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Vantage River Cruise - Time to get organized

Shmoo here

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OK, now that we've done our cruise (big ship) this year, it's time to start getting things organized for our river cruise next year.


And the first question I've come up with - recently I've become aware that capris are considered an "American thing" and not so widely worn in Europe. Since my standard packing for trips includes 2 pairs of capris, should I change these out for long pants?

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OK, now that we've done our cruise (big ship) this year, it's time to start getting things organized for our river cruise next year.


And the first question I've come up with - recently I've become aware that capris are considered an "American thing" and not so widely worn in Europe. Since my standard packing for trips includes 2 pairs of capris, should I change these out for long pants?


Absolutely NOT 😊. All of my pants are capris if the weather is warm.

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I also plan on taking a couple of pair for our Amsterdam to Budapest cruise next year. I am not taking real "fashionable" shoes either - definitely going with walking comfort on those too. Taking some nicer tops and pants for the evenings, but during the day - comfort all the way!


I also think that I will probably never see any of the people again in the towns we are touring, so am not worried at all about wearing capris!! :rolleyes: ;)

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I also plan on taking a couple of pair for our Amsterdam to Budapest cruise next year. I am not taking real "fashionable" shoes either - definitely going with walking comfort on those too. Taking some nicer tops and pants for the evenings, but during the day - comfort all the way!


I also think that I will probably never see any of the people again in the towns we are touring, so am not worried at all about wearing capris!! :rolleyes: ;)


Now THAT'S the attitude I like!!!! I've done 6 trips on Vantage river boats and you will definitely be properly dressed for dinner and touring. Depending on the time of year you go, you might have one day on the river (we did but I know itinerary has changed slightly since we did it) and a pair of shorts might be more comfortable if it's really warm. Otherwise, I have gone and continue to go all over Europe in capris....I buy the cargo ones with belt loops so I can attach my VB travel purse to the belt loop and stick it in my pocket. (I like to be hands free as much as possible.) I wearregular jeans on the plane and bring one pair in black and/or white with a dressier top and a pair of croc flats that fold up in black and white. They look dressy even though they're made of rubber! And you're absolutely right, no body cares what you're wearing and if they do, you probably don't care what they think anyway!!:D


PS: I always bring a fleece vest for evenings on the river when it can be considerably cooler than day time and you never know when an excursion might take you some place where it might be chilly.

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You don't mention what time of year, but I presume you've already looked at average temps the time of year you're going. It's been said before, you're generally walking around with a group of people, you're not going look like a European anyway. Actually, man-pri's (men's capris) are seen all over Europe :).

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You don't mention what time of year, but I presume you've already looked at average temps the time of year you're going. It's been said before, you're generally walking around with a group of people, you're not going look like a European anyway. Actually, man-pri's (men's capris) are seen all over Europe :).


Man-pris???? I have to google these :D

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You don't mention what time of year, but I presume you've already looked at average temps the time of year you're going. It's been said before, you're generally walking around with a group of people, you're not going look like a European anyway. Actually, man-pri's (men's capris) are seen all over Europe :).


We're going in July. Hot. ;)


We have a pretty standard packing list for what we take on our travels. Doesn't vary much. I know we're going to be in a group, therefore will look like tourists no matter what. But I care how I look. And if capris are generally not the norm I would substitute other clothes for them.

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OK, thanks.


Now on to the next issue.


Just heard from Vantage re: flight info. YIKES!!!! We have a 10 hour flight at the start of our trip and an 11 hour one at the end. What help can anyone give me as to how to survive such long flights?


Unfortunately, both those flights do not seem to have power connections at the seats, so our little travel computer will probably not survive such a long flight. And I don't really want to have pack a library of books to read. How often should I get up and walk around?

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OK, thanks.


Now on to the next issue.


Just heard from Vantage re: flight info. YIKES!!!! We have a 10 hour flight at the start of our trip and an 11 hour one at the end. What help can anyone give me as to how to survive such long flights?


Unfortunately, both those flights do not seem to have power connections at the seats, so our little travel computer will probably not survive such a long flight. And I don't really want to have pack a library of books to read. How often should I get up and walk around?



Oh my Shmoo, you're flying from So. Cal. to Amsterdam, I hate to tell you but that's what it takes! Actually, that isn't too bad, it takes 7 hours from JFK! You can call Vantage and ask them if they can get you a better connection. I assume you fly from LAX and have at least one stop. For reading, get a kindle fire and download all the books and games you want, it'll still only weigh 2 pounds. You could also download movies but they really eat up the battery. As for getting up, I do a walk around the plane every hour at minimum, but I had a blood clot so I'm extra careful. There's also exercises you can do in your seat to keep the blood flowing. What airline are you on? Here's how I handle long flights: bring my kindle and charge it between flights, watch the in-flight movies, have dinner then pop a couple of Alka-Seltzer cold plus PM....learned that from my son when he was flying back and forth to Afghanistan....apparently that's what the soldiers do!

Edited by Hydrokitty
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Oh my Shmoo, you're flying from So. Cal. to Amsterdam, I hate to tell you but that's what it takes! Actually, that isn't too bad, it takes 7 hours from JFK! You can call Vantage and ask them if they can get you a better connection. I assume you fly from LAX and have at least one stop. For reading, get a kindle fire and download all the books and games you want, it'll still only weigh 2 pounds. You could also download movies but they really eat up the battery. As for getting up, I do a walk around the plane every hour at minimum, but I had a blood clot so I'm extra careful. There's also exercises you can do in your seat to keep the blood flowing. What airline are you on? Here's how I handle long flights: bring my kindle and charge it between flights, watch the in-flight movies, have dinner then pop a couple of Alka-Seltzer cold plus PM....learned that from my son when he was flying back and forth to Afghanistan....apparently that's what the soldiers do!


Thank you - you are sooooo helpful. I don't really have a problem flying, it's just been a long time since I took that long a flight. And I'm older now, so, while I haven't had any blood clot issues (yet), I'm concerned on how to handle that. Personally, I'm really a couch potato, and I'd sit all the way there (well, except for the occasional potty break) but I'm pretty sure that's not a good idea.


I may suggest a kindle to hubby. We just got our little travel computer (real small), so I'm not sure how much more he wants to lay out for new electronic stuff right now.


We're actually flying LA to Bucharest (via Amsterdam). That's on KLM. And the flight(s) back are Frankfort to LA (via Paris) on Air France. Do you have any experience with those airlines?


I will certainly file the Alka-Seltzer cold plus PM tip in my "to know" folder. I don't tend to sleep well on planes, so anything that will knock me out would be good. I tried a sleeping pill (OTC, don't remember the brand) once and all it seemed to do was wire me up.


I'm so excited to be taking this trip, but I remember when flying was part of the vacation, not just a tin box crammed full of bodies going from point A to point B, that I'm concerned about the long flight and not being able to keep my mind occupied (or asleep). ;)

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OK, thanks.


Now on to the next issue.


Just heard from Vantage re: flight info. YIKES!!!! We have a 10 hour flight at the start of our trip and an 11 hour one at the end. What help can anyone give me as to how to survive such long flights?


Unfortunately, both those flights do not seem to have power connections at the seats, so our little travel computer will probably not survive such a long flight. And I don't really want to have pack a library of books to read. How often should I get up and walk around?


We have been able, with flights booked via the cruise line, to upgrade our seats by dealing directly with the airline. Some European airlines have a really nice Premium Economy category (better than US Economy Plus), or they may let you select the exit row at basic price. [There may be a fee just to pre-select seats.] The health benefit of the extra leg room is that you won't be contorted for hours, and you have enough room to do some seat-based exercises.

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Talk to your doc about DVT, I take an aspirin for a couple days before long flights. Heading from the states to Europe, get some sleep on the long flight. A nap on the return won't hurt either.


I stand up and/or walk around before and after meal service and the try to sleep until the star serving breakfast.

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I am taking my Nook and plan on downloading a couple of books before I leave. I have a small tablet that I've downloaded a couple of solitaire games and a jigsaw puzzle app. It has a variety of jigsaw puzzles that you can adjust how many pieces they consist of. I may download the Nook app on my tablet and leave the Nook at home. I'm not a good sleeper on flights, just a dozer here and there. The last flight on Lufthansa I watched 3 movies that I had wanted to see but didn't at home and they also have games you can play on the screen on the back of the seat in front of you. I do get up and walk around especially toward the later part of the flight only because I get antsy.

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I am taking my Nook and plan on downloading a couple of books before I leave. I have a small tablet that I've downloaded a couple of solitaire games and a jigsaw puzzle app. It has a variety of jigsaw puzzles that you can adjust how many pieces they consist of. I may download the Nook app on my tablet and leave the Nook at home. I'm not a good sleeper on flights, just a dozer here and there. The last flight on Lufthansa I watched 3 movies that I had wanted to see but didn't at home and they also have games you can play on the screen on the back of the seat in front of you. I do get up and walk around especially toward the later part of the flight only because I get antsy.


You sound like me!! I use flight time to watch movies DH doesn't want to see! Have tried Spite & Malice? It's addicting card game.I will play Spite, Scrabble and MahJong for hours!!


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Thank you - you are sooooo helpful. I don't really have a problem flying, it's just been a long time since I took that long a flight. And I'm older now, so, while I haven't had any blood clot issues (yet), I'm concerned on how to handle that. Personally, I'm really a couch potato, and I'd sit all the way there (well, except for the occasional potty break) but I'm pretty sure that's not a good idea.


I may suggest a kindle to hubby. We just got our little travel computer (real small), so I'm not sure how much more he wants to lay out for new electronic stuff right now.


We're actually flying LA to Bucharest (via Amsterdam). That's on KLM. And the flight(s) back are Frankfort to LA (via Paris) on Air France. Do you have any experience with those airlines?


Haven't flown KLM yet but Air France was very nice. Looking at KLM for non-stop JFK-Amsterdam. Looks good and seat guru gives you seat configurations so you can find out which row and seat you want to be in. It's seatguru.com.

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Even though we will probably be doing Viking, not Vantage (although I am looking into it - their web site isn't great :( ), this info has been very helpful! We're used to doing 90 minute flights to Bermuda - you barely get off the ground and you're landing! And an occasional flight to Denver.


I'm kind of dreading the long 7 hour flight from NYC to Europe (probably Amsterdam). We pay for Economy plus to Bermuda so we don't have to be jammed into those tiny seats for that long. I remember when flying used to be fun - not any more unless you can afford Business or First class. :(

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Thank you - you are sooooo helpful. I don't really have a problem flying, it's just been a long time since I took that long a flight. And I'm older now, so, while I haven't had any blood clot issues (yet), I'm concerned on how to handle that. Personally, I'm really a couch potato, and I'd sit all the way there (well, except for the occasional potty break) but I'm pretty sure that's not a good idea.


I may suggest a kindle to hubby. We just got our little travel computer (real small), so I'm not sure how much more he wants to lay out for new electronic stuff right now.


We're actually flying LA to Bucharest (via Amsterdam). That's on KLM. And the flight(s) back are Frankfort to LA (via Paris) on Air France. Do you have any experience with those airlines?


I will certainly file the Alka-Seltzer cold plus PM tip in my "to know" folder. I don't tend to sleep well on planes, so anything that will knock me out would be good. I tried a sleeping pill (OTC, don't remember the brand) once and all it seemed to do was wire me up.


I'm so excited to be taking this trip, but I remember when flying was part of the vacation, not just a tin box crammed full of bodies going from point A to point B, that I'm concerned about the long flight and not being able to keep my mind occupied (or asleep). ;)

After having a friend pass away from a blood clot after a long auto trip we now wear compression socks when we fly. These aid in circulation and might save your life. Also pick an isle seat so you can at least stretch out one leg.

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At our age we need to be rested from a long flight, so we swallow hard and book Business Class. Many of the airlines have lay flat beds, and you can arrive well rested.

We normally fly British Airways and get to the airport early and go to the BA lounge.

As far as using a Kindle or a Nook, I bought a Duracell rechargeable battery that had a USB output in case I use up the Kindle battery.

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At our age we need to be rested from a long flight, so we swallow hard and book Business Class. Many of the airlines have lay flat beds, and you can arrive well rested.

We normally fly British Airways and get to the airport early and go to the BA lounge.

As far as using a Kindle or a Nook, I bought a Duracell rechargeable battery that had a USB output in case I use up the Kindle battery.


We're on the same page! Just takes too long to recover. I'm going to Best Buy today to look for this. Sounds fantastic. Also going to check amazon so I know it will be compatible with my kindle. I love lounges in JFK and Frankfort.....what a spread they put out! We usually fly LH and plan on lunch in the lounge!

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Hi, everyone, me again -


OK, I just can't get a handle on the tipping thing. Is it like our ocean cruises where the tips are automatically added to our onboard account?


If so, who's covered? And who's not?


If not, how is it handled? Who gets what? I'm thinking that the tips are a "suggested" amount and not a specific amount?

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Hi, everyone, me again -


OK, I just can't get a handle on the tipping thing. Is it like our ocean cruises where the tips are automatically added to our onboard account?


If so, who's covered? And who's not?


If not, how is it handled? Who gets what? I'm thinking that the tips are a "suggested" amount and not a specific amount?


It depends on your cruise line. Vantage will add tips for crew to your onboard account unless you tell them otherwise. This includes front desk, housekeeping, dining room, etc. Tips for tour manager and concierge are paid seperately but can also be on your account. Tips for local guides and drivers are pay as you go in cash. You should get suggested tipping info with your final documents. Vantage lets you put all tips on your credit card (in Euro) and you have the right to pay cash or change the amounts up to the day before. The daily amounts range from $10-12 per person per day. And of course if you want to tip your cabin attendant or a particular waiter individually you can.

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It depends on your cruise line. Vantage will add tips for crew to your onboard account unless you tell them otherwise. This includes front desk, housekeeping, dining room, etc. Tips for tour manager and concierge are paid seperately but can also be on your account. Tips for local guides and drivers are pay as you go in cash. You should get suggested tipping info with your final documents. Vantage lets you put all tips on your credit card (in Euro) and you have the right to pay cash or change the amounts up to the day before. The daily amounts range from $10-12 per person per day. And of course if you want to tip your cabin attendant or a particular waiter individually you can.


Thank you. If we tip additionally directly would Euros be best? Or is US dollars OK? Same question for local guides/drivers? I'm thinking Euros. But not all countries we are going to use Euros, should we get the local currency for those?


As for the "local guides/drivers" when we are on the included tours are those local guides? Or Vantage guides? Am I correct that the optional tours would be with local guides?

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Thank you. If we tip additionally directly would Euros be best? Or is US dollars OK? Same question for local guides/drivers? I'm thinking Euros. But not all countries we are going to use Euros, should we get the local currency for those?


As for the "local guides/drivers" when we are on the included tours are those local guides? Or Vantage guides? Am I correct that the optional tours would be with local guides?


Currency on board vantage ships is Euros so I would use Euros for additional tips. Under Vantage new system all trips off the ship have local guides...I usually tip them in Euro unless I'm trying to use up local currency. I have mixed feelings about new system because with 1 TM for group of 40 you had same guide for duration and he/ she got to know the group...strengths and limitations. On the other hand local guides are way more knowledgeable and sometimes more considerate! All guides are hired by vantage and I've never had a bad one...... one or two less than fantastic but all of them great!

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