergoing maintenance.... Empty and nets covering them. So far the trip is a disaster.


That's it. Head in my hands.



Perhaps because my Jim and I are very experienced independent travelers. We always were able to roll with the punches easily.



I just told them they were on a beautiful ship. Their luggage would arrive, the drinks aren't cheep so you don't have to worry about over drinking, the crew will pamper you, the pools will be filled and ready tomorrow morning (nets are to keep guests from falling in the giant holes) .......relax and go have fun.


We all read about people who just cannot keep expectations in perspective. I just didn't know I lived next to one.


I do hope they manage to relax and have fun. I'm a wreck.

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Hi All-


Just turning to you guys-fellow cruisers who will understand.


My next door neighbor and beau booked the Grandeur about 10 months ago-first cruise for both. Hubs and I are avid cruisers and rabid Radiance class fans.


Neighbor is such a nice lady - met her beau in a community dance class. Before that a very tough life with a former abusive husband. We were so excited when they decided to try a cruise.


She is a touch high strung.


I brought her back to earth after she heard about Grandeur's fire


Next we suffered through Grandeur's tough winter of rough weather-well covered by local news here in the Baltimore area.


I kept her going explaining gratuities, embarking, dining, alternative restaurants, tons of fun Grandeur You Tube videos.


We planned their Space Center tour and I even discovered the Falcon 8 rocket launch the day they are in Port Canaveral.


Loaned her my pretty luggage so she would feel like a Princess, gave them battery candles for the cabin, loaned them many if our travel things like a well filled med. kit I travel with all the time.


We had so much fun planning. I finally got her to stop worrying.




They got the text message to arrive late and everything suddenly turned bad.


She was here this morning...worried about getting sick. Called a few times from the ship.


Finally called upset. Earlier the announcement said they would leave at 5;30 but they were still boarding. Shouldn't they leave these people because they are late? They wanted to see the bridges in the daylight.


Oh yes, they are upset because the pools are undergoing maintenance.... Empty and nets covering them. So far the trip is a disaster.


That's it. Head in my hands.



Perhaps because my Jim and I are very experienced independent travelers. We always were able to roll with the punches easily.



I just told them they were on a beautiful ship. Their luggage would arrive, the drinks aren't cheep so you don't have to worry about over drinking, the crew will pamper you, the pools will be filled and ready tomorrow morning (nets are to keep guests from falling in the giant holes) .......relax and go have fun.


We all read about people who just cannot keep expectations in perspective. I just didn't know I lived next to one.


I do hope they manage to relax and have fun. I'm a wreck.


You are the best neighbour they could hope for. Bless your soul, as you have done all you could except sanitize the ship personally. Hopefully they come home loving cruising.


Usually the first timers love it or will never return. We know 2 couples that have tried it, one will never return and the other can't wait to go again. I hope they fall into the second group.


Relax, catch your breath and cyber stalk them on Marine Traffic. ;) Just don't let them know you followed their ship.

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Tell her to go get a martini or a bottle of wine and I'm sure she will be enjoying herself by tomorrow morning. She's probably just gotten herself frazzled.


Worst case scenario she doesn't cruise again :). I know how you feel. We enjoy cruising so much that I expect everybody else to. I'd be disappointed if one of our friends didn't enjoy it.

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I know they left, at least. The phone calls stopped. Haha! NASA hasn't cancelled the launch on the 14th. Time to stop the worry. Maybe it was the 1, 2 oops can't remember how many glasses of wine WE had tonight.


I guess I know how a Mother Hen feels!

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Hi All-


Just turning to you guys-fellow cruisers who will understand.


My next door neighbor and beau booked the Grandeur about 10 months ago-first cruise for both. Hubs and I are avid cruisers and rabid Radiance class fans.


Neighbor is such a nice lady - met her beau in a community dance class. Before that a very tough life with a former abusive husband. We were so excited when they decided to try a cruise.


She is a touch high strung.


I brought her back to earth after she heard about Grandeur's fire


Next we suffered through Grandeur's tough winter of rough weather-well covered by local news here in the Baltimore area.


I kept her going explaining gratuities, embarking, dining, alternative restaurants, tons of fun Grandeur You Tube videos.


We planned their Space Center tour and I even discovered the Falcon 8 rocket launch the day they are in Port Canaveral.


Loaned her my pretty luggage so she would feel like a Princess, gave them battery candles for the cabin, loaned them many if our travel things like a well filled med. kit I travel with all the time.


We had so much fun planning. I finally got her to stop worrying.




They got the text message to arrive late and everything suddenly turned bad.


She was here this morning...worried about getting sick. Called a few times from the ship.


Finally called upset. Earlier the announcement said they would leave at 5;30 but they were still boarding. Shouldn't they leave these people because they are late? They wanted to see the bridges in the daylight.


Oh yes, they are upset because the pools are undergoing maintenance.... Empty and nets covering them. So far the trip is a disaster.


That's it. Head in my hands.



Perhaps because my Jim and I are very experienced independent travelers. We always were able to roll with the punches easily.



I just told them they were on a beautiful ship. Their luggage would arrive, the drinks aren't cheep so you don't have to worry about over drinking, the crew will pamper you, the pools will be filled and ready tomorrow morning (nets are to keep guests from falling in the giant holes) .......relax and go have fun.


We all read about people who just cannot keep expectations in perspective. I just didn't know I lived next to one.


I do hope they manage to relax and have fun. I'm a wreck.



You said their trip is a "disaster"?





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I do like cruising, but it´s stories like this why I never try to convince anyone to go on a cruise. When asked I will tell them all about cruising they want to know, but I will tell them the good, the bad and the ugly. If they decide to go I want them to go with reasonable expectations. I´d rather have them go with a little lower expectations than too high ones.

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Made me laugh!


Thank you, OP for having a sense of humor. CC tends to be very fragile in that area.


All I know is that if I am on a cruise ship and the majority of it is still afloat, "I am fine.". Too often our society feel it needs to pull the 'fill in the blank'-card so that everyone around them gets to see just what a special snowflake that they are. Looking around on a cruise and you will agree that each and every paying passenger has more clothes, electronics, healthcare, and food available to them then most villages in the third world.


rant over


You had to stay home and miss a cruise? Now there is a reason for a hug!



Also, I did not miss the line of "you being a wreck" at end of your original post.

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Hey Donut23! Keep us posted if you hear from your neighbor over the week! I am praying that they have the best vacation of their life! My prayers are twofold though, as I am boarding Grandeur next Saturday when your neighbor disembarks! I am hoping to see SMILING faces at the terminal! No hazmat suits...PLEASE!!!! :eek: ;)

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They can check out the lunar eclipse the night of the 14th/morning of the 15th. Guess they will have land cell service if they are going to be in PC on the 14th. Relax now, you have done all that you can do and the rest of the trip is out of your hands!!

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Our daughter's in-laws came on their first cruise on the Adventure of the Seas with us 3 weeks ago. We knew the ship was having trouble with the propeller from CC friends who were on a back to back. Our cruise to the Southern Caribbean left from Puerto Rico. Well, they decided to fix the propeller while in Puerto Rico. To make a long story short, it took 3 days to fix and we missed 2 islands. The in-laws rolled with the punches and were happy to be in PR because they had never been there before,we were able to get on and off the ship. We finally got moving and made it to 3 islands, they were happy to finally be sailing, and so were we. We ended up getting reimbursed for the entire cruise and 50 % off of another. That made us all happy. I know this is not the same as being sick, but a bad start ended up good!!!!:D

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Aw shucks everybody. Thank you so much!


Planning is soooooo much fun.


I wondered through the ten months of questions, "where is their travel agent and why do they still have these questions".


A lifetime or two ago I was a travel agent and to this day consider it one of my favorite jobs. I helped people make plans to do wonderful things. I loved it. Ok, maybe not so much the day the Monarch of the Seas hit the reef in St. Maarten with my 4 couples onboard and honeymoon couple preparing to board......but I have great stories.




As most here agree, I cannot imagine how they could not have a good time. The Grandeur has always been a special ship. She is such a pretty lady. Her crew is just top flight and we know she is ..... Clean!


There is a reason you see people here sailing on her 4 or 5 or 6 times.


She is a good choice for a cruise....your first or twenty fifth!


I'm hoping they are having fun. In not? It's their own fault!



49 days from today we leave for Alaska and our Radiance. We love her so much, we were married onboard in Juneau! I guess we are not so objective about cruising.


Thank you again for the help last night!

Edited by Donut23
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This sounds like rookie cruiser angst. Since they have never cruised they take all of the news reports to heart. [yes--I know the fire was very serious. I am not trying to minimize this] However. I was on the March 8 cruise. they had the bad weather on the cruise before and after us. [we really lucked out]


Our sailing was delayed about 2-3 hrs because the previous cruise was late arriving. There had been damage to the pool and the first sea day the crew was doing welding. Also, it is not unusual for a ship to clean the pool on turn around day and have the nets up. They should be open by tomorrow.


The CDC is supervising a deep cleaning for the GOTS. The ship should be spotless.


We were lucky enough to see a rocket launch on a Port Canaveral port day. It was an excellent experience. However, that is something that is often delayed.


PS--the crew on GOTS is terrific.

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Hope your neighbor's cruise ends up being a good one and they end up loving cruising!!!!! Let us know what happens.




They have made it as far as Cape Hatteras! I have a great little ap which tracks ships. I'm watching as the Radiance is traveling toward Alaska too!


I'll let you know how it all works out.

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I learned a long time ago that some people are cruisers and some are not. I stopped telling friends how much fun it can be as some read the news stories and think every cruise is a disaster. I laugh to myself because why would I sail time and time again if every vacation was a bust?

Everyone knows when and on what ship I am sailing, if they choose to join us, great. If not, it's their loss.

Hope your neighbors have a great time.

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Donut23.....you are a good soul and a wonderful friend/neighbor. It's out of your hands now. Now it's time for these rookies to relax and allow themselves to enjoy the experience. You need more than a group hug. You need a good stiff drink. You earned it!

Edited by KeywestK
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We were on GOS and got off yesterday. Chances are they will be fine. Thank GOD we made it without getting Noro.


Hopefully she takes their advice....wash your hands with warm water and soap often!


There were quite a few that were sick and most had it for about 24 hours some 36 hours. If they are first timers and don't get sick they will probably have a blast. For those of us that love cruising we know there was some stuff missing but we had a lot of fun...made the best of it :)

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Update-from their Port Canaveral Day


Well, she is not at all happy. They left at 7:45 instead of 6 pm as announced. They were an hour late arriving in port today. She said the trip to Disneyworld was cancelled because of the delay. Really? For an hour.


Rough seas, using her patch. Used my medical kit but can't remember why.


She called about the rocket launch which was postponed an hour before launch. "OK, what ELSE is going to go wrong".


Apparently her beau has cruised on Holland America and they always leave promptly. (Really? With lines of guests still on the pier to board.)


I asked if she would have left all those people in line behind. She said yes. They missed seeing the Bridges in the daylight.




It sounded like she was with a group. Perhaps they had fallen into a group of complainers-----we have probably all seen them. Nothing is right. They want a refund.


I now think they probably should look at holidays where they do not travel in large groups----dependent on others.


Sorry for the grumpy update.


Again. Thank you for the pat in the back when I needed it. I think I just learned a very valuable lesson. Butt out.

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I have been wanting to sail RCCL again and since we drive to ports, Baltimore would be perfect. However, I am deathly afraid of fire and have been dragging my feet about booking the Grandeur. Your report makes me even more fearful. :(

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I never try to get anyone to cruise. It could turn out badly and then never hear the end of it. I don't bother vacationing with other people. I can't tell you how many times I have heard people complain about vacations they took with other folks.

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Update-from their Port Canaveral Day


Well, she is not at all happy. They left at 7:45 instead of 6 pm as announced. They were an hour late arriving in port today. She said the trip to Disneyworld was cancelled because of the delay. Really? For an hour.


Rough seas, using her patch. Used my medical kit but can't remember why.


She called about the rocket launch which was postponed an hour before launch. "OK, what ELSE is going to go wrong".


Apparently her beau has cruised on Holland America and they always leave promptly. (Really? With lines of guests still on the pier to board.)


I asked if she would have left all those people in line behind. She said yes. They missed seeing the Bridges in the daylight.




It sounded like she was with a group. Perhaps they had fallen into a group of complainers-----we have probably all seen them. Nothing is right. They want a refund.


I now think they probably should look at holidays where they do not travel in large groups----dependent on others.


Sorry for the grumpy update.


Again. Thank you for the pat in the back when I needed it. I think I just learned a very valuable lesson. Butt out.


You are much nicer then I am, according to your original post, you stated that she had been in an abusive relationship. She is now on a cruise ship with the new guy. I would have pointed this out by now to her


Rocket launch was canceled because of a helium leak in the first stage. Four thousand pounds of supplies was heading to the International Space Station.


(sarcasm mode on) Maybe NASA will issue her an On Board Credit (sarcasium mode off)

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