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I wish Azamara would take a serious look at their liquor packages!


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I am writing this post with the sincere hope that it will be taken as constructive criticism that will help improve the more-inclusive liquor program that Azamara has implemented. In my opinion and experience it could use some tweaking.


We just got off the Journey having booked a Premium Liquor Package for $12.95 per person, per day. When you board you can pick up a "cheat sheet" that lists all the selections that are available for each category of upgrades. This is a printed form of what's available on Azamara's website. http://www.azamaraclubcruises.com/our-ships/onboard-packages


The bar menus are the same no matter what bar you go to. I liberated one such menu from its folder and if you're the next passenger who picks up an empty menu at the Pool Bar, I sincerely apologize but I committed thievery in the interest of research. ;)


Let's start with some martinis.



Ketel One Vodka, Cointreau orange liqueur and cranberry juice with a dash of lime juice 7.95



Grey Goose vodka, Chambord raspberry liqueur and pineapple juice 9.95



Finlandia Mango vodka, orange juice and simple syrup 7.50



Finlandia Tangerine vodka, Cointreau organge liqueur and cranberry juice with a dash of lime juice 7.95



Ultimate vodka, Lillet Blanc and a lemon twist 11.95


Now bearing in mind that I'm an educated consumer and already know what the liquor packages are about and have total awareness of the "freebie" page at the back of the menus, I might still look at these enticing martinis and think to myself that I've upgraded so surely one of these special martinis will be on my package. Sounds reasonable, right? Not so fast.


Choice #1, the Ultimate Cosmo, is made with a Premium selection (the Ketel One Vodka) AND a Top Shelf slection (Cointreau).


Choice #2, the French Martini, is made with both Ultimate AND Top Shelf selections.


Choice #3, the Mango Martini, is made with a Premium selection (Finlandia Mango vodka).


Choice #4, the Tangerine Cosmo, is made with both Premium AND Top Shelf selections.


Choice #5, the James Bond Martini, is made with who knows what package level selection because neither the Lillet or the Ultimat vodka are listed on the cheat sheet in any selection but I'm guessing by the price that it must belong to the Ultimate Liquor Package that sells for $18.95 per person, per day, but don't quote me on that.


So what do we have? If I want the Ultimate Cosmo concocted exactly as it is in the menu, I must have the Top Shelf Package or better. If want the French Martini, I must have the Ultimate Package. If I want the Mango Martini, I must have at least the Premium Package. Otherwise I pay upfront for the cocktail as it's not complimentary except to the package level to which it belongs.


Here's the breakdown from the martini page.

Top Shelf cocktails cost $7.95.

Premium cocktails cost $7.50

Ultimate cocktails cost $9.50, $9.95, and $11.95


This is where a reasonable person, especially one who is used to Celebrity package model where Classic Package drinks include all whose price is $8.00 or under and Premium includes all up to $13.00, might conclude that Azamara does the same, i.e., Premium gets you cocktails priced up to $7.50, Top Shelf gets you all those up to $7.95, and Ultimate buys all others. Once again, not so fast.


Turn the page to the Margaritas. A POMEGRANITA priced at a mere $7.50 is made with Grey Goose L'Orange vodka which is in the Ultimate Package, but it's priced at the level of the Mango Martini which uses only Premium Package liquor. Or on the next page in the tropical cocktails list, a TORCHED CHERRY SANGRIA priced even lower at $6.50 uses Cointreau found on the Top Shelf Packages. So clearly price is no indication of whether your cocktail from the menu might be included in whichever package you purchased.


I intensely disliked this set up. It was annoying. We had to carry our cheat sheets with us to check if those enticing cocktails might be part of our package. You might be reading this wondering why we simply didn't order what we wanted from the menu, telling the waiters "Make it using the liquor on our package." We did try that and met with varying levels of success. We usually got one answer or another, the first one being "Let me check if we can do this." (ie, make the substitution you want, like maybe putting in triple sec in lieu of Cointreau). Or (more often) "It's not in your package." (end of discussion)


Wouldn't it be easier and more pleasant for the passenger if the cocktails in the menu were arranged as Celebrity does? A quick glance at the price tells you instantly if a drink is in your package or not. That's it. No looking through the cheat sheet, which is tedious, or arguing with a waiter or waiting for the waiter to see if substitutions are allowed (something which appeared to be completely at the whim of the bartender). Why Azamara has chosen to keep these menus AND offer drink packages is beyond me. At very least, I wouldn't mind a notation along with the drinks telling what minimum package level they belonged to! What would be wrong with a discreet (P) next to that $7.50 Mango Martini telling me that it's complimentary if I've upgraded to the the Premium Package? It's a simple thing which would go a long way in keeping my annoyance level down. As it is, we're not going to bother upgrading the next time we're on Azamara. The nonsense with the cocktails was too much bother in the end. We enjoyed the expanded beer and liqueurs selection, sure, but ultimately gave up on the cocktails. I suppose we could have ordered the complimentary cocktails but there's something in me that says if I've paid for something, I want to get it, and that was more than the freebies. And I shouldn't have to jump through hoops to get it, either. ;)

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One other thing as well which is problematic. On the Class Cocktails page of the menu you will find listed



Johnnie Walker Black Label scotch whiskey, sweet vermouth and Angostura bitters 7.50





Tanqueray No. Ten gin, superfine sugar, lemon juice and club soda 5.95


Both of these cocktails are listed on the complimentary list of cocktails and long drinks. Anyone might look at the menu and think (reasonably so) that they've hit pay dirt to get these two cocktails without paying extra or having to have purchased a package because the Rob Roy as described is made with the Ultimate package Johnnie Walker Black Label, and the Tom Collins uses Top Shelf Tanqueray No. Ten. Think of that! A complimentary upgrade!


I didn't order either of these two cocktails so I couldn't tell you if, had I ordered either of them from the menu, they'd have been served to me using Ultimate and Top Shelf ingredients or complimentary (inferior) well drink ingredients. Anyone know? Three guesses and the first two may not count.

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All very thoughtful suggestions. Doing this would make life easier not only for passengers, but for bar servers, bartenders, and beverage manager.


If I were Pimentel, Deirdre, I'd bring you to Miami for a week to straighten out the place.

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One other thing as well which is problematic. On the Class Cocktails page of the menu you will find listed



Johnnie Walker Black Label scotch whiskey, sweet vermouth and Angostura bitters 7.50





Tanqueray No. Ten gin, superfine sugar, lemon juice and club soda 5.95


Both of these cocktails are listed on the complimentary list of cocktails and long drinks. Anyone might look at the menu and think (reasonably so) that they've hit pay dirt to get these two cocktails without paying extra or having to have purchased a package because the Rob Roy as described is made with the Ultimate package Johnnie Walker Black Label, and the Tom Collins uses Top Shelf Tanqueray No. Ten. Think of that! A complimentary upgrade!


I didn't order either of these two cocktails so I couldn't tell you if, had I ordered either of them from the menu, they'd have been served to me using Ultimate and Top Shelf ingredients or complimentary (inferior) well drink ingredients. Anyone know? Three guesses and the first two may not count.


Your post made me glad I only drink wine. LOL

Wow -- is that confusing!

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So If I upgrade to the $18.95 package per day - The Ultimate - I wont have to deal with the silliness of the cheat sheets and the stress - I could just order up anything, anything at all????


I have a lot of OBC for my May 2015 Voyage - this might be money well spent unless this gets sorted out before then. Love this thread - well put together by the Original Poster.

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Let's start with some martinis.



Ketel One Vodka, Cointreau orange liqueur and cranberry juice with a dash of lime juice 7.95



An Ultimate Cosmo is made with Grey Goose, Contreau and FRESH Lime Squeezes IMHO!

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Wow, you spent a lot of time and thought on this!


I went on an ACC cruise in late 2013 to the Carib and got all I needed from the well drinks. I honestly don't believe that mixed drinks deserve premium booze, only if you take it neat or at most with rocks. But that's me and maybe the result of numbed taste buds from years of expense account travelling (no more but I miss it sometimes). I do wish they made their Manhattans properly with rye, or at least straight whiskey.:)

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Marinaro44, thank you. I am a great believer in KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) and the drinks packages as presented are unnecessarily complicated. And a little bit sly as well. There are 30 complimentary cocktails on the menu. Easy. There are also 28 specialty cocktails on the menu some of which may be complimentary if you have the Premium upgrade OR the Top Shelf upgrade Or the Ultimate upgrade. I say "may" be because there are one or two that you might have to pay for no matter what package you get, like the THE GRAND MARGARITA at $12.95, which is made with Patron Reposado tequila which is listed on none of the packages. You can, however, buy a shot of this tequila off the menu for $10.95. Hmmmm. Let's play devil's advocate here. If I've upgraded to the Top Shelf package I am entitled to drink Grand Marnier without paying extra. THE GRAND MARGARITA is prepared with Grand Marnier (free to me) and the Patron Reposada tequila ($10.95). By all rights it's sneaky to charge me $12.95 for THE GRAND MARGARITA if I've already "bought" everything in the drink save the Patron. I should be able, as a Top Shelf upgrader, to get the fancy margarita for the price of the extra ingredient alone. Azamara makes an easy $2 every time that drink is ordered by someone who has the TS or Ultimate package. I know it's only $2 and in the scheme of things it's hardly important, but it still niggles that in a very small way they're taking advantage.


The other thing I am reminded of is an incident from years ago. When my son was a growing and always hungry teen he stood in front of the fridge and proclaimed there was nothing to eat. To which I replied "What do you mean! There's a ton of food in that fridge!" Without missing a beat the kid said "Not food, Ma, ingredients. There's only ingredients." He was right. The fridge was full of things waiting to be made into meals. The liquor packages are like that, too. You're given a list of ingredients. Top Shelf, for example, entitles you to Belevedere Vodka, Jameson Gold Irish Whiskey, and Chambord liqueur. The onus is on me, the consumer, to figure out what I want to do with these ingredients. And why should I have to do that? I don't want to have to think up cocktails that can be prepared with Belvedere or Jameson Gold or Chambord. That's their job, not mine. I want to be able to look at a tasty cocktail menu and order a cocktail. Period. The only straightforward help Azamara gives me is the complimentary list of cocktails on the back page of the menu booklet. All other cocktails may or may not increase my shipboard spending and without a good bit of research on my part, I don't know which from which. And I doubt the waiters or bartenders do either.


Pacheo18--haha! now you know why I gave up on the cocktails midway and stuck to the beers and liqueurs on the rocks. The latter was simple, the former not so.


mp8shnt--I wish I could tell you to go ahead and take the easy route with the Ultimate upgrade, secure in the knowledge that yes, all menu drinks and spirits will be covered by your package but I can't. Refer to above example with THE GRAND MARGARITA. The Patron Reposado tequila is not listed under the Ultimate selections so it may or may not be included. Why do I qualify this statement? Because of the little asterisk that says "all selections subject to change and availability." You might hand the bartender your seapass card marked with the "U" for Ultimate and ask for THE GRAND MARGARITA and he or she might say that it is covered even though the Patron ingredient is not listed or he or she might say that they'll have to check to see if it's included (which makes you wait even longer for your drink) or he or she might tell you flat out that it's not on the list and that will be $12.95, please. It's a crap shoot what response you'll get. Sorry! I wish it were clearer and it really ought to be clearer, but it ain't. :(

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Wow this is really complicated! I would like to keep it simple. So I go to the bar and want a Finlandia (it's fine no complaints from me) dirty martini - this is on the "basic" plan? Unless the vermouth they choose is an upsell and i forget to say house basic standard please don't over charge me on the vernouth this might translate to an up charge? What if I did the same and said I really like Grey Goose, may I please have a Grey Goose Dirty Martini and please don't up charge me on the vermouth - what am I looking at for an up charge? $4 for the Grey Goose? If I plan ahead, I can cover $4 up charges on a $5000 cruise for two.

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Wow this is really complicated! I would like to keep it simple. So I go to the bar and want a Finlandia (it's fine no complaints from me) dirty martini - this is on the "basic" plan? Unless the vermouth they choose is an upsell and i forget to say house basic standard please don't over charge me on the vernouth this might translate to an up charge? What if I did the same and said I really like Grey Goose, may I please have a Grey Goose Dirty Martini and please don't up charge me on the vermouth - what am I looking at for an up charge? $4 for the Grey Goose? If I plan ahead, I can cover $4 up charges on a $5000 cruise for two.


I think you're safe with a Dirty Martini IF you specify that you want plain old Finlandia, NOT Finlandia Mango or Tangerine, which wouldn't be likely in a Dirty Martini in the first place (I think :p). And I highly doubt they'd give you an upsell on the vermouth without asking you for permission to do so. You'd get the regular stuff. BTW I was pleasantly surprised that the Martini and Rossi Rosso which I like on the rocks is complimentary! I hadn't expected that.

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The all inclusive liquor package is the reason I can't sail Azamara. I refuse to pay for something I can't use that cost $50 - $75 per day according to what other cruise lines charge. Alcohol is not something everyone can enjoy like transportation into town or an Azamara evening. It encourages over consumption. I liked the Azamara cruise we took before they implemented this all inclusive but we haven't been back.

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The all inclusive liquor package is the reason I can't sail Azamara. I refuse to pay for something I can't use that cost $50 - $75 per day according to what other cruise lines charge. Alcohol is not something everyone can enjoy like transportation into town or an Azamara evening. It encourages over consumption. I liked the Azamara cruise we took before they implemented this all inclusive but we haven't been back.


I've taken one before the new policy and two since, and I can't say I've seen any "over consumption" on Azamara due to the new all inclusive liquor package.

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The all inclusive liquor package is the reason I can't sail Azamara. I refuse to pay for something I can't use that cost $50 - $75 per day according to what other cruise lines charge. Alcohol is not something everyone can enjoy like transportation into town or an Azamara evening. It encourages over consumption. I liked the Azamara cruise we took before they implemented this all inclusive but we haven't been back.


We have only two Azamara cruises under our belt but even though the first of them was during the Christmas holidays, which normally encourages high spirits and celebration, we never, ever saw anyone who looked like they'd had one too many. I think Azamara's passenger base is beyond that kind of silliness. Now the damage those drinks to one's waistline is a different story entirely!!


I guess that with any change, there will always be people who applaud and those who boo. I am in the former; you are in the latter.


I still wish, however, that Azamara would take a look at their one and only bar menu and make some kind of notation as to what drinks fit into what upgrade category. Just to make it easier. Or go to the system Celebrity uses in that drinks in the various menus that cost one price belong to one package and those outside of that price belong to another. No guesswork involved.

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  • 1 month later...
The all inclusive liquor package is the reason I can't sail Azamara. I refuse to pay for something I can't use that cost $50 - $75 per day according to what other cruise lines charge. Alcohol is not something everyone can enjoy like transportation into town or an Azamara evening. It encourages over consumption. I liked the Azamara cruise we took before they implemented this all inclusive but we haven't been back.


Firstly on our first Azamara cruise last year, we didn't see anyone who was 'the worse for wear' despite the included drinks. Secondly the additional costs of Azamara do not just cover drinks. They include all sodas, speciality coffees, ice-creams (often charged for on other lines), the free Azamazing evening and all tips. Thirdly, I've never come across such friendly and first class service. Fourthly the food in the MDR is superb - we've mainly cruised with HAL in the past and you simply can't compare the two. Azamara is way better.

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I am surprised this thread has not got more attention. Well written with some really good points by the OP.


For many of us this is a nonissue. We drink wine with dinner and lots of bottled water during the day.

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For many of us this is a nonissue. We drink wine with dinner and lots of bottled water during the day.


That's the business (ahem, drinking ;)) model we're going back to, too. We were perfectly happy with the included drinks on the Quest; we upgraded on the Journey, and now we'll go back to included on the next cruise. I thought the upgrade was too much bother in the long run. What's the sense of opening every bar menu to look at enticing drink concoctions that are not on your package? I much prefer the last page where it's a case of "what you see is what you get." It's alright by me.

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It appears that the drinks packages as they are seem terribly complicated. We are on vacation after all and it should be easy. The response seems of some seems to be that they wont bother to upgrade and stick with the basic offering. This isn't good business surely. Less income along with disgruntled passengers and crew who have to deal with the difficulties.

A crib sheet reminds me of school exams and that is just what I was reminded of by the original post!

I agree that the Celebrity system is simple and just wish Azamara would go that way.

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Hi Deidre,


My sincere apologies, but I just noticed this thread today. You've made some excellent observations, and I hope that Azamara considers simplifying things. I'm confident that an easier to understand program would lead to additional sales.


BTW, I credit a great deal of my career's success to keeping things simple, straightforward, and easy for consumers to understand. Over the years, I've received many awards for my efforts, and accomplished subsequent sales & profit records for my branch. They made mega millions of dollars on my concepts. Me ? I received an Eagle statue :) !


Unfortunately, most cruise lines seem to get more complicated with each passing day. I truly wish they would bring in people to untangle the mess of incredibly complicated programs they've created in recent years.

Edited by Host Andy
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Hi Deidre,


My sincere apologies, but I just noticed this thread today. You've made some excellent observations, and I hope that Azamara considers simplifying things. I'm confident that an easier to understand program would lead to additional sales.


BTW, I credit a great deal of my career's success to keeping things simple, straightforward, and easy for consumers to understand. Over the years, I've received many awards for my efforts, and accomplished subsequent sales & profit records for my branch. They made mega millions of dollars on my concepts. Me ? I received an Eagle statue :) !


Unfortunately, most cruise lines seem to get more complicated with each passing day. I truly wish they would bring in people to untangle the mess of incredibly complicated programs they've created in recent years.


Andy, the older I get the more I believe that true wealth is not anything that can be measured by a price tag. As long as you have enough to keep you afloat (literally and figuratively ;)) and have a wealth of good spirit, generosity of spirit, and happiness to share, you're doing okay. To that end, I'd say you're doing okay. And then some!


I still wish Azamara would copy Celebrity's drink menus and their simple formula--one price or lower and you're in this category; one price and higher you're in the next. Easy peasy and end of story.

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That's the business (ahem, drinking ;)) model we're going back to, too. We were perfectly happy with the included drinks on the Quest; we upgraded on the Journey, and now we'll go back to included on the next cruise. I thought the upgrade was too much bother in the long run. What's the sense of opening every bar menu to look at enticing drink concoctions that are not on your package? I much prefer the last page where it's a case of "what you see is what you get." It's alright by me.


I agree, SO confusing! My husband prefers a certain few scotches, so the package upgrade makes sense for him. Last week we had a nice non refundable OBC, so I thought I'd try out a few of the special martinis and also get a package upgrade. Yikes! Back to basics for me next time as well. I did, however, discover a James Bond martini with grey goose is just fine! But even the bartenders and servers are confused. This is one case where Celebrity does do it better. I meant to comment on this in my survey but forgot with all my glowing remarks...

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Andy, the older I get the more I believe that true wealth is not anything that can be measured by a price tag. As long as you have enough to keep you afloat (literally and figuratively ;)) and have a wealth of good spirit, generosity of spirit, and happiness to share, you're doing okay. To that end, I'd say you're doing okay. And then some!


I still wish Azamara would copy Celebrity's drink menus and their simple formula--one price or lower and you're in this category; one price and higher you're in the next. Easy peasy and end of story.


Hi Deidre,


Thanks for your very kind comments. You are so right about wealth, as it can be measured in many other ways, other than money. I consider myself very fortunate, when helping others. IMO, that's a huge wealth too.


As for the beverage packages, I agree that Azamara should consider Celebrity's model - basing the package(s) on the price of the drink - not just by establishing a list, and setting a price for their package. Streamline the per drink pricing model, then offer a Premium Package, to cover most everything else, above what they would consider included in the fare.


As I'm sure you are aware, Celebrity had many bumps in their drink package rollout, but they now have it to a point where it's understandable, and guests seem to be very happy. I'm confident that Azamara can accomplish the same goals, and would sell more packages, if they removed the complexities.

Edited by Host Andy
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I hope someone can answer this for me. I'll be going on my first Azamara cruise next month. I'm not a big drinker and certainly not a connoisseur of fine spirits so I will just be going with the included liquors.


I'm assuming I can get a drink like a gin and tonic even though it is not on the included 30 list of cocktails but what about something like a mojito? It doesn't require any special rum and the rest of the ingredients aren't that expensive. So would that be included or would it be an extra charge. Thank you.

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We have cruised Azamara 10 times, both before and after the institution of the drink packages. My partner always got the Complimentary Beverages and I got the Premium package. We never had a problem ordering any type of cocktail. We simply told the bartender which package category applied.


You can certainly get a gin and tonic, a scotch and soda, or a bourbon and ginger on the Complimentary package. We ordered specialty cocktails with no problem or additional charge.


Get to know the bartenders. They can be very helpful.:)



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