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Balcony Smoking on Carnival


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Overview - CDC report based upon 2012 data.


An estimated 42.1 million people, or 18.1% of all adults (aged 18 years or older), in the United States smoke cigarettes.1 Cigarette smoking is more common among men (20.5%) than women (15.8%).1

Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States, accounting for more than 480,000 deaths, or one of every five deaths, each year.2

More than 16 million Americans suffer from a disease caused by smoking.2

Overall smoking prevalence declined from 2005 (20.9%) to 2012 (18.1%).1

National Estimates


Percentage of adults who were current* cigarette smokers in 2012:1




18.1% of American adults are current smokers

Represents about 42.1 million Americans


By Gender


20.5% of adult men

15.8% of adult women


By Age


17.3% of adults aged 18–24 years

21.6% of adults aged 25–44 years

19.5% of adults aged 45–64 years

8.9% of adults aged 65 years and older


By Race/Ethnicity


21.8% of American Indians/Alaska Natives (non-Hispanic)

10.7% of Asians (non-Hispanic; excludes Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders)

18.1% of Blacks (non-Hispanic)

12.5% of Hispanics

19.7% of Whites (non-Hispanic)

26.1% of Multiple race individuals


By Education


24.7% of adults with 12 or less years of education (no diploma)

41.9% of adults with a GED diploma

23.1% of adults with a high school diploma

9.1% of adults with an undergraduate college degree

5.9% of adults with a postgraduate college degree


By Poverty Status


27.9% of adults who live below the poverty level

17.0% of adults who live at or above the poverty level


Of all the statistics in all these inane smoking threads, I have never read any data regarding health perils from inhaling ambient air from a adjacent smoker at a nominal distance of 15 feet, separated by a partition, with a 10 knot wind blowing .

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Cannabis, or more to the point, THC, can by put into other products, such as prescription Marinol or in to baked goods, ask any cancer patient with a prescription. One does not have to burn it like a cigarette. Also, cigarettes contain hundreds of chemical additives that make them particularly injurious to the user.


And just like the public poo-poo's cigarette smoking, they seem to be coming around on cannabis; mostly because it is non-lethal and the tax revenues already in Colorado are staggering, far above any estimates. So you have minimal health risk, majority voting establishment asking for it, and gov't making a bundle off of it versus silly old war on drugs wives tales.


I'd rather be on a balcony and have a pot smoker next to me than a cigarette smoker! Cigarette smoking is on its way OUT at HAL. Bookmark this post.


Cannabis is frequently smoked WITH tobacco so not sure why you'd prefer someone smoking pot on your neighbouring balcony??? (I'd really like to know).


As for cannabis being non-lethal you need to read the risks associated with using marijuana, cannabis, weed, pot whatever..... including lung cancer and psychosis. Smoking the stuff is the preferred way for leisure users. So minimal health risks are total nonsense.


Using the stuff for medical purposes is an entirely different issue.


Not sure what you mean about old wives tales so we won't go there!

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Cannabis is frequently smoked WITH tobacco so not sure why you'd prefer someone smoking pot on your neighbouring balcony??? (I'd really like to know).



I'm not sure what that even means that it is frequently smoked with tobacco; I don't see relationship between the two. I've not seen any study to suggest a link between the two. Can you explain to me what you mean by that?


As far as preference for what the neighbor smokes; maybe because since it is currently strictly forbidden on a cruise ship anyone who is going to smoke pot is going to try to be discrete and do it quickly and infrequently? That's just my guess. Cigarette smoking is allowed on HAL, so there is a better chance of having to deal with the smoke from a cigarette more often. *Ideally* I would prefer to deal with neither. Ocean air is my preference.


If both were allowed or both were banned I may feel differently. As situations change so do opinions.

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I'm not sure what that even means that it is frequently smoked with tobacco; I don't see relationship between the two. I've not seen any study to suggest a link between the two. Can you explain to me what you mean by that?


As far as preference for what the neighbor smokes; maybe because since it is currently strictly forbidden on a cruise ship anyone who is going to smoke pot is going to try to be discrete and do it quickly and infrequently? That's just my guess. Cigarette smoking is allowed on HAL, so there is a better chance of having to deal with the smoke from a cigarette more often. *Ideally* I would prefer to deal with neither. Ocean air is my preference.


If both were allowed or both were banned I may feel differently. As situations change so do opinions.


People here who smoke cannabis roll their own cigarettes - they mix the stuff with tobacco. I thought this was done the world over??


Another way favoured by youngsters - 16/17 yr olds usually hiding in the woods - is inhaling it using a bong, which can be an old plastic bottle with water in it.


I can't imagine anyone sitting on their balcony doing something so undignified, can you?

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People here who smoke cannabis roll their own cigarettes - they mix the stuff with tobacco. I thought this was done the world over??


That's news to me. I would not automatically assume a pot user was a tobacco user as well. The tobacco would seem like a personal preference to add, not a requirement. Never have seen the two substances mixed. Maybe it is a regional preference or just a personal preference amongst those you may know?


Like I said, given my preference, I'd have to smell neither substance, combined or not.

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That's news to me. I would not automatically assume a pot user was a tobacco user as well. The tobacco would seem like a personal preference to add, not a requirement. Never have seen the two substances mixed. Maybe it is a regional preference or just a personal preference amongst those you may know?


Like I said, given my preference, I'd have to smell neither substance, combined or not.


That's news to me as well. I've never heard of that before.

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So how else is it done? Just rolling cannabis alone into a cigarette paper?


Im not at all up on the culture or history or whatever, but seems like *that* would be a default "joint". I do not think all those people waiting in line in Colorado and Washington State are mixing with tobacco. Some, maybe, but definitely not all.

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I wonder how your letter will stack up against all those that have been sent now and in the past asking that smoking be banned. Just a thought. There are members on here who have cruised way more times than you who have repeatedly asked for restrictions on smoking. But I don't expect any of those letters really make any difference on one side or the other.


And I'm sure there are also plenty of letters on the other side as well, including cruisers like my parents who have been HAL cruisers for 40+ years, asking that HAL continue to maintain a reasonable accommodation for smokers. (They would not consider one or two outside areas, far from most cabins, to be reasonable.)


As you say, I suspect letters make little difference, however. It's almost certainly a question of revenue and strategy.

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As you say, I suspect letters make little difference, however.


Correct. The wheels have been set in motion. The change is coming. It is NOT a question of IF, just a question of the implementation date.

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...There are many here who have posted they have left HAL or are planning to leave HAL because of their verandah smoking policy. They don't care if they lose me, they will care if they lose many 'like me'.


And then some of us, like myself, would not spend the extra for a balcony we might not be able to use due to smoking and just book an OV or inside instead.

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I think a lot of us evil smokers/vapers didn't feel the need to complain before, and saw all the bashing done by the anti smokers, and preferred not to be attacked. The comments on these threads and Carnivals policy change has changed that. Letters and emails are being sent now, the complaining and whining for our side has started. I will also write to HAL to please not succumb, or to at least set aside balcony cabins for us. Away from the anti smokers. As much as you don't want to deal with my vaper, I don't want to hear your fake coughing. And yes, stay out of our small smoking areas please.


Sent from my SPH-L900 using Forums mobile app

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I think a lot of us evil smokers/vapers didn't feel the need to complain before, and saw all the bashing done by the anti smokers, and preferred not to be attacked. The comments on these threads and Carnivals policy change has changed that. Letters and emails are being sent now, the complaining and whining for our side has started. I will also write to HAL to please not succumb, or to at least set aside balcony cabins for us. Away from the anti smokers. As much as you don't want to deal with my vaper, I don't want to hear your fake coughing. And yes, stay out of our small smoking areas please.


Sent from my SPH-L900 using Forums mobile app

What's up with the vaping haters? I don't smoke and never have, but it's steam for crying out loud. (Please don't cite any articles about e-cigarettes and teenagers. We're talking about HAL ships here. ;))

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I think a lot of us evil smokers/vapers didn't feel the need to complain before, and saw all the bashing done by the anti smokers, and preferred not to be attacked. The comments on these threads and Carnivals policy change has changed that. Letters and emails are being sent now, the complaining and whining for our side has started. I will also write to HAL to please not succumb, or to at least set aside balcony cabins for us. Away from the anti smokers. As much as you don't want to deal with my vaper, I don't want to hear your fake coughing. And yes, stay out of our small smoking areas please.


Sent from my SPH-L900 using Forums mobile app


I wonder when that was that smokers were so accepting. I've been called a horrible person and been told that I need a man:rolleyes: in the last few weeks. I've also seen smokers saying they hate fat people and a number of people making other comments about fat people. Are all these comments necessary? I've never seen anything like that said to smokers and I've been on this forum for years.

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Well, if the ban comes, it comes. I'll just have to deal with it. Down to about five cigs/day thanks to e-cigs. It is the way of the world now and any whining I might do won't change the trend. Certainly not going to another line or quit cruising. Besides, e-cigs are far less expensive.:)

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I wonder when that was that smokers were so accepting. I've been called a horrible person and been told that I need a man:rolleyes: in the last few weeks. I've also seen smokers saying they hate fat people and a number of people making other comments about fat people. Are all these comments necessary? I've never seen anything like that said to smokers and I've been on this forum for years.


I have.


I think people don't tend to notice the 'hurtful' comments as much when it isn't impacting them (or directed at them) specifically.


The comments at #68 and #83 on this thread were pretty egregious, for example:




(So much so that I still remember them well enough to easily find them again).


Many other comments that reach that level (or are worse) get removed, so it's not as easy to quote them. But they have definitely been made.

Edited by cruisemom42
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I have.


I think people don't tend to notice the 'hurtful' comments as much when it isn't impacting them (or directed at them) specifically.


The comments at #68 and #83 on this thread were pretty egregious, for example:




(So much so that I still remember them well enough to easily find them again).


Many other comments that reach that level (or are worse) get removed, so it's not as easy to quote them. But they have definitely been made.



I'm # 83 what is your problem with my post? I just wanted the OP to know that were on the same cruise. Maybe he has insurance & can cancel because I would hate that he spent all that money only to have it ruined .

Also I wouldn't say anything to his GF. If she was smoking next to my room.

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I have.


I think people don't tend to notice the 'hurtful' comments as much when it isn't impacting them (or directed at them) specifically.


The comments at #68 and #83 on this thread were pretty egregious, for example:




(So much so that I still remember them well enough to easily find them again).


Many other comments that reach that level (or are worse) get removed, so it's not as easy to quote them. But they have definitely been made.


Still not as nasty as what has been said here. I'd rather be called selfish then some of these other things that have been hurled around. It's a matter of perspective.

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I'm # 83 what is your problem with my post? I just wanted the OP to know that were on the same cruise. Maybe he has insurance & can cancel because I would hate that he spent all that money only to have it ruined .

Also I wouldn't say anything to his GF. If she was smoking next to my room.


I was referring to the thread that I posted the link to.

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Still not as nasty as what has been said here. I'd rather be called selfish then some of these other things that have been hurled around. It's a matter of perspective.


As you say, a matter of perspective. Having someone tell me that my parents are selfish and that they are sitting on their balcony saying F/U to the world just because they are smoking in a designated smoking area was a bit much for me to take...


In a sense, all of these insults boil down to the poster(s) involved saying the same thing: "I don't agree with you." If people would leave it at that and not get personal, these boards would be a much happier place, imo.


By the same token, I guess since we keep participating, we have to at some point recognize that public forums aren't always for the sensitive. I occasionally have to stop posting on the HAL forum due to comments that get under my skin. It's much friendlier in some other areas of this site....

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I have.


I think people don't tend to notice the 'hurtful' comments as much when it isn't impacting them (or directed at them) specifically.


The comments at #68 and #83 on this thread were pretty egregious, for example:




(So much so that I still remember them well enough to easily find them again).


Many other comments that reach that level (or are worse) get removed, so it's not as easy to quote them. But they have definitely been made.


I was referring to the thread that I posted the link to.


LOL thanks for clearing that up for me. Some times my brain thinks one thing & my finger types something different.

One thing I have learned in my life is not to judge others. until you walk in their shoes you have no idea what their life story is!

So if your on my cruise I don't care if you Smoke, Wear too much perfume, have kids that splash in the pool, wear a bath robe in the lido or NL, get drunk ! I'll be nice to you because that's what I do!

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I figured HAL would be next, but it looks like Carnival beat them to it -- from Carnival's FAQ today. Just HAL and NCL now in the mass-market lines allow balcony smoking




What is the smoking policy?

Effective on voyages departing October 9, 2014, or thereafter, all staterooms and suite accommodations are an entirely smoke free environment, including the outside balcony.

Cigarette and E-cigarette smoking will continue to be allowed in designated exterior open deck areas, as well as in our night club, and in certain areas within the casino and casino bar.

Cigar and pipe smoking will continue to be allowed in designated exterior open deck areas only.

Note: Guests who smoke in their staterooms or on their balconies will be assessed a $250 cleaning and refreshing fee on their Sail & Sign account. Information on this fee is included in Carnival's cruise ticket contract. Guest agrees to strictly comply with Carnival’s non-smoking policy.


I have great memories of smoking cigars with my brothers and our new cabin neighbor friend on our deck. Note that these people who complain must have blood hound noses. The wind would pull the smoke from the cigars right out away from the ship. You could barely smell the smoke of your own cigar much less the smoke in the next deck over, under, or above.

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I have great memories of smoking cigars with my brothers and our new cabin neighbor friend on our deck. Note that these people who complain must have blood hound noses. The wind would pull the smoke from the cigars right out away from the ship. You could barely smell the smoke of your own cigar much less the smoke in the next deck over, under, or above.


Gee that sure is funny. I had a cigar smoker next to me on my last cruise and it stunk. I just love the smoke dissipates in the wind theory. I can assure you it doesn't.

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