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This Thread Is To Be Used For All Discussions About HAL's On Board Smoking Policies

Host Walt

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We usually include HAL in our cruise shopping but HAL very seldom makes it to the short list.


A smoking policy from the dark ages combined with ship maintenance issues usually relegates HAL to at least third or fourth place in our selection process.

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It's plain 'old common sense. :)

When one can do an activity in one (or few) places, one is probably going to go to those places. If HAL is about the only remaining mass market cruise line permitting smoking on verandahs, smokers are going to book those verandahs.


The challenge with plain 'old common sense, as you put it, is that sometimes, it just isn't logical. Your common sense is based on the assumption that the only thing that is important to cruisers that smoke is being able to smoke on a cruise ship balcony. A particular line isn't as important, nor the ship, nor the itinerary, nor the availability of other smoking areas on a ship.


Yet, if you were to travel on other ships that do not permit smoking on balconies, you would discover that there are indeed cruisers who sail and choose to smoke in other designated areas. No cruise line is completely smoke free and these cruise lines do manage to attract cruisers who smoke. These cruisers have merely adapted to the cruise line policies.

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The challenge with plain 'old common sense, as you put it, is that sometimes, it just isn't logical. Your common sense is based on the assumption that the only thing that is important to cruisers that smoke is being able to smoke on a cruise ship balcony. A particular line isn't as important, nor the ship, nor the itinerary, nor the availability of other smoking areas on a ship.


Yet, if you were to travel on other ships that do not permit smoking on balconies, you would discover that there are indeed cruisers who sail and choose to smoke in other designated areas. No cruise line is completely smoke free and these cruise lines do manage to attract cruisers who smoke. These cruisers have merely adapted to the cruise line policies.


But just as water and electricity seek the path of least resistance or restriction, don't you think smokers would do the same?


Sure other factors may come into play, but for the hard core smoker, the ability to smoke on the veranda may well be the deciding factor.

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It's plain 'old common sense. :)

When one can do an activity in one (or few) places, one is probably going to go to those places. If HAL is about the only remaining mass market cruise line permitting smoking on verandahs, smokers are going to book those verandahs.


The challenge with plain 'old common sense, as you put it, is that sometimes, it just isn't logical. Your common sense is based on the assumption that the only thing that is important to cruisers that smoke is being able to smoke on a cruise ship balcony. A particular line isn't as important, nor the ship, nor the itinerary, nor the availability of other smoking areas on a ship.


Yet, if you were to travel on other ships that do not permit smoking on balconies, you would discover that there are indeed cruisers who sail and choose to smoke in other designated areas. No cruise line is completely smoke free and these cruise lines do manage to attract cruisers who smoke. These cruisers have merely adapted to the cruise line policies.

The same as some non-smokers choose to continue booking verandahs and suites on HAL even when they may refuse to use their balcony if they even smell a whiff of smoke anywhere near them. Other factors make cruising on HAL important to them even when they could easily book on many good cruise lines that do not allow balcony smoking.

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Reality is that smokers are a dirge on everyone. When I go to the casino and sit with smokers, I will now start to be verbally annoying to them as they are to me.

My argument will be that they can get their smoking elsewhere and come back to the table.

Maybe we can be vigilantes, if HAL has no guts for it.



You are going to be verbally abusive to people who are smoking in an area where smoking is permitted ? ..




Good luck with that.

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We usually include HAL in our cruise shopping but HAL very seldom makes it to the short list.


A smoking policy from the dark ages combined with ship maintenance issues usually relegates HAL to at least third or fourth place in our selection process.


This post totally reflects my situation. I have nothing booked with HAL and did not even purchase a future cruise deposit after my last disappointing experience. I'm not even opening their mailed literature. Meanwhile I have cruises planned with three other lines, two of the lines are much more expensive. I still hope HAL rectifies their situation so we can give their new ship a whirl. If they don't make changes the sky is not going to fall.

Edited by sammiedawg
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You are going to be verbally abusive to people who are smoking in an area where smoking is permitted ? ..

Good luck with that.


If there's no specific rule against verbal abuse, then isn't it an area where both smoking and verbal abuse are permitted? After all, a common smoker's defence on this thread is that all that matters is the letter of the law; common courtesy is not required.

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If there's no specific rule against verbal abuse, then isn't it an area where both smoking and verbal abuse are permitted? After all, a common smoker's defence on this thread is that all that matters is the letter of the law; common courtesy is not required.


From the HAL contract:


6. Authority to Deny Transportation, Confine and Remove Passengers: We may determine that for your safety, the safety of the Ship or other means of transportation or the safety or comfort of other passengers or our employees, you should be denied transportation or other services either before or during the Cruise, Land + Sea Journey or Land Trip. In any such circumstance you may be confined to your stateroom, quarantined, restrained or refused participation in any conduct or activities of any nature without liability to us for a refund, payment or compensation whatsoever. By way of example, these would include situations where: (a) you are or become in such condition as to be unfit to travel or dangerous or obnoxious to other passengers or employees;


I think that last line (in red) would about cover it.

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If there's no specific rule against verbal abuse, then isn't it an area where both smoking and verbal abuse are permitted? After all, a common smoker's defence on this thread is that all that matters is the letter of the law; common courtesy is not required.



Yeah sure whatever you say .


If a person is smoking in a designated smoking area , he/she is not breaking any rules. Yes it is nice if they ask if their smoking would bother you or check with you when you won't be on your balcony or whatever. But they do not have too. If you find someone who will put out a cigarette in a smoking area because it bothers you when you are in their space.....you got lucky...Don't expect it every time, and sure as hell don't make a stink about it (pun intended ) if they don't comply.

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You are going to be verbally abusive to people who are smoking in an area where smoking is permitted ? ..




Good luck with that.


Security will be called and Mr. 007 will be escorted off the ship with luggage in hand at the next port. I've seen this happen where a person couldn't control their temper, became abusive to another passenger and was tossed off the ship in Mexico. We found out that fact the following day.

Edited by kjw869
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The same as some non-smokers choose to continue booking verandahs and suites on HAL even when they may refuse to use their balcony if they even smell a whiff of smoke anywhere near them. Other factors make cruising on HAL important to them even when they could easily book on many good cruise lines that do not allow balcony smoking.


And I did just that. Unfortunatly the person next to me decided to smoke on their balcony even though it's not permitted on princess. So much for that great idea. Would smokers like to be told to quit? That the way I feel about being told to go elsewhere. I usually book balconies on my cruises. The next 2 are in oceanview.

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Security will be called and Mr. 007 will be escorted off the ship with luggage in hand at the next port. I've seen this happen where a person couldn't control their temper, became abusive to another passenger and was tossed off the ship in Mexico. We found out that fact the following day.




Exactly , and then when their great plan fails them and they get booted off the ship OR WORSE . Then they will be the big victim.

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Yeah sure whatever you say .


If a person is smoking in a designated smoking area , he/she is not breaking any rules.


A few posts back; the rule about being "obnoxious to other passengers or employees" can be violated, even if the violator is not breaking other rules about where smoking allowed. That was pretty much my point. Just because a smoker isn't breaking a rule about where smoking is allowed, that doesn't give them a free pass from all other rules, such as those about being obnoxious.

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A few posts back; the rule about being "obnoxious to other passengers or employees" can be violated, even if the violator is not breaking other rules about where smoking allowed. That was pretty much my point. Just because a smoker isn't breaking a rule about where smoking is allowed, that doesn't give them a free pass from all other rules, such as those about being obnoxious.




Oh absolutely not.


But if the smoker is in a smoking area and otherwise minding his business , and someone decides to be obnoxious to them , then it is the obnoxious person breaking the rule.

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And to kennicot - there have already been quite a few posts from people who say they have come from other cruise lines just because they can smoke on HAL balconies.


Oh yes, I'm painfully aware of that, plus more. Try pointing that out to cbr663---Remember the old adage: "A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still".

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Oh absolutely not.


But if the smoker is in a smoking area and otherwise minding his business , and someone decides to be obnoxious to them , then it is the obnoxious person breaking the rule.


If the smoker is smoking in room (a casino, for instance) so crowded that there is no way to exhale without blowing smoke in someone's face, then the smoker is being obnoxious, even if smoking is permitted in the room. If a smoker smokes so much on a balcony that neighboring balconies are filled with smoke, or the smell of smoke, then the smoker is being obnoxious, even if smoking is permitted on the balcony.


Blowing smoke in someone's face, and stinking up someone's balcony with smoke, are obnoxious. I enjoy a good cigar occasionally, but I probably wouldn't smoke one on a balcony. I definitely wouldn't smoke one on a balcony if a neighbor requested that I not do so. To smoke under those circumstances would be obnoxious, and thus violate ship's rules.

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If the smoker is smoking in room (a casino, for instance) so crowded that there is no way to exhale without blowing smoke in someone's face, then the smoker is being obnoxious, even if smoking is permitted in the room. If a smoker smokes so much on a balcony that neighboring balconies are filled with smoke, or the smell of smoke, then the smoker is being obnoxious, even if smoking is permitted on the balcony.


Nobody on CC would ever do that. All the smokers here are "considerate" smokers :rolleyes: They have told us many times.

Edited by taxmantoo
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Nobody on CC would ever do that. All the smokers here are "considerate" smokers :rolleyes: They have told us many times.

That's a given. Also, all non smokers are bullies that are just waiting to beat the tar out of the considerate smoker:D.

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My mother was a three pack/day non filtered cigarette smoker. I have never and will never put a cigarette to my lips thanks to her. She described herself a as "considerate smoker," i.e. not blowing smoke in someone's face.


My question to her and other smokers is how can you be a "considerate smoker" when you blow smoke out your nose? If you don't inhale, maybe, (because you can direct the smoke) but my mother inhaled down to her toes!


Furthermore, smokers tend to have smoke breath and the smell is on their clothes which is unpleasant to some, including me and my husband.

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I pop into this thread from time to time and see again that the majority of posts here are from the same posters.


It's really sad to see the hatred that people have toward those that smoke! It's also so ridiculous to embellish and and see how some portray smokers out to be something they are not! The Ships are 99.99% smoke-free! HAL is hardly "Ashtray of the Seas"! Let's get a grip here folks!


I am not a smoker and have never smoked! I will gladly cruise anytime with smokers over some of the Self-righteous non-smokers who show such hatred and lack of tolerance in their posts toward fellow passengers who are not doing anything illegal or breaking rules by smoking on their balconies or in designated smoking areas!


There are many passengers who cruise HAL where expecting them to get up, rush out of their rooms and go to a Designated Smoking Area especially on a cold weather cruise or leave their rooms at night before they retire can be a hardship for them. This is what is being asked of them because someone doesn't LIKE the whiff of a cigarette on a moving Ship sailing at 18 knots!


Very sad!

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I pop into this thread from time to time and see again that the majority of posts here are from the same posters.


It's really sad to see the hatred that people have toward those that smoke! It's also so ridiculous to embellish and and see how some portray smokers out to be something they are not! The Ships are 99.99% smoke-free! HAL is hardly "Ashtray of the Seas"! Let's get a grip here folks!


I am not a smoker and have never smoked! I will gladly cruise anytime with smokers over some of the Self-righteous non-smokers who show such hatred and lack of tolerance in their posts toward fellow passengers who are not doing anything illegal or breaking rules by smoking on their balconies or in designated smoking areas!


There are many passengers who cruise HAL where expecting them to get up, rush out of their rooms and go to a Designated Smoking Area especially on a cold weather cruise or leave their rooms at night before they retire can be a hardship for them. This is what is being asked of them because someone doesn't LIKE the whiff of a cigarette on a moving Ship sailing at 18 knots!


Very sad!


As a smoker all I can say to you sir is





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It's really sad to see the hatred that people have toward those that smoke!


It's also sad that some can't distinguish between hating smoke and hating smokers.


No smoker is ever forced to "rush out of their room" or "leave their rooms at night before they retire". Except maybe by an uncontrollable addiction.

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The challenge with plain 'old common sense, as you put it, is that sometimes, it just isn't logical. Your common sense is based on the assumption that the only thing that is important to cruisers that smoke is being able to smoke on a cruise ship balcony. A particular line isn't as important, nor the ship, nor the itinerary, nor the availability of other smoking areas on a ship.


Yet, if you were to travel on other ships that do not permit smoking on balconies, you would discover that there are indeed cruisers who sail and choose to smoke in other designated areas. No cruise line is completely smoke free and these cruise lines do manage to attract cruisers who smoke. These cruisers have merely adapted to the cruise line policies.




The same as some non-smokers choose to continue booking verandahs and suites on HAL even when they may refuse to use their balcony if they even smell a whiff of smoke anywhere near them. Other factors make cruising on HAL important to them even when they could easily book on many good cruise lines that do not allow balcony smoking.




Certainly no statement about either smokers or non-smokers pertain to ALL in each category. There are always those who vary from the majority.


I agree with you Cruisin'girl as to cruisers who have sailed HAL for decades or even a number of years. I do not agree as to cruisers who are moving from other cruise line to HAL just because of the verandah smoking policy. I anticipate someone asking me to cite exactly the number and the wiki page where I found it but any who wish to be the least bit agreeable will see the point I am making. :) To some smokers' date=' having their verandah to smoke means more than some other factors that many cruisers consider important.


Those of us who have sailed HAL for 500, 600, 800+ days should not be told to just leave and go elsewhere. I don't think it necessary to explain why that is more than inappropriate.



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I pop into this thread from time to time and see again that the majority of posts here are from the same posters.


It's really sad to see the hatred that people have toward those that smoke! It's also so ridiculous to embellish and and see how some portray smokers out to be something they are not! The Ships are 99.99% smoke-free! HAL is hardly "Ashtray of the Seas"! Let's get a grip here folks!


I am not a smoker and have never smoked! I will gladly cruise anytime with smokers over some of the Self-righteous non-smokers who show such hatred and lack of tolerance in their posts toward fellow passengers who are not doing anything illegal or breaking rules by smoking on their balconies or in designated smoking areas!


There are many passengers who cruise HAL where expecting them to get up, rush out of their rooms and go to a Designated Smoking Area especially on a cold weather cruise or leave their rooms at night before they retire can be a hardship for them. This is what is being asked of them because someone doesn't LIKE the whiff of a cigarette on a moving Ship sailing at 18 knots!


Very sad!



If you actually took the time to read this thread - which you evidently have not - you would find that the majority of smokers have been very understanding and have actually been advocating for a comfortable place for smokers to indulge their habit, but which would not impact on the rest of us. No one wants them to have to stand outside in all winds and weathers in order to smoke. And there is no demand that they quit. Many non-smokers here have taken the time to write to HAL and suggest that a comfortable lounge which is well-ventilated should be provided. However, you chose to zone in on the few critical posts - but let me assure you, this is not just one-sided. There has also been quite a bit of venom from the smokers. And as long as there are posts like yours, it will keep stirring the pot.

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