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Are the complaints I am reading truly justified?


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Wow! I have been on these boards for a long time reading and learning. The complaints are unbelievable! Is it a glimpse at our entitlement society? What is going on? I enjoy the honest reviews of pros and cons, because I learn so much from them. But the overall mentality of everything stinks, is a bit over the top. Perhaps an all inclusive luxury resort would be better for you. Or perhaps a luxury cruise line would be better for you.


We were on the Adventure in December with 2 of our closest friends. We enjoyed the Windjammer and no one went hungry. In fact, I thought the food was fresh and just fine for a buffet. I also went on the Reflection in November and the food in their buffet was very good. If the food was as poor as everyone says, then why are people still gaining weight on cruiseships?


I am a capitalist. I believe that money talks. If you do not like the product, do not spend the money on it. If you prefer another cruise line based on any number of reasons, then use them. If you have a legitimate complaint, take it to customer service. But I am sick and tired of seeing people go over the top with complaints on the ship and act like fools about the dumbest things. How do you manage to treat others so disrespectfully and sleep well at night? As I am reading all the complaints, I feel that these are the people who have the most cruises booked in the future.


I do feel that the marketing department at RCCL is off base a bit with all of their "sales" and gimmicks, and I have written a respectful letter to them. They are depending on the public being dumb enough to fall for this tactic and think they are getting a good deal. But have you seen any of news shows take to the streets and ask simple questions about current events and how truly ignorant the average citizen is? Since they continue these pricing tactics, RCCL must have the data by now and they must be working. I have never received a response to my email. But guess what? I have 2 more cruises booked with RCCL and I am using my money to speak my opinion. I still like their product and I am willing to pay the going rate for it. I am smart enough to realize that if sales start to fall, they will find another gimmick. Think of JC Penney during the last few tumultuous years and their marketing strategies of no sales and how it plummeted their performance.


Thank you for allowing me to voice my opinion.

Edited by KKMurphy2
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Wow! I have been on these boards for a long time reading and learning. The complaints are unbelievable! Is it a glimpse at our entitlement society? What is going on? I enjoy the honest reviews of pros and cons, because I learn so much from them. But the overall mentality of everything stinks, is a bit over the top. Perhaps an all inclusive luxury resort would be better for you. Or perhaps a luxury cruise line would be better for you.


We were on the Adventure in December with 2 of our closest friends. We enjoyed the Windjammer and no one went hungry. In fact, I thought the food was fresh and just fine for a buffet. I also went on the Reflection in November and the food in their buffet was very good. If the food was as poor as everyone says, then why are people still gaining weight on cruiseships?


I am a capitalist. I believe that money talks. If you do not like the product, do not spend the money on it. If you prefer another cruise line based on any number of reasons, then use them. If you have a legitimate complaint, take it to customer service. But I am sick and tired of seeing people go over the top with complaints on the ship and act like fools about the dumbest things. How do you manage to treat others so disrespectfully and sleep well at night? As I am reading all the complaints, I feel that these are the people who have the most cruises booked in the future.


I do feel that the marketing department at RCCL is off base a bit with all of their "sales" and gimmicks, and I have written a respectful letter to them. They are depending on the public being dumb enough to fall for this tactic and think they are getting a good deal. But have you seen any of news shows take to the streets and ask simple questions about current events and how truly ignorant the average citizen is? Since they continue these pricing tactics, RCCL must have the data by now and they must be working. I have never received a response to my email. But guess what? I have 2 more cruises booked with RCCL and I am using my money to speak my opinion. I still like their product and I am willing to pay the going rate for it. I am smart enough to realize that if sales start to fall, they will find another gimmick. Think of JC Penney during the last few tumultuous years and their marketing strategies of no sales and how it plummeted their performance.


Thank you for allowing me to voice my opinion.


I love your opinion because I feel the exact same way. I got so tired of reading all the complaints that I have pretty much quit reading the posts. It's very sad because it makes me wonder if these people are as miserable at home as they seem to be on a cruise ship. And if they're so miserable on the cruise ship, why do they keep coming back?


As for your comments about RCCL's sales gimmicks, I ignore all of those too! When I'm ready to cruise, I book the ship and itinerary I want. Since we just turned Diamond we get a discount and some OBC so we're happy! :D

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I wouldn't let what other people do bother me so much if I was you.


If you're happy, fine. If others want to complain, it's their choice.


Agreed. This place is called Cruise Critic afterall. Now while I do feel some take the "critic" part to a whole new level, what doesnt seem justified to me may very well be justified to them.


I take most of the "reviews" here with a grain of salt but there are WAY too many complaints about the food quality and the bad service fleet wide for me not to at least have a little concern. Its been 3 years almost since I've been on a ship. On my last cruise I thought the food was very good and the service was excellent. If I dont feel like that this coming cruise, I will likely look at other cruise lines. I wont be coming here to report thats what Im doing though. Thats for sure.

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As someone who recently complained about the quality of the food in the main dining room, I would like to defend myself. There are many different reasons why people cruise, the gambling, the drinking, the sun, the destinations, etc. I cruise and have cruised in the past because I enjoy being pampered with semi-elegant dining and just to relax. When I say that in my opinion the quality of the food has declined, I am only giving an opinion for those who might cruise for the same reasons I do. By the way, I am a little tired of reading comments on the board from people who seem determined to cheerlead for the cruise line and imply that anyone who gives a critical comment is either disloyal or too spoiled to have an opinion.

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Like with most things, I think it's easier to post a negative review than it is a good one. Are you more likely to contact a company/business if you had a bad experience or a good one? I know I'm guilty of it. I posted a thread about how I was switched from the MDR to MTD. OMG! The travesty. Most of these things are "first world problems" but people spend their hard earned money on cruises and I guess expect certain things and that's fair. I just chuckle about what most people worry about. I choose to look at most of these threads as entertainment. :)

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I've learned from belonging to other forums (non-cruise related but people just as passionate about the activity) that if you take the commentary/advice too seriously, you will drive yourself to the insane asylum. I don't even that forum anymore. And if I stop wanting to visit this one, I shall too -- but for now I love the photos and reviews. If someone has a legitimate complaint or concern, I find it educating to learn from. However, as for likes/dislikes, it will be different for everyone, of course. Life is what you make it! I also don't understand why some posts do nothing but complain and when you see how many cruises they've taken and have yet to take on RCL, why they continue to cruise on RCL if it's so hellish? Maybe the perks of D+ aren't so awful after all?

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As someone who recently complained about the quality of the food in the main dining room, I would like to defend myself. There are many different reasons why people cruise, the gambling, the drinking, the sun, the destinations, etc. I cruise and have cruised in the past because I enjoy being pampered with semi-elegant dining and just to relax. When I say that in my opinion the quality of the food has declined, I am only giving an opinion for those who might cruise for the same reasons I do. By the way, I am a little tired of reading comments on the board from people who seem determined to cheerlead for the cruise line and imply that anyone who gives a critical comment is either disloyal or too spoiled to have an opinion.


I don't mind reading complaints if the poster provides reason for their opinion. But when all they say is that the food is terrible or the service is poor that tells me nothing. Sometimes people just don't like what is offered. But they don't say why. jmho

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Glad food was brought up. A standard 7 day will have 40 to 45 entrées in the mdr. So, a poster might try 7 or 10 and if a couple maybe 14 to 20, only half of all offered. So what do they report on cc, the food was terrible etc.. There is no drama in saying 1 of the entrées I had 1 night in the mdr:rolleyes:


Then they say the service in the mdr is bad, so maybe for their table 1 night or 2 it was. But again, the report is the service is bad like its all the mdr, like they sat at all the tables over 7 days and sampled service from hundreds of waiters, enter the drama


Really who has not liked a meal you ordered 1 night and did you order something different.


OP, its not the cc of 2000 anymore and its not going back, no drama in that


Back to the ants

Edited by setsail
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I find reading about other people's views and experiences, good or bad, helpful. We are new to Cruise Critic, and new to Royal Caribbean, but not new to cruising. We recently read several reviews and asked for opinions and then we changed our booking to a lower level cabin, based on negative reviews of Royal's suite benefits. Because we sail on other lines we didn't have personal experience.


It has saved us a huge amount of money! I welcome hearing honest opinions, but always appreciate they are subjective.


It's a cruise forum. A place for people to ask questions and air their views, and it's easy to move on to the next one if you don't like what someone is saying. No big deal really. I wouldn't get myself so upset over it.



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One thing that gets me every single time on here that, when I see it I just can't help but shake my head is when people start complaining about this or that, and how they reached out to the CEO of Royal Caribbean and how its inexcusable that they haven't heard back. I just can't imagine the mindset that causes some to think they're important enough to reach out to the top person at a major international company and expect a personal response in a timely manner.


And don't even get me started on the constant complaints about the website. Believe me from someone who works in the IT world, they are doing a very good job of keeping their sites updated as quickly as they can, especially in a market segment where marketing departments very clearly run separately from everyone else.

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I don't mind reading complaints if the poster provides reason for their opinion. But when all they say is that the food is terrible or the service is poor that tells me nothing. Sometimes people just don't like what is offered. But they don't say why. jmho


I will say, I didn't like the food in the Windjammer on the Oasis. Anything that was a meat was way too greasy for me, and it didn't matter how little I ate, I generally felt worse leaving the WJ than I did when I walked in. I found Johnny Rockets, especially for breakfasts, to be a much better option than the WJ, and I know my wife and I will likely eat every breakfast on the Freedom next year at JR because of it.

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Like with most things, I think it's easier to post a negative review than it is a good one. Are you more likely to contact a company/business if you had a bad experience or a good one? I know I'm guilty of it. I posted a thread about how I was switched from the MDR to MTD. OMG! The travesty. Most of these things are "first world problems" but people spend their hard earned money on cruises and I guess expect certain things and that's fair. I just chuckle about what most people worry about. I choose to look at most of these threads as entertainment. :)


I look at it as entertainment also. I don't get mad at what people post because a lot of the threads and post within them cracks me up! The recent one about how butter is served in the MDR really had me like WOW and laughing!

When I write a review I try to give a balance review of the entire cruise and I preface my reviews that this is "My Opinion" of the cruise and somebody else's opinion of the very same cruise could be altogether different. When people post their opinions of a cruise with the good mixed with the bad....then fine, but I just find it ubelievable when someone start a thread and everything from beginning to end was just god awful bad, but yet has multiple cruises booked with the same cruiseline. It seems some would put up with the God Awfulness of the cruiseline just to reach a certain C&A level. If my experience was that bad and everything has gone downhill that much, I would be moving on to another cruiseline no matter the C&A status!

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I will likely eat every breakfast on the Freedom next year at JR because of it.


Not trying to disappoint but Johnny Rockets on Freedom does not serve breakast :o Only on Oasis and Allure.


The good thing is the Windjammer on Freedom DOES have an egg station where you can get cooked to order omelettes and fried eggs. I dont believe Oasis or Allure has an egg station. Someone will correct me if Im wrong. :)

Edited by ryano
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There is no such thing as a perfect cruise . . . but some come close! It's still a great way to travel.


well said, not every meal is going to be great, one of the things I find funny is how everything was so great in the past, I have been cruising every year since 1977 and not all meals were great back then

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That's why my favorite posts to follow are cruise reports...especially the live ones. They are generally upbeat with people sharing their cruise as they go. And gets me so excited for our own "upcomming" cruise (but yet far away).


It's hard reading all the negative feedback. I don't think anyone will ever be happy with the cost. One thing i find depressing (if that's the correct word) is when you're looking forward to something, whether it be an excursion or a show or activity the MDR or character meal...and then you hear people basically saying "it sucks - don't waste your time"".


Anywyas, I tend to take the critiques lightly. What one person may hate may be another person's great experience.


PS - And besides, many on here have cruised over and over again on the same cruise line, so somethign must be bringing them back or they'd find another line or type of vacation.

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I will say, I didn't like the food in the Windjammer on the Oasis. Anything that was a meat was way too greasy for me, and it didn't matter how little I ate, I generally felt worse leaving the WJ than I did when I walked in. I found Johnny Rockets, especially for breakfasts, to be a much better option than the WJ, and I know my wife and I will likely eat every breakfast on the Freedom next year at JR because of it.


JR's don't serve breakfast on Freedom!

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Whether it is cruising or other forms of vacation, everyone has likes & dislikes, so if I read a complaint and not necessarily regarding cruising, I weigh the complaints against what was liked and form my own opinion. My husband I cruise primarily to see new places and meet new friends, from there we do what we decide to do or participate in and enjoy our vacations. The little things that might go astray are merely part of the adventure and we don't let that affect our overall trip.

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I don't think they do breakfast at JR on Freedom. Just Oasis class ships. They do breakfast in the MDR though including a scaled down, but much nicer buffet.




I will say, I didn't like the food in the Windjammer on the Oasis. Anything that was a meat was way too greasy for me, and it didn't matter how little I ate, I generally felt worse leaving the WJ than I did when I walked in. I found Johnny Rockets, especially for breakfasts, to be a much better option than the WJ, and I know my wife and I will likely eat every breakfast on the Freedom next year at JR because of it.
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Not trying to disappoint but Johnny Rockets on Freedom does not serve breakast :o Only on Oasis and Allure.


The good thing is the Windjammer on Freedom DOES have an egg station where you can get cooked to order omelettes and fried eggs. I dont believe Oasis or Allure has an egg station. Someone will correct me if Im wrong. :)


JR's don't serve breakfast on Freedom!


We still have a year! A man can dream!

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Well, there is that. There's always room for hope. I've never had breakfast at JR's since we've only been on Oasis once and didn't know about it until it was too late (or other stuff came up). I'd love it if all of the ships had that available, but I suspect it may be a little crowded at times.


I think they should open up JR's for breakfast for a nominal feel like $4.95 (what they used to charge for dinner). That would make it available, but they could recover some of the cost of having the venue open.


It's obviously popular on the Oasis class ships. It likely would be on others as well.




We still have a year! A man can dream!
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There is no such thing as a perfect cruise . . . but some come close! It's still a great way to travel.


Oh but there is :) All of ours have been perfect. We are together, we are not at work, no phones, no family (except each other), we get to flowboard every day. Life is great on a cruise. It is the one time every year we can reconnect as a couple and leave the world behind :D They ARE perfect because I am with my husband. While neither one of us is perfect, we are perfect for each other :p

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