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Is it the crew's job to be "Happy"???

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This cracks me up, because MANY, MANY of my friends work at Disneyland, and if guests could see and hear how they talk about you when you arn't around....:p


They have entire FB sites dedicated to "Stupid Guest Tricks", photos, the whole nine. They may look happy when you are watching, but when you're not, they are quite the hateful bunch!!!:D:eek:


But DL is still my favorite place, and they never, ever let it show IN THE PARK!:)


I have to laugh. I know a few of those workers, too, and they aren't always HAPPY! HAPPY! HAPPY! But it's the happiest place on earth, so they get paid to look that way. It's show biz--Disneyland or cruise ship. The customer wants to see happy, so that's what they get. I don't think I've ever seriously considered whether the food server or the steward are really happy.

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Yeah, I pretty much think that in the hospitality industry, where the company is in the business of providing an enjoyable vacation atmosphere, the staff should be expected to at least seem (look) as if they are happy, even if they are not. It's part of the job, because it affects the atmosphere onboard and it is hard for pax to enjoy themselves when they are surrounded by employees who seem discontented, bored or sad. Of course, I think the onus falls on the company itself to keep their staff happy (through pay, respect, working conditions, etc.), but even so, the hospitality industry IMO calls for folks who at least have the ability to not seem unhappy.


Well said..you beat me to the "hospitality and travel business point"...from the independent agent and booking team for the cruiselines to the people you see day to day on the ship...when in this arena it is what is being sold..a good stay and experience..a vacation from the normal level of "unhappiness".


LOL to OP; on the Disney comments..I am sure behind the scenes they do let off major steam in order to keep that level of smiles out there. Going to Disney the first time and seeing the happy in the folks with their kids and "that feeling" is what i remember the best of my experience..even though we were across the park and then a strawberry field and in a Winnebego/trailer park. LOL..and at 14 I could not go with the "high school senior party" groups being served well in the park at the time..in a slump hearing the bands in there LOL..move forward to last the good time of my mom's life shared with dad and youngest niece on the Wonder and stories she got too sick too quick to tell..makes me ready to go "feel" Disney again from a ship I think.... someday...Sarah

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This cracks me up, because MANY, MANY of my friends work at Disneyland, and if guests could see and hear how they talk about you when you arn't around....:p


They have entire FB sites dedicated to "Stupid Guest Tricks", photos, the whole nine. They may look happy when you are watching, but when you're not, they are quite the hateful bunch!!!:D:eek:


But DL is still my favorite place, and they never, ever let it show IN THE PARK!:)






You cannot work with the public day in and day out and NOT have a good laugh or rant at their expense when you are all together out of ear and eye shot.


30 years as a 9-1-1 dispatcher and we are as caring and professional bunch as you will ever find. UNTIL we hang the phone up and/or click off the radio. *LOL*

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My wife and I most likely are in the minority but quite frankly we are not cruising to make friends with the staff. I know they work hard and for the most part deserve every penny they get but to me the perfect maid, waiter etc. are the ones you don't even know are there.


Now on the other hand after seven days I most likely will be on a first name basis with everyone in the casino and a lot of the bartenders.


We are polite to everyone. Smile at everyone and acknowledge everyone, crew and fellow passengers alike. I have to be honest nothing grates me more than a fake smile or fake happiness. The people that work on these ships must be dog tired and for the most part over the faking friendliness.

By the same token I don't want to hear their problems or see a bunch of scowls, that will bring everyone down.


In my long winded way I am trying to say as long as they are polite and do their job that is all you can ask for and that is really how I prefer it.

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Happy? No. Courteous, polite professional, and approachable? Yes.
Completely agree with you Tapi. I always appreciate it when our cabin stewards address us by name, ask about our day in port, etc. - but it's not the end of the world if they don't.


In a recent poll --- 6 out of 7 Dwarves are not Happy ;)
LOL - Thanks you so much for making me smile today!:)
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I read the same review as you did (I think) and responded. I agreed with the OP in the aspect that I sailed on the Fantasy several years ago and the crew seemed very unhappy, some even to the point of disrespectful. Our room steward was so hateful that we avoided him.



On the Fantasy when we sailed it seemed as though none of the staff ever had a smile on their face or a nice thing to say and this is quite unusual for a cruise ship.


Does the crew have to appear happy all of the time? No, I don't expect that but I do expect to be treated courteously.

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I read the same review as you did (I think) and responded. I agreed with the OP in the aspect that I sailed on the Fantasy several years ago and the crew seemed very unhappy, some even to the point of disrespectful. Our room steward was so hateful that we avoided him.



On the Fantasy when we sailed it seemed as though none of the staff ever had a smile on their face or a nice thing to say and this is quite unusual for a cruise ship.


Does the crew have to appear happy all of the time? No, I don't expect that but I do expect to be treated courteously.


Not being happy is way different than someone being "disrespectful" or "hateful". Night and day. If someone simply isn't cheerful, that's probably just an aspect of their personality or demeanor. However if a crew member is disrespectful or hateful, that should be reported and dealt with by a supervisor.


Go to management and complain that a crew member wasn't "happy", they'll think you're off your meds. Go and complain that they were "disrespectful and hateful" and there will be consequences.

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On 40+ cruises I have never had an interaction with any crew member that left me with an impression that they were not trying very hard to give the best service to their guests


What I have experienced are guests being less then cordial to crew members that they come in contact with and to the crew members credit they have tried very hard not to let that carry over to their interaction with the next guests they come in contact with


Carnival has a multi nationality crew so some perceptions on the part of an American guests may be cultural


For the past 3 years my full charter Capital Jazz Super Cruise has been on the Carnival Freedom and we have stayed in the same cabin and have been Blessed with interacting with a crew that knows us, and we them...about 80-85% of the guests have been on the. Jazz charter before and post cruise surveys have rated the crew's performance with high marks...we appreciate the crew, they look forward to having us onboard for a week...great Jazz puts everyone in a much more mellow mood


It has to be tough for a crewmember to be far away from home and loved ones, working as hard as they do...if a guest is pro active with a smile ,greeting and a simple thank you, it will be returned 3X by a crewmember


To the OP, it would be interesting to know how that cruise was rated by their guests in the post cruise survey

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Happy? No. Courteous, polite professional, and approachable? Yes.


I think that these qualities should be expected from employees who are "the face"'of a company. It can be a multi-million company with thousands of employees and several behind the scenes departments necessary to make it run. But what most customers see, and base their experience on, are the 2-3 employees that they come in touch with in person. They better AT LEAST smile, or find a different position where they don't come in direct contact with the customers!


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Agree completely.


Sent from my mobile device. Typos are inevitable.

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I was on the NCL Dawn last August and a lot of the crew didn't seem happy. It did cast a minuscule shadow.


My needs are few and I don't expect the crew to be my BFFs. Also, I'd be terrible working in the service industry so I get that their jobs must suck.

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I was on the NCL Dawn last August and a lot of the crew didn't seem happy. It did cast a minuscule shadow.


My needs are few and I don't expect the crew to be my BFFs. Also, I'd be terrible working in the service industry so I get that their jobs must suck.[/quote]


Hehe, yeah, me too, I'd last like a day. Then somebody would say something crazy to me and I'd take offense and that would be that.:D

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I have a degree and work in the hospitality industry. It is most certainly your job to project friendliness and happiness. I don't expect my employees to be happy all the time but no guest should know you are unhappy and sad.


Spot on. Many jobs require varying demeanor. I was in law enforcement for 30 years and had to project a professional demeanor at all times when dealing with my 'clientele' despite some pretty trying moments. I expect someone in the 'hospitality' business to project hospitality.

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Until my most recent cruise with Carnival, one thing I looked forward to on Carnival ships has been the friendliness of the crews. Yes, it was nice to have a crew that seemed happy.


This last time they didn't and it detracted a little bit from my Carnival cruise experience. Other lines I didn't experience the same Carnival happiness. Is it their job? I guess not.


One thing that I really noticed that sucked was the entertainment staff openly being snarky about the guests when they are walking around - I think that is uncalled for on a ship, at a store, restaurant, or wherever. Say what you want below deck, heck - Im sure they are 100% accurate when complaining about some of the fools. But be professional.

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Happy? No. Courteous, polite professional, and approachable? Yes.


I think that these qualities should be expected from employees who are "the face"'of a company. It can be a multi-million company with thousands of employees and several behind the scenes departments necessary to make it run. But what most customers see, and base their experience on, are the 2-3 employees that they come in touch with in person. They better AT LEAST smile, or find a different position where they don't come in direct contact with the customers!


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I totally agree with this. If you have a job where you deal with the public, you need to have a smile on your face when you are engaging with people directly. You need to leave your personal business and feelings out of your job. There is nothing worse to me than having someone wait on me or check me out at the store, etc. and not acknowledge my existence. You don't have to chat me up, but I do expect at least a smile. If you're having a bad day...you need to keep it to yourself and treat people with courtesy nonetheless.


If you're not polite to me it is going to affect your tip if you are in a position that encourages them. Like I said, I require nothing more than a smile or a polite nod of the head to let me know you're aware that you are are dealing with a person and not a robot.


Walking around a cruise ship looking like you'd rather be somewhere else or looking like a "sad sack" is not appropriate for cruise employees.


I cruised in 2012 at spring break right after my youngest DB passed away. I had to go on the cruise because it was paid for and it was my DS's and his friend's spring break. They were looking forward to the cruise as were I and my DH. Even though I would have rather been somewhere else. I still smiled at everyone and carried myself in a manner that encouraged people to interact with me. I was involved with many people on that cruise, including our table mates. No one even knew, unless I told them (as I did my table mates), that I had just lost someone I dearly loved. I did this and I wasn't even an employee on the ship. Why bring others down with my problems?


If you can't keep your personal business and feelings separate from your job...you shouldn't be doing that job. If you're in a service-type job, you need to treat people in a manner that would make them want to return to that cruise, restaurant, club, etc. If I were an employer there would be no excuse for any employee of mine not being at the top of their game while on the job.


That's JMHO.

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You know, I have been a member of this board for over 2 years. This was my FIRST cruise. I went into it from expectations from THIS board. But god forbid, it didn't live up to that, it is all my fault, because I didn't research, I am a sour puss, I want my A$$ kissed whatever. If you make a thread about something I said, get the damn thing right. Now all you people can rip me to shreads, because I am done here. Completely done.

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Happy? No. Courteous, polite professional, and approachable? Yes.


I think that these qualities should be expected from employees who are "the face"'of a company. It can be a multi-million company with thousands of employees and several behind the scenes departments necessary to make it run. But what most customers see, and base their experience on, are the 2-3 employees that they come in touch with in person. They better AT LEAST smile, or find a different position where they don't come in direct contact with the customers!


Sent from my iPhone using Forums mobile app


I so agree. ;)

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I can't remember how many cruises I have been on but I have never encountered a crew member that to me, was "unhappy." In fact, just the opposite. Frankly, I think the eye is in the beholder! If you are unhappy then everyone you encounter is going to be unhappy imho. I should also add that if you meet one SOB, it's them. If everyone you meet is an SOB, then you better find a mirror.

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Happy? No. Courteous, polite professional, and approachable? Yes.


I think that these qualities should be expected from employees who are "the face"'of a company. It can be a multi-million company with thousands of employees and several behind the scenes departments necessary to make it run. But what most customers see, and base their experience on, are the 2-3 employees that they come in touch with in person. They better AT LEAST smile, or find a different position where they don't come in direct contact with the customers!



Completely agree!


I have worked in retail environments for years and even a summer in a theme park. We were always told, you put a smile on your face, be approachable and seem to care. Even if you don't care, you better make the customer/patron believe that you care and will handle the problem/concern.


It was ingrained into the workforce every day when I worked at the theme park also (and I only worked as a lifeguard, so I cannot imagine how ride attendants or food workers had training)..


Again, I know everyone has problems/issues but when a family is on a vacation, they don't want to get involved into the problems of the staff that is waiting on them or have a negative mood set by the waiter or crew..

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I could care less if I never meet my room steward to check to see if he'll smile at me or remember my name as long as each day my cabin is cleaned, my cooler is filled with ice and my towel animal awaits me when I arrive back to my cabin for the night.


That is allI want too.


You know, I have been a member of this board for over 2 years. This was my FIRST cruise. I went into it from expectations from THIS board. But god forbid, it didn't live up to that, it is all my fault, because I didn't research, I am a sour puss, I want my A$$ kissed whatever. If you make a thread about something I said, get the damn thing right. Now all you people can rip me to shreads, because I am done here. Completely done.


Why doesn't this surprise me. Frankly, I do undertand what you are saying. I sort of had the same type thing happen on my first cruise. Everyone had talked about the main dining room and how well you were looked after and how the servers went out of their way to make you happy and the people you would meet. Every single request I made was met with a no. There were 9 people at a 10 top table. A husband and wife who were so drunk by the end of the meal they could barely stagger out of the room. One man that had been left by his girlfriend a few days before the cruise arrived drunk every night, rolled around on the table and cried thru the whole meal. One young Japanese woman who did not speak a word of english that did this weird ritual every night that ended in drinking something that left her tongue black. It was like eating at a table with a chow dog. We did not even go back the last 3 nights and I removed all tips for the dining room. My service there was so awful to the point of being served the wrong thing and when I finally got it across to the server, she said she would get it fixed and never did.


I honestly do not know why I ever did it again, but I am glad I did. I think I am up to about 15 now, and none have ever been as bad as that first one.

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That is allI want too.




Why doesn't this surprise me. Frankly, I do undertand what you are saying. I sort of had the same type thing happen on my first cruise. Everyone had talked about the main dining room and how well you were looked after and how the servers went out of their way to make you happy and the people you would meet. Every single request I made was met with a no. There were 9 people at a 10 top table. A husband and wife who were so drunk by the end of the meal they could barely stagger out of the room. One man that had been left by his girlfriend a few days before the cruise arrived drunk every night, rolled around on the table and cried thru the whole meal. One young Japanese woman who did not speak a word of english that did this weird ritual every night that ended in drinking something that left her tongue black. It was like eating at a table with a chow dog. We did not even go back the last 3 nights and I removed all tips for the dining room. My service there was so awful to the point of being served the wrong thing and when I finally got it across to the server, she said she would get it fixed and never did.


I honestly do not know why I ever did it again, but I am glad I did. I think I am up to about 15 now, and none have ever been as bad as that first one.


That is pure comedy gold there. You should write a book, or at least a short story about those dinners.

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I expect anyone in customer service to be upbeat and friendly at all times. I am always friendly to the staff. My last cruise on the Imagination I had just sat down at the casino bar and ordered a drink. I exchanged pleasantries with the bar server and asked her how her day was. The first thing she tells me is how she doesn't like her boss and how he wasn't nice. I was shocked. She definelty did not need to be in a customer service job. My worst cruise as far as bad customer service has to go to NCL though. Out of all the staff I met on two different cruises only a few were even remotely friendly.

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You know, I have been a member of this board for over 2 years. This was my FIRST cruise. I went into it from expectations from THIS board. But god forbid, it didn't live up to that, it is all my fault, because I didn't research, I am a sour puss, I want my A$$ kissed whatever. If you make a thread about something I said, get the damn thing right. Now all you people can rip me to shreads, because I am done here. Completely done.

What...the... :confused: :confused:


I think we have our answer as to why the crew didn't act happy around this cruiser.

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