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Speaking only for myself, but there's a difference. When you agree to take a private tour with others, the cost usually depends on the number of people who sign up. And you pay the day of the tour, not ahead. What if someone doesn't show up? If someone just posts once on a roll call "please add me to your tour" how does anyone know what this person is like? I'm just not inclined to trust my day in port to depending on strangers to follow through, and if they don't, scramble to make adjustments to my day. JMO. :)


Seems to me on my private tours, we were given the providers contact info and paid him directly before the tour. Others i think if it were just a few of us, one anti'd up, and just were reimbursed at the meet and greet. Yes, there was some trust involved, but it all worked out.


I made some very nice friends, not life long, but nice company during the cruise. With facebook its very easy just to stay in touch if nothing else. I dont happen to have many lifelong friends, so its nice for me to keep in touch.

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I have an upcoming cruise and am on the roll call, and feel a little intimidated. It seems that a few people have cruised together before and are all chatty about their prior experiences and how they hope so-and-so is the cruise director again and hope that so-and-so is the hotel manager. And maybe we should all get together and play trivia again we were such a great team.


I just can't relate to any of it so I remain silent.


As one of the main posters on the roll call referenced above, I'm sorry to hear you feel that way. There are often people on HAL that have cruised together before, and they do renew acquaintances, but also look forward to meeting new people. Two posters (one a solo traveler) were on this ship together just in November-December. The one who just signed on asked about some of the staff, and I just shared what I knew. I didn't mean for it to seem "cliquey", I just was replying to her questions.


As for trivia, there are only the two of us that played together before. I often see roll calls where someone who enjoys trivia will post looking for team members. So I wrote a separate post, stating we had 2 people and have room for 4 others. If we can fill the team with folks from the roll call, you kind of feel you know each other a bit when you sit down to play that first time.


We had another person who mentioned knitting, asking if anybody knew of a group. The trivia post was meant in the same vein, just looking to see if another on the cruise would be interested in joining her in her activity.


So please do show up at the M&G. Most folks who attend the M&Gs mill around a bit to meet new people and chat. All M&Gs I've attended have been very open and friendly. If you are near someone you don't care to converse with very long, there are always other folks who are more fun.

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Hi Nanner


I purposely didn't name names or which roll call I was talking about because I didn't want anyone to take it personally. I just wanted to mention that sometimes the chumminess can leave some people feeling like they might be intruding on a reunion. Well, at least I can feel that way.


I truly appreciate everything you're doing keeping up the list and organizing the meet and greet.

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I would prefer to do private tours, but I'm not willing to go off with people I don't feel I know, at least a little bit. If they post on the HAL forum I get some sense of who they are; same is true if they post a bit to a roll call before a tour is put together.


But to have someone I don't know post a private tour, and several others I don't know sign up---I don't want to get into that. The comfort level is just not there.

And let's not even get in to those putting a tour together on the Noah's Ark basis---looking for couples, and individuals throw the count off, so aren't made to feel welcome. :rolleyes:


We also have no interest in that. I always thought that it was the Meet and Greet when on-board in which people shared their real names and found out "whose who". Now, with so many roll calls being about setting up private tours, those arranging the private tours are requesting a lot of personal information before folks even meet. Some are even posting it in the roll calls and others have spreadsheets that contain all the personal information available for all CC posters to view, even those not on that particular cruise.


Some posters are perfectly okay with having this much personal information on display, yet some are not. And let's face it, those of us who are uncomfortable providing this personal information may also decide that perhaps they would also be uncomfortable being around the people who ask for it, and hence, have little desire to join a roll call.

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We also have no interest in that. I always thought that it was the Meet and Greet when on-board in which people shared their real names and found out "whose who". Now, with so many roll calls being about setting up private tours, those arranging the private tours are requesting a lot of personal information before folks even meet. Some are even posting it in the roll calls and others have spreadsheets that contain all the personal information available for all CC posters to view, even those not on that particular cruise.


Some posters are perfectly okay with having this much personal information on display, yet some are not. And let's face it, those of us who are uncomfortable providing this personal information may also decide that perhaps they would also be uncomfortable being around the people who ask for it, and hence, have little desire to join a roll call.


Interesting. As someone who does do private tours and spread sheets, I never put any personal info on the spread sheets nor do I recommend it on a roll call either.


I do get people's names or stateroom numbers for tours (as well as Meet and Greet invites & other get togethers) in case they need to be contacted if things have changed or are missing. Some tours can start before the Meet and Greet itinerary. Everything is kept confidential (as it should be) and usually I email them the final arrangements before the cruise so that everyone has all of the information.

Edited by kazu
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We also have no interest in that. I always thought that it was the Meet and Greet when on-board in which people shared their real names and found out "whose who". Now, with so many roll calls being about setting up private tours, those arranging the private tours are requesting a lot of personal information before folks even meet. Some are even posting it in the roll calls and others have spreadsheets that contain all the personal information available for all CC posters to view, even those not on that particular cruise.


Some posters are perfectly okay with having this much personal information on display, yet some are not. And let's face it, those of us who are uncomfortable providing this personal information may also decide that perhaps they would also be uncomfortable being around the people who ask for it, and hence, have little desire to join a roll call.



I am involved in a roll call now that uses a spreadsheet, and apart from first names there is no personal information posted. It is disappointing that someone would see a negative in something so positive.

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Count me in as one who doesn't like the spreadsheet idea much. I don't want to put all my planned activities, cabin number, surname, etc. out there. Keeping a spreadsheet adds to the workload, and if I'm the roll call keeper, I figure the list and name tags are enough. I feel CC name, first name and location (if shared on CC) is enough info for the roll call and name tags.


If someone brings up holding a cabin crawl, gift exchange, or group meal, I encourage them to take on organizing it. Like I said, I'm on vacation, and while I enjoy organizing roll calls, I'm not here to do all the work for everyone else.


I organize a fair number of private excursions, and always ask those who would care to join me to email offlist. I do then ask for surnames and cabin numbers, as I may need to reach them (or they need to reach me) in case of onboard accident or illness that changes plans, time changes, etc. I never put my email on the roll call without spelling it out. If someone can't figure out how to reach me when I specify "____ at ____ dot com", I wonder how they could even get on CC :rolleyes:

Edited by Nanner
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As a relatively newbie to CC and cruising I would like to add my experience. I first joined CC in 2009 about 1 year before my first cruise to the Med. I was cruising with NCL and joined a roll call for my cruise which was very active. I didn't know my way around the CC Boards and only posted on the roll call. I joined with others for a group tours, met up with some in Athens before embarkation for dinner the night before and went to the meet and greet. I made some lovely friends, but haven't kept in contact.


I have a full, active and busy life and on returning to Aus after the cruise no longer looked at the CC Boards, as I had no cruise to look forward to and to plan.


I am now planning my second cruise, once again back to the Med, and have once again joined the CC boards and a roll call. Our roll call is very quiet with about 20 members. The cruise itself is made up of 6 different segments, and all are represented on our roll call. Those of us on it exchange information and are getting together for tours, but it is a very different experience from my first roll call. It is no way near as active with no way near the number of people as the last one. I love to share information about the different ports of call and other info, but sometimes wonder if my chatting is taken the wrong way. I also wonder if people judge you by the CC name you have chosen. (Mine came from a house I once lived in by the beach)


I try to post on the main HAL board, but sometimes feel a little intimidated as I don't have the depth of experience that others have. I love reading the different posts as I gain much information about cruising and HAL in particular.

Not being retired, and not wanting to cruise local waters, it is not that often that the opportunity to go cruising comes up.


I guess the bottom line for me is that not everybody is the same as me. I like to meet new people and probably give out to much information. I hope our roll call picks up, but thanks to reading this post I now have some idea as to why it might be so quiet. Cheers. J.

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Hi everyone! This thread has been very informative! As a newbie (this is my second post and I am preparing for my 1st cruise), I thought the point of a roll call was to set up a M&G so that we could get to know fellow cruisers on the cruise itself. It never occurred to me that we should be socializing in the roll call.


As far as posting personal information, I am very careful. I am not retired and am applying to jobs and graduate school positions. If a potential employer does a search for me I don't want them to easily be able to figure out that I went on such and such a cruise (or on any other leisure activity). Have to manage impressions and all. So, I would be uncomfortable with too much info being out there. I don't think that my travel itinerary would be looked down upon but you never know what a biases a potential employer may have about cruise ship passengers.


Thanks for the insight and I hope this provides some! :)

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I am on 3 HA roll calls and 2 Cunard roll calls. I very much enjoy being able to see pictures of roll call members. I also am not that active in posting but troll the site daily. Just because you do not see my name all the time doesn't mean I am not a nice person.

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Hi everyone! This thread has been very informative! As a newbie (this is my second post and I am preparing for my 1st cruise), I thought the point of a roll call was to set up a M&G so that we could get to know fellow cruisers on the cruise itself. It never occurred to me that we should be socializing in the roll call.


As far as posting personal information, I am very careful. I am not retired and am applying to jobs and graduate school positions. If a potential employer does a search for me I don't want them to easily be able to figure out that I went on such and such a cruise (or on any other leisure activity). Have to manage impressions and all. So, I would be uncomfortable with too much info being out there. I don't think that my travel itinerary would be looked down upon but you never know what a biases a potential employer may have about cruise ship passengers.


Thanks for the insight and I hope this provides some! :)


Welcome to Cruise Critic and to HAL! I hope you enjoy your first cruise. :)

I think there are a lot who think like you do, that there is no need to get to know each other before the cruise, because that is what the M&G is for. It isn't that we "should" socialize on the roll call, but for some of us it makes it easier to get a feel for who will be at the M&G especially if most of the roll call is made up of posters who don't post on the HAL board.


Speaking only about my experience, but the M&Gs last only about an hour, and it's hard to get to know many people there (especially if the group is huge).

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I am involved in a roll call now that uses a spreadsheet, and apart from first names there is no personal information posted. It is disappointing that someone would see a negative in something so positive.


I do believe that I stated that I am uncomfortable with public access of spreadsheets that contain personal information. I didn't write anything about spreadsheets that do not contain personal information.

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I am on 3 HA roll calls and 2 Cunard roll calls. I very much enjoy being able to see pictures of roll call members. I also am not that active in posting but troll the site daily. Just because you do not see my name all the time doesn't mean I am not a nice person.


Froggie, I am sure you are quite nice!

Unlike others, I have no problem taking tours with people I don't know well. Never had a problem. Jerks? yes I think Ive been on tours when people have held up the group, but it really is kind of fun... in a warped kind of way.... it certainly gets everyone talking and laughing!

And I dont mind telling the group my name, where Im from and my cabin number...never had anyone stalk me yet... though Im still hoping...lol

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Interesting discussion. The only thing I have a problem with is Host Walt's listing of the CC Rules where it states "Do not post your email address so someone can email you for information about a shore excursion..." Once someone has posted information about an excursion they are organizing it only makes sense that they would post their email address so I could let them know of my interest in it. I would much rather correspond back and forth by email and share private info that way than post it to a bulletin board like our roll call for all the world to see. Is there something about these guidelines that I am misunderstanding?

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Interesting discussion. The only thing I have a problem with is Host Walt's listing of the CC Rules where it states "Do not post your email address so someone can email you for information about a shore excursion..." Once someone has posted information about an excursion they are organizing it only makes sense that they would post their email address so I could let them know of my interest in it. I would much rather correspond back and forth by email and share private info that way than post it to a bulletin board like our roll call for all the world to see. Is there something about these guidelines that I am misunderstanding?

I think this is the guideline to which you are referring:


- Do not post your email address so that someone can email you information about a shore excursion. If they have important info, they should be willing and able to post this information on the forum. We will remove posts, at our discretion, that are nothing more than requests for emails OR posts providing email addresses.


This is a narrowly directed suggestion, not a formal limitation.


The point is that it used to be the case that people would post a general request like, "If you are interested in shore excursions in Spain please post your email address and I'll get back to you" These posts more often than not are intended to be harvested to sell tours, or possibly other goods or services.


If you are participating and someone is arranging a private shore tour, they should be posting the details on the roll call and providing their own email address for more info. (Most, if not all, "harvesters" are very unlikely willing to post their own email address.)


Another technique to avoid future email issues is to sign up a new email account with, say, Hotmail, Yahoo, or some other free email service that you will use just for correspondence relative to your cruise, then retire that address after you've returned from yoir cruise.

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I think this is the guideline to which you are referring:


- Do not post your email address so that someone can email you information about a shore excursion. If they have important info, they should be willing and able to post this information on the forum. We will remove posts, at our discretion, that are nothing more than requests for emails OR posts providing email addresses.


This is a narrowly directed suggestion, not a formal limitation.


The point is that it used to be the case that people would post a general request like, "If you are interested in shore excursions in Spain please post your email address and I'll get back to you" These posts more often than not are intended to be harvested to sell tours, or possibly other goods or services.


If you are participating and someone is arranging a private shore tour, they should be posting the details on the roll call and providing their own email address for more info. (Most, if not all, "harvesters" are very unlikely willing to post their own email address.)


Another technique to avoid future email issues is to sign up a new email account with, say, Hotmail, Yahoo, or some other free email service that you will use just for correspondence relative to your cruise, then retire that address after you've returned from yoir cruise.

Thanks, Walt. That clarifies it.

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Are we able to send a private message thru cruise critic as you can on Trip Advisor. Seems to me I was able to do that before, but Ive forgotten how.



No, the PM feature was not installed when Cruise Critic switched over to vBulletin as its message board provider.

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No, the PM feature was not installed when Cruise Critic switched over to vBulletin as its message board provider.



So then you would have to post an email address if people want to privately message one another. I suppose you could create a separate email to be used just for this..,



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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So then you would have to post an email address if people want to privately message one another. I suppose you could create a separate email to be used just for this..,



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Yes, you can do that or you can hide your email a bit like this kaz (at) Yahoo dot com. ( just an example not my, email)


Or you can put your email in your signature.

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Hi Nanner


I purposely didn't name names or which roll call I was talking about because I didn't want anyone to take it personally. I just wanted to mention that sometimes the chumminess can leave some people feeling like they might be intruding on a reunion. Well, at least I can feel that way.


I truly appreciate everything you're doing keeping up the list and organizing the meet and greet.


The chumminess that develops is an inevitable result of being active on CC for a number of years and doing a fair bit of cruising on the same cruise line. You are going to make friends and you are going to stay in touch with them and wind up cruising with them again and again.


That is not to say we don't welcome meeting new people. We certainly do and every new cruise brings the opportunity to feel a connection with someone I haven't met before on a roll call.


We take longer cruises as a rule and in addition to meeting new people, it is nice to anticipate that we will have the comfortable feeling of spending time with old friends. In fact, my husband, who was very leery of CC meetings when we first started cruising, now asks "Who do we know on this cruise?" when I first suggest an itinerary. He is not on CC nor does he read it but he was very disappointed when we took our Nieuw Amsterdam cruise last December when I told him the roll call fizzled and there would be no meet and greet. I found it amusing that the non CC person in the family was the one who was disappointed that he would not get to meet the group that fizzled. Fortunately there was a CC couple that we knew from our area aboard for one of the weeks, which was fun.


Our upcoming cruise is brimming with people I know well personally, "know" from CC and exchanging emails, or am just getting to know and like on the roll call.


I guess what I am trying to say is that continued participation in roll calls will eventually result in people knowing each other and being chummy on roll calls. That should not deter a new person. Jump right in there and be friendly. You could be pleasantly surprised. :)

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I have found that an important part of the Roll Calls is just to exchange helpful information to fellow cruisers. Here is an example: In 2009 we booked a cruise on the Carnival Splendor, 49 days from Ft Lauderdale to San Francisco. They were repositioning the ship and going around South America. I spoke to my DD about it and she said to check out Cruise Critic; that I might learn something from the other passengers. I logged on and found that the Roll Call was talking about Brazil visas. Previously, I had asked Carnival if I needed a visa for Brazil and they told me know, it was just a stop and no one was joining or leaving the ship there. So I asked the Roll Call if I really needed a Brazil visa. The reply was "You won't get on the ship if you don't have one." Went back to Carnival (about 10 days before sailing) and they said "Sorry, this is the first time we have sailed to South America, we made a mistake." Went back to my TA and she recommended express mailing our passports to a visa company in Miami and she would pick up the extra charge. Did that and got the visas in time. When we boarded there were at least 100 passengers who were refused boarding and had to go to Miami for the visa and then fly to Barbados to join the ship. At that point I realized that CC and the Roll Calls are very worthwhile.

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I have to say this has been an interesting thread, but I'm in CaveCreekGuy's camp. I've joined three roll calls (one for an upcoming cruise) and both times felt that they were taken over by two or three people who talked to each other and around the rest of us. inside jokes and plans to meet were rampant. At one M&G one person spoke to me and kind of trapped me in the corner. No one joined us. The 'leader' spoke to the two people that she had been conversing with in the Roll Call. I felt like I was back in high school and not part of the popular crowd.


Now, I may ramble, but I think I'm being friendly and 'chatty'. Maybe that's the turn off or maybe as someone said, it's my screen name (I thought I was paying homage to Cecil the Sea Sick Sea Serpent and giving a clue as to my age), but whatever it is, I find myself lurking more and joining in less and less. It's no fun talking to the wind.


So for those of you who are comfortable here and have lots of friends, please be aware of how you come off to us who are newer.


And I'm hoping to do better on my current roll call.....


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I have to say this has been an interesting thread, but I'm in CaveCreekGuy's camp. I've joined three roll calls (one for an upcoming cruise) and both times felt that they were taken over by two or three people who talked to each other and around the rest of us. inside jokes and plans to meet were rampant. At one M&G one person spoke to me and kind of trapped me in the corner. No one joined us. The 'leader' spoke to the two people that she had been conversing with in the Roll Call. I felt like I was back in high school and not part of the popular crowd.


Now, I may ramble, but I think I'm being friendly and 'chatty'. Maybe that's the turn off or maybe as someone said, it's my screen name (I thought I was paying homage to Cecil the Sea Sick Sea Serpent and giving a clue as to my age), but whatever it is, I find myself lurking more and joining in less and less. It's no fun talking to the wind.


So for those of you who are comfortable here and have lots of friends, please be aware of how you come off to us who are newer.


And I'm hoping to do better on my current roll call.....



Very well stated.

Edited by Crew News
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I have to say this has been an interesting thread, but I'm in CaveCreekGuy's camp. I've joined three roll calls (one for an upcoming cruise) and both times felt that they were taken over by two or three people who talked to each other and around the rest of us. inside jokes and plans to meet were rampant. At one M&G one person spoke to me and kind of trapped me in the corner. No one joined us. The 'leader' spoke to the two people that she had been conversing with in the Roll Call. I felt like I was back in high school and not part of the popular crowd.


Now, I may ramble, but I think I'm being friendly and 'chatty'. Maybe that's the turn off or maybe as someone said, it's my screen name (I thought I was paying homage to Cecil the Sea Sick Sea Serpent and giving a clue as to my age), but whatever it is, I find myself lurking more and joining in less and less. It's no fun talking to the wind.


So for those of you who are comfortable here and have lots of friends, please be aware of how you come off to us who are newer.


And I'm hoping to do better on my current roll call.....



That's awful, and I'm not surprised you felt put off. Mostly roll calls are very friendly, though I have seen one or two where the originator has blatantly invited just some people to an event in their cabin and made it clear others were not welcome. They should stick to private emails in that case. And they are the people to be avoided at all cost. BUT, that is definitely not the norm, in my limited experience.

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