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Coexisting with smokers?

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Anywhere??? :confused:

So, what you're saying is that if a non-smoker deliberately enters a designated smoking area, and the smokers there don't immediately put their cigarettes out, or continue to light up, then it's the smokers who are being inconsiderate??? :eek:


Right. :rolleyes:


Non-smokers who deliberately enter a smoking area know what they are doing and accept the fact they will be among smokers. That is not what I meant by "anywhere" as this is a "smoking area". Maybe I should have said "anywhere else" to make everyone happy?

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Maybe I should have said "anywhere else" to make everyone happy?

You should say what you mean, and mean what you say.

Based on other posts you have made on the subject, I would believe you to mean what you did say. If not, then a retraction is the correct thing to do.

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You should say what you mean, and mean what you say.

Based on other posts you have made on the subject, I would believe you to mean what you did say. If not, then a retraction is the correct thing to do.


Yes, I believe what I said. And I also believe people should not smoke. PERIOD.

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When I read about the 'considerate smokers', I truly wonder what they are thinking when they say that.


Had this pair of smokers I referenced in the above post had the courtesy to take two steps back away from their rail but into the center of their verandah, they could have enjoyed the view and it would have cut down tremendously on the smoke wafting into our faces.


They wouldn't/didn't do that so they had their cake and ate it too and had no regard for anyone else..... for the fact they knew they were denying us the ability to also enjoy our verandah at sailaway. A few steps back and DH and I would not have been so badly bothered by their smoke. The smoke that would have risen to our railing would have been greatly diminished.


A 'considerate smoker' is hard to visualize in so many circumstances like this.

I suspect in many cases smokers either do not believe some people are truly bothered by the smoke or they really don't care.


Since the smoke from below was rising upwards to your railing wouldn't you have gotten a lot less smoke wafting into your faces if you had taken a step or two back into your own veranda also?

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When i smoked i did not think it affected any one that is the reality of addiction . It's been twenty years since i kicked tobacco . Nineteen years ago it took my sister from us. She did not inhale, her own second hand smoke got her.Now i can not stand the smell of it at all might be a defence not sure but i know its not good!! We used to smoke every where including planes times are changing only a question of time for HAL soon they will .

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Yes, of course, we asked.

They could not have known it was bothering us if we did not VERY NICELY mention to them the smoke was coming directly up from their verandah to ours.


I have indicated their response to our polite request. They chose to not take a step or two back from their rail, each afternoon, each sailaway.


When you say I generalized and lumped all together because of the two, that is not really accurate. I referenced 'many cases', 'some,' etc There are almost always exceptions.



Why should they give up the rail every afternoon and sail away? Why did you not ask if you could alternate? Maybe if you had suggested sharing the afternoon and sail aways you might have gotten a better response. Do not know as I was not them, but I would have been willing to share alternately.


Seems to me they and you should both be able to lean on the railings to watch the goings on:)


The way I read your comment is that you made the suggestion that they stand back a few steps from the railing and not have the better view that you would be getting. You both paid for the rail space and you both deserved the usage of it.



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Since the smoke from below was rising upwards to your railing wouldn't you have gotten a lot less smoke wafting into your faces if you had taken a step or two back into your own veranda also?



No' date=' that didn't help.

Of course, we tried stepping back but the smoke came directly onto our verandah. We could not stay out there. The smoke was sucked onto our verandah. Please don't expect I can explain the science of it all. :rolleyes:



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Why should they give up the rail every afternoon and sail away? Why did you not ask if you could alternate? Maybe if you had suggested sharing the afternoon and sail aways you might have gotten a better response. Do not know as I was not them, but I would have been willing to share alternately.


Seems to me they and you should both be able to lean on the railings to watch the goings on:)


Well, despite it seems to you, that did not work.


The way I read your comment is that you made the suggestion that they stand back a few steps from the railing and not have the better view that you would be getting. You both paid for the rail space and you both deserved the usage of it.





:rolleyes: We actually tried stepping back from our railing. :cool: Seemed a rather obvious solution but no matter what it seems, I have reported here that did not work. Please give us enough credit to have thought of the easiest solutions and tried them and please do not say what you would have done in regard to what these people DID. What you say you would do is not relevant to what they did.


The smoke from those two smokers each day was too intense for us to be on the verandah. There are no other ways for me to say it. Aceept my report or don't. It is what I have posted. Doesn't matter anyone's speculation.


Clearly, they had no interest in cooperating in any way with a workable solution for both of us. Verandah smoking is allowed and that is that.

Those are the facts, Ma'am.


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No, that didn't help.

Of course, we tried stepping back but the smoke came directly onto our verandah. We could not stay out there. The smoke was sucked onto our verandah. Please don't expect I can explain the science of it all. :rolleyes:



Was this smoke coming from a verandah beneath you or next door? Just wondering if perhaps they did not hear you, if you called out to them. But having said that they do have a right to stand at their balcony rail. Fortunately, a cigarette doesn't last too long.

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It came from the verandah beneath us.

One cigarette smoked by one person doesn't last all that long but one after another by two people lasts a very long time when

it is blowing in the faces/onto the verandah of non-smokers who really dislke that nasty stink.


And yes, in my post describing their response, you might note I wrote "Verandah smoking is permitted and that is that."

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It came from the verandah beneath us.

One cigarette smoked by one person doesn't last all that long but one after another by two people lasts a very long time when

it is blowing in the faces/onto the verandah of non-smokers who really dislke that nasty stink.


And yes, in my post describing their response, you might note I wrote "Verandah smoking is permitted and that is that."


That was my question and my point, if on the balcony beneath you perhaps they did not hear your request.

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They are probably also calculating how many smokers they've lost. The number of smokers who posted here 2 yrs ago have disappeared, I'm assuming they no longer cruise on HAL. It's not just the smokers they've lost but also their friends/relatives.


It would seem that HAL can no longer please smokers or non-smokers and there is still no provision made for smokers if decks are closed off due to bad weather. As the casino is for gamblers only, where else can smokers go?


Does HAL not have a smokers room? The smokers room on Princess ships is useful for smokers - the onmly drawback is when they go in to clean in the morning and leave the door open the rooms each side also smell of smoke

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That was my question and my point, if on the balcony beneath you perhaps they did not hear your request


They heard us.

Their response was as I have stated twice: Verandah smoking is permitted and that is that".


Seeing we were hoping to have some cooperation, it is safe to assume we would have been certain they heard our request. We would not have suffered in silence had we thought there was a polite, cooperative way to accommodate us both. You can safely assume we were certain our request was heard. :D


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Does HAL not have a smokers room? The smokers room on Princess ships is useful for smokers - the onmly drawback is when they go in to clean in the morning and leave the door open the rooms each side also smell of smoke



Not on HAL ships.


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Yes, of course, we asked.

They could not have known it was bothering us if we did not VERY NICELY mention to them the smoke was coming directly up from their verandah to ours.


I have indicated their response to our polite request. They chose to not take a step or two back from their rail, each afternoon, each sailaway.





When I read things like this, I often wonder what the speaker thought they said, compared to what the listener heard being said. I guess we will never know.

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I believe Sail because we experienced it in an aft cabin. We are non-smokers and do not like (well actually hate) the smell of smoke. That being said we have not asked people not to smoke on their balcony, or to come up with a system or anything. Our last cruise we had a delightful neighbor who looked forward to a cigar brand not available in the US as a celebration of sailaway. We had no right to complain. We were long time HAL cruisers who understood the smoking policy. When we went to get our FCCs the person asked if we were interested in a specific cruise and I explained we would wait and hope for a change in policy before booking. These were the old FCC that have expired and we do not complain about the lost money.

Understand that there are choices for vacations---this is VACATION--not world peace people!!! Just consider yourself lucky enough to be able to take a vacation and aware enough to make good choices on how to spend your vacation dollars.

HAL will only make changes when it makes them money. How many people complained about bringing wine on board...how many people had their vacation ruined because their neighbor brought on a case of wine? But that policy changed in a flash. Complaints mean nothing, the bottom line means everything.

When smoking was allowed in cabins it cost them time and money to clean those cabins, and then deep clean some of them. That's what changed the smoking policy, not complaints.

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When I read things like this, I often wonder what the speaker thought they said, compared to what the listener heard being said. I guess we will never know.



Actually, we do know.

I wrote it here.


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I believe Sail because we experienced it in an aft cabin. We are non-smokers and do not like (well actually hate) the smell of smoke. That being said we have not asked people not to smoke on their balcony, or to come up with a system or anything. Our last cruise we had a delightful neighbor who looked forward to a cigar brand not available in the US as a celebration of sailaway. We had no right to complain. We were long time HAL cruisers who understood the smoking policy. When we went to get our FCCs the person asked if we were interested in a specific cruise and I explained we would wait and hope for a change in policy before booking. These were the old FCC that have expired and we do not complain about the lost money.

Understand that there are choices for vacations---this is VACATION--not world peace people!!! Just consider yourself lucky enough to be able to take a vacation and aware enough to make good choices on how to spend your vacation dollars.

HAL will only make changes when it makes them money. How many people complained about bringing wine on board...how many people had their vacation ruined because their neighbor brought on a case of wine? But that policy changed in a flash. Complaints mean nothing, the bottom line means everything.

When smoking was allowed in cabins it cost them time and money to clean those cabins, and then deep clean some of them. That's what changed the smoking policy, not complaints.

It drives me nuts when people say you are "lucky" to vacation. I am not lucky. I work my butt off. I went to school at night for years while I worked full time during the day. I've put up with more crap than any person should have to. Yup I'm lucky all right.

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I work with a couple of extremely considerate smokers. Even when I have a conversation with them while they are smoking they go out of their way to shield me from it. I walked up to them so I certainly don't expect it. Judging from the replies on the thread it seems that all smokers are like that. If that's the case I wonder why there are any problems. Must just be that one inconsiderate person that is causing all the problems.

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It drives me nuts when people say you are "lucky" to vacation. I am not lucky. I work my butt off. I went to school at night for years while I worked full time during the day. I've put up with more crap than any person should have to. Yup I'm lucky all right.





Actually you are very lucky ...you had the health and the opportunity , and resources to go to school, and get a good job and work to earn the money for the cruises .

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Actually you are very lucky ...you had the health and the opportunity , and resources to go to school, and get a good job and work to earn the money for the cruises .


Boy that's a stretch. What resources? I worked for it and it was incredibly difficult. I made my own opportunity. My parents didn't have two nickels to rub together. I paid for every cent of my education. I have a colleague that not only paid for her kids schooling and had to buy them a car so they wouldn't have to take the bus. The poor darlings. They have no idea what is like to struggle.

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Boy that's a stretch. What resources? I worked for it and it was incredibly difficult. I made my own opportunity. My parents didn't have two nickels to rub together. I paid for every cent of my education. I have a colleague that not only paid for her kids schooling and had to buy them a car so they wouldn't have to take the bus. The poor darlings. They have no idea what is like to struggle.


I hear what you are trying to say about hard work and perseverance. You made your own "luck".

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I hear what you are trying to say about hard work and perseverance. You made your own "luck".


Exactly. My acupuncturist never fails to tell me how "lucky" I am. It drives me crazy! I feel like telling her she could be " lucky" too if she worked more than 20 hours a week.

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You are lucky. Sorry if you don't appreciate that but everyone who has the ability to take off on a cruise is lucky. Everyone who can take their family on vacation is lucky. If your hard work paid off you are lucky, it doesn't happen for many very hard working people.

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You are lucky. Sorry if you don't appreciate that but everyone who has the ability to take off on a cruise is lucky. Everyone who can take their family on vacation is lucky. If your hard work paid off you are lucky, it doesn't happen for many very hard working people.


I grew up with no money. Kids laughed at me because I had so few clothing items to wear. I never wanted to deal with that again. I think most people can make something out of themselves by going to school. Some people have a ton of kids. Generally that's a choice. We went camping for years as a vacation. I didn't enjoy that. I took the necessary steps to get the life that I wanted. On this side of the earth most people do have a choice. It's not luck. If you want to believe that, it fine. In my case, it's not luck.

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